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Exclusive Preview: ARROW: THE DARK ARCHER Chapter 11
By Sara RuizTuesday, May 31st, 2016


There's only two chapters left of Malcolm Merlyn's epic tale in ARROW: THE DARK ARCHER, and DCComics.com has the exclusive preview. Check out the sneak peak of chapter 11 above and below!

In this week's chapter, discover the final fates of Ibadan and The Hidden! Meanwhile, Malcolm heads back to Star City to take care of some very important business.





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Every time I read yet another article about the new GA comics, I wait to hear complaints about romance and soap opera in a superhero story - but no, just *crickets* ...



Green Arrow: Rebirth #1 (DC Comics, T+)
The CW's Arrow ended Season 4 with Oliver as acting Mayor of Star City. Mr. McQueen of Green Arrow: Rebirth hasn't quite made it to that point yet. In this issue, he meets up with Black Canary, of whom he has no memory. Someone is controlling a group of sewer-dwelling zombies to abduct homeless kids and women to be sold into slavery. All signs point to romantic tension building very quickly between Oliver and Dinah.

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I've been seeing a lot of good things about the new GA Rebirth. Glad comic fans who're disappointed in the series have something to latch onto. And hey, maybe this GA comic will finally do right by GA/BC and not have OQ be such a tool to DLL? 

I'm interested in seeing sales figures what with the new issue coming out... With all the good buzz GA has been getting I'm thinking about 30-35k? Which is, as I've heard, is really solid for a GA series.

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47 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm curious if Dinah has a middle name or not. Lol. 

Well technically she should be DLL again since all the characters are supposed to be their Pre-52 selves just without their memories. 

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37 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I'm interested in seeing sales figures what with the new issue coming out... With all the good buzz GA has been getting I'm thinking about 30-35k? Which is, as I've heard, is really solid for a GA series.

Ben Percy says 90k:

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9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Clearly the romance is turning people off!

You should know nothing else matters if it's comic canon :p

It seems as though comic fans also want to see what Arrow fans want to see. A stable relationship. When will the writers learn???

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39 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Clearly the romance is turning people off!

I kind of wondered if a successful romance on Arrow did play a part in them doing GA/BC again. 

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35 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Does that somehow negate her point that #1 issues sell more than average?


19 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I don't understand your point. Green Arrow was selling less than half of that pre-reboot. It got a #1 boost.

Green Arrow #1 New 52 sold 55k, Green Arrow #1 Rebirth is expected to sell around 90k, that's a big boost. So even though #1s do sell more, for GA to have a drastic uptick between #1s isn't simply just #1 fatigue for the title it would seem.

Edited by Primal Slayer
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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Green Arrow #1 New 52 sold 55k, Green Arrow #1 Rebirth is expected to sell around 90k, that's a big boost. 

Nobody is saying it isn't? I'm out bc I'm lost.

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11 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

It seemed like you were trying to compare New52 GA#1 with Rebirth GA #1. If you weren't then cool. 

Her point was that #1 issues sell more than the ones that follow - New52 GA didn't maintain its #1 sales, and Rebirth GA #1 probably isn't going to continue to sell 90k per issue. 

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1 hour ago, Sunshine said:

That said, is it too soon to point out that 100K/2m = 5%? 

That actually seems about right to me. Because I fully believe the majority of Arrow viewers don't actually read the GA comics. It might be more than 5% though. Haha. 

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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

Except GA sold 55k then. 

Well, we don't actually know whether or not Green Arrow sold 55K then. That's the number on that particular list, yes, but the New 52 numbers cited above are sales from DIAMOND DISTRIBUTORS TO NORTH AMERICAN COMIC BOOK SHOPS ONLY.  You can see this, from the title, which says: 

"September 2011 Comic Book Sales Figures
Estimated Comics Sold to North American Comics Shops 
as Reported by Diamond Comic Distributors"

Now, for a moment at least, let's forget about whether or not we should be trusting any of Diamond Comic Distributors estimated numbers for comic sales (short answer, hell no), and instead discuss what these numbers don't include: any sales through other distributors, including sales to independent bookstores doing specialty orders; Barnes and Noble sales (which, granted, would have been very limited since most B&N stores had stopped carrying individual comics by 2011), Books A Million (ditto), alternative outlets, and, most importantly, mail order, Amazon, Comixology, and international sales.

In other words, the New 52 numbers listed there are only partial sales. Why is this important?

Because you are comparing those Diamond numbers to a tweet which may refer to 2016 Diamond sales, or to overall sales - that is, the Diamond, mail order, international and Comixology sales. It's almost certainly the second, since editors and agents rarely report Diamond-only sales to writers/artists unless requested. What's usually sent in an email or text is overall sales, not the breakdown of what is selling where, since that's what most royalty statements will list - total sales, broken down only by international, North American or Canada/U.S., electronic sales and downloads, and print, not how many comics sold in a comic book store versus how many sold through mail order, although most editors are more than willing to send you that info if you ask and if they have it. 

I don't have specific numbers for Green Arrow, but I can say that domestic print sales for comics - that is, the Diamond list plus mail order - can account from anywhere from 80% to 20% of overall sales, depending on the title.

Which is to say, you are comparing a number based on slightly inflated partial sales to a number almost certainly based on overall sales and saying "look, it went up!"

I certainly hope so. At the very least, those numbers should have jumped up by at least 20% - and the tweet suggests that they jumped up far more than that, which would suggest an overall jump. But until we can compare the September 2011 Diamond sales to the May 2016 Diamond sales we really can't make an apples to apples comparison - and even then, we'll still only be comparing partial to partial.

Having said all that, yes, the tweet does suggest a sales increase from the New 52 numbers, and it's certainly possible that Green Arrow numbers have jumped up and even doubled from New 52 to Rebirth for multiple reasons - the existence, for instance, of a popular cult TV show based on the titular character in the intervening four years, and, certainly, comic fans hopeful of seeing a favorite comics pairing getting together again. But it will probably not surprise anyone here that I'm hesitant to jump to that conclusion without more numbers. 

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 I'm lost. If GA and BC don't remember each other,  what's with that panel posted here a while back where they saw each other again and then couldn't sleep at night because of the feels? What did  I miss? :)

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6 hours ago, Sunshine said:

I am glad for GA/BC comic readers.  I hope they continue to get what they want in the comics.  That said, is it too soon to point out that 100K/2m = 5%? 

Well that's only for the live SD ratings. If you take into account +7 ratings then:

100k/3m = 3%

And this doesn't even take into account the international numbers... 


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6 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Well that's only for the live SD ratings. If you take into account +7 ratings then:

100k/3m = 3%

And this doesn't even take into account the international numbers... 


Or the viewers in the US that aren't Nielsen families.

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10 hours ago, looptab said:

 I'm lost. If GA and BC don't remember each other,  what's with that panel posted here a while back where they saw each other again and then couldn't sleep at night because of the feels? What did  I miss? :)

The panels were from Geof Johns Rebirth comic that offered an explanation as to why all the heroes were kind of bummed in general. ( someone doing an experiment on the universe).  The panels were supposed to show GA and BC in general pining for that unknown "something" which the narrator insists is each other.  That's a level of sap that you'd never find in any modern romance novel.  But romance is ruining Arrow! 

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12 hours ago, looptab said:

 I'm lost. If GA and BC don't remember each other,  what's with that panel posted here a while back where they saw each other again and then couldn't sleep at night because of the feels? What did  I miss? :)

True love/meant to be/fated lovers/past life connection/soulmates/idk you yet I know in my bones that I can trust you! there's just something about you! Things not found in romance novels, soap operas or fanfics ;) 

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Oh, ok. Then I had definitely misread that panel, haha. I thought they had been apart, then saw each other and felt 'that something' again, not that they didn't know what it was that kept them up at night :)


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16 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

That is obvious to everyone. It's like a movie maintaining their opening numbers week2week.

Not really, though? Since the movie it's the same on week one and week 2, but this is an ongoing story? :)

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Um, the people replying to this tweet do realize, don't they, that if DC had objected to killing off Laurel on Arrow, then she wouldn't have been killed off?...


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I'm guessing the thought process doesn't extend very far, no. And I love that a tweet that's aimed at shippers is full of replies about how awful shippers are, lmao. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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The dead animal around his mouth makes him look 30 years older than her again, whyyyyy DC, whyyyy.

I love the "make Dinah gay" replies, though, because I'm most puzzled as to why is Dinah into this old geezer, instead of THE LOVE OF HER LIFE Barbara Gordon.

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I don't know anything about comics (and I don't care), but OQ's design is making me want to go bang my head against the wall. Who the hell decided it was attractive or, hell, watchable?!

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But more than giving us a new glimpse into Malcolm’s younger days, the siblings hope that their comic can help us all see Malcolm Merlyn in a new light. Carole and John have worked really hard to help the fans understand Malcolm as more than just an eccentric rich assassin, “I think the final chapter of the Dark Archer comic that’s going to come out is going to also have a big, wonderful aha moment for fans,” Carol explained. “It’s gonna be one of those moment that reinforces the narcissism of Malcolm, but also his compassion. It’ll put the whole show in a little bit of a different context because of what we know has happened to him.” John even said he’d like to see one-off episodes in every season that focused on Malcolm, similar to what The Walking Dead did with The Governor.

So what can we expect from the final chapter of the comic? They didn’t have much to say, as they didn’t want to spoil it, but as John puts it, “You’re going to pee your pants and run around the room squeeing.” Clearly big things are in store for Malcolm, and this final chapter might finally help us understand what’s going on in his brain.
*  *  *
The Barrowmans definitely don’t mean to excuse any of the evil Malcolm Merlyn has taken a part of on Arrow, but any good villain/reluctant good guy ally has a solid backstory. By showing us where Malcolm has been, it will help us better understand where he is today, and maybe even like him a bit. Even if DC doesn’t renew the comic book series, we’ll still get tons of information we didn’t have before on how Malcolm Merlyn became the man we all know and love/hate today. From what I’ve been able to read of the comic, it’s a fascinating look into the past of this complicated and troubled character that any Arrow fan will enjoy. John’s final words about the comic summed it up better than I could have ever hoped, “Remember, you’ll squee and wee!”

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Review of Green Arrow: Rebirth #1 (released for sale on June 1, 2016) - I've bolded the parts that warranted an "eyeroll* (because the reviewer is saying a romantic storyline is one of the best parts of the comics and for trying to get Arrow viewers to buy the comics)...

Green Arrow: Rebirth #1
by EAMMON JACOBS on JUNE 15, 2016 


Since the Rebirth event, characters are starting to remember past relationships and people from before The New 52’s recent run. And from the moment that Oliver meets Dinah Lance, there’s an instant connection. When Green Arrow meets Black Canary, he initially thinks that she’s kidnapping a young boy, when in actual fact – she’s trying to get him medical aid. It’s great to see these beloved characters back into the rhythm that they once had, and it’s something that The New 52 run of the Emerald Archer was most definitely lacking. But now that they’ve put them both back on a course collision into each other, that spark is most definitely ignited. In fact it was one of the best parts of the first issue.
*  *  *
If you’re a fan of the Arrow tv series, or just the Green Arrow in general, you’ll definitely want to be reading the Rebirth run.

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Review of Green Arrow #1 (which is apparently the first issue after, and not to be confused with, Green Arrow: Rebirth #1) - on sale starting today (June 15)...

DC Reborn Review- GREEN ARROW #1 Proves its Rebirth Was No Fluke
06/15/2016 BY BEAT STAFF 


Alex Lu: ... I think that the core relationship between the lead hero and Black Canary mostly worked, but I was not a fan of how quickly the story tried to push the two heroes together romantically. We went through an entire courtship in 20 pages with other, honestly flat, plot points in between! The lack of plot direction and breathless pacing left me feeling a little trepidatious coming into this first issue.

Thus, it’s a happy surprise that Green Arrow #1 ends up being a solid course correction, putting aside some of the more problematic elements of the series while establishing a clear direction for the book. While the book continues to push Dinah and Oliver Queen together at a pace I don’t find totally believable, I do like that the issue puts the brakes on that relationship and focuses more on some new ones.  I had never heard of Oliver’s half-sister Emi before this issue and had to look her up to discover her origin, but in spite of that I felt an immediate connection with her and loved the rapport she and her half-brother share throughout the issue.  It makes the gut-wrenching plot twist the issue ends on that much stronger.
*  *  *
Kyle Pinion: ... As for Dinah and Ollie? Yeah, it started a bit fast, and crumbled just as quickly, but I’m okay with a little acceleration given that the in-story reason is that their time together had been wiped out. There’s some justification there that I can allow the license for, provided we don’t have to endure too much “will they? won’t they?”.



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