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Season 31: Anticipation


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Here is your Survivor 31 anticipation topic. This topic can include mild spoilers such as cast list, tribe list and game twists abut nothing else. Hard core spoilers such as boot list, etc, belong in the Spoilers thread.

Here are the cast list and tribe list (thanks Ms Blue Jay for the links)



I find myself more excited for this season than I have for any season since Australia.  As someone who dislikes "returning players seasons," this means I am very disappointed with myself.  I guess there is an "all-stars only," exemption in play.  


This will be my preseason thread, as I am consuming RHAP podcasts and Josh Wigler's PARADE columns, and will probably hit up Dalton Ross and Gordon Holmes' stuff as well.


There is a great embedded video at RHAP, taken before the S31 folk left Los Angeles, where some of the players talk frankly about pre-game alliances.  Some don't, and the juxtaposition is hilarious.

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I can't wait for the season but I don't think it is really a last chance for everyone season the way it was being sold in the voting and since then.


Obviously it is a second chance season because all of these folks are playing for a second time. It has kind of been sold and billed like none of these people were in the running for another season and that is clearly bullshit.


Spenser, Tasha, Kass, Shirin, Joe, Jeremy, Cierra, Kelly, and Vytas were all shoo ins for a future All Star or Fan vs Favorites season. I didn't vote for many of the more recent cast only because they are pretty much guarenteed to return. The ones not guarenteed to return, Keith and Woo, shouldn't return for about 1,000 good reasons.


Side note: I would love to see Shirin on a Fan vs Favorite season because it would be kind of hilarious to see the uber fan on the  favorites tribe plan against other Uber fans and laughing at their newbie mistakes.


I voted for all the old school folks and people from the middle seasons because I know this is their last chance to get on. We are going to be beaten to death with Joe, Shirin, Spenser Kass, Tasha, Jeremy and Cierra just like we were with the others who have played 3-4 freaking times. I am going to be sick of these folks by the end of this season and I know it.


So I wish that they had a rule that they were not inviting back anyone who had played in the last three years. Let them have some time to sit back and chiil and let the further back players get a chance.


So I hope that the old school folks wipe the floor with the new folks. I doubt that will happen but that is what I want to see.


The most recent Survivor RHAP interview with Wigler is hilarious. I love how Rob was upset that people lied to him. Please, liek he didn't know that they were using him and lying their asses off.

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I am more excited for this season than I have been in awhile, and I hope it actually lives up to the hype.  Of course, I typically get excited for any Survivor season (unless it is something along the lines of RI) but I love the breakdown of this season-all fan vote, all one time players, no seeing someone for the 4th time, and no winners (even if there are winners I wouldn't mind seeing again).  Last season is one I'd rather quickly forget.  My greatest disappointment was that there weren't as many old school players to vote for in the first place.  5 players from WA, when one of them wasn't even going to be eligible, 3 from SJDS, which is a season even if Jeff dislikes, and 4 from Cagayan?  I know Cagayan is a popular season, really the last popular season we've had.  But I agree that people from these later seasons will likely have a better chance at showing up in a future AS season than someone from Marquesas.  Although I have a feeling CBS may have been behind having more recent players than older ones.  I can't even remember if CBS was as onboard with this idea in the first place, until they saw how it played out.


My biggest worry is that the new school players take out the old school players.  


I like how the players are actually honest for a change about pre-game alliances.  Though Jeff has an alliance, it looks like with everyone on his tribe just about.  I think he's great at trolling interviewers.  He's already a bright spot in this season, and I hope he lasts well into the merge.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I cut the cable/dish cord in June and am having no trouble living off Amazon Prime/Netflix/Hulu Plus options but I'm kind of worried about where I'll find Survivor this fall.  I'm ok with a few days delay but I don't want to have to watch in spring.  I was able to purchase the summer season of Big Brother on Prime.  Anyone know if Survivor seasons tend to be available for sale that way?   I could always pick up an HD antenna, but man, I don't know if I want to bother with live tv or purchasing a DVR.  I suppose full episodes are probably also on CBS.com and I could stream them to my tv with a Chromecast or other cheap stick, too...  Hmm.  Thanks for any ideas!  

Edited by Guest

Thanks.  I noticed there's this CBS All Access service available through Roku or Chromecast.  I'd be willing to pay that $5.99/month to not suffer the commercials their unpaid site probably subjects you to.  It sounds like this service would have ads (and also live tv) but like Hulu Plus, possibly less ads than the site or live showing.  




I might pull the trigger on that Roku I've been eyeing.   My Fire stick is cool but maybe I'll put it in a bedroom.

I have the Roku and have been using the CBS All Access. The funny thing was I didn't know I could get All access on the Roku and just happened to read somewhere in previously about it. I could never cut the cord on cable. As much, as I complain about the prices I can't quit it. I also recently started watching RHAP on YouTube with the Roku, too. Who knew? LOL!!!

I hate rushing summer and August but I'm dying to see how Second Chances plays out. I'm not sure I can wait another month. LOL!!! I listened to RHAP and I also found it funny that Rob was upset that he thinks/knows that he was lied to. He has known about pre alliances for ages and I'm a little shocked that he felt bamboozled by the Second Chance contestants. It will be interesting how he handles the exit interviews. See everyone in September.

  On 8/28/2015 at 11:43 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

I'd be willing to pay that $5.99/month to not suffer the commercials their unpaid site probably subjects you to. It sounds like this service would have ads (and also live tv) but like Hulu Plus, possibly less ads than the site or live showing.

Oh yes, you will get ads. Less than broadcast (bonus) and way more repetitive (not bonus).

  • Love 1
I can't wait for the season but I don't think it is really a last chance for everyone season the way it was being sold in the voting and since then.



I think for the old schoolers it was, but I remember Natalie T saying that this was the only shot they were all getting to come back-and I didn't believe that.  You know we will be seeing Mike, Carolyn, and likely Max and Jim down the road.  I wouldn't be surprised if Natalie and Stephanie turn up, too.  Whether they would be on a ballot for another second chance season, I don't know.  But not all AS seasons are going to be fan voted going forward.  I really felt like the contestants from the first 15 seasons likely had this one last shot to make it back.  The crew does love Teresa, but they've passed on her before, and Shane had said he's done with it.  Since many of the old schoolers were successful in the fan vote, it makes me wonder if some other former Survivors will start making their presence more well known, and use that to their advantage when another fan vote season rolls around.  Maybe even get them to write to CBS on their behalf that they want them back (we already have people doing that, but it may be others who never gave it much thought).

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 1

I could see them allowing Carolyn to re-compete in a fan voted season.  She didn't really get a fair shot in that she couldn't campaign or even give interviews to the extent others went to.  Mike was voted on, but Carolyn believes people thought he wasn't winning and that's what helped his favor.  Given the odds he was up against, I get that argument.  TPTB seem to like Jim, and I guess Max, though I sometimes wonder if the adoration is a figment of Max's imagination.  There really wasn't anyone left sitting that I would care to see back (Shane, Teresa, and Sabrina were it).  I know Shane has swore off ever coming back, and I don't know about Teresa.  She's had her Survivor chain yanked many times, so she may finally throw in the towel.  Didn't Jeff say something to the effect 'you may get a second chance just not this time' to some of them?  I don't know that everyone AS season in the future will be a fan voted season, so maybe that will be their way to bring back the rejects from this group.  Natalie is big into the inner Survivor circle, and Jeff kind of championed why people like her and Stephanie V were all about second chances.  I would personally hope in another fan voted season, it is all new people.  And more old schoolers.  But who really knows if Survivor will make it to another fan voted season.

Carolyn's biggest weakness re: the Fan Vote is that she was kind of freaking awful until the very end. She redeemed herself, but not enough for me to vote for her.

I also wonder if she was competing with Shirin for 1 female Worlds Apart slot or against Kimmi, Kass and Teresa for 2 40+ female slots. Was it ever directly said they had to take the 10 top vote getters?

Over time I suspect people will remember her fondly and she'll be voted on if they did another fan vote. But she was negatively effected by recency bias.

Edited by Oholibamah

I've never really understood why people have a warm spot for Carolyn. She did show some strategy after the tribe swap and was much better at challenges than anyone expected her to be. But she was kind of mean, befriended Mike when she had no other choice (otherwise she seemed perfectly content to stay with The Assbag Alliance), never really made a move on her own (that I recall) after the merge, and only sucked slightly less than Rodney at building the fire. 


I assumed she was in the Second Chances running because they had to balance out the women or something.  I don't think anyone's opinions of her will soften over time, I think we'll all forget who she was.


I'm curious to see the next setup when Survivor tries for a returning players season.  Maybe they do another BvW with all previous winners?  


10 days!  Gonna be fun!

  • Love 3

To be honest, there are a lot of people on this season whom I don't like or don't remember. Who the fuck is Woo? No idea, and he was apparently just a couple seasons ago. Savage? Assbag who I hoped to never see again. I remember him being one of the Real Men who ganged up on Skinny Ryan while Osten was kept around to drain the tribe and quit. I never found Joe and his stupid hair compelling, and was happy to see him gone. Kelly Wigglesworth and Kimmi might be the sum total of people I'm remotely interested in seeing.

azshadowwalker, I think we are polar Survivor opposites, and ironically I'm also in AZ.  I detest Dreamz, love Cochran, remember Woo clearly, forgot Savage, loved Joe and his hair and have no interest in Kelly or Kimmi.  Heh.  


But overall I'm dying to see this season.  


On Carolyn, I'm pretty sure I'll always remember her un-fondly.  She was mostly a mean girl in the edit but her interviews she's kind of unbearable, too. She was SHOCKED she didn't get selected for Cambodia, SHOCKED she didn't get more votes to win her season, never made fire before day 38, etc, etc.  She just comes across as so impressed with herself.  


I don't think Carolyn had much of a chance for many reasons. I don't think she was really liked by the voting public. She didn't seem to be doing much for most of the game, she had some very blunt converations with Shirin and a few others and many aperson commented on her overall demeanor in a not positive manner. Her talking heads were meant to be witty but were really pretty nasty.


After Tyler was voted out, we saw more of Carolyn. She did well in challenges and used her idol perfectly but I don't remember her positively. And I don't think I am alone. So I don't think she was going to make the show even if she had been voted out before the voting for Second Chances started.


I think that there is a good mix of focus on this season but I didn't vote for 1/3 of them. Abi is a mean girl, bitch. I don't like using that term but Abi is a flat out bitch. She pissed off everyone on her cast to the point that a trained therapist took her to the woodshed and everyone at that Tribal was thrilled. Abi is what Dan and Will want us to believe that Shirin was but that we never saw any evidence of. She was played by Pete, destroyed a solid alliance with RC and proceeded to be a pain in the ass the rest of the season. I don't hold her lack of challenge accumin against her since she tore her ACL and there was no way for her to compete. Personality wise, Abi is awful and I would rahter have Corrine back then Abi.


Woo is a waste. He is stratigically a disaster and 100% took the wrong person to the finals. On top of that, he was boring. The only thing that I really remember about Woo was his stealing the idol clue from Spenser's pocket. I don't care that he took the clue but outside of that, Woo did nothing in the game that was memorable other then choose Tony over Kass and cost himself $900,000.


Kass is another person who is flat out unlikeable. She is a know it all who claims that know one understands that she did what she did in order to survive each vote. Nevermind that she herslf said she wanted to push buttons and cause chaos. She is a female Russell Hantz. She is not fun to watch. Her strategy was non-existant, she seriously considered Ji'Tia over Spenser when their tribe was going from 4-3 people.


Spenser is massivly over hyped. I don't think he is as good as he thinks he is. He is lacking social skills and far too cocky. He could have used a few years to grow up a bit more before coming back. He doesn't annoy me as much as Abi, Woo or Kass.


I did vote for all the old school folks because I wanted to see how they would handle a return to the game with all of it's changes. I didn't vote for Terry because Terry rubbed me the wrong way. I just didn't like him but I didn't like that season and tuned out about half way through. I didn't like Aras either.


Vytas never needed to return tot he show. Dude is a manipulator. Tlak about someone who uses his sob story. How many times did he discuss his rehab and his past problems and how hard his life had been? He is smug and unpleasent and still has not gotten over the fact that his brother has accomplished more then he has.


Ugh. I would be thrilled if these twits were the first ones voted out would be great.

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  On 9/14/2015 at 3:22 PM, ProfCrash said:

I think that there is a good mix of focus on this season but I didn't vote for 1/3 of them. Abi is a mean girl, bitch. I don't like using that term but Abi is a flat out bitch. She pissed off everyone on her cast to the point that a trained therapist took her to the woodshed and everyone at that Tribal was thrilled. Abi is what Dan and Will want us to believe that Shirin was but that we never saw any evidence of. She was played by Pete, destroyed a solid alliance with RC and proceeded to be a pain in the ass the rest of the season. I don't hold her lack of challenge accumin against her since she tore her ACL and there was no way for her to compete. Personality wise, Abi is awful and I would rahter have Corrine back then Abi.

Totally agree.  When the Second Chances list came out, I was hoping R.C. would be on it and she'd get chosen instead of Abi. Watching Abi sitting in the crowd trying to keep from looking like Rage in Inside Out would have been worth it.


Since that didn't happen, I wish the mindset that kept them from bringing NaOnka back (speaking of toxic pieces of work) had prevailed with Abi.

Survivor has this notion that these villain archetypes are good TV.  But I think they are reading it wrong -- villains are entertaining when they are also playing strategically. When they're just assholes -- looking at you, Brandon Hantz -- I don't think they are interesting until their inevitable satisfying ouster.

I hope, anyway.  At least, that's how I feel.

  • Love 3

As I mentioned above, I am paying more attention to Survivor media for this upcoming season than any season other than Australia.  And while I probably won’t do a “pre-season” ranking list until the morning of the 23rd, I do have some thoughts from the stuff I’ve gleaned from RHaP, People’s Wiggler, ET’s Ross, and Xfinity’s Holmes.


On Bayon, both Joe and Andrew have mentioned wanting to form a he-man alliance, not so much for the usual, “wimmin folk are weak,” reason, but because they both want a bunch of other meat shields around they can point to and say, “that guy, he’s a challenge threat!”  (That, and I’m sure, in the early game they probably believe it would, “make the tribe stronger.” <gag>)  Kass and Stephen look like the early boots here.  (Which, yeah! and boo-hiss, respectively.)


Over on Ta Keo, I’m hearing a lot of, “I want to align with a (physical) threat and someone “worse, (either physically or socially,” than me,” from these players.    This tribe also has all of Jeff’s supposed pre-game alliance.  Spencer and Peih-Gee are my guesses, for now, for the targets.

Way Wes Jr said


On Bayon, both Joe and Andrew have mentioned wanting to form a he-man alliance, not so much for the usual, “wimmin folk are weak,” reason, but because they both want a bunch of other meat shields around they can point to and say, “that guy, he’s a challenge threat!”  (That, and I’m sure, in the early game they probably believe it would, “make the tribe stronger.” <gag>)  Kass and Stephen look like the early boots here.  (Which, yeah! and boo-hiss, respectively.)

Great insight. I personally think that Savage will fly under the radar long enough to get to the point where a sturdy alliance carries him to the Final Three. I would love to see Fishbach win this thing, but his huge status in the Survivor community makes him an ideal candidate for an early blindside.

I am so excited about this season of Survivor, more than the last few seasons for sure.  For the most part, the people I voted for made the final cut and most seem to have a good sense of how they must evolve in their playing to win.  I was reminded of how much I disliked Andrew Savage in his season, he seems not to have changed a bit.  Tasha was a favorite but she seems a little off in interviews.


I like the twist about hiding the immunity idols at the challenges.  I wonder if this means getting and hiding the idol will be more difficult for women : guys tend to wear baggy shorts with pockets, but where do you hide the idol when you're in bikini? 

  On 9/19/2015 at 11:55 PM, Croquetteknits said:

I was reminded of how much I disliked Andrew Savage in his season, he seems not to have changed a bit. 


I thought Savage was a tool the first time through Pearl Islands. After rewatching, I softened towards him a bit.  In fact, I softened towards anyone who had to deal with Lil. She would have had be ripping huge strips of bark off trees with my teeth.



But that was like 12 years ago.  Seeing how he's mellowed (if he has) now that he's in his 50s is one of the reasons I'm so excited to get this underway.

  • Love 3

The median age is around 36.5. The average age is 35. The mode is 37.


Spencer is the youngest at 22 and Terry is the olderst at 55. There are only five people under 30 and a four year age gap between Spencer and Joe/Ciera who are 26.


The only way you get a cast at this age is a pure returnee season. Specifically one like this one where the returnees are selected by the viewers. TPB know that the cast was selected by the audience so that there is not going to be too much complaining about who was cast. They are all known entitees and they all have some type of connection to the audience already. TPB don't need to have the same level of eye candy or work hard to find older people who are willing and able to leave work or their lives for 50 days. I am guestimating that final interviews, pregame, game, coming home is closer to 50 days and possibly longer.


A season of newbies means finding folks who can leave family, work, and home for 50 or so days. Let's face it, you are more likely to find 20 somethings who can take that type of time away from life then people in their mid 30's and older. Mainly because people in their mid 30's and older tend to have jobs, family, and lives that are harder to leave. They also have more impulse control and might be deemed boring by TPB because they are less likely to cause drama.


A returnee season means that they have already found interesting characters who are over 25 and willing to leave their jobs, fmaily and lives to play the game. So increasing the age is easier to do then a new season.


I would love to see a season where they send an email to all the past participants and ask who wants to play again. Put all of those folks on a ballot and see what happens. That could be very, very interesting because I suspect that there are people who would return in a heart beat that TPB would never bring back. And it would be interesting to see who among the Survivors wants to play again.

Edited by ProfCrash
  • Love 3

It’s time to do a pre-show ranking.  As always, before the merge, I’m giving extra weight to those players I think will make the merge.  And, boy, do I have a bunch of caveats this season... 
First, as an “all returnee,” season, there ought to be less emphasis on the execrable myopia of voting women off early for “challenge strength.” [And, for as much pre-show chatter there has been about the men being strong this season, as a near-50 year old male, I can vouch for that being a bit overboard.  And, these women, Kimmi probably excepted, are no challenge slouches.]
Second, there is a “long standing,” quote about pre-show alliances being good up until the players hit the beach.  While I think this is generally true, the fact that the one PSA I believe in the most managed to all end up on the same initial tribe, may save one of them from an early boot.
Third, I’ve inferred from Probst interviews that there will be more than one tribe swap before the merge.  At least two contestants have specifically mentioned that they thought that after the first two eliminations, they’d re-draw into a three tribe format.  (After the initial 20 players has dropped to 18.)  While this has no influence on these initial - spoiler free, but based off of official press - rankings, I really want it to happen.  So I’m mentioning it.
Fourth, I think the contestants were the least forthcoming with Dalton Ross of EW, middle of the pack, leaning towards honest, with Gordon Holmes of Xfinity, and the most honest with Josh Wigler of Parade (and RHAP’s replacement “know it all” this season.)  I only felt like a couple of players were dishonest during Holmes’ align/malign game. [Which I made into a spreadsheet, ‘cause I’m JACKED for this season.]


From a narrative standpoint, Ta Keo winning the first Immunity Challenge, Quest for Fire, which Kelly Wiggles lost in the Very First Episode Evah!, would make the most sense.  Luckily, this isn’t a fully scripted show.  These two tribes are very well matched physically, (seriously, the men are nearly a perfect 1:1 match;  Andrew:Terry, Joe:Spencer, Jeremy:Vytas, Stephen:Woo, and Keith:Jeff; and the women are close, too; Tasha:Kelly, Monica:Kelley, Ciera:Abi-Maria, Kass:Peih-Gee, and Kimmi-Shirin,) so much so, that I don’t want to have to predict a winner.


Bayon (Purple)

This tribe has only eight pairs of “align’s.”  (Both players told Holmes that they wanted to work with the other.)  And, it has the most “maligned” players (Tasha received eight from her tribe, Ciera, Kass, and Kimmi all received seven.)  So it could see chaos, but, Joe, Jeremy, and Andrew all singled out working with each other in pre-tribe split interviews.  Do Stephen and the women break up the Bromance?  Or do they survive long enough to bring in others to form a true alliance?


1. Monica  The winners of full All-Star seasons?  Amber and Sandra.  Of 50/50? Parvati and John C.  History says either (or both,) she and Ciera should, at worst, make the merge.
2. Ciera  Ranked below Monica because all the “old school,” players seem to view her voting against her mother as shifty, rather than an attempt to prove her loyalty to her alliance.


3. Andrew  The least threatening of the Alpha Males on this tribe.  
4. Jeremy


5. Keith  Being dragged along to ~Final Six.

6. Tasha  A lot of players seem threatened by her, but there are a lot of more visible targets.

7. Joe  Last boot before the merge?


8. Kimmi
9. Kass  Kimmi may be viewed as predictable. Kass won’t.


10. Stephen  I don’t think he’ll be the first person voted out of this tribe, but he’s not sniffing the merge.


Ta Keo (Blue)

The love tribe.  Fifteen “align” pairs.  The top “malign” vote getter?  Woo, with six.  The Jeff Varner pre-alliance (with Terry and Kelly,) are all together.  Lots of folk want to work with Terry, lots want to work with Kelly; if they can leverage it, they’ll be able to keep Varner long enough for his aura of desperation to fade.  (He wants this.)  It really hinges on Vytas, if he joins with them, boom.  If not?  It will be interesting.


1. Kelly
2. Kelley  Same reasoning as above.  Wiggles almost seems revered, so she gets the nod.


3. Vytas  Though many players seem wary of him, good thinking!, I think he’s going to attract alliance offers like ants to a picnic.

4. Terry  I don’t see him being threatened early.
5. Woo  Skating along because of the presence of bigger targets.  Could make the merge.

6. Shirin  Other players have an equal or greater annoyance factor (Abi, Peih-Gee,) so if she keeps her head low could advance far.

7. Jeff  I think he was playing “too hard, too fast,” once the potential cast list was announced.  A lot of players distrust him already; even if his alliance saves him, I see him as being their first cut.


8. Spencer  He’s in the same position as Stephen, plus he is significantly the youngest person out there. And his previous season has four players.  The only reason I don’t have him lower is because, as much as it shouldn’t be a thing this season, they’ll still want to keep him for “challenge strength,” given that there are other good targets.


9. Abi-Maria
10. Peih-Gee  Because nothing pisses off other players like hyphenated names.  Seriously, I think Abi will revert to her (loud) ways; and many of the interviews singled out PG as being annoying at Ponderosa, before they even hit the beach.  Add to that my impression that she isn’t as “connected” to the Survivor community...

Edited by Way Wes Jr


6. Shirin  Other players have an equal or greater annoyance factor (Abi, Peih-Gee,) so if she keeps her head low could advance far.

Shirin could do well, because while she was VERY fresh in the minds of the players (and for a change we know that returnees DID have a chance to see her whole game--because we know exactly when everyone left), I think that even with the crying and boo-hooing she did near the end, enough people may see her as having just been misunderstood that she can probably play on that. And in her own way, she came off surprisingly well in how she responded to her boot (at least what they showed of her reaction). 

  On 9/23/2015 at 6:44 PM, laurakaye said:

Is it time yet?  How about now?  NOW?!?

I know!  Especially after getting teased with the opening.  Personally, I like getting the first episode out of the way.  The shelter's built, the first challenge/vote is out of the way, fire is (maybe) started, all the arrival stuff is done and over with.  I feel once we settle in the first 3 days, that's when we get the game rolling.

Yeah, bad form to quote myself.  But,

  On 9/23/2015 at 3:25 PM, Way Wes Jr said:

Third, I’ve inferred from Probst interviews that there will be more than one tribe swap before the merge.  At least two contestants have specifically mentioned that they thought that after the first two eliminations, they’d re-draw into a three tribe format.  (After the initial 20 players has dropped to 18.)  While this has no influence on these initial - spoiler free, but based off of official press - rankings, I really want it to happen.  So I’m mentioning it.



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