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S10.E03: An Emotional Beginning


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On rewatching the episode, the most cringe-worthy moment IMO was when Colby got pulled out of practice by Melissa, and Colby said to her something like - I'm waiting for my breakthrough moment, I don't know if you've ever had one of those to be able to relaaate...

Oh my lord, it came off as incredibly condescending and arrogant to me!

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I don't know much about hair extensions and stuff like that, so I just have to ask: what's the deal with units? Someone said before that showcasing it is basically rude and since I had never even heard of hair units before Alexandras make over I am really curious now...

I loved getting to know Shelbie a little better this episode, she is also someone whose voice somehow surprised me, I don't know why though


Totally agree on Shelbi's voice! It surprised me too and I can't figure out why.  I think I was also shocked by how tall she was! Something about her just made me think she was short but definitely is not.  Goodness, she is so beautiful. Hoping she doesn't quit her job though because right now she does not seem to be one of the strongest performers there.   

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Bingo!  That's who she is.  She seemed like she'd bring something different to DCC at auditions, but so far, definitely looks out of her element.


I am definitely not ambivalent about Kat.  I find her looks to be much too sharp and the dyed blonde hair with dark roots and eyebrows distracting.  It would be one thing if her dancing was great but as was mentioned on the show her gymanstics make her look rubbery and odd to me.  YMMV of course!

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Question that's been bugging me for ten years now: what is the deal with the dress code for the first meeting? I'm so tired of seeing every TCC in the same silhouette - wiggle dress with costume jewelry and hair down. Can't anyone do something different? A sleek low pony? A pair of culottes with a kickass top? Even like a 1989 Julia Roberts/Pretty Woman shorts suit would be refreshing. I get it, you have to look hot. But why is there only one uniform for this?

Little Goth House on the Prairie Madeline is weird. Her spray tan was insane this week.

I think Colby picked up a case of AIDS: acquired international dialect syndrome. She just makes herself seem so out of place. If she's already older than the others, she could try to act more cheerleaderish. I have no useful advice for her. She sticks out like a sore lip.

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I guess because ponytails are considered "casual." Though, Whitney Isleib had her hair pulled back in her first first meeting. So did some other girls. Some girls have even had the "half pulled back, half down" style as well during the meeting. I would say "down and flowy" is more accepted during meetings at practices/rehearsals, but ponytails are only "forbidden" at practices (excluding pony night).

I don't like the fashion do's and don'ts portion of the show they have done these past 2 seasons. Last year the "don'ts" were so exaggerated. I can see how they push the DCC's to have the same look based on those segments.

What I miss seeing is the etiquette lesson. Someone mentioned the maturity level difference between Abigail Klein and Madeline. Abigail was called out a couple of times during the lessons. Her reactions were really cute. There aren't too many of those unguarded moments to see what the girls are really like such as Britney Schramm's "pee in my pants" while waiting in the tunnel moments.

I do enjoy watching the self-intro's during the first meeting. I wish they showed more.

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I grew up with Kat, and I remember her being a lot prettier than she seems on the show. She's a natural brunette, and I don't think the obviously bleached blonde/yellow hair is doing her any favors. I also think maybe her looks just don't really translate well on camera. I think it will be interesting to watch and see what Kelli and Judy have to say about her as the season goes on, because I don't think she really has the look OR the style of dance they tend to prefer, but she doesn't really seem to be one of the ones they clearly dislike either.

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I hate to see any woman w/ a "good job" quit it for DCC. It like is reversing feminism 50 years or something like that :). I guess if it was a job w/ varying hours that conflicted w/ TC and games, you'd have to choose, but they practice in the evenings and cheer on weekends right? And the girl would know going in that this is the schedule, right?

I also still stand by my feelings that if these girls were strong dancers they would not need to practice so much during the day that working a 9-5 job would be an issue. My 12 year old daughter has danced on studio competition teams for years and she can remember choreography w/ very little to no outside of class practices (they are in school when not at dance just like these TCC's would be at work) - and as far as I know her whole team is this way - like my daughter is not some special photographic memory of choreo kid, being able to do this is just a part of being a "good dancer". Her and her dance friends can even hear the songs from dances they were in years ago and start dancing them in synch w/ very few mistakes out of nowhere. Kids who forget combos and can't pick up new choreo easily usually don't "make" dance teams even as young as 8-9 years old around me, and I would imagine the DCC would be a lot stricter than pre-teen dance teams?

Maybe it's harsh, but I think a TCC who needed to practice all day just to remember a combo taught the night before should be cut. They also should be able to fully "perform" to the choreo by the 3rd or 4th time doing a newly taught dance if they are any good. Seems like Meagan from SD is the only one that is at this level in the girls they showed in this episode, which is unfortunate. Lol - do I sound like Abby Lee Miller or something?

  • Love 2

I grew up with Kat, and I remember her being a lot prettier than she seems on the show. She's a natural brunette, and I don't think the obviously bleached blonde/yellow hair is doing her any favors. I also think maybe her looks just don't really translate well on camera. I think it will be interesting to watch and see what Kelli and Judy have to say about her as the season goes on, because I don't think she really has the look OR the style of dance they tend to prefer, but she doesn't really seem to be one of the ones they clearly dislike either.

I guess to each their own. She may not be the 'DCC look' but I think she is beautiful!! Especially in the clips where she was dressed professionally for her job (that she quit lol).  I think she will start picking up dance choreography once she gets into the swing of things and she has a good performance quality.  Honestly, the only thing about her that gives me pause is her voice lol 

I hate to see any woman w/ a "good job" quit it for DCC. It like is reversing feminism 50 years or something like that :). I guess if it was a job w/ varying hours that conflicted w/ TC and games, you'd have to choose, but they practice in the evenings and cheer on weekends right? And the girl would know going in that this is the schedule, right?

I also still stand by my feelings that if these girls were strong dancers they would not need to practice so much during the day that working a 9-5 job would be an issue. My 12 year old daughter has danced on studio competition teams for years and she can remember choreography w/ very little to no outside of class practices (they are in school when not at dance just like these TCC's would be at work) - and as far as I know her whole team is this way - like my daughter is not some special photographic memory of choreo kid, being able to do this is just a part of being a "good dancer". Her and her dance friends can even hear the songs from dances they were in years ago and start dancing them in synch w/ very few mistakes out of nowhere. Kids who forget combos and can't pick up new choreo easily usually don't "make" dance teams even as young as 8-9 years old around me, and I would imagine the DCC would be a lot stricter than pre-teen dance teams?

Maybe it's harsh, but I think a TCC who needed to practice all day just to remember a combo taught the night before should be cut. They also should be able to fully "perform" to the choreo by the 3rd or 4th time doing a newly taught dance if they are any good. Seems like Meagan from SD is the only one that is at this level in the girls they showed in this episode, which is unfortunate. Lol - do I sound like Abby Lee Miller or something?

I think a lot of it has to with learning an ENTIRE routine and new one every single night. That's a lot for any dancer to remember. Even Kelli has said as much on the show. However, I do agree with your overall point because they have let some ladies onto the team that can never seem to remember any of the dances at all because they liked their look (i.e. Emily Claire and Morgan Whitney) which was insane and completely ridiculous. 

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I hate to see any woman w/ a "good job" quit it for DCC. It like is reversing feminism 50 years or something like that :). I guess if it was a job w/ varying hours that conflicted w/ TC and games, you'd have to choose, but they practice in the evenings and cheer on weekends right? And the girl would know going in that this is the schedule, right?

Maybe it's harsh, but I think a TCC who needed to practice all day just to remember a combo taught the night before should be cut.

Good points.

The rehearsal schedule on top of a full time job leaves very little time for anything else such as relationships or family commitments, I'm exhausted just thinking about it!

Did anyone notice Kasheera's sorority was featured Alpha Delta Pi in one of her photos? Has MTT ever done that before? just curious because I really like Kasheera so it's no comment on her but I am certain a lot of the girls have a sorority affiliation. I would think they would try to avoid the obvious pictures with letters so prominent. just a comment, not a complaint.

Did anyone notice Kasheera's sorority was featured Alpha Delta Pi in one of her photos? Has MTT ever done that before? just curious because I really like Kasheera so it's no comment on her but I am certain a lot of the girls have a sorority affiliation. I would think they would try to avoid the obvious pictures with letters so prominent. just a comment, not a complaint.


I don't think they've shown letters, but sororities have been mentioned.

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I hate to see any woman w/ a "good job" quit it for DCC. It like is reversing feminism 50 years or something like that :). I guess if it was a job w/ varying hours that conflicted w/ TC and games, you'd have to choose, but they practice in the evenings and cheer on weekends right? And the girl would know going in that this is the schedule, right?

I also still stand by my feelings that if these girls were strong dancers they would not need to practice so much during the day that working a 9-5 job would be an issue. My 12 year old daughter has danced on studio competition teams for years and she can remember choreography w/ very little to no outside of class practices (they are in school when not at dance just like these TCC's would be at work) - and as far as I know her whole team is this way - like my daughter is not some special photographic memory of choreo kid, being able to do this is just a part of being a "good dancer". Her and her dance friends can even hear the songs from dances they were in years ago and start dancing them in synch w/ very few mistakes out of nowhere. Kids who forget combos and can't pick up new choreo easily usually don't "make" dance teams even as young as 8-9 years old around me, and I would imagine the DCC would be a lot stricter than pre-teen dance teams?

Maybe it's harsh, but I think a TCC who needed to practice all day just to remember a combo taught the night before should be cut. They also should be able to fully "perform" to the choreo by the 3rd or 4th time doing a newly taught dance if they are any good. Seems like Meagan from SD is the only one that is at this level in the girls they showed in this episode, which is unfortunate. Lol - do I sound like Abby Lee Miller or something?

Wow. I really disagree with this opinion. Feminism doesn't mean anyone has to give up their dream to be a cheerleader for a job. A job and a career will be there, thanks to feminists, for women who want to pursue it.

The window of age and fitness and everything required to be a cheerleader is small. See how everyone reacts to Colby. She has missed her chance, most likely, to make the team. The judges didn't want her, and only the votes got her in the door. I'm not spoiled but Judy is ready to cut her now.

There was another girl on another season who had taken a year off to do something about a career, and she lost a lot of her sharpness and ability to remember choreography. You don't have a lot of time to make this team. Jobs can be started later.

Most women seem to have, at best, two shots at making this squad. Realistically, a training camp candidate needs to treat it as their only chance.

I don't fault them at all for putting aside a job to give themselves a strong chance at a once in a lifetime opportunity. For me, I'm isn't a question of whether they should be able to do both. We see from the show that a good number of their competition is dedicating all day to studying, working out and rehearsing. No one (or maybe a few) who work full time will be able to keep up with their progress. The pressure for perfection on that huge screen is enormous. If your competition works night and day, you better be matching them.

This Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader dream isn't something I've ever had, but I respect these candidates who choose to give it their all. I can see that being part of the cowboy organization can benefit them in many ways. I say, go for it!

Edited by rose711
  • Love 7

I noticed (because I was in ADPi in college and I thought she wa was great.). I believe Kelli is an alumna as well and I was wondering if that was why it was left in ;) I was surprised because I am out about 15 years and I remember that we were never supposed to be taped or in media in the letters and that was definitely pre-social media so I am sure they are told that even more.

Did anyone notice Kasheera's sorority was featured Alpha Delta Pi in one of her photos? Has MTT ever done that before? just curious because I really like Kasheera so it's no comment on her but I am certain a lot of the girls have a sorority affiliation. I would think they would try to avoid the obvious pictures with letters so prominent. just a comment, not a complaint.

Edited by queenbee9b

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