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S04.E21: Reunion Part 3

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So over Brandi and her fakey-fake tears.  The dogs in my neighborhood were howling everytime her squeaky voice went up several octaves.  "Are you kidding meeeeee?"  And the cry-whisper "I need a tissue!" Please.  The damage is done and you've lost any credibility you had.  Go away, get help and figure out how to raise your 2 kids so they don't end up faulty human beings like their Z-list parents.

Like them or not, I think Kyle & Joyce looked fabulous. Yolanda looked pretty too.  The new hairdo suits her. Brandi looked like a bad wax figure. STOP injecting crap into your face! Her make up & styling wasn't flattering for the reunion.  She's looked better in her assorted drunken tabloid pix.

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I LOVED Yolanda, and for me she made this reunion.  Andy usually can't keep other people not involved in the conversation quite, and nice to see even he was grateful for Yolanda.  I would like to see Yolanda help moderate other reunions, I will take my Yolanda the moderator stuff to her thread.  This is the Kyle I love, the Kyle with a backbone, last seasons Kyle was to concerned about fan backlash.  This Kyle called Lisa out on her crap.  I loved when Lisa tried to act like she never spoke to Brandi on the phone in the morning for hours, and Kyle stated in fairness we use to do the same.  Lisa would be great to rob a bank with, she would never give up anything unless you crossed her, then she would pin the entire thing on you and pretend you kidnapped her and she now had PTSD.  Does Lisa even watch the same show, it was obvious she was caught in a few things and refuse to admit anything.  Oh how I wish Kyle would have named some of the Lisa and Ken rumors that have been in the tabloids over the years.  To Kyle's credit she did not, even though in the same position Lisa would sing like Jennifer Hudson in Dream Girls.  

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Dull reunion.  The biggest loser for me this season was Yolanda.  Dreadful behavior at the Reunion--petty, vindictive, childish.  For all of her sanctimony, she can't seem to curb her bad manners when it counts.  Joyce proved to be the season's biggest winner.  Mr. Joyce looked great.  His playing along with Carlton's special powers was pretty amusing and left her bewildered.  

David Foster being "at work" per YoYo spoke volumes. Yo is envious of Joyce -- both on the relative youth and beauty front and because Mr. and Mrs. Joyce have proven to be the real deal in terms of chemistry.  Joyce got Yolanda's number quite a long awhile ago and it bugs the Dutch-ess.  I imagine that Yo picked up on David's attraction towards Joyce also at the infamous Dream Team dinner party. 

I don't much care who did what to whom in the tedious Lisa vs Kyle debacle.  I kept tuning out what was said to focus in on what Lisa has done to her face.  Her eyes looked stretched to the max.  Unfortunate.  Kyle is a pain in the neck.  Sophisticated ladies, Kyle, don't run around going overboard on the marital fidelity-infidelity front.  If he did, deal with it in private.   I certainly don't care and it only makes her look foolish.  If she had been smart and witty, Kyle would have brought the tabloids along herself and Palm Springs would have been devoted to the ladies having a huge yuck-fest over the allegations.  But she's not smart--just Beverly Hills provincial. 

Brandi took the old trope -- Whom would you save if two of us were drowning?-- and substituted fire.  Because her stupid just burns.  Lisa's response might have been -- Why would I answer such an absurd question?  Ken needs to not talk about Rocio ever again -- no sense of the proper tone there.  He can hug Brandi all he wants.  There is NO way the VanderTodds will let Brandi back in.  Good!

Kim sucking up to Andy Cohen as if her life depended on it -- and it may -- was cringeworthy.  She looked better with her old nose.  

I don't think the show can really survive long term without Lisa so here's to hoping that she's punishing Bravo big time behind the scenes and threatening to walk.  

This made me chuckle.  Thanks.  Sometimes it's the briefest comment that's the funniest and most effective.  More reuniting indeed!

Sorry -- Last line -- or line above was meant for Lisin at top of the page.  Still learning how to navigate.  

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Such a yawn - both this season and the reunion.   I agree that Kyle, Joyce, and Kim looked amazing.  Carleton even looked pretty.    I hope Kyle and Lisa come back and maybe Joyce and the rest just move on.    

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I realized how boring this reunion was when I went to watch it on my DVR. After seeing my queue, I chose "Southern Charm" to watch first.

I really like both Joyce and Mr. Joyce. I hope she comes back, but I doubt she will be invited.

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Can anyone clue me in as to what this "dream" is that everyone keeps referring to? I may have seen it but just forgotten about it. All I remember is that Kyle mentioned to someone (Joyce maybe? Can't remember who it was) that she saw these weird images on her computer that she believed were done by Carlton and she took photos with her phone. Is that what everyone's talking about? Either way, I wish they would bring that up. If they don't bring it up, I'll just assume the images were photoshopped and the whole thing was made up for drama.

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Can anyone clue me in as to what this "dream" is that everyone keeps referring to?

Second try --- Kyle gave Carlton a necklace at Carlton's party.  Carlton seemed touched by the gesture.  Later, Carlton said that that night she had a dream that Kyle hated her or was talking smack about her or something like that.  So Carlton continued the hate train for Kyle and dunked the necklace in water to ward of any bad juju.

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That's the gist of it. She went on about it at the painting party (I think?) and Joyce kept saying "It was a dream though?" but everyone just dropped it after Joyce's husband got sick and they decided they had been hexed.

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Lord I hope they demote Brandi to friend of the Housewives.   I think she's worn out her welcome.   

I bet Kim has guilted them into another season---by saying the show saved her.   

Although I can't believe Lisa put up with the crap she has from these women this season, there is something bugging me about the Vanderpump-Todds and their adopting strays. This is twice we've seen them take someone in--(Cedric and Brandi) and have things turn on them.    I am not sure what it is that feels odd to me but I think things probably are not all one sided with the problems that we've seen on the show with them and other people.

I like Joyce.   I like her husband too--I hope they come back.    Carlton can go.   She is too strange for me.

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The biggest loser for me this season was Yolanda.  Dreadful behavior at the Reunion--petty, vindictive, childish.  For all of her sanctimony, she can't seem to curb her bad manners when it counts.

Yolanda was flat-out rude to Joyce on the couch.  I couldn't believe she kept calling her "this person" as though Joyce had spit in her lemonade.  It seemed like Yolanda was trying to diminish Joyce in a "who does this person think she is?" kind of way.

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I will be thrilled if Carlton never appears on the show again.  She is the weirdest person;  more weird than Brandi, who, dare I say, has become almost normal? 

It's gotten to the point that I fast forward through all of Carlton's scenes.  I'm tired of her stare and her "Really?", so condescending."  IMO she purposefully tries to misunderstand people, especially Kyle. 

Do I think that Yolanda's husband is working all the time that he's doesn't appear on the show?  No way. He's probably trying to distance himself from the drama.

I'm glad that they are now in hiatus.  It will give them time to try and repair friendships.

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Lord I hope they demote Brandi to friend of the Housewives.   I think she's worn out her welcome.   

I bet Kim has guilted them into another season---by saying the show saved her.   

Although I can't believe Lisa put up with the crap she has from these women this season, there is something bugging me about the Vanderpump-Todds and their adopting strays. This is twice we've seen them take someone in--(Cedric and Brandi) and have things turn on them.    I am not sure what it is that feels odd to me but I think things probably are not all one sided with the problems that we've seen on the show with them and other people.

I like Joyce.   I like her husband too--I hope they come back.    Carlton can go.   She is too strange for me.

I definitely do not believe that it's all one-sided. First off that they are even drawn to hanging out with people who have some serious issues and who look like they are looking for "mentor" types is telling. I think there's a huge ego boost for both Lisa and Ken that someone who's "floundering" looks up to them. Of course what that probably means is that they also expect no back talking, as it were, and when Cedric or Brandi start to push back a bit (and stop wanting to be the butts of their "jokes"), Lisa and Ken decide that it isn't fun for them anymore.

Edited by Mozelle
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Oh yes that's right, thank you st.louielouie

Sometimes dreams can be very telling to things that are going on in real life, almost like a psychic ability, but when she found out that Kyle hadn't been talking about her, why couldn't she just let it go? That is one of the most annoying things about these shows is that people never let anything go. It's bizarre, really. I'm like half these women's ages, but I wouldn't keep harping on some stupid petty thing that had happened months ago and keep bringing it up every chance I got. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the producers tell them to always bring up old news just for the sake of drama. Otherwise, it's no wonder these women can never "move forward" like they always say they want to...

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Sometimes dreams can be very telling to things that are going on in real life, almost like a psychic ability, but when she found out that Kyle hadn't been talking about her, why couldn't she just let it go?

Someone on TWOP suggested at the time that the "dream" was really code for "the producers told me that Kyle was saying shit behind my back".  And that could be true, if it were producers who told Carlton that Kyle said Carlton's bathroom stunk (although I think she had said that because whoever was in there before had stunk it up).

After years of these shows, I'm convinced the producers stir the pot a LOT on these shows and could easily have led Carlton to believe things that had a grain of truth to them but were certainly not "true."

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I continue to loathe Brandi.  On the one hand, she wants Lisa and Ken to be her family; on the other, she wants Lisa to leave her alone to handle her life the way she wants.  We saw a whole season of Lisa mothering Brandi to the point that Brandi was very annoyed and telling her to leave her alone.  It was not until Kyle and Lisa had a party together and seemed to be getting chummy again that Brandi decided that Lisa was so strategic and needed taking down.  And then it wasn't until the reunion that she was all weepy about their familial connection and who everyone leaves her.  BLAH!  Which story is it, Brandi?  Is Lisa a smothering, overbearing friend?  A manipulative shit stirring shark?  Or a surrogate sister/aunt/mother you can't live without?

And why didn't Mr. Joyce or Joyce say ANYTHING about Carlton actually threatening to put a hex on people?  She clearly stated at that painting party that she could bring some dark magic raining down if she wanted but then she acts all insulted that someone would insinuate that she actually brought the dark magic.  So confusing.  

I felt kind of sorry for Lisa.  I do think she manipulates things behind the scenes, but to some degree they all do.  They all want to stay relevant and continue to be stars of this show.  It was her turn in the hot seat and she doesn't handle it well.  I love her relationship with Kyle and hope they can repair it.  Why can't the ladies be more like the guys?  Mauricio and Ken seem fine.  Why can't Kyle and Lisa kiss and make up?

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Ahaha that's a good point Kerrey. But we all know women and men are not the same at all when it comes to relationships. Men duke it out physically, and then they're over it, they shake hands and they go grab a beer. Women fight each other with words, which leave longer lasting and more painful scars than physical fighting. Women can also be much more petty and catty than men. It would just be impossible for the women to get along with each other the same way the men do. They just aren't wired that way. Plus it causes much more drama for the show.

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WTF happened to Brandi's face?? She doesn't even look like the same person. Anyway, I like Joyce and her husband, Lisa and Ken, pretty much over the Richards sisters and Carlton and I absolutely loathe Yolanda. So, next year can we keep Lisa and Joyce and dump everyone else ala the RHNY a few years ago?

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I will be thrilled if Carlton never appears on the show again.  She is the weirdest person;  more weird than Brandi, who, dare I say, has become almost normal? 

It's gotten to the point that I fast forward through all of Carlton's scenes.  I'm tired of her stare and her "Really?", so condescending."  IMO she purposefully tries to misunderstand people, especially Kyle. 

Do I think that Yolanda's husband is working all the time that he's doesn't appear on the show?  No way. He's probably trying to distance himself from the drama.

I'm glad that they are now in hiatus.  It will give them time to try and repair friendships.

I don't understand how any of them would WANT to repair their relationships...IMO, they have all now gone beyond the point of no return.

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Joyce's husband was very calm but assertive during the reunion. That guy oozes manners, class, and intelligence. I like Joyce a lot so far, but she gets flustered and loses her cool under pressure.

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