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S07.E15: Don't Be All, Like, Uncool

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Lol. Girl, I.. ok.

She actually did mention this, it was an all encompassing reference to their room, meaning that entire suite was comprised of two bedrooms that were each adjoined at the bathroom - we saw this layout when Sonja/Ramona did their Pamplona room picking. Somebody upthread mentioned that the bedroom Carole and Heather were in had 2 queen beds in it.

I never heard Heather mention that she was upset about potentially encountering the guy in the bathroom, if she had, then I would be more understanding, but I don't believe the issue of a potential awkward bathroom encounter would warrant the response that Heather displayed. Also, encountering the guy in the bathroom isn't a safety issue.

Regarding the rooms, the one with two queen beds was the one with the guy in it. From the rental info provided and the adjoining bathrooms, I'm thinking it's set up for multiple families in that there is a master suite (king bed) with attached "guest" room with double, single or futons. Parents in one room, kids in the other and sharing bath. Pretty sure Heather and Carole were in the master suite, only one bed was ever shown, and I don't think one of them was sleeping on a futon.

Edited by shoegal

Encountering naked guy in the joint bathroom? Now this I understand, but I never heard Heather express this sentiment. If she had expressed concern that she could have encountered naked guy in the bathroom when she got up to pee or brush her teeth, I would understand, especially if Heather is naked ....although, I have to say that I think it's weird that Heather sleeps naked in a house full of staff, cameras and people (sometimes random people) while sharing a room with Carole, and I'm pretty sure they were sharing a bed because I believe that room has one king bed. If it were me, I'd throw on a nightie.

First, their room had 2 Queen sized beds in it, they showed BOTH of the beds on this episode and Heather has said in her blogs the room had 2 beds. Second, she has already been called a "prude" by some here because she became upset when she unexpectedly saw a nude male stranger sleeping/rolling over in bed in the adjoining bedroom to their suite. Third, sleeping in ones underwear, bra/panties, is considered sleeping "nude" to many people, Heather did have on her bra/panties, so I suspect she slept with them on. Much like LuAnn, who was upset and made the comment that H&C didn't even give her time to put on a "robe" despite the fact that she slept with her bra/panties on and came out of the room with her robe wide open! LOL Fourth, they have set film times, so the women know to have some clothing on before they leave their rooms or allow the staff/production crew into their rooms.

  • Love 4

First, their room had 2 Queen sized beds in it, they showed BOTH of the beds on this episode and Heather has said in her blogs the room had 2 beds. Second, she has already been called a "prude" by some here because she became upset when she unexpectedly saw a nude male stranger sleeping/rolling over in bed in the adjoining bedroom to their suite. Third, sleeping in ones underwear, bra/panties, is considered sleeping "nude" to many people, Heather did have on her bra/panties, so I suspect she slept with them on. Much like LuAnn, who was upset and made the comment that H&C didn't even give her time to put on a "robe" despite the fact that she slept with her bra/panties on and came out of the room with her robe wide open! LOL Fourth, they have set film times, so the women know to have some clothing on before they leave their rooms or allow the staff/production crew into their rooms.

They showed both beds in the room the guy stayed in (Bethenny's room) but not the one with Heather and Carole. Here is what Heather said in her blog "The house was beautiful and featured seven bedrooms--two two-bedroom connected suites upstairs and three individual rooms on the main floor. No need for room-gate! We eventually figured it out. Radz, Bethenny, and I shared a suite upstairs on one side, and Dorinda and Kristen upstairs on the other. Sonja, Ramona and Luann ended up downstairs on the main floor, and one room remained empty." According to the rental info, there are four king suites and three "guest" rooms. Ramona/Sonja had a king, LuAnn had a king. I'm guessing there are two kings upstairs with ensuite "guest" rooms and a "guest" room downstairs.

I never called Heather a prude, so that doesn't have anything to do with my opinion. Nor does what LuAnn said about putting on her robe. Heather claimed she "sleeps naked", I don't assume she means she sleeps in her bra and panties.

As far as privacy, didn't Heather herself storm in to the private rooms of her sleeping coworkers with a camera in tow? My point is that even though "filming" may be over, or you may be in your room, it's still a house full of people, staff and cameras. Plus, she is sharing a room with Carole, so I think it's weird to even be sleeping naked with your friend in the room.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 3

Crime on the Turks & Caicos?


Excerpt-The U.S. Embassy in Nassau, Bahamas is sending this message to U.S. citizens residing and traveling in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) to remind you of the risk of crime as outlined in our Country Specific Information for Turks and Caicos, excerpted here:

“The overall crime rate in the Turks and Caicos Islands is relatively low. Crimes typically involve opportunistic petty theft. However, more serious robberies have been reported… The crime level is highest on Providenciales, the territory’s economic hub and larger city. The U.S. Embassy has received a few reports of more serious crimes, including vacation home invasions, armed robberies, assaults and boat thefts.”

Armed robbery continues to be the primary criminal threat facing U.S. citizens in the Turks and Caicos Islands. According to TCI police crime statistics, crime increased by 24% in 2013. In their annual crime report presentation on February 26, 2014, police cited 3,337 reported crimes in 2013, up significantly from the 2,692 reported in 2012. There was a 76% increase in robberies (from 45 to 79). The U.S. Embassy alerted U.S. citizens to the dangers posed by armed robbery in Turks and Caicos in March 2013.

Edited by talula
  • Love 5

I also think it's weird to sleep naked in one bed with a female friend. I have friends I've known 30 years and we would never do that, especially with a nice private bedroom just on the other side of a shared bathroom. But -- whatevs.


What bugs me right away was how Heather started saying, "There was a man in our room. There was a man in my room." No, he was not in your room, the room you were actually in.  


Yup, bad judgment to not make certain drunk man friends were out of the house before going to sleep/passing out. Heather got to have her big dramatic scenes and rant about it for what seemed like hours, and as per contract, bring it up again and go on and on. As far as I'm concerned, she stated her case and expressed her feelings. Although she was startled and upset, nothing truly bad happened. It's over.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 2

Chances are if you get so insulted at being called uncool then you are indeed very uncool.  Heather repeated the insult like ten times.  Another clue you aren't cool is if your company is named "Yummie."


I'm a guy, so I just don't worry about my personal safety probably as much as Heather does.  But if Ramona was passed out in bed with her one night stand or not, if he wanted to do something criminal he would have, she wouldn't have been able to stop him.  Especially now with Tinder and Grindr, people bring home strangers all the time and their housemates may not always like it.  It's definitely a more college lifestyle Luanne and Ramona are into, but I don't think it really deserved that reaction Heather is just always so try hard.


The HW's who were upset - Heather and Carole, if they decide to come back next season, they should add an addendum to their contracts. Any vacation they go to where it is a rented house...they do not want unknown guests on the premises period. Or they can ask for round the clock securty


I say this because even if a guest was invited over for drinks and left...while he is there he can scope out the place and leave a window or side door unlocked and come back later. So basically any stranger might have nefarious thoughts and none of the HW's would be able to stop them.

  • Love 6

(no snark) I think it's a blessing to be able to have this assumption, but, statistically, we do actually live in a world like this.  Not every stranger, but more than a few.



Is this what would justify Heather's rage?  


Heather was upset because of the potential for catastrophe that exists when a woman is vulnerable to a man. 


I'm going to liken the last sentence to something I heard just before NYC banned smoking in restaurants, well damn near in all public spaces.  About smokers in general, someone said think of if like this:  I don't have a problem with your choice to smoke, but our levels of influence are not the same.  Your choice to smoke in public, eliminates my choice not to.  When I heard that statement I thought Sweet Baby Jesus that was simply brilliant because it illustrated the point that cigarette smoke cannot be contained.  I've since used that analogy in my mind to apply to many different things and like a true recall geek, I'm stoked to have the chance to use it again here.   The problem with Heather being an asshole for reacting that way since nothing happened is, that, nothing happening, thank God is an outcome of happenstance and fortune when the drunk and possibly nude man Ramona didn't want to be bothered with to such an extent that SHE didn't sleep next to him, is not someone that Ramona herself was capable of containing.   Naked didn't ever bother Heather before, girls gone wild on vacation didn't ever bother Heather before but placing your housemates in a position of vulnerability and/or danger that they're not even made aware of is something every woman should be going apeshit about.   It's a little bit like wondering why anyone ever gets mad at drunk drivers when they make it home without incident.   I think it's perfectly okay to exercise one's right to have fucked up judgment, as long as it doesn't affect anyone else.


Ma'am? Fist bump for this post. Also, dapping you up and Cabbage Patching over your other example about drunk driving. If a driver drove home intoxicated but didn't, ya know, kill or maim someone in the process, I doubt the conversation would be, "But why get mad? No one was maimed or killed."


This actually reminds of that time on Real World: Hawaii when Ruthie drove drunk (and production, lovely folks, didn't bother to stop her from doing it. No, they hopped in a car and trailed her, filming all the while). There was outrage of the "What if?" variety then. It's similar to Heather's anger over what could have happened. 


It 100% is not.  Violent crime is at an all time low despite media coverage of infamous cases.  The other day I saw a women in Kenya mention how she leaves her 3 year old unattended with her shopping cart because she doesn't "live in the US culture of fear."  If Heather wants to think danger is lurking everywhere, fine, but it's not reality.  She should have calmly laid down some house rules the next day.



Statistically it's the exact opposite.  In the US especially, violent crime is the lowest it has ever been in history according to the FBI.


Violent crime being down in the U.S. and across the world doesn't mean that violent crime has been eradicated. 


The question to me remains why Ramona didn't get the brunt of Heather's anger if it was she who offered the empty room. 


Because Ramona punted the responsibility to LuAnn. Like, Ramona literally told Heather and Carole: "I don't know. Ask LuAnn." Framing it that way gives the impression that LuAnn would have information about the guy. When Heather came to LuAnn, instead of LuAnn saying, "Listen. I get it. It's scary" she took the tack of dismissing Heather's and Carole's concern, which only meant that Heather and Carole were going to stay on LuAnn for her reaction to their reaction.

  • Love 15

The question to me remains why Ramona didn't get the brunt of Heather's anger if it was she who offered the empty room. 

Because Ramona blamed LuAnn! Ramona told H&C that she knew nothing, that the guy was LuAnn's guy and for them to go ask/talk to her! Funny how LuAnn didn't get mad at Ramona for lying and placing all the blame on her!


This is where I have an issue with how Heather handled things.  I can understand running up into people's rooms, waking them up and accusing them of things if she woke up to a naked person in her room or some of her stuff was actually stolen.  But that didn't happen.  So why not discuss this with all of the HWs present?  Instead, she starts making assumptions and accusations to innocent parties (Sonja and LuAnn).  In the now immortal declaration of the 70s socialite with swagger known as the Countess, "Uncool."

IMO, she was running/reacting on her fear/surprise to find a random stranger in the bedroom adjoining hers because they were never warned/told and thereby they were put at risk. That nothing happened is secondary to the fact that Ramona cared so little about their wellbeing to begin with.


Let me ask this, how many here have alarm systems on their home and lock their doors at night even though they have never been robbed? So when your neighbor down the street has a break in, according to some, you should not panic and get the alarm or lock your door because "what if's" don't count!

  • Love 11
It's over.


..is a good place to drop my pen.  


The attention to detail and vim, vigor and passion with which we argue?  Group thread high five you guys, seriously.  We'd make the best litigators ever.  Well, shit, the most enduring anyway.  Lol.  Time of death on Zaldamo's horse, bout 1:30.  Now my only sads are about this not being debated at the reunion. 


Anybody have final tally on bedazzled jean sales?  I'd love to know how Manny's coasters did, I actually liked them enough to wear on me bum.  Maybe.

eta:  Moze, I'll accept your dap, and raise you a Running Man.  Lol! 



  • Love 15

They showed both beds in the room the guy stayed in (Bethenny's room) but not the one with Heather and Carole. Here is what Heather said in her blog "The house was beautiful and featured seven bedrooms--two two-bedroom connected suites upstairs and three individual rooms on the main floor. No need for room-gate! We eventually figured it out. Radz, Bethenny, and I shared a suite upstairs on one side, and Dorinda and Kristen upstairs on the other. Sonja, Ramona and Luann ended up downstairs on the main floor, and one room remained empty." According to the rental info, there are four king suites and three "guest" rooms. Ramona/Sonja had a king, LuAnn had a king. I'm guessing there are two kings upstairs with ensuite "guest" rooms and a "guest" room downstairs.

I never called Heather a prude, so that doesn't have anything to do with my opinion. Nor does what LuAnn said about putting on her robe. Heather claimed she "sleeps naked", I don't assume she means she sleeps in her bra and panties.

As far as privacy, didn't Heather herself storm in to the private rooms of her sleeping coworkers with a camera in tow? My point is that even though "filming" may be over, or you may be in your room, it's still a house full of people, staff and cameras. Plus, she is sharing a room with Carole, so I think it's weird to even be sleeping naked with your friend in the room.

No, Heather, Carole and Bethenny stayed in 1 of the "guest suites", ALL the "master bedrooms" have private/on suites bathrooms and king sized beds. Each "guest suite has 2 queen sized beds and a pull out.    http://www.villabellavita.tc/about-the-property Dorinda had the upstairs Master suite.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 1

..is a good place to drop my pen.  


The attention to detail and vim, vigor and passion with which we argue?  Group thread high five you guys, seriously.  We'd make the best litigators ever.  Well, shit, the most enduring anyway.  Lol.  Time of death on Zaldamo's horse, bout 1:30.  Now my only sads are about this not being debated at the reunion. 


Anybody have final tally on bedazzled jean sales?  I'd love to know how Manny's coasters did, I actually liked them enough to wear on me bum.  Maybe.

eta:  Moze, I'll accept your dap, and raise you a Running Man.  Lol! 



Here is how the jeans are doing!  




Yummie Jeans Decorated by Kristen Taekman, Real Housewive...


24 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Luann de Lesseps, Real Housewiv...


12 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Ramona Singer, Real Housewives ...


40 Bids4d 17h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Bethenny Frankel, Real Housewiv...


36 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Heather Thomson, Real Housewive...


24 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Carole Radziwill, Real Housewiv...


21 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Dorinda Medley, Real Housewives...


24 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Sonja Morgan, Real Housewives o...


  • Love 3

IMO, she was running/reacting on her fear/surprise to find a random stranger in the bedroom adjoining hers because they were never warned/told and thereby they were put at risk. That nothing happened is secondary to the fact that Ramona cared so little about their wellbeing to begin with.


I just don't agree with that assessment. If your kid wanders into the kitchen, you don't flip out because he/she could get hurt and sprint in there screaming and scaring him/her half to death. If a high wind sets off my car alarm, I don't bolt from my bed yelling my head off that the sky is falling. Heather can control her emotions enough to speak her mind to all of the ladies who stayed up late partying, express her concerns and lay out some house rules (unless she is unstable which I don't think she is). Flying off the handle and making accusations is, IMHO, over the top (and I actually agree with her concerns).
  • Love 6

No, Heather, Carole and Bethenny stayed in 1 of the "guest suites", ALL the "master bedrooms" have private/on suites bathrooms and king sized beds. Each "guest suite has 2 queen sized beds and a pull out. http://www.villabellavita.tc/about-the-property Dorinda had the upstairs Master suite.

Actually, I just re watched the scene where they pick rooms. Heather walks in to the roomSonja is holding for her and Ramona and tells Sonja that "I'm going to take this one" and Sonja says "no, this is my room" and Heather says "no it's not". Sonja responds "Yes, one big bed" and Heather says "she's downstairs"

Since Sonja did go downstairs with Ramona, that means Heather got the room with "one big bed".

Dorinda's room was adjoined with Kristen by the ensuite bath, just like Heather/Carole and Bethenny. It was the mirror image.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 2

First, their room had 2 Queen sized beds in it, they showed BOTH of the beds on this episode and Heather has said in her blogs the room had 2 beds. 


Nope.  Minute 0:19.  After the Pamplona dash, Heather is seen gazing out the doorwall (that's what we call 'em here in the Midwest) and saying to Carole, "No, we got the best room, ma."  Caption even says:  Heather and Carole's Room.  LOL


It has one King bed.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 2

Actually, I just re watched the scene where they pick rooms. Heather walks in to the roomSonja is holding for her and Ramona and tells Sonja that "I'm going to take this one" and Sonja says "no, this is my room" and Heather says "no it's not". Sonja responds "Yes, one big bed" and Heather says "she's downstairs"

Since Sonja did go downstairs with Ramona, that means Heather got the room with "one big bed"

Dorinda's room was adjoined with Kristen by the ensuite bath, just like Heather/Carole and Bethenny. It was the mirror image.

All the master suites, according to Villa Bella's web site, have "private bathrooms" and all the guest rooms have 2 queen sized beds plus a pull out couch.

Edited by WireWrap

Great points shoegal. The repeat sentiment from Carole and Heather that all would have been fine if Ramona was in bed with the guy shows that they are full of it about the safety issues. I'm sure a drunk, passed out Ramona would have protected Carole and Heather from getting stabbed or their things getting stolen. If Ramona was in the bed with him, awake, I'm sure she could persuade him not to be violent and psycho!

  • Love 5

All the master suites, according to Villa Bella's web site, have "private bathrooms" and all the guest rooms have 2 queen sized beds plus a pull out couch.

There are four master suites and four full baths. From the rental website "All ensuite bathrooms are shared with guest rooms with doors to enter from each unit" that means a master suite, bathroom with an attached "guest" room.

Also, according to the website, there are two master suites on the second floor. The master suites had the bed with the dresser/mirror behind the bed.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 1

There are four master suites and four full baths. From the rental website "All ensuite bathrooms are shared with guest rooms with doors to enter from each unit" that means a master suite, bathroom with an attached "guest" room.

Also, according to the website, there are two master suites on the second floor.

Heather/Carole's room looked out on the side of the house, not an ocean view! They did not have a master suite. Agree to disagree.

  • Love 1

The episode started off great for Heather because she got to be "nurturing" towards Dorinda and aggressive mama bear towards Ramona. Also, so many great gifs for the Countess. "Oh, yeah. Blame it on me." "What am I saying? What did I do that was aggressive?" I assume I will see these floating around on the internet in the future.


I enjoyed that Heather's two big fears over the stranger were that he was watching them sleep (e.g. Edward from Twilight) or stealing their stuff. Well, I guess the first part isn't that unusual if she sleeps naked. The random close-ups of objects to show the partying was also fun. That was some straight up true crime shit.


"I thought someone was floating in the ocean, honest to God." Of course you did, Carmela Soprano.


Poor Heather and Carole. Their initial investigation didn't turn up anything. It was funny how they had to keep stoking their anger until the others woke up. LuAnn's reaction when she did wake up was AMAZING. This is the best fight ever. 100% Team LuAnn.


Oh, poor Kristin. Her big contribution was getting dirt from the driver?


Loved that B's reaction to hearing that Ramona brought a guy over was "good, someone needed to."


AH! B already does a great Dorinda impression.

  • Love 5

What the heck does it matter if Carole and Heather were sharing a king size bed or two queens or two doubles?  For what it's worth, I thought it was a king bed.


Oh wait, this has to do with Heather sleeping in the nude?  What does it matter.  If Carole doesn't care, and maybe she sleeps in the nude as well, who is anyone else to judge. 

  • Love 9

Why would Heather and Carole stipulate no guests on the premises for their future vacations? *They themselves said that it was fine for everyone to bring men back* in the abstract. By their own parameters, Lu did absolutely nothing wrong and Ro's only offense was going to sleep in Sonja's room rather than remaining with the Scot. So all conjecture about what could have happened in the abstract is kind of non-germane because, again, *Heather and Carole themselves said that bringing men back to the property was okay*. And, actually, that Ramona punted to LuAnn doesn't explain why LuAnn bore the brunt of Heather's ire at all. Ramona's responsibility for the naked man was clarified pretty quickly. But instead of stampeding back into Sonja and Ramona's room, Heather directed all of her fury at Lu because . . . Lu had the nerve (the nerve!) to wonder why Heather was literally breaking down into tears and voice her own perspective that she wouldn't have been and wasn't scared. So Heather can expect everyone to sympathize with her own emotional response to a situation but she can't relate to Lu's lack of fear and nonchalance to the same situation?

  • Love 5

What the heck does it matter if Carole and Heather were sharing a king size bed or two queens or two doubles?  For what it's worth, I thought it was a king bed.


Oh wait, this has to do with Heather sleeping in the nude?  What does it matter.  If Carole doesn't care, and maybe she sleeps in the nude as well, who is anyone else to judge. 

Don't you know? It goes to credibility regarding whether or not Colonel Mustard used the gun in the..... Oh wait.. Lol..  :-P

  • Love 6

It 100% is not. Violent crime is at an all time low despite media coverage of infamous cases. The other day I saw a women in Kenya mention how she leaves her 3 year old unattended with her shopping cart because she doesn't "live in the US culture of fear." If Heather wants to think danger is lurking everywhere, fine, but it's not reality. She should have calmly laid down some house rules the next day.

Statistically it's the exact opposite. In the US especially, violent crime is the lowest it has ever been in history according to the FBI.

Unbelievable, wow.

  • Love 4

You see me defibrillating my horse?  Damn yall.


Let me ask this, how many here have alarm systems on their home and lock their doors at night even though they have never been robbed? So when your neighbor down the street has a break in, according to some, you should not panic and get the alarm or lock your door because "what if's" don't count!


Speaks to my core.  So my clutch your pearls story isn't nearly as traumatizing as what has already been shared.  But here goes.  I've lived in my house for 10 years.  During that entire time I've had an alarm system, which I never bothered to activate.  There is no valid or rational reason for this, it was just another "appliance" in the house I gave no thought to.   Picture it, February 25, 2015, four days after having an entirely new alarm system put in - again, no forethought to personal safety - my kid had lost her phone and this company was all, if you switch to our security system we'll give her a new one for free.  Anyway, it's four days after I'd learned to use this thing.  I'm leaving the house, I say to myself, self, for fuck's sake press the buttons, you don't even have the excuse of being *intimidated* by the gadget anymore.  I press the buttons.   Three and a half hours later I arrive home and disarm the system, enter my kitchen and just for shits and giggles rearm it (I'm standing in a room without a sensor).  Just as I put my keys on the counter, I hear footsteps (the only other person I live with is away in boarding school).  The presence of a man on my staircase has set off the living room motion sensor.  The blaring sound sends him running through the kitchen, past a terrified me, who is crouched beneath the kitchen counter.   I'd gone 10 years without a break in.  Four days after installing a new (and better) system, I came face to face with my home intruder.  Probabilities are for gamblers, possibilities are everything.


I just don't agree with that assessment. If your kid wanders into the kitchen, you don't flip out because he/she could get hurt and sprint in there screaming and scaring him/her half to death. If a high wind sets off my car alarm, I don't bolt from my bed yelling my head off that the sky is falling. Heather can control her emotions enough to speak her mind to all of the ladies who stayed up late partying, express her concerns and lay out some house rules (unless she is unstable which I don't think she is). Flying off the handle and making accusations is, IMHO, over the top (and I actually agree with her concerns).


How are either of these potentials even remotely close to the same threat level?

  • Love 11

A stranger in the house is a stranger in the house. I get why Heather and Carole were upset but if the shoe was on the other foot with Ramona everyone would have hell to pay for it.  I guess Ramona was trying to deflect the naked man issue because she didn't want to be caught incase Mario wanted her back and she could still look like the long suffering victim to her daughter.


The jean decorating party round table discussions made me laugh when they would show Sonja's reactions to it, she was giggling with glee and probably thinking "thank g-d it wasn't me this time." So she gets to blow a hole in everyone's theory about being a drunk, out of control sex maniac.  I did love her helpful hook up hints.

  • Love 11

What the heck does it matter if Carole and Heather were sharing a king size bed or two queens or two doubles?  For what it's worth, I thought it was a king bed.


I think the naked part is odd but whatever.  Now, my only curiosity is about how someone upthread mentioned Heather wrote in her blog that she and Carole had 2 beds. 


That's patently untrue.  Another example of either Heather's memory loss or changing the narrative again?

  • Love 2

What the heck does it matter if Carole and Heather were sharing a king size bed or two queens or two doubles? For what it's worth, I thought it was a king bed.

Oh wait, this has to do with Heather sleeping in the nude? What does it matter. If Carole doesn't care, and maybe she sleeps in the nude as well, who is anyone else to judge.

I just think it's weird that she sleeps naked in the bed with Carole. Is this a topic off limits for judging?

And it is a king size bed, opening scene of "Sonja Island" has a shot of the whole room, as Heather is admiring their shoe collection.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 2

Finally got to watch the episode. hahahaha!. Oh Luanne. I love you always, but I love you best when you're hung over, rocking a black bikini, telling Heather to take it down several notches. That was masterful.

My guess is Carole didn't actually give any shits about the naked man except for two: Shit 1: still being pissed at Ramona about the "fucking a 28 year old" comment and just jumping on the chance to call her out on something. Shit 2: Heather being so upset.

Seriously, the look on her face when Bethany didn't immediately get upset about the story told me all I need to know. She doesn't give a fuck if she wakes up to the cast of Hair sprawled out on her floor. She just wants to be on the right team come reunion time. When Bethanny shrugged off a Turks and Cacos one night stand she calmed herself right down. And she totally apologized to Luanne. My guess is after that brunch she was worried she would come across as an uptight middle aged lady and started to back peddle her reaction. I mean super cool, carefree writer girls love vacation tail! Amiright?

  • Love 9

I just think it's weird that she sleeps naked in the bed with Carole. Is this a topic off limits for judging?

And it is a king size bed, opening scene of "Sonja Island" has a shot of the whole room, as Heather is admiring their shoe collection.


In my opinion, yes.  That's their business.  You certainly have the right to disagree.   Maybe Sonja and Ro sleep naked too. 


As I said, I thought it was a king size bed.

  • Love 1

You see me defibrillating my horse?  Damn yall.



Speaks to my core.  So my clutch your pearls story isn't nearly as traumatizing as what has already been shared.  But here goes.  I've lived in my house for 10 years.  During that entire time I've had an alarm system, which I never bothered to activate.  There is no valid or rational reason for this, it was just another "appliance" in the house I gave no thought to.   Picture it, February 25, 2015, four days after having an entirely new alarm system put in - again, no forethought to personal safety - my kid had lost her phone and this company was all, if you switch to our security system we'll give her a new one for free.  Anyway, it's four days after I'd learned to use this thing.  I'm leaving the house, I say to myself, self, for fuck's sake press the buttons, you don't even have the excuse of being *intimidated* by the gadget anymore.  I press the buttons.   Three and a half hours later I arrive home and disarm the system, enter my kitchen and just for shits and giggles rearm it (I'm standing in a room without a sensor).  Just as I put my keys on the counter, I hear footsteps (the only other person I live with is away in boarding school).  The presence of a man on my staircase has set off the living room motion sensor.  The blaring sound sends him running through the kitchen, past a terrified me, who is crouched beneath the kitchen counter.   I'd gone 10 years without a break in.  Four days after installing a new (and better) system, I came face to face with my home intruder.  Probabilities are for gamblers, possibilities are everything.



How are either of these potentials even remotely close to the same threat level?

LOL you make me laugh with your posts, thanks!

Paddles, Nurse!  Stand away!  This nag is coming back!

  • Love 7

I think the naked part is odd but whatever.  Now, my only curiosity is about how someone upthread mentioned Heather wrote in her blog that she and Carole had 2 beds. 


That's patently untrue.  Another example of either Heather's memory loss or changing the narrative again?

I think Wire is mistaken on that.  I just checked Heather's blogs from Turks and I didn't see that mentioned. 

  • Love 1

In my opinion, yes. That's their business. You certainly have the right to disagree. Maybe Sonja and Ro sleep naked too.

As I said, I thought it was a king size bed.

Is it just their business if it's on a reality show? If Heather hadn't mentioned it, it would still be just her business as far as I'm concerned, but she did, so...fair game! Edited by shoegal
  • Love 2

Heather/Carole's room looked out on the side of the house, not an ocean view! They did not have a master suite. Agree to disagree.


Zaldamo is right.  We'd all make the best litigators ever.  Case in point.


Exhibit C, your Honor:   Minute 0:21.  Now we're in Lu's room.  Carole and Beth declare she has the best room.  Pool and ocean view.  And Heather says, "We're right on top of you!"  So they also had an ocean view.


Can we close the case now? LOL

  • Love 8

Zaldamo is right. We'd all make the best litigators ever. Case in point.

Exhibit C, your Honor: Minute 0:21. Now we're in Lu's room. Carole and Beth declare she has the best room. Pool and ocean view. And Heather says, "We're right on top of you!" So they also had an ocean view.

Can we close the case now? LOL

Well, I have photographic evidence but I don't know how to post it, Your Honor. LOL

Case, rested.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 1

Is it just their business if it's on a reality show? If Heather hadn't mentioned it, it would still be just her business as far as I'm concerned, but she did, so...fair game!


OMG.  You guys are cracking me up.  There is so much double standard going on between all the HWs I can't even keep track anymore.


Team:  I Don't Sleep Naked With My Friends

  • Love 5

So now Kristin is trying to stir up trouble giving quotes to the press? Boo.


OK, no. When Dorinda went off on Kristin she was totally within her rights. That wasn't the same as the FU dinner. I also don't like Heather making judgments on Dorinda's happiness. Shady.


OMG, those atrocious looking jeans.


Kristin is awful at fighting. She needs to go. Love B for getting out what she needed to say and then letting it go.


LuAnn does have a point about Heather and Carole bursting into her room. I mean, we can get into a conversation about who has the right to be more upset but it's still a solid point. Also, I'm not quite sure what to believe about Carole supposedly apologizing since we know that she will lie and stir shit up when it pleases her.


I love that Ramona was hiding at the table the whole time the fight was going on when it was probably her guy. She definitely didn't get enough heat from that.


I also love that they're in this random dude's apartment having their fight.

  • Love 3

Lu's blog is up.  From her blog:


As for the man I was flirting with being married, I can assure you his marriage vows are still intact!


Didn't she admit she was making out with him?

This is one of those times where LuAnn has a hard time reconciling LuAnn and the Countess. LuAnn is a kinda trashy good time Sally. The Countess is a pretentious maybe bigoted snob. LuAnn probably banged the married Scot, but the Countess sent him home in a cab.

  • Love 5

Lu's blog is up.  From her blog:


As for the man I was flirting with being married, I can assure you his marriage vows are still intact!


Didn't she admit she was making out with him?

LOL, She most certainly did not deny having sex with him either on the episode! LOL I love that she takes offense at Heather/Carole invading HER privacy but thinks nothing of someone being in their shared space! LOL


Finally got to watch the episode. hahahaha!. Oh Luanne. I love you always, but I love you best when you're hung over, rocking a black bikini, telling Heather to take it down several notches. That was masterful.

My guess is Carole didn't actually give any shits about the naked man except for two: Shit 1: still being pissed at Ramona about the "fucking a 28 year old" comment and just jumping on the chance to call her out on something. Shit 2: Heather being so upset.

Seriously, the look on her face when Bethany didn't immediately get upset about the story told me all I need to know. She doesn't give a fuck if she wakes up to the cast of Hair sprawled out on her floor. She just wants to be on the right team come reunion time. When Bethanny shrugged off a Turks and Cacos one night stand she calmed herself right down. And she totally apologized to Luanne. My guess is after that brunch she was worried she would come across as an uptight middle aged lady and started to back peddle her reaction. I mean super cool, carefree writer girls love vacation tail! Amiright?

LuAnn had on a YT BRA and her underwear, not a bikini when she came out of her bedroom with her bathrobe wide open! LOL

  • Love 1

Is it just their business if it's on a reality show? If Heather hadn't mentioned it, it would still be just her business as far as I'm concerned, but she did, so...fair game!

OK.  So what is the significance of Heather sleeping in the nude?  Why does it matter so much?


Rye thinks it's a little weird.  OK.  I get that.

  • Love 3


Kristin is awful at fighting. She needs to go. Love B for getting out what she needed to say and then letting it go.


LOL, her quote 'the gloves are on!!' Then mimics putting on gloves.

Ummm, I think you've got that backwards, Kristen!

She's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but she's preeeettttyyy!

OK.  So what is the significance of Heather sleeping in the nude?  Why does it matter so much?


Rye thinks it's a little weird.  OK.  I get that.

I said it was weird to me.

  • Love 6

Cool, fun recap.


Best part:


"Positioning yourself as the main foe of the Countess is not the best plan for gaining followers, Heather. There is no cult fanbase for people whose main personality traits are rationality and respect for others."

  • Love 4

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