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My Motivation Is This...

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I loved this thread over on TWOP, and thought it would be cool to bring it here. Can't wait to see what you guys/gals come up with, motivational poster wise. Note: It's meant to be like it in spirit, so it will not be exactly the same.
A little bit about each:
Motivational posters are for learning and inspiration. But Demotivational posters are for laughs and for parodies. This thread is for the latter.
This thread is for:
Tv related motivational posters (for example: Supernatural, Quantum Leap, etc.)
Movie related motivational posters (for example: Batman, Independence Day, etc.)
Keep it light and funny! Let other people know of funny moments that happened in shows, via images and words :).
Feel free to let me know either in thread or via PM, if there's anything else that needs to be made more clear. I'll look into it.

Do NOT go and post anything that's...
* Inappropriate
* Rude
* Offensive
Those will be dealt with accordingly.
Thank you.



Keep the (de)motivations coming!


 I'll go and get some of mine that I've made, and some others I've collected (credit goes to who made them originally) to start this off...

For those times when we wanted to throw something at Chris. :p

Edited by AntiBeeSpray
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Yay!! Thanks AntiBeeSpray - I wish I had the motivator-fu, but I'm technologically challenged, as well as not quite as witty as you all. I'll keep reading and supporting - let's get this thread up and moving again! (what I lack in wit I make up for in entooziasms).

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daisycat there's a tool you can use here http://diy.despair.com/ and I'm sure there's more out there if you look. For the one I linked to the image has to be on your computer but you just upload the image, type in the text and then download the poster. Then you can upload it to imgur and post it here. 

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Got inspired... 




Both M & S and Perry and Della have really similar chemistry. And when I saw this one picture of the latter, I thought it looked similar to a recent pic of the former... so I couldn't help but make a motivational poster of them. Even though the former aren't exactly in character, it was still worth it.

Edited by AntiBeeSpray
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I only posted 1 or 2 motivators ever at TWoP, but somehow, in the waning hours of 5/31, I managed to post the last one, and it pretty much sums up my evening last night:



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I only posted 1 or 2 motivators ever at TWoP, but somehow, in the waning hours of 5/31, I managed to post the last one, and it pretty much sums up my evening last night:



Right in the feels.

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On another note . . . what is Moxie? Looks like a soda to me.


Moxie Makes Mainers Mighty!


It is indeed a soda, and it's actually older than Coca-Cola. It's pretty unique to Maine and Mass. at this point.  I've described it as "the soda for those who think Coke Classic is too sweet" and "carbonated pine tar," but most people say the taste can be approximated as root beer and bitters.  And I was indeed drinking it with rum on Saturday night during the death watch of a site I frequented ;) .

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I loved the motivation thread too. Some of my past ones (since I'm at work and can't make any right now.):

Pretty Little Liars


Warehouse 13


I totally have some ideas, I'll make them tonight.

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I only posted 1 or 2 motivators ever at TWoP, but somehow, in the waning hours of 5/31, I managed to post the last one, and it pretty much sums up my evening last night:



Shit. I forgot about that :(. I'll miss that place.

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I'm SO not a techy, but I believe the image site that has been working the best here is imgur.com. I've gotten my images to work through there, and I have no experience with Photobucket.

Cool. Been using Photobucket for years with no real issues, other than their dear beta, that they thankfully didn't stick with. It seems to work ok here too. Basically you just up load images... but in order to get to the images, you go into your library and then choose the image, click on it and pick from one of the HTML links they have to the right of the image.

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I guess most chicks with "LL" initials suck. Don't forget about Lois Lane from Smallville.


More True Blood stuff . . . let me know if the first poster is out of line . . .









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I liked Lois in the last two season but to each their own.Unfortunately it looks like Laura is the Arrow writers pet just like Lana was the Smallville's writers pet,and they always want their pet to be with the hero instead of the smart blonde that the fans want the hero to be with.

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Hi, I was just wondering if this My Motivation is this will be like the TV without pity one where you can post a request for posters for a big birthday or if you need cheering up.Please post your answer on whether or not we will continue to do this. If so I have a request for a birthday coming up,I will detail more if you decide to continue. 

Edited by supernatural666
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While I'm waiting for the right screencap, I might as well warn you about something I saw advertised this evening . . .



The Boondocks (and oh my Lord, does it suck sooooooo hard)


ETA: Found the screencap of what I wanted. I call "bullshit," but just in case it's an actual True Death . . .



True Blood (and her death was a "Cheer" in TV Guide, which . . . damn.)

Edited by Lantern7
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Here is my request If you choose answer it thank you if not that okay.On the third of July it will be my 21th birthday and some posters to celebrate with would be really cool.Here are some of the shows I like Doctor Who especially eleven era,Sherlock,Grimm,Arrow and as you can tell by my name Supernatural, I especially like Dean and Castiel.Like I said if you have the time and you want to do that very nice and thank you but if  you don't have the time or don't want to do it that okay. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and if any of you guys ever post a request and I think I can do it I will try and make for you.

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I did a search for "Bon Temps, mob," and this is what I found . . .



True Blood


ETA for the birthday girl . . . hope I'm doing this right . . .



Supernatural (BTW, typing in "Castiel baby" wound up with some weird results)

Edited by Lantern7
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While watching Inside the Walking Dead last night,Norman Reedus said that if they killed off Daryl he would set his trailer on fire and that police would have to escort the set because he would be so mad.When I hear that I had to make this poster.KDknpkw.jpg

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I know, this wasn't the death everybody was talking about, but it did amuse me . . .



True Blood


ETA for the recently Emmy-nominated Archer . . .



Edited by Lantern7
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Public service announcement for a screwed-over show . . .



(Beware the Batman) (here's the forum link if you're interested)


. . . and if case you didn't hear about the new season . . .



(It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) (by the way, typing in the show and "Riot" while image searching will get you a lot of Mac t-shirt shots)

Edited by Lantern7
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Good to see that there's gonna be more Bats in the future.


I took a break from motivators when TWoP shut down, but I suddenly had the urge to make this one from Naruto (assuming that whatever problems I'm having with ImageShack right now are temporary):


He really should lay off the spicy food.



ETA: The problem is fixed...for now. I'm still going to look into another image host so I can dump the 'Shack.

Edited by Sandman87
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Good News/Bad News. Good News: Sandman87 is back! Bad News: There are still problems with ImageShack.


In other news: CN/[as]/Toonami swapped things around. Beware the Batman will be airing at 2:30, not 3 a.m.

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