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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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I have nothing against Brandon Roth, but a spin-off starring Ray Palmer would be beyond stupid.  I would even rather watch a Slade spin-off of just him chilling in that cell, Ollie locked him in.


Of course, TPTB already torpedoed by dream spin-off: Sara and Nyssa's Adventures as Globe-Trotting Assassins!


Thanks for the Colin Salmon link.  Walt was a minor character, but I really miss him, and what Colin brings to each episode he's in.

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I liked the tv interview with BR well enough.


I am baffled as to why there aren't more interviews with David Ramsey - isn't this next one supposed to have a lot with him in it, too?


As for EBR, the only one she's done recently was with CH while they were touring Europe.


Why isn't she being interviewed more?  And whose decision is it - hers, her agents, the show's or the studios?

Edited by writersblock51
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No way am I watching a KC interview until someone tells me it's safe.  The last few have scarred me.

I don't know if you trust my opinion but it's not that bad. :) It's a lot better than the written interviews. I didn't have a problem with most of the things she said. 

Edited by ban1o

I offered myself as tribute and watched it. Same stuff as usual, Laurel is strong and a warrior and it's a journey and she's got biceps now. She also doesn't really answer what was being asked a bunch of times, which I always find hilarious.


She completely evaded the crossover question [i'm guessing Laurel is not involved in the crossovers?], and she went on for awhile about having to tweak the background story she made up for Laurel as she gets new scripts, which actually gave me hope she'll actually do it for once and stop playing Laurel in 2012.

Edited by dancingnancy
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I'm sorry but she comes across as so disingenuous. Caity took one for katie not for the team. She also gives a terrible interview. Lol Laurel is not a warrior.

She literally said "Laurels journey proves my skills as an actor". I swear she couldn't have meant that. Surely she meant the opportunity to stretch her muscles.

Wow what a terrible interview.

Edited by catrox14
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I'm sorry but she comes across as so disingenuous. Caity took one for katie not for the team. She also gives a terrible interview. Lol Laurel is not a warrior.

to be fair in the last episode Sara's death had a lot of implications on Oliver and was one of the reasons why Felicity took the job with Ray and the mystery is going to drive the first half of the season, according to the EP's

Edited by ban1o

I really believe that the EPs think solving Sara's killing is going to drive the season (and me, I really don't care, I'm sure it's going to be something contrived).  But the bottom line is, if they didn't have to make Laurel the BC, Sara would not have died.


It's interesting how perceptions can change.  When KC put out all those photos of herself working out, I thought she was doing it to show doubters that yes, she can do the BC physical stuff.  But now that Sara's dead and KC doesn't have to prove to anyone she's going to be BC, it looks like they, like the picture of her being fitted for her mask, are "Look at me, aren't I great?" 


I watched the first part of the interview.  What I get is a)smugness and b) a total lack of preparation.  There are some obvious questions she's going to be asked (e.g. about her relationship with Ted Grant). For heaven's sake, if you're that bad at interviews, prepare some answers in advance.  (And stop spinning around in the chair like a 5 year old, but that may be just me.)


She's really gone blonde.

Edited by statsgirl
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She completely evaded the crossover question [i'm guessing Laurel is not involved in the crossovers?],

She sounded like she didn't want to give away spoilers, since that episode is so far ahead. I'm pretty sure she in the crossover (well the Arrow part). She was in Vancouver during part of the filming and she usually leaves Vancouver when she isn't filming, 

Edited by ban1o

to be fair in the last episode Sara's death had a lot of implications on Oliver and was one of the reasons why Felicity took the job with Ray and the mystery is going to drive the first half of the season, according to the EP's


True but, those storylines could occur regardless of Sara's death. Laurel's journey to specifically driven by this event. 


Also I'm already bored with the mystery aspect of who killed Sara.


Thanks @dancingnancy, @catrox14 & @ban1o for watching and reporting back. I have no intention of watching anything to do with KC or Laurel's journey

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she isnt in the crossover. She was in Dallas i think for 2 weeks. I think she also barely if at all in the Cupid episode. Also there was that exchange with James Bamford where she said she wanted to be there when they were filming/preparing for the shoot. So if she is in it. Then only for a brief time.

Edited by Velocity23

Katie is so awkward and confused in these interviews. The whole time her voice is cracking, she avoids eye contact, & spent most of the time looking down. I wanted to get something from this video, something that has been missing from her written interviews & it's just worse. I feel like she has no idea what is going on in the show or with her character, at least that's how she comes off.


When they asked her about the difference between Sara's Canary and what Laurel's potential Canary would be, she went on about how Sara was Canary & maybe Laurel will move towards becoming Black Canary. The fact that she made that distinction, making sure they knew she was going to be a whole new character (even though Sara was the first BC like DLL's mom in the comics), and not just the Canary that Sara left behind - annoyed me. After establishing that they knew that there is Canary & Black Canary, all she said was that Sara was strong but Laurel has inner strength. As someone who didn't care about Laurel before hand, and finds myself really disliking her after they killed Sara to further her arc... I'm just further in the dislike zone after this video.

Edited by JJ928
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After making sure that they we knew that there is Canary & Black Canary, all she said was that Sara was strong but Laurel has inner strength.


Yeah, after surviving a shipwreck and working with an unstable scientist who did god knows what to her, surviving her LoA training and dealing with not only the emotional impact of being an assassin but also the aftermath of being one, trying to transition back into society and live a normal life before giving all of that up and returning to a life she hated - a life she tried to kill herself to leave  - in order to protect her family and her city. God, Sara really was an emotional lightweight!

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 21


Sara was strong but Laurel has inner strength

I have trouble believing this. Laurel has no inner strength as far as I'm concerned. She's motivated by anger and revenge and to me anger does not equate to strength. Felicity epitomizes inner strength, in fact, that's how the EPs describe her ('inner steel'). Regardless, Sara had more inner strength than Laurel. Even though she doubted herself at times, she never quit and she never questioned her beliefs. Laurel on the other hand can't even tell her father than his youngest daughter is dead because she's scared. How is that inner strength? It's just cowardly. 

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 I'm sure she's a nice girl in real life, but she seems to be very inarticulate. She spoke for over 10 minutes in that video, but I got nothing of substance out of her comments.

Does anyone remember the TV show Wishbone?  Wishbone had a great line when he was playing Cyrano de Bergerac and describing Christian "There's nothing there behind those curls."  I don't want to be mean and everyone says KC is a nice person but I can't get that line out of my mind when I see an interview with her. In print, the writer can at least group things more cohesively.

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she isnt in the crossover. She was in Dallas i think for 2 weeks. I think she also barely if at all in the Cupid episode. Also there was that exchange with James Bamford where she said she wanted to be there when they were filming/preparing for the shoot. So if she is in it. Then only for a brief time.

Based on her instagram she was there for a few days of filming I think. 

Watching that KC interview was like pulling teeth. I'm sure she's a nice girl in real life, but she seems to be very inarticulate. She spoke for over 10 minutes in that video, but I got nothing of substance out of her comments.

well she can't reveal any spoilers. All of the actors on the show (except maybe Stephen) struggle with answering the questions without giving spoilers. Like all I got from WIlla's interviews is "The Thea Queen that left Starling City is not the Thea Queen that returns" lol.  

Edited by ban1o

Well she can't reveal any spoilers. All of the actors on the show (except maybe Stephen) struggle with answering the questions without giving spoilers. Like all I got from WIlla's interviews is "The Thea Queen that left Starling City is not the Thea Queen that returns" lol.  


I disagree. No one reveals spoilers and but everyone is a lot more coherent and sensible than her.


Have you ever seen any interviews with either David Ramsey or Emily Bett Rickards? They know their characters so well and always have very comprehensive, smart and coherent answers.


KC, I believe is not really a smart person. She can memorize lines and say her dialogues but she cannot really talk about a character that she has been playing since February 2012 to save her life.

Edited by TanyaKay
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Based on her instagram she was there for a few days of filming I think.

well she can't reveal any spoilers. All of the actors on the show (except maybe Stephen) struggle with answering the questions without giving spoilers. Like all I got from WIlla's interviews is "The Thea Queen that left Starling City is not the Thea Queen that returns" lol.

And that is a perfectly acceptable and PROFESSIONAL response. Katie would do well to follow suit.

I do like that question. What makes her canary different from the other one? It would have been a great opportunity for her to distinguish herself and get folks interested in her character. We didn't get to see allot of the first canary's solo work, so story-wise it could be interesting. To bad it won't be. A good starting place would be the difference between starting with LOA vs, her canary starting in Starling.  It is weird for me because  not knowing the real answers to the questions asked I could come up with some good answers. I guess not everyone has that ability.

Edited by icandigit
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She's the show's leading lady.


And now that Laurel is going to be the BC, the show's p.r. department want people to be excited about Laurel.  But they really should give her some coaching.

know she is the leading g lady on paper, but she is a terrible interview. If it were me I would put a gag order on her

She also said secretly she was happy that everyone was so sad and pissed that she died. lol


Then she did talk about Laurel and how she liked Laurel's arc last season even thought she knows most people didn't and she thinks that Laurel will make a great Canary because of the darkness she faced in season 2. See, it's not hard is to talk about the other actors and the characters they play. However I did like that even CL mentions that people didn't like Laurel's barely there drug and alcohol problem last season. 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 14

She also said secretly she was happy that everyone was so sad and pissed that she died. lol


Then she did talk about Laurel and how she liked Laurel's arc last season even thought she knows most people didn't and she thinks that Laurel will make a great Canary because of the darkness she faced in season 2. See, it's not hard is to talk about the other actors and the characters they play. However I did like that even CL mentions that people didn't like Laurel's barely there drug and alcohol problem last season. 

Good for her.  I'm glad she knows people appreciated her character so much and for keeping it classy.  I wish nothing but great things for Caity.

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Poor SA. He sees a lot of his hard work going to hell in a Laurel basket.

Statsgirl for the win!

One of the worst parts of Sara dying is losing CL and her interviews. Good on her for being honest about her feelings on the fan's reactions.

Edited by AnalyzeAndCritique

I love how Caity Lotz is handling the press about this - she's shown humor, grace and professionalism throughout.

At his NYCC panel, SA said that he had no doubt that she'd land another great job soon - he was very complimentary about her. I hope she does find another job (I know she's already on Mad Men but it's a small role, I think) very soon. 

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She literally said "Laurels journey proves my skills as an actor". I swear she couldn't have meant that. Surely she meant the opportunity to stretch her muscles.


Originally "to prove" meant to test and show ability which is why we still talk about people being tested on the proving grounds...but I'm rather doubtful she would be using a rather anachronistic definition.  Taking the modern definition "demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument" then she really is saying that Laurel's journey demonstrates the truth about her skills as an actor.  I guess I agree, but that's not a good thing.

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