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I don't disagree about Oliver and Felicity probably needing time to focus on themselves instead of a relationship... if they were in real life. But Arrow is a show on the CW, so it's highly unlikely both of them will stay single for long. Either they'll circle around each other/work their way back to each other, or they'll be paired up with other (hopefully) temporary love interests. 

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28 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I'm super confused as to what happened at this private session party. One person is saying the girls only stayed for 10 mins and then left without a word and another is saying that they left but then came back... 

If we are thinking about the same person, and I think we are, after that she admitted they came back after another girl told her they did. I get not liking someone or not liking something they did but since people are pretty quick to judge and jump on people I think creative reports should be avoided.

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9 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I like the use of "I". :-)

Even when they were doing the whole FMK thing he said marry Laurel, kill Barry, kiss Emily lol

Freudian slip??? :p I wouldn't mind. They'd look awesome together and Rick is a total sweetheart :')

ETA: Apparently someone on twitter told me Rick is gay so nevermind then :p I didn't know that. 

Edited by wonderwall
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24 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Even when they were doing the whole FMK thing he said marry Laurel, kill Barry, kiss Emily lol

Freudian slip??? :p I wouldn't mind. They'd look awesome together and Rick is a total sweetheart :')

ETA: Apparently someone on twitter told me Rick is gay so nevermind then :p I didn't know that. 

I know people say that but I also know he dated a pageant girl (don't ask me the name I don't remember LOL) so I'm not sure.

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4 minutes ago, foreverevolving said:

I think what more intrigues me is that he is Hugh Grant cousin! per wikipedia anyway.

WHAT?! Holy crap that's so interesting! :p

15 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I know people say that but I also know he dated a pageant girl (don't ask me the name I don't remember LOL) so I'm not sure.

Oh... Maybe he's bisexual? If so my previous post stands!


Regardless of all that, I really do hope he gets a new role quickly. Love Rick and it's sad his characters get killed off so quickly.

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2 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

If we are thinking about the same person, and I think we are, after that she admitted they came back after another girl told her they did. I get not liking someone or not liking something they did but since people are pretty quick to judge and jump on people I think creative reports should be avoided.

This is probably going to get me in trouble but I feel like some were waiting to point something out with EBR so they could blame it on KCs 'influence'. I can't find much difference in the time she spent at this Con vs last year. So she didn't make a ten minute appearance at a party like she did last year? DR didn't go last year and four other people didn't go this year (five if you want to count DR). She missed a portion of the private session. The Session was running late (as were many things). No photo ops, panels or autos were missed. 

I don't think they should have missed the closing ceremony but who knows why that happened. 

Things just seemed to be so dramatic on Twitter.  I'm not saying that people who were there weren't seeing something in EBR and KCs interaction. But it seemed over blown.

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5 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

I love that Katie answered that she'd marry Lance. 

I also think that playing F/M/K is just asking for trouble, haha.

Did she mean herself or her father? Either way a little creepy. Ditto F/M/K is just asking for a whole lot of trouble - especially with these options.

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I know I'm the minority here... but I really don't think EBR loves Olicity all that much. I know she LOVES Felicity. But for me the jury is still out on what her honest thoughts and feelings are towards Olicity. I'd love to pick her brain when she is allowed to be candid and not talking to a crowd of fans or reporters.

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55 minutes ago, Chaser said:

This is probably going to get me in trouble but I feel like some were waiting to point something out with EBR so they could blame it on KCs 'influence'. I can't find much difference in the time she spent at this Con vs last year. So she didn't make a ten minute appearance at a party like she did last year? DR didn't go last year and four other people didn't go this year (five if you want to count DR). She missed a portion of the private session. The Session was running late (as were many things). No photo ops, panels or autos were missed. 

I think things are blown out of proportion when people get angry at EBR for going to the restroom for 5 minutes...Apparently that's the reason why she missed part of the private session.

And yeah, I do think that people are quick to blame EBR because she's been hanging out with KC more... Also I think it's because people want to compare EBR to SA in terms of how each of them are with their fans. It's sad, but true. I don't see the need to drag someone for not going to a party that they apparently weren't obligated to go to nor do I see the point in dragging someone for going to the restroom during a private session. 

6 minutes ago, kismet said:

I know I'm the minority here... but I really don't think EBR loves Olicity all that much. I know she LOVES Felicity. But for me the jury is still out on what her honest thoughts and feelings are towards Olicity. I'd love to pick her brain when she is allowed to be candid and not talking to a crowd of fans or reporters.

I think she likes them enough... But if she didn't I doesn't, then I don't really care :p EBR sometimes has bad taste (She likes Ray Palmer -_- and she likes Olivia/Fitz???! Um no)

Edited by wonderwall
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^^^^Excellent post!

I guess that's why I usually enjoy EBRs Q&A.  I'm a Felicity first, OTA Second and depending on my mood Olicity or Diggle Third (they swap places)

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Take out the Ray of it all, and I'm with EBR. IRL I'd be BEGGING my girlfriend to dump Oliver. EBR probably thinks of Felicity as a quasi-real person bc she's played her so long, and she wants happiness for her. She and SA have fantastic chemistry, I'm positive O and F will be back together soon, etc., but LBR, Oliver is a very difficult man to be with. So yeah, if not for the Ray thing, I'd be totally with her there. 

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15 minutes ago, TimetravellingBW said:

I think EBR is focused on Felicity first and Olicity second. Her main feedback after Season 3 is she wanted Felicity to be happier and funnier again, and after Season 4 she's talked about how she wished Felicity's paralysis was explored more, and that she could recover from causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, and talked about how she enjoyed Felicity's PT arc and flipping gender roles.

She seems more concerned with having organic character development and decent storylines than being the love interest. (Which imo is a good way to look at it, and I can really respect that she's prioritizing character authenticity before her romantic status, unlike KC who threw Laurel under the bus to try and be the Love Interest again). 

I agree with that. I would just love to know what she really thinks about Olicity. SA & DR seem to wear their Olicity shipper badges on their sleeves. EBR seemed into Raylicity, but seems pretty neutral on Olicity.

I'm with her on wanting real organic character development & decent storylines. I don't want or need FS/EBR to focus on being just a love interest. But I truly do wonder how much she likes it and what her thoughts are on it.  

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19 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

^^^^Excellent post!

I guess that's why I usually enjoy EBRs Q&A.  I'm a Felicity first, OTA Second and depending on my mood Olicity or Diggle Third (they swap places)

Ohh if I were to rank I'd go:

  • Felicity
  • Olicity
  • Diggle/OTA
  • Oliver

Although for me Diggle/OTA are really close to Olicity which is 2nd because they're a huge reason I came back to the show.

2 minutes ago, kismet said:

I'm with her on wanting real organic character development & decent storylines. I don't want or need FS/EBR to focus on being just a love interest. But I truly do wonder how much she likes it and what her thoughts are on it.  

I think if EBR dislikes them, we won't ever hear what she really thinks. If she likes them then she'll probably phrase it like how she loves "tortured love" or something like that (which she's done in the past) or how Oliver helps free Felicity, how he's part of her home, how for Felicity breaking up with Oliver was the hardest thing she's ever had to do etc...

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See, I am one of the very select few who liked Ray and Raylicity. And while I admit that Ray wasn't perfect and there were some issues-- I was able to work with it because Felicity having a love interest before getting together with Oliver was something I really wanted. So I pretty much agree with a lot of what she says-- minus the part about how because Oliver has a kid, that makes her a mother... 

EBR would not be the first actress to not like the main ship of her character though. I think Kristen Bell wasn't a fan of LoVe right? And she preferred Piz? But one of my favourite things about EBR is how much she loves Felicity and how she always wants something more for her than being a part of the ship. She seems pretty vocal about storylines/writing decisions she doesn't like. So if she didn't like a particular writing decision about Olicity I think we might hear from her about it. I do however remember her advice to Felicity (from some set interviews) while they were filming 4x09 was to "slow down". Maybe she doesn't like Olicity, but as long as she continues to bring the chemistry and the emotion to the scenes, it really shouldn't matter too much IMO. 

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I think she does like Olicity. She has tweeted about Olicity taking over the world and when they won the ship of the year award she did say "whether you like it or not it's going to keep going" or something like that.

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I don't know if I really believe either SA or DR are Olicity shippers.  SA MIGHT prefer Olicity to Lauliver because of the actresses and how they approach scenes.  KC has her own ideas and doesn't want anything to influence them whereas EBR is willing to give & take.  They are attending fan events and in the early going they were getting a lot of Olicity questions.  SA was getting them in late S1.  Anyway, they could have just blown off the questions but chose to engage with the fans anyway.

As for Emily, one of the things I appreciate most about her is that her main focus is Felicity.  I think that's why Palmer Tech is important to her.  Unless Ray comes back that story line is hers.   

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4 hours ago, Chaser said:

  I'm not saying that people who were there weren't seeing something in EBR and KCs interaction. But it seemed over blown.

Like seeing what?  

RE: them being apart, TBC I surely agree that they need it, I just balked a bit at Emily's wording - I couldn't quite figure out what she might have meant. But in terms of stopping a minute and sort stuff out, then ok, I get it.

I also like that EBR seems to think more about her answers and tries to give her personal perspective on most things, and doesn't just parrot what the EPs told her. 

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8 hours ago, Chaser said:

This is probably going to get me in trouble but I feel like some were waiting to point something out with EBR so they could blame it on KCs 'influence'. I can't find much difference in the time she spent at this Con vs last year. So she didn't make a ten minute appearance at a party like she did last year? DR didn't go last year and four other people didn't go this year (five if you want to count DR). She missed a portion of the private session. The Session was running late (as were many things). No photo ops, panels or autos were missed. 

I don't think they should have missed the closing ceremony but who knows why that happened. 

Things just seemed to be so dramatic on Twitter.  I'm not saying that people who were there weren't seeing something in EBR and KCs interaction. But it seemed over blown.

I got the same feeling to be honest. Especially from people who weren't there because it seemed they were looking for any sign that their behavior wasn't perfect but at the end they didn't make an appearance at the party they didn't have to be at, like others didn't last year and those who went stayed a few minutes; and they left to go to the bathroom/Willa to smoke a sigarette for five minutes after a day of meeting rooms, photo ops, autographs. I think getting outraged over that is a bit silly.

About Emily "shipping" Olicity I agree that she is definitely more focused on Felicity and I'm happy for that, a woman should be so much more than a love interest. But she said great things about them like they are soulmates, that Felicity loves Oliver, that he gave her life purpose, that she and SA are very protective of the relationship and that's more than enough for me.

She is very good at not mixing herself and Felicity IMO. Last year they had the same kiss, marry, kill game and she said as herself she'd marry Ray, which I think is bast taste personally hahaha, but Felicity would marry Oliver because she is in love with him.

SA has always been more open about liking Olicity but I think it's also because he has a preference for Felicity, not only as Oliver, but as himself as well. Awesome taste ;)

Edited by Midnight Lullaby
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I think SA is pro Olicity but primarily in the context of what succeeds for the show/him, rather than deep, personal affection for the couple like shippers.  

Imo SA is very aware of audience reaction, what's working and what isn't working for the show (though he can misjudge) and seems like a super competitive, perfectionist person who seriously dislikes criticism. And he knew Lauriver wasn't well-received, he knew he and KC had anti-chemistry to rival a black hole and he really wanted the show to succeed. Obviously. As the main character when a part of the show's not working, that means to him an aspect of his character isn't working. Lauriver was the glaring criticism amidst praise and given Oliver/SA carries the show on his shoulders so much, having your main romance - which is a big aspect of the show - crash and burn, would weigh on him. 

So when Felicity and Olicity took off, he jumped on board. Olicity was his saving grace in the romantic aspect. It fixed the area he was criticized over, and meant there were glowing articles written about his sizzling chemistry and organic relationship, rather than comments about how wet dish rags conjured up more heat than Oliver and Laurel mashing faces. 

But I'd be interested to know how much he supported Olicity early on and behind the scenes - before everyone involved went public with Olicity being the main couple. (Well apart from KC). Was he actively pushing back against Lauriver and pursuing Olicity during Season 1? Between seasons? Early Season 2? Late Season 2? How much did he talk to the writers about it? Did they decide on Olicity and he happily went with it? Or was he a bigger proponent of the switch? Was he vocal about Lauriver not working? 

It's hard to tell how strongly he supported Olicity behind the scenes, because in earlier seasons -  when SA was less established - he really toed the company line and pushed what the writers were pushing. Obviously he started with all the "Oliver and Laurel are soulmates" spiel early on and in Season 2 he was pretty neutral on Laurel vs. Sara vs. Felicity for Oliver. (From memory). And I remember just before Season 3, him saying Felicity was the one and only woman in Oliver's life was a big deal because he hadn't been as forthright before. 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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15 minutes ago, TimetravellingBW said:

I think SA is pro Olicity but primarily in the context of what succeeds for the show/him, rather than deep, personal affection for the couple like shippers.  

Imo SA is very aware of audience reaction, what's working and what isn't working for the show (though he can misjudge) and seems like a super competitive, perfectionist person who seriously dislikes criticism. And he knew Lauriver wasn't well-received, he knew he and KC had anti-chemistry to rival a black hole and he really wanted the show to succeed. Obviously. As the main character when a part of the show's not working, that means to him an aspect of his character isn't working. Lauriver was the glaring criticism amidst praise and given Oliver/SA carries the show on his shoulders so much, having your main romance - which is a big aspect of the show - crash and burn, would weigh on him. 

So when Felicity and Olicity took off, he jumped on board. Olicity was his saving grace in the romantic aspect. It fixed the area he was criticized over, and meant there were glowing articles written about his sizzling chemistry and organic relationship, rather than comments about how wet dish rags conjured up more heat than Oliver and Laurel mashing faces. 

But I'd be interested to know how much he supported Olicity early on and behind the scenes - before everyone involved went public with Olicity being the main couple. (Well apart from KC). Was he actively pushing back against Lauriver and pursuing Olicity during Season 1? Between seasons? Early Season 2? Late Season 2? How much did he talk to the writers about it? Did they decide on Olicity and he happily went with it? Or was he a bigger proponent of the switch? Was he vocal about Lauriver not working? 

It's hard to tell how strongly he supported Olicity behind the scenes, because in earlier seasons -  when SA was less established - he really toed the company line and pushed what the writers were pushing. Obviously he started with all the "Oliver and Laurel are soulmates" spiel early on and in Season 2 he was pretty neutral on Laurel vs. Sara vs. Felicity for Oliver. (From memory). And I remember just before Season 3, him saying Felicity was the one and only woman in Oliver's life was a big deal because he hadn't been as forthright before. 

He has been following the company line in S1, but I also remember his FB video that he deleted where he said "I love Felicity" answering to fans, when asked about his chemistry with Emily after S1 and during S2 he said stuff like "Of course it's real." That he is really happy people are responding to it, he said that he absolutely didn't agree that Oliver saw Felicity as a sister, but as a woman, that he noticed they made her wardrobe "sexier", that "she is really pretty. We will see, I hope so." when asked about Olicity ever happening..

Those are the things I remember from memory from before they explicitly decided to go for Olicity. I'm not saying he ships the couple like the fans but IMO he has never been shy in expressing a preference. Then of course he is a professional and he was going to support whatever they were going to do with the show and he did officially support Laurel and Oliver when that was the plan.

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Here is @SophieLimbourg's recap of EBR's meeting room session at SHC2, plus a partial recap of CD's panel...

Meeting Room Emily Super Heroes Con, June 11 2016


1/She likes to think that her counterpart on Earth 2 is an evil business woman, using her technologies for bad but still being involved with vigilantes.

2/The reason she stayed in Starling is because this is her home. Also she thinks that her bond with Oliver goes beyond their romantic and friendship connection, since they build so much together. And of course Palmer tech, since that storyline belongs exclusively to her, this is her world, where she’s comfortable.

3/ If Oliver had showed up in her car in real life, she would have called Fanta to let her know there was a very attractive man bleeding in her car and please help. Then she would have bring him to her dad since he’s a doctor and hope he would have make it. (Apparently her dad doesn’t watch the show.)

4/That’s been already said but she was really disappointed by the way her wheelchair storyline was rushed. She really fought to have it more developed but didn’t get her way unfortunately.

5/ She also wished there would have been at least a scene showing the emotional fallout of what happened with the nuke thing at Havenrock and everything that had happened to her this season. 

6/She has a meeting with the writers next week, so she doesn’t know much about S5, except that Felicity and Curtis will have a lot of scenes together.

7/If she got an Overwatch costume she would see it back and gold, with lots of techs, little pockets to put snacks and a computer in her bra.

8/Now that Felicity has a chip in her back, Emily likes to think that she basically is like a computer and can be hackable. She thinks it would make for an interesting storyline if someone tried to do that.  

9/ She would like for Felicity to have a female friend her age with whom she can bond. I suggested Lyla and she liked it but unfortunately Audrey is not often available (I seem to recall David saying it as well).

10/ She would like to see the tape of her audition because she was so young.She didn’t get clear instructions nor an elaborate background since it was a new character and not a big comic book one so she used what she got and made the best of it. She’s happy that Felicity is now able to leave a legacy on the show.

11/Also already mentioned, but her favorite quote is ‘It feels good having you inside me’ because that’s when she realized that her and Felicity were really alike, and that she says that kind of inappropriate stuff all the time. People let her get away with it so she keeps doing it contrary to Felicity who tries to not say them so much now.

12/Once she fell from the wheelchair just before the Christmas vacation and she hurt her tailbone so bad that she couldn’t shoot for the last day and spend her Christmas vacation on pain meds. After that they put little wheels under the chair to get more stability. 

13/When asked about the first episode in S4 in Ivy Town, she felt like Felicity had put on a mask, and when she went on her computer behind Oliver’s back to help the team it felt a bit like she was hiding in her room to masturbate because she felt so good about it :) 

Aside from that, I also loved the fact that Colin included Felicity in some of his answers during his panel even though the question had nothing to do with her in the first place :)

He said that he thinks that Felicity and Tommy probably saw each other when he was on that break with Laurel, staying vague about what they did exactly but saying that she was a ‘good listener’.

He also would love to get an Arrow/Chicago med crossover where Felicity would get hurt and his character Dr Rodhes would take care of her (this is so the stuff of fanfictions, lol).

So Colin has a crush on Felicity like every other sane person on this planet :) 

Edited by tv echo
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And here is @SophieLimbourg's recap of DR's meeting room session & panel at SHC2, plus a partial recap of EBR/WH's panel...

David meeting room and panel and some more Emily stuff - SHCon 2 : June 12


1/ He was wearing white jeans and a black shirt and a scruff and he looked really yummy:) (What, this is important too:)

2/ When asked if Diggle had a guilty pleasure he said that he was too busy telling Oliver what to do and not do to have one.

3/ He thinks the girl who plays baby Sara is one of the best thing on the show. She’s very expressive.

4/ He wanted a new mask and he’s finally getting one in S5, a much better one.

5/He thinks that they should explore the contrast in the relationship between Diggle and Lyla, considering he’s a man with very strong moral compass and ethics, and she’s running a nefarious operation with one hand on the Suicide Squad.

6/Already been said, but he wants things to go back to OTA and street fighting, the 3 of them together.

7/ His go-to phrase (as in Oliver’s ‘You have failed this city) would be 'Copy that’ or 'Stop, Oliver!’

8/The writers and producers thought that Damian/Neal was so good they wanted to find a way to keep him alive.

9/ Him and Stephen bounced back with the idea of a female villain, and they would like to see Oliver kill Merlyn, and Thea becoming the big bad.

10/ The best villain in his opinion was Slade Wilson

11/ He loves it when John B is on set because the 3 of them with Stephen keep goofing around and being idiots.

12/ Diggle is all about trust, and Merlyn can’t be trusted, it is as simple as that. But he understands that it might be more complicated for Oliver.

13/ He wonders where are Diggle’s parents and what kind of people they are.

14/ He knows we missed Stephen and him taking their shirt off last season:) He hopes they do better in S5:)

In his meeting room, he said some stuff that had been said in his panel already.

He told us that he can’t wait to see Diggle’s reaction to Supergirl and that he thinks he will pee his pants and then faint.

After that he asked US some questions, first about when Arrow aired in France. We told him all about the awful voices and bad dubbing:)

Then he asked what we thought about S4 so we told him what we liked but also what we didn’t (in a very polite and civil manner). He was really interested to hear our thoughts about that, notably the BM storyline.

He asked then what we were hoping for S5, and it was rather unanimous that we wanted OTA and Olicity in a healthy, steady and organic relationship. He asked us if we wouldn’t get bored with that and the answer was a resounding, collective 'Never!’:)
*   *   *
If they could give advice to their little selves, Willa would tell Thea to stay in school. Emily would tell Felicity not to hide behind her computers and go look for some emotional connections.

Emily said that Oliver is Felicity’s first big love, the first person she’s really in love with, but she needs to grow by herself before getting back with him.

Emily was laughing at Willa because her last name is Holland and she didn’t know how to say Hi in Dutch:)

They are both very excited about the big crossover but have no idea how they will manage it.

Roy will be back in S5 but we don’t know for how long yet.

Edited by tv echo
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Short video clips from SHC2...

David Ramsey Painel Paris 2016 | ARROW

Painel Emily Bett Rickards and Willa Holland Superheroes 2 Paris | ARROW

Painel Emily Bett Rickards and Willa Holland Superheroes 2 Paris | ARROW

ARROW vs The Flash Superheroes Con II Paris | Willa Holland | Katie Cassidy | Emily Bett Rickards

ARROW vs The Flash Superheroes Con II Paris | Katie Cassidy | Emily Bett Rickards | Teddy Sears

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7 hours ago, looptab said:

Like seeing what?  

RE: them being apart, TBC I surely agree that they need it, I just balked a bit at Emily's wording - I couldn't quite figure out what she might have meant. But in terms of stopping a minute and sort stuff out, then ok, I get it.

I also like that EBR seems to think more about her answers and tries to give her personal perspective on most things, and doesn't just parrot what the EPs told her. 

No one talked about anything specific. One mentioned that EBR/WH were great but when KC was added the vibe wasn't. Another said that they heard not good things at the Con about EBR and KCs friendship. 

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2 hours ago, TimetravellingBW said:

But I'd be interested to know how much he supported Olicity early on and behind the scenes - before everyone involved went public with Olicity being the main couple. (Well apart from KC). Was he actively pushing back against Lauriver and pursuing Olicity during Season 1?

I'm guessing this, or at least he wanted to get the ball rolling (since it takes time such a large part of the narrative).  Publicly, his first mention of Olicity on Twitter was in February 2013 (during S1) and it was to make sure people knew how to spell it (which will never not amuse me). 

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12 hours ago, HighHopes said:

See, I am one of the very select few who liked Ray and Raylicity. And while I admit that Ray wasn't perfect and there were some issues-- I was able to work with it because Felicity having a love interest before getting together with Oliver was something I really wanted. So I pretty much agree with a lot of what she says-- minus the part about how because Oliver has a kid, that makes her a mother... 

EBR would not be the first actress to not like the main ship of her character though. I think Kristen Bell wasn't a fan of LoVe right? And she preferred Piz? But one of my favourite things about EBR is how much she loves Felicity and how she always wants something more for her than being a part of the ship. She seems pretty vocal about storylines/writing decisions she doesn't like. So if she didn't like a particular writing decision about Olicity I think we might hear from her about it. I do however remember her advice to Felicity (from some set interviews) while they were filming 4x09 was to "slow down". Maybe she doesn't like Olicity, but as long as she continues to bring the chemistry and the emotion to the scenes, it really shouldn't matter too much IMO. 

Sarah Jessica Parker wanted Carrie with Aidan instead of Big, too.

Can't upvote your post, though. NO CANE TOAD FOR MY GIRL!

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5 hours ago, TimetravellingBW said:

But I'd be interested to know how much he supported Olicity early on and behind the scenes - before everyone involved went public with Olicity being the main couple. (Well apart from KC). Was he actively pushing back against Lauriver and pursuing Olicity during Season 1? Between seasons? Early Season 2? Late Season 2? How much did he talk to the writers about it? Did they decide on Olicity and he happily went with it? Or was he a bigger proponent of the switch? Was he vocal about Lauriver not working? 

Some of SA's comments about O&F over the past few years...

02/14/13 - SA's first tweet about Olicity:

04/24/13 - SA: “Just based on her [Felicity] knowing more about me than anyone at this point in my present day life, she can probably challenge me in ways that other people can’t, and that’s always attractive... [Oliver doesn’t see Felicity as just a little-sister-sidekick.] I think he sees her as a woman.”

05/14/13 - SA: "No, my girlfriend's not Felicity. I don't really have - she's not one of my love interests on the show. Emily Bett Rickards plays her, and she played an IT girl that was originally just in the third episode. She came on - and I remember talking to the producers afterwards and saying, 'this girl is fantastic' and just allowed me to play a different side of the character that I wasn't really playing him, more happy go lucky, and I was just amused by her. And now she's a regular. She's wonderful, and so - ... Not yet [a couple]. Not that I know of. ... The internet would like us to be a couple."

06/20/13 - SA: "We just talked about how much Laurel doesn't know about Oliver but there's a history there. With Felicity, there's not necessarily a history but in terms of women in his life at present, she knows him better than anybody. Which is not saying a great deal but...I don't know, I'm very touched that the internet has such a fascination and the fanbase has such a fascination with Felicity and Oliver and I think it really speaks to Emily Bett Richards because when she first played the character in episode 3, I remember [Oliver] meeting her and coming around the corner - and we didn't really rehearse full speed - so when I came around the corner and she did her whole [Felicity thing] I cracked a smile which may have been the first time my character had smiled in the entire show. So I give all the credit to her. The writers will do what the writers will do." 

06/23/13 - SA: “In terms of women in his life at present, [Felicity] knows him better than anybody... [But] that’s not saying much. ... I’m very touched that the Internet and the fan base has such a fascination with Felicity and Oliver, and I really think that it speaks to Emily Bett Rickards... When she first played [Felicity] in episode 3, I remember meeting her and then coming around a corner [in the scene] and when she did her whole [nervous schtick] I literally cracked a smile – which may have been the first time my character has cracked a smile. So, I give all the credit to her... The writers will do what the writers will do.”

09/23/13 - In response to question about whether Oliver & Felicity have a romantic or platonic thing, SA: "I see it as a dynamic thing, and if you really think about it, as cuddly as Diggle is, she’s the woman at the moment who knows me better than anybody. There is something very attractive about that."

10/16/13 - SA: "[Oliver and Felicity's] relationship is evolving. She is a full-fledged member of Team Arrow now and she's not afraid to give her opinion. She's smart and capable and Oliver's starting to see that more and more. I don't know where it's going to end up but that relationship is going to continue to strengthen throughout the season."

01/22/14 - When SA & EBR were in contention for a People's Choice Award for Favorite On-Screen Chemistry, SA: “You never know when you’re going to get on-screen with somebody and something is going to click... But it did, and we’re glad that it did.”

01/28/14 - In response to question about who he would pick for Oliver to end up with (Felicity, Laurel or Sara), SA: "I mean there’s just no good way for me to answer that question because ... I’m gonna piss off a huge percentage of the fan base even by neglecting to answer. Which is what I’m going to do. ... I would like Oliver to be happy. And I would like Oliver to be in a relationship where he can be himself because, as fun as it was for me to play the brooding, angry, vengeance-driven version of Oliver … a more contented version, a happier version, that gives you more places to go. So I’d just like him to find someone that he can be happy with. Or be happy by himself."

02/25/14 - On Oliver/Sara romance and Barry Allen affecting Oliver & Felicity's relationship, SA:  "He could very much care about Sara, but what’s the thing that we know about Sara? She can take care of herself. Part of what Oliver said to Felicity in that episode [i.e., he can't be with someone he cares about] is that he doesn’t know if he’s willing to open himself up to having feelings for her, if in fact he does, because the danger is so imminent when you’re in close proximity to him…. Him working with her and her working with him is one thing, but a relationship is another. ... Then we introduced Barry [Allen] in Episode 8 and 9, we saw a lot of people saying, 'Oh, Oliver’s jealous.'  I don’t know how it came across, but that certainly wasn’t the way that I was playing it. It was more curiosity about this guy and their interaction. But jealousy? Not so much. We have this Oliver/Sara thing happening now, and the immediate reaction is, 'Oh, Felicity’s going to be jealous.' But Felicity’s way stronger than that. Felicity is much more interested in the overall goal of this team than the fact that Oliver and Sara might be together, and we see that in this next episode. We see Diggle say, 'This must be difficult,' and her say, 'Yeah, OK. Leave me alone. I’m working.' So, I think that we will see Oliver and Felicity’s relationship really solidified as partners and equals."

01/15/15 - SA: “Laurel is a love from a different part of his life. It’s always gonna be there, but the person that he is now… in his mind, Felicity is the match... It’s just the match that he can’t have, from his perspective."

01/20/15 - SA:  "I think that both Laurel and Sara, for Oliver, were loves that were principally from the past, from before the boat. And any other sort of brief relationship that he’s had has been flawed. Felicity has clearly, over the course of two-plus seasons, grown into that love for him. It’s just a matter of whether or not they can ever find a spot where they can make it work on an ongoing basis."

05/15/15 - In response to fan asking when Oliver realized that he was in love with Felicity, DR first interjected, "When Diggle told him." Then SA replied: "I think probably a little earlier than that actually.  I mean, I say to her - I'm weird this way, remembering stuff - but I say to her in episode 206? I say because of, you know, the life I lead, what we do, I think it's better we not be together.  I don't think he would have said that to her then if it wasn't a tacit admission of his feelings... if that makes sense." Later SA said: "We're so lucky in television to come with these great plans and Felicity Smoak was not part of the Arrow plan. And, um, you need a little bit of luck and a lot of hard work on the way to three full seasons and 69 episodes of television and counting. And Emily was certainly part of the luck aspect of that."

09/04/15 - In response to question about EBR's character not originally planned to be an integral part of the show and if he knew Felicity was eventually going to be Oliver's love interest, SA: "The answer is no and no. ... And, in the early going, after Emily's first appearance in the third episode, it was just people who saw the studio and the network cuts going, 'we enjoyed her performance', so we saw her again. And I knew that she was going to be an integral part of the show when all of a sudden they built her a set. Right? When you build someone a set, they're going to be around for a little bit.  And then she signed on as a regular. But, you know, as late as - I don't know - probably the midway point of season 2, it was like, 'do you think that Oliver and Felicity will ever get together?' And I swear to God, the show runner said this, 'Absolutely not. Never.'  Which is why you never say never... Never say never."

11/22/15 - SA: “I can picture Oliver and Felicity's kid coming out of the womb with glasses on and a six-pack... Russian Bratva tattoo already on its chest.... I think Oliver as a dad, I think he'd be a great dad.  I'd love Oliver to be a dad.”

05/06/16 - In response to question about the future of Olicity, SA: "Well, we did walk down the path, and we have since broken up. ... Although I hope that if I get the chance to come back three years from now, I get to hear you say 'Olicity' again."

06/04/16 - In response to question about whether Oliver & Felicity will ever get married, SA: "I don't know. I don't know. I know that, uh - I know that, um, it was important, uh - I thought especially at the end of season 4, with everything that happened, and obviously with, um, with Laurel Lance's death, that their relationship be put on the back burner, because I think there were more pressing issues, obviously. So I don't know what they're - what's going to happen in season 5. I do know that, um,


they don't - I don't believe they begin season 5 together. So, we'll see where it goes from there."

Edited by tv echo
Added interview mentioned in HighHopes post below
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In regards to Amell and his shipping preferences, I think that he just likes anything that isn't the chemistry blackhole that is L/O and a bit of saying whatever currently supports the storyline...He seemed pretty for Felicity/Oliver in 2A, saying in interviews that Oliver would be jealous of Barry and "you don't know how you feel about someone until they are with someone else" (or something along those lines). And then the goddamn lunge happened, and suddenly Amell was giving interviews about S/O and how they work together, and that "no, Oliver wasn't jealous of Barry". I will never not hate that interview (from February 2014). I think that interview also included the whole "Sara's a fighter so Oliver can be with her and not worry" gem.  

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CL and SA have both said how they had to change everything they thought of for their characters to fit the S/O romance curve they were thrown. It was a surprise for them too since they weren't playing anything romantic prior to the lunge.

Edited by Sakura12
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Yeah, the whole thing came out of left field. There were no hints at all in the first part of the season. But while I hated the Stephen's interviews after that trying to justify that character-destroying (IMO) lunge, I do understand now why. They had to sell the whole "the woman you love the most" trick.

Except Slade never even looked at Sara for that despite knowing about their past and zeroed in on Laurel still. You'd think somebody who kept a close eye on the Queens and presumably the Lances (if he were truly smart) would realize that Oliver and Sara had started banging again and also maybe, just maybe after five years Laurel really isn't Ollie's true love. The whole thing was damaging to the characters (again IMO) and never even played a direct role in the diversion. It was a contrivance only slightly edged in its stupidity by the BMD. 

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The whole romance arc in Season 2 was messed up. SA and CL were not playing Oliver and Sara as romantically interested in each other, then they lunged at each other (which I would've bought as a one-time fall back on old habits hook up, not the actual relationship they put them in) and according to Manu's head canon Slade liked Sara, but he was supposed to be in love and obsessed with Shado. That's what they get for not telling their actors what's going on or making it up as they go along. 

For the kidnapping storyline, Slade should've already been targeting Sara for her role in Shado's death anyway and if he was keeping a continuous watch he should've seen Oliver and Sara together. Then he actually did in the Queen Manor, yet he still went after Laurel. That shows how completely unnecessary Laurel is. She needed a plot and they threw that in there despite it making their villain look stupid. Although I will forever laugh at Quentin telling Oliver and Sara that Laurel's been taken by Slade and they were both like "don't have time for that" and continued to plan their mission. 

Edited by Sakura12
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1 hour ago, Sakura12 said:

 according to Manu's head canon Slade liked Sara, but he was supposed to be in love and obsessed with Shado.  

I never understood this headcanon. Slade was showing he was jealous of Shado and Oliver since 201, well before he ever met Sara. And I don't think there were any hints that he was interested in Sara, so I don't really know where he got the idea that he liked her from. 

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Like many of KC's headcanons, it never came across that way on screen. And the Shado thing was established early on as you say. However, I only learned of this after the fact, so it doesn't really affect my experience and impressions.

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Maybe he thought Slade liked Shado and Sara? The writers made him in love with Shado which he apparently wasn't playing. Or Manu just liked hanging out with CL, they posted a lot BTS pics together. I know he loved her dog. 

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12 hours ago, tv echo said:

More tweets from SHC2...




I can't help think that Colin is getting a bit of payback playing up Flommy for how Laurel suddenly threw her relationship with Tommy under the bus in Oliver being the love of her life. 

He's never been quite so vocal about it before, lol. 

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That's the impression I'm getting as well, Colin seems to be talking a lot about Tommy and Felicity considering they hardly interacted on-screen. (I'd personally have loved to see a Flommy brotp, they could have some funny interactions. I don't think anyone can judge CD for not supporting Merlance as KC has basically said Tommy was a placeholder who took advantage of Laurel, until Oliver came along). 

Also if KC really did ask "what about Laurel?" when he talked about Flommy sex, then she's more dense than I thought. 

I'm absolutely adopting CD's headcanon that Felicity's contact details were in Tommy's phone because she was his confidant during his break up etc. with Laurel. He could totally have run into her at Verdant when she was "installing the wi-fi" and they got talking. 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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I'm ok with the idea that Tommy and Felicity might have been friends off screen, but I'm not a fan of Tommy/Felicity in the romantic sense. Everything on the show indicated that he was 100% in love with Laurel for years until his dying breath, and Felicity deserves better than to be the rebound girl. 

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I see those pictures, and I just want to say, "Sit up straight and stop slouching all over the place!"

Also, "You kids, get off my lawn!"

Edited by bethy
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Yeah I'm not a Tommy/Felicity shipper but their friendship would have been cute.

Thinking about Tommy being totally so in love with Laurel just makes me sad, given she couldn't even wait until his body had been buried for a day before announcing she was "so excited about the future" with another guy. (I do wonder what Colin thinks about those flashbacks if he's seen them?) #TommyMerlynDeservedBetter 

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11 minutes ago, TimetravellingBW said:

(I do wonder what Colin thinks about those flashbacks if he's seen them?) #TommyMerlynDeservedBetter 

Probably that he's really glad Tommy got killed off when he did so he (Colin) didn't have to play the third wheel for another X number of seasons. 

In all seriousness, Tommy dying was probably the best thing to happen to CD because he ended up going back to NYC for work and met his now-wife, who is pretty awesome.  

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