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Haha, I'm sorry. There's no OTA photo op but there is one with SA, EBR and BR...? WTF. 

I'm not even going and I'm annoyed on behalf of those who are. 

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The more I look at that schedule the more confused I am. 

I'm honestly annoyed that Team Arrow may refer to the Arrow cast and not OTA. Esp given the fact that they aren't doing a SA/DR/EBR trio. 

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Maybe whoever runs the schedule is a spiteful comic canon stan...? You never know! Haha.

No, seriously though. I don't understand that schedule at all. So SA/EBR have to take all those photo ops within 15 minutes? Do they realize that Olicity is popular or what?

Whoever has travelled all the way to the UK for OTA/Olicity photo ops, I really hope you guys get them. Crossing all the things for you all!

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7 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I would buy the group photo and then ask everyone but OTA to step aside.

Its my money and I have no shame. 

That was what I was thinking too. Imagine how much the Team Arrow photo would cost if it includes everyone. Should give you the right to ask how people are arranged.

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I'm just confused because I'm pretty sure that con was promoted as OTA reunion? I remember seeing something about that on twitter when SA confirmed he was going again. And then this? LOL. Useless!

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45 mins for the WH/CH/KC photo.

No Smoak ladies. No EBR/DR. No joint panels. 

This is stupid.

Unrelated but I'm curious if Emily is dating Baby Daddy. 

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45 minutes for a WH/CH/KC op but only 15 for everyone else? No EBR/DR. No OTA. No Smoak ladies. EBR, SA and BR in an op together? All the other 'ships' have panels but no Olicity one?

Yeah, sorry, I'm fully on board my earlier conspiracy that a comic stan scheduled this. LOL. 

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They're just denying themselves good money making opportunities. And with such poor planning they're alienating people that might go to their other events or people that couldn't make it this time (me) and would have considered going next year.

Edited by lemotomato
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The worse thing for me is you have to have registered to buy a ticket for a photo op and they allocate a time for you to register. My registration time isn't until 5.30. With only 15 mins for a Stephen and Emily photo there's no way tickets will be available. It doesn't seem very fair. 

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Good luck with trying to keep a Photo Op down to 15 minutes. I guess no one can ask for special poses. I know they usually rush everyone through so you don't get to talk to them but that sounds almost impossible.

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4 minutes ago, theacostov said:

The worse thing for me is you have to have registered to buy a ticket for a photo op and they allocate a time for you to register. My registration time isn't until 5.30. With only 15 mins for a Stephen and Emily photo there's no way tickets will be available. It doesn't seem very fair. 

KC/WH/CH may have tickets! 45 freakin mins.

Im bitter and I'm not even going. 

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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

Someone on twitter just noticed that all the fictional couples (even Roy/Thea!) get joint panels except Olicity. @Angel12d's conspiracy theory is sounding more and more plausible

What's even stranger:


Half of the characters (Roy, Carter, Ronnie) aren't even on their respective shows anymore...

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Even the Hawks actors have a 45 minute photo op. WTF is going on?

Schedule panels for every other ship but not Olicity and try telling me there's not something more to it. CONSPIRACY! I'm telling you. 

I'm getting annoyed and I'm not going either. Haha.

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I'm angry on behalf of people that are going because they were really looking forward to EBR and OTA and honestly, it's a steep admission price for a 2-day Con (~$160 USD). Rogue Events has basically pulled a bait-and-switch.

And no one cares about the Hawks, JFC.

Edited by lemotomato
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47 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

What's even stranger:


Half of the characters (Roy, Carter, Ronnie) aren't even on their respective shows anymore...

Olicity is likely the big money couple and they can't even get a joint panel UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!! What BS

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1 hour ago, wonderwall said:

What's even stranger:


Half of the characters (Roy, Carter, Ronnie) aren't even on their respective shows anymore...

Like WTF would the Carter/Kendra actors even have to talk about to fill 45 minutes? Might as well add Brandon Routh to that panel since Ray/Kendra has probably had as much screentime as Carter/Kendra

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That schedule is a real fuck up, but it's possible the intentions behind it are actually good. They've given Emily a solo panel, while rightly figuring that no one would go to a Ciara or Colton solo panel, so basically  that's why they paired up the actors.

Surely the photo ops suck. Also,it seems they are putting Stephen's and John's panels up at the same time both times. Uh? WTF.

Edited by looptab
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16 minutes ago, looptab said:

That schedule is a real fuck up, but it's possible the intentions behind it are actually good. They've given Emily a solo panel, while rightly figuring that no one would go to a Ciara or Colton solo panel, so basically  that's why they paired up the actors.

Surely the photo ops suck. Also,it seems they are putting Stephen's and John's panels up at the same time both times. Uh? WTF.

That's a good point about the couples panels. Has EBR ever done a panel just by herself? I thought she had one at the Paris Con last year, but I'm not sure if Colton sat in with her.

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2 hours ago, lemotomato said:

Looks like most of the Arrow related combo photo ops are only 15 minutes, with the exception of WH/CH/KC, who get 45 minutes. I'm sure that's because that combo is very much in demand. 

Maybe they allotted time for people who have a tendency to run on their own timetables.

Good Luck to everyone going, I hope people still have fun. Heck maybe the schedule will change by the weekend.

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I really hope the schedule is adjusted for those who are going. That looks like a nightmare. There is a zero chance of those pics being taken in 15 minutes. Zero. Is there some British colloquialism my American brain is missing that would make this possible? Are they only selling ONE photo op ticket? Otherwise, nope. 

I do hope everyone there has fun! Report back! I thought about going for 1.4 seconds. Maybe San Jose if I can find someone to go with me or meet me there.

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Hope everyone going to CoH has a good journey and that the panels are fantastic (and the photo ops aren't as effed up as they look). Anyway, have fun and enjoy all the pretty :)

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Final COH2 Price List

So, there are SA/EBR and SA/DR photo ops. I guess I missed that. SA/EBR/BR is no less hilarious today. One has to wonder at some of these. WH/CH/KC? What does that have to do with anything, Team Arrow second string? And then there's BR and Jason. The only Jason I see is Momoa. Am I missing a connection there?

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Who sets the price for the photo ops and autographs? Is it the artist or the con? Jeez, Stephen's everything is so much higher than the rest. 

And yeah, setting up a Willa, Katie, Colton trio photo op and not an OTA one seems..let's say peculiar.

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Downloadable PDF file of COH2 schedule:

For easier reading, here are the scheduled Q&A Stage Talks (I only listed Arrow or former Arrow actors):

Sat. May 14:

09:00-09:15         Opening Video (Halls 1&2)

09:30-10:15         Stephen (Hall 1)
                            John (Hall 2)

11:30-12:15         Charlotte, Peyton & Italia (Hall 2)

12:30-13:15         David R (Hall 2)

14:15-15:00         Willa & Colton (Hall 1)

15:00-15:45         Katie (Hall 1)

16:00-16:45         Emily (Hall 1)

17:00-17:45         Brandon (Hall 1)

Sun. May 15:

09:30-10:15    Emily (Hall 2)

10:30-11:15    Willa & Colton (Hall 2)

11:30-12:15    Katie (Hall 2)

12:30-13:15    Brandon (Hall 2)

14:15-15:00    David (Hall 1)

15:15-16:00    Charlotte, Peyton & Italia

17:15-18:00    Stephen (Hall 2)
                       John (Hall 1)

The actors all have individual photo and autograph sessions scheduled throughout the weekend (see schedule for times and locations), but here are some noteworthy duo or group photo sessions:

Sat. at 14:15    Stephen & John
Sat. at 16:00    Willa & Colton
Sat. at 18:00     "Group Photo"
Sun. at 10:15    "Team Arrow"
Sun. at 11:15    Stephen & Emily
Sun. at 11:30    Stephen, Brandon & Emily
Sun. at 12:30    Willa & Colton & Katie
Sun. at 14:45    Stephen & Katie
Sun. at 15:00    Stephen & David
Sun. at 16:45    Charlotte, Peyton & Italia

Edited by tv echo
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2 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Stage Talks (I only listed Arrow or former Arrow actors):

Sat. May 14

11:30-12:15    Charlotte, Peyton & Italia (Hall 2)

Sun. May 15

15:15-16:00    Charlotte, Peyton & Italia
Sun. at 16:45    Charlotte, Peyton & Italia

Okay, what's with grouping the three of them constantly? They're guest stars on three different shows where their characters don't have much in common from what I know. Call me crazy, but wouldn't it make more sense to pair them up with, I don't know, people from the shows they're on?

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2 hours ago, looptab said:

Who sets the price for the photo ops and autographs? Is it the artist or the con? Jeez, Stephen's everything is so much higher than the rest. 

And yeah, setting up a Willa, Katie, Colton trio photo op and not an OTA one seems..let's say peculiar.

It's the artist's agent.

I think it's also kind of unfair that the organizers made such a big deal about OTA, using them to promote the con and sell tickets, and then no OTA photo op or panel.

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It's not always the agent, the actor has a say in the price of their autograph/photo op. I think it's SA that choose his price. 

I can understand the grouping of the various actors if there are only a few people attending the con. However even the Paris con last week had CH and CL on one panel and RA, RC and Italia on another. 

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Yeah, that Team Arrow photo op is just crazy expensive.  Are they bringing dinner?  I mean, jeeze.  And they don't even specify who that includes. 

I do hope those attending have a great time.

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9 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

It's not always the agent, the actor has a say in the price of their autograph/photo op. I think it's SA that choose his price. 

I can understand the grouping of the various actors if there are only a few people attending the con. However even the Paris con last week had CH and CL on one panel and RA, RC and Italia on another. 

I didn't mean that the agent decides against the actor's will. I imagine they have a say in that. But when SA started charging higher prices I remember people complained to the con's organizers and they answered they don't decide the prices, they get them from the actor's agent.

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24 minutes ago, JenMD said:

Yeah, that Team Arrow photo op is just crazy expensive.  Are they bringing dinner?  I mean, jeeze.  And they don't even specify who that includes. 

Given the price, I'm guessing it includes every current and past masked character attending the con, and Emily. And maybe a parting gift, because damn.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Emily and the guy from Baby Daddy do make a cute couple. If they are dating. 

But I cannot help but think that Emily's hair looks a little damaged, who know maybe it is the lighting of the photo.

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3 hours ago, bijoux said:

Final COH2 Price List

And then there's BR and Jason. The only Jason I see is Momoa. Am I missing a connection there?

Both have/will play big screen superheroes? Actually I think they may have paired them up on last years photo ops as well.

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I bought my Stephen/Emily photo ticket! Yay! You can do OTA under the Team Arrow photo but that seemed excessive for me. Also I totally cheated and went early and got registered so I could get my ticket. They didn't seem to mind.

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Oh, maybe i should go down now instead of waiting until 5:30? Eh, i don't want an Olicity photo, i really wanted OTA so it's not that big of a deal. 

I'll be going to the the SA, Emily, David and Willa/Colton panels. Or at leasr I'll try to go, depending on the autograph times.

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Yay to you guys going to the con! I hope you get your photos and autographs and have fun! Let us all know how it goes. :D


1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

Good lord. 

Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 9.28.13 AM.png

If you can take an OTA photo in the Team Arrow op, £395 for an OTA pic is obscene. I'm just... O_o


49 minutes ago, Belinea said:

But I cannot help but think that Emily's hair looks a little damaged, who know maybe it is the lighting of the photo.

I think her hair looks terrible, but then I never liked the color anyway. Sorry! Hopefully it is just the lighting that's making it look worse than it is!

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