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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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No but i think WB has always been very supportive of Emily/Felicity and Team Arrow. And the Olicity talk from WB side started around the time MG posted about first day of writing for S3. Well its at least the first time i remember. 


Edited by Velocity23

I didn't watch in the first season, so I'm not sure. But the PR team (and the EPs) know that when they post about Olicity, people talk. And the more people talk, the more people will hear about the show, and the more people hear about the show, the more viewers they may get. The second season comes out on DVD Tuesday, so they may be amping up the talk about the ship right now as a way to get people to not only buy the second season dvds, but also for new viewers to buy the first season as well? 


Either way, from what I've seen the majority of twitter and tumblr users seem to be Oliver/Felicity shippers, and the PR teams are smart- so they will post things and say things that will allow them to stay on the "good side" of the fandom. 


I do however wish that they would post more about Thea, and Thea and Oliver's relationship. That is one of the storylines I am most excited to see this season. 

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I totally get it from a PR stand point, but like you said I wish they would post more on other stuff (I'm so here for Oliver/Thea). I want them to even out the promotion a little. 


It just occurred to me that the vast majority of Olicity promotion is twitter/tumblr. And the articles we see on Enterainment websites is even spread with all the story lines this season. So okay, this makes more sense. Lol

Edited by 10Eleven12

why would it be an overkill?

Probably because it's already been dramatically established that Oliver is willing to kill for Felicity. I'd personally find it a bit too much if Oliver develops a habit of going against his principles and chipping away at his tremulous humanity for someone who is intended to pull him away from darkness. Kind of counterproductive.

If he does end up killing someone again as some have theorized, I'd rather see his loved ones be the salve than the impetus.

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I totally get it from a PR stand point, but like you said I wish they would post more on other stuff (I'm so here for Oliver/Thea). I want them to even out the promotion a little. 


It just occurred to me that the vast majority of Olicity promotion is twitter/tumblr. And the articles we see on Enterainment websites is even spread with all the story lines this season. So okay, this makes more sense. Lol

I do too, but look what happened onTVLine. The lastest Arrow post with the Digglet pics only got 27 comments, while there was 161 comments on the post about the new Arrow promo, and most of those were Olicity related. People only seem to want to talk about Olicity. Give them a chance to talk about something else, and they don't. So why wouldn't PR go for what gets the most reaction? *shrugs*

(And I'm not an Olicity shipper btw - this is just an observation.)

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So why wouldn't PR go for what gets the most reaction? 


Exactly!  Given how social media is now being used by the television industry (and like that or not, it's here to stay), if fans what to see other things from Arrow promoted then they need to ask, comment etc.   Whatever people think of Olicity fans, they are very pro-active about the show.  They respond to requests for questions from interviewers, they post comments to articles, they buy the comics and dvds, they reblog and retweet every single bit of info about Olicity.  If fans did that for Thea, Roy, Malcolm and Laurel, then WB, CW and TV reporters would take notice.  Ultimately, WB and CW are in this to make money and TV reporters are in it for maximum clicks.  Olicity is what gives them that.

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I also just think it's a function of the Secrety Secrets shit creative people are so into in the face of that social media spoiler thread information hungry world. TPTB have strategically decided to give up a lot of information re: Olicity, and it's meant they could keep more secrets about the other storylines playing out: Ra's, Ray, Thea/Malcolm, Roy, Sara. All those things can be the seven other things that are more important than Olicity's almost kiss in the premier that no one knows about because they're too busy squeeing over the almost kiss.  

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I don't think it's a coincidence that Olicity hashtag from WB Home Entertainment is written in green and white. They're trying to sell products and they've lasered in on a segment of the fanbase who is willing to pay out the nose to see what they enjoy.

I'm not super here for that but at the same time, I won't pay for their comics and other merchandise either. It's natural for a corporation to prioritize marketing to the paying customer. Smart strategy.

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I love Olicity as much as the next Olicity fan, but I'm even starting to head tilt at all this promotion. lol


Did they ever do anything like this for Oliver and Laurel when they were supposed to be the 'it' pairing?


I don't remember them promoting it like this, no, but I don't think we can really make a comparison. Most of the promotion for Oliver and Laurel happened before the series even started. That's when those photos of Katie Cassidy holding an apple and Stephen Amell with a bow came out. I think there are some with her holding on to his biceps or something. But the main promotional thrust focused on the series, the superhero aspect, not the romance. Laurel and Oliver didn't get any promotion before S2 because, well, the show had started changing lanes by then.


Exactly!  Given how social media is now being used by the television industry (and like that or not, it's here to stay), if fans what to see other things from Arrow promoted then they need to ask, comment etc.   Whatever people think of Olicity fans, they are very pro-active about the show.  They respond to requests for questions from interviewers, they post comments to articles, they buy the comics and dvds, they reblog and retweet every single bit of info about Olicity.  If fans did that for Thea, Roy, Malcolm and Laurel, then WB, CW and TV reporters would take notice.  Ultimately, WB and CW are in this to make money and TV reporters are in it for maximum clicks.  Olicity is what gives them that.


Yeah, the Olicity fans are really active in promoting the ship AND the show on social media, not just Twitter and Tumblr, although those are big ones. Whenever something gets posted about Arrow and/or Olicity anywhere, I see the reminders pop up everywhere to make sure to leave nice comments, talk about the stuff you like, not the stuff you hate, etc. (which I try to follow because it seems to be a good rule, but sometimes you just need to vent about somebody!)

Edited by SmallScreenDiva

I think they're focusing too much on the vocal fandom of a ship while ignoring the ones who don't care about any ship and are more into action/DC fanboys. 

I don't think the ratings are going to increase (in fact they may even decrease a la Vampire Diaries last year when they promoted the hell out of a couple while ignoring everything else) 

  • Love 1

No, I agree, it can backfire in some cases.

And it's also true that the vocal segment of the fandom is not always representative of the viewing audience in general. Take NCIS for example. Going by the fandom, you'd think most everyone watched for TIva, and I'm pretty sure that's not even close to being true.

Edited by Starfish35

Quite frankly I'm tired of the Olicity promotion. As much as I love them, I really want to hear about Digg and I really want to know what's going on with Laurel and Thea and Malcolm and Quentin...

I think they're taking it a little too far and I'm afraid that the overexposure will have the opposite effect desired and leave people more annoyed by Felicity and Oliver/Felicity. I hope they talk about other characters and soon.

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I dont think one can compare TVD with Arrow. I dont watch the first one but i always got the impression the TVD is basically a show with thousand ships. Stelena, delena, steroline, klaroline, bamon, forwood, i guess there are more.


One has to consider this promo is to sell the DVD. I dont really think they can promote Oliver/Thea for that. Laurel/Oliver was non existent. Roy wasnt really that big part of the story. That leaves practically Team Arrow, the Canary and Arrow team (difficult since Caity isnt a regular) & Olicity. 

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I dont think one can compare TVD with Arrow. I dont watch the first one but i always got the impression the TVD is basically a show with thousand ships. Stelena, delena, steroline, klaroline, bamon, forwood, i guess there are more.


It does have numerous canon and (as of now) non-canon ships..but there is more to the show...though less and less.


One has to consider this promo is to sell the DVD. I dont really think they can promote Oliver/Thea for that. Laurel/Oliver was non existent. Roy wasnt really that big part of the story. That leaves practically Team Arrow, the Canary and Arrow team (difficult since Caity isnt a regular) & Olicity.


What does being a regular have to do with anything? Wouldn't be the first time a DVD's promoted a non-regular. Plus what about Slade? He was a regular and the big bad. Why no promotion on him? 

I do to and i am guessing soon we will get other tidbits. But ATM they are selling the DVD and the most buzz they get from Team Arrow & Olicity. And WB is usually all in arms about those things. I would guess they did they research and not just the social media and figured what sells the most. You could also say they did promote season finale with Slade with the face-off with Arrow and Deathstroke. 

Edited by Velocity23


But ATM they are selling the DVD and the most buzz they get from Team Arrow & Olicity. And WB is usually all in arms about those things.


Yep. WB doesn't care about being fair, they care about selling the most Season 2 blu rays and they are willing to put their promotional efforts where they think they will get the biggest return.

Edited by MsSchadenfreude
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Putting all your eggs in one basket so to speak. They should be catering to all fan bases. The EPs are better at doing that than WB/CW. And we know that type of PR is out of their hands. 


Using Olicity to sell the DVDs makes more sense then using Olicity to sell S3. The people buying the DVDs are not going to be new viewers. But attracting new viewers by Olicity only really works on Tumblr.  Though I think they have already established their viewership at this point. Ra's is the only villain I can see that might increase viewership. I have always thought of Ra's as a Batman villain, thats how I knew of him. Green Arrow and company just doesn't have the name recognize that Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman have.

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They had to first reassure the audience of the Olicity thing wasn't a fake out. But that was mostly done by cast and EPs. And maybe WB is just glad to finally got a pairing in Arrow that seems to create a big buzz. And the fans promote it themselves like crazy. I am not sure but was Malcolm used to promote S1 DVD? 

I think it depends on the platform. For example, the TV ad for the DVD promoted quite a bit of action. If I remember correctly, there was a shot of the Arrow, an Oliver quote, more action, a shot of Diggle, I thought I saw the Canary but I could be wrong (everything was dark), a quote from Felicity ("You are not done fighting"), then the big Slade/Arrow showdown.


I think it just seems a lot to us because we are online and we see all these tidbits, but casual viewers? They don't see all these Olicity posts. They saw the 90-second trailer that had about 10 seconds of Olicity. They saw that DVD promo with almost all action. I doubt they track down every single article/blurb on Arrow so they'll see something like EW's shortie (which, BTW, talks more about Laurel than any other character).

  • Love 6

Yes. Absolutely terrible you didn't like Luke/Lorelai - Unless you are talking about the last two seasons when they ruined everything. LOL


I'm with you on the promotion. Time to pull back on Olicity and focus on other story lines. And you know they don't have to say anything, just tweet a photo of Thea holding a sword. Or a scene of Malcolm and Thea sparring. They wouldn't be giving anything away. 

  • Love 1

I think it depends on the platform. For example, the TV ad for the DVD promoted quite a bit of action. If I remember correctly, there was a shot of the Arrow, an Oliver quote, more action, a shot of Diggle, I thought I saw the Canary but I could be wrong (everything was dark), a quote from Felicity ("You are not done fighting"), then the big Slade/Arrow showdown.


I think it just seems a lot to us because we are online and we see all these tidbits, but casual viewers? They don't see all these Olicity posts. They saw the 90-second trailer that had about 10 seconds of Olicity. They saw that DVD promo with almost all action. I doubt they track down every single article/blurb on Arrow so they'll see something like EW's shortie (which, BTW, talks more about Laurel than any other character).

Well said..that is likely all true.


Is it terrible that I didn't like Luke/Lorelai?


Only if it's bad that I don't like Joey/Pacey.

Oh it is? Ok


I'd say any female character is fairly divisive (while Oliver, the male figure in the ships, remains mostly unscathed) 

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The renewing of certain shows for me always depends on CBS and WB. Mark Pedowitz basically just repeats after what Les Moonves says to him. It was evident with BATB (the only full owned show by CBS) and the Mentalist (WB show) renewal for 13 episodes. In normal case scenario those 2 wouldn't have been renewed. And while they like to say that certain shows have great overseas ratings, i dont think i ever seen proof of that. Hart of Dixie on the other hand was put on Friday last season, so its renewal wasn't a shock. Since it did ok for a Friday show. Lower expectation on Friday, which benefited Nikita also at the time. 

Edited by Velocity23

PSHHHHHHHh. I never liked them tbqh. I really liked Max and Christopher before they ruined him in the seventh season (though to be fair, they ruined everyone in the seventh season). I never understood the Luke/Lorelai appeal :/ It's come to my attention that I'm not a fan of 'endgame' couples... You know the one the writers just know who's going to be endgame from the first episode. Oh well...

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7th season never should have happened. Max was my second choice for her. I hate Delena. Like really hate Delena.


@wingstar55 - AGREED. Its like Oliver isn't in the equation to some fans. Its like Felicity v Laurel. Oliver has been a complete jerk at one point or another to both woman. The Sara era did not bring out the best in him. No fan of Laurel, but Oliver was supposed to be her friend in S2 and he told her to get drunk on his dime and didn't seem to have a problem coupling up with Sara in front of her.

Edited by 10Eleven12
  • Love 1

Is it terrible that I didn't like Luke/Lorelai? :p


Just a little bit.  ;)


I really liked Max and Christopher before they ruined him in the seventh season (though to be fair, they ruined everyone in the seventh season).


I never liked Max and frankly, I thought Christopher was the only one in character, lol.  To be fair, I think I hated the final episode of season six more than anything that came after.  Stupid CW politics.  Grrrr.   


It's come to my attention that I'm not a fan of 'endgame' couples


If it makes you feel better I still root for Jess for Rory and DAVE for Lane.  Stupid ass Zack. 


but why not promote Malcolm a little more? everyone ADORES him!


Once Season three hits, I expect to see everything but Olicity promoted since well, what's left of Olicity to promote??

@BkWurm1, you've become infinitely cooler in my books! :p Well, apart from the whole Luke/Lorelai thing (I was totally in the minority there). But Ugh I really loved Chris and Lorelai! I hated the sixth season finale because I didn't want them to get together like that :/ And the season 2 finale broke my heart because of friggin' Sherry. 


Honestly though, I totally wanted Rory and Jess to end up together, I hate that real life dating ruined that possibility! If not Rory and Jess I totally would've gone for Rory and Tristan. Wasn't a fan of Logan, but I would've taken Satan over Dean. Eugh I hated Dean. ALSO YESSS!!! LANE AND DAVE WERE SO PErfeCT! Then Zack ruined her :/ I feel like the only couple I liked at the end was Sookie/Jackson :p THey were perfect together


And agreed, after the premier, it'll be everyone but Olicity that's being promoted. I mean what else will there be to promote? I feel like we'll probably get one or two minute scenes between them per episode and that's it. Hopefully they use this time to develop their relationship and feelings. 

Is it terrible that I didn't like Luke/Lorelai? :p

Honestly, I just hope that the CW gets it together. i understand why they wouldn't promote Laurel considering she's an extremely divisive character, but why not promote Malcolm a little more? everyone ADORES him!

Really? Everyone? I for one do not like Malcolm, never have and I personally find Barrowman's performance to boarder on campy. I do like Barrowman as an individual but I would have been 10 kinds of fine with Merlyn staying dead.
  • Love 5

Really? Everyone? 

I may have embellished my point :p But I think it's safe to say that a hell of a lot of people (especially comic fanboys) love Malcolm. However, I wonder if they would love him just as much if it were a different actor playing him and not John Barrowman? Hmmm

I do go to IGN as well as Comic Vine and several other Comic sites to talk about comics.

However my point stands. People constantly refer to "comic fanboys" as if they're some sort of hive mind...they don't exist. There is no shared opinion, people just use them to validate their own point. Laurel has to be BC because comic fan boys want it. Comic fanboys hate Olicity, Comic fanboys want the goatee, love Merlyn, etc.

It's all BS, IMO.

"Comic fanboys" only seem to care about Oliver/Laurel.

Except the people who constantly make that argument are shippers, not fanboys, in my experience. I just really hate that generalization because it basically screams scapegoat or validation. Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 9

I think they're focusing too much on the vocal fandom of a ship while ignoring the ones who don't care about any ship and are more into action/DC fanboys. 

I don't think the ratings are going to increase (in fact they may even decrease a la Vampire Diaries last year when they promoted the hell out of a couple while ignoring everything else) 


Or they wanted to address Olicity early, give those fans something to chew on and the keep the fun and adventure and other character arcs more of a secret for the premiere of s3. 

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I watched roughly 1.5 season of TVD. I have a soft spot for Ian S. I gave up because it was just horrible. They established a love triangle early on and they've never gotten rid of it. They just trade out the players. TVD is as teen soap as you can get. 


Arrow has more going for it because its existence isn't completely dependent on love stories. There is action and adventure (which is done quite well) and a variety of characters so almost every viewer can find one to root for. 


I do believe Arrow is taking advantage of Olicity because it has managed to find a couple which has resonated with viewers. Olicity also brings in TVD crowd who want heart eyes and kissy faces. 


Also I suspect. They know what they are going to do with Olicity. Last interview I read made it sound like they weren't sure of the direction of the second half of the season in regards to villains, Thea, Malcolm, and the rest. I don't think you promote Laurel because depending on how the beginning of the season goes, she might not make it to the end. Do you promote

Roy as Arsenal

? A lot of fans groaned when they Daddy Diggle reveal happened in S2. A lot of fans voiced their opposition to Daddy Oliver and Daddy Diggle. I don't think they want everyone playing the S2 game of in which episode is Sara going to die. 


Olicity keeps the buzz going. Fans and critics alike have embraced this aspect of the show. Everything else has been shredded. Slade's motivation as the season villain. Malcolm's return. Laurel's supposed journey to becoming the Canary. They are trying to run with what is working. I can't blame them. 

  • Love 4
Everything else has been shredded. Slade's motivation as the season villain. Malcolm's return. Laurel's supposed journey to becoming the Canary. They are trying to run with what is working. I can't blame them.


How has Malcolm's return been shredded?

IMO from a writing standpoint as well as chemistry...I don't think Oliver/Felicity is working. 

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