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Why do the women at Comic Con dress up and the men don't?


Depends on the cast I guess. As in the video above the guys from the OUAT cast seem fairly dressed up. 


Though really I question why the woman feel the need to dress up? It's not the TCA or something. (Boy I've referenced that a lot recently)

Depends on the cast I guess. As in the video above the guys from the OUAT cast seem fairly dressed up. 


Though really I question why the woman feel the need to dress up? It's not the TCA or something. (Boy I've referenced that a lot recently)

Society expectations on how a woman should look (always dressed up, make up, "like a lady", seductive-ish, showing skin but not too much so it won't look whorish) vs. what is really comfortable for the woman to wear.

I live in New England and i see it during the winter all the time with the my fellow class mates- the guys will wear warm coats and so forth while the girls still wear skimpy outfits, all the while I'm freezing my ass off when it gets below 50F let alone near the 30's.

Edited by foreverevolving
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the only thing I didn't like about that scene was that Oliver should have acted a big more smug/smirky after he push the files out.  I get that Oliver S1 was still in a really dark place but you could imagine that scene if it was Oliver from S2A?  The same smirky/winky action he had in the Russia episode...

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Why do the women at Comic Con dress up and the men don't?

Women have to worry about being skewered by Joan Rivers on The Fashion Police.... men, less so.  Seriously, female stars in Hollywood are still critiqued a lot more for how they look in public than male stars.  

Edited by tv echo


I love how when Stephen says that the best thing about playing the Green Arrow is working with "all these wonderful people", both Emily and David say at the same time, "Good answer! That's the right answer!".  This interview is hilarious, especially Colton's "It's going to be really great because... they start to uh... it's going to be really cool because we basically... and that's what's in store" and the others saying "Good answer!" and cracking up.

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Holy stars! that is hilarious.

you know that could actually be a great idea for a funny romcom movie /TV show. lol. like a person who tweets about other people convos, and the other person thinks he's an idiot, they meet, fall in love. you know all those silly romcom things. i could watch that movie.

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Please tell me that Colton had their permission or it's a bit because I have to say that kind of squicks me :(. I mean what about their privacy ...:(


If it were me he was talking about, I might feel differently...but, he didn't use full names or takes pictures or anything.  It could have been anyone.

If it were me he was talking about, I might feel differently...but, he didn't use full names or takes pictures or anything.  It could have been anyone.

They're in a public place. lack of privacy is a given.

as someone on Colton account said: if they wanted to talk privately they should have stayed home.

I kind of think any expectation of privacy is an illusion when you are out in public.  Half the fun of going to crowded place is people watching.  Secretly posting a video would IMO cross a line, but live tweeting while keeping the people involved unidentified in any real manner seems just fine to me.  Hell, I've had school assignments to basically do just that.  Go and write down a stranger's conversation. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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It kind of sounds like the douchey guy was talking loud enough that A LOT of patrons could hear their conversation so their privacy went out the window before Colton even started tweeting about it.

Private is alone with no one around who can hear; public is in a restaurant or a park or a tweet on the internet.  Because I can understand a couple of languages other than English it feels sort of strange to understand what people who are talking in them are saying but it's a streetcar or a mall so they have to know they can be overheard.


Those tweets are utterly hilarious and sadly so true.  I want to thank CH for the reality check .... it's not just me, those dates really can be awful.

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I've only started reading about this show on-line in the last couple of months, so I'm doing some catching up and have noticed a confusing anomaly that maybe someone who was paying attention a year ago can answer.  Does anyone know why, at the 2013 Comic Con, there were several interviews with Stephen and Emily (just the two of them), but then this year they suddenly seemed so cautious not to have the two of them together, even though it would have made more sense now, given how the relationship has developed, etc.  It just seemed odd that he didn't seem to have any interviews with Katie last year (unless I missed them), but I've seen at least 3 with Emily (TV Line, CBR and the one with the photo shoot with the Hollywood Reporter), given that at that point Emily had only just been made a regular.  If they were prepared to commit to a tacit acknowledgement that she was something of a leading lady a year ago, why back off from it now?


I'm trying to understand the reasoning behind how they decide these things, and failing miserably!

It's just a fan made poster. But since Geoff Johns has called Caity as Black Canary so she is Black Canary no matter what anyone says.



I find it so annoying when people call Sara the fake Black Canary. Surely, nobody calls Dinah Drake (the first BC in the comics) that. Why can't we all agree that for all intents and purposes, Sara is Black Canary now? She may be the first version of Black Canary, but Black Canary nonetheless. 

Edited by strikera0
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I'd assume KC's no-taping rule is only in effect for solo appearances bc I think we got video of every joint appearance she did at SDCC.

Wondering who's responsible for the CL appearances promo poster above. I note that they ID her as Black Canary.

SDCC is a different animal that's a network/studio sponsored event, it's designed to be a media circus, KC doesn't get a say in what's taped/not taped. In the other cons, the actors are signing up and getting paid for their appearance so they can mame the no video/photo rule. However, im not sure that applies to NYCC or D*C I know both of those are recorded by the convention and with D*C there's a channel in both the Hilton and Marriott that replays recorded panels for those that missed them.

I think her no video rule was in place for her joint Manu/Barrowman panel in Sydney because there was no video of that but that same con people had video of Barrowman at his solo panel.

I've only started reading about this show on-line in the last couple of months, so I'm doing some catching up and have noticed a confusing anomaly that maybe someone who was paying attention a year ago can answer.  Does anyone know why, at the 2013 Comic Con, there were several interviews with Stephen and Emily (just the two of them), but then this year they suddenly seemed so cautious not to have the two of them together, even though it would have made more sense now, given how the relationship has developed, etc.  It just seemed odd that he didn't seem to have any interviews with Katie last year (unless I missed them), but I've seen at least 3 with Emily (TV Line, CBR and the one with the photo shoot with the Hollywood Reporter), given that at that point Emily had only just been made a regular.  If they were prepared to commit to a tacit acknowledgement that she was something of a leading lady a year ago, why back off from it now?


It's half scheduling conflicts, half PR deciding who to showcase -- or as it seems this year, who to protect from the press. Arrow doesn't shut down production for SDCC [the Canadian crew guilds would probably have their asses if they did], so while they'll clear the Friday for some actors to go down to SD, others will still have to be on set. Amell is the face of the show, so all efforts are done to wrap him early. PR folks and the show's production team probably have a *nightmare* figuring out a shooting sched that will allow several actors to be free for SDCC.


Last year, Amell and EBR were at SDCC on Friday, hence the bunch of interviews they did together. PR obviously wanted them there, so the priority was to clear their scheds. KC only got there on Saturday for the autographs and panel. That was the difference -- the Arrow panel in 2013 was on Saturday, so the entire cast [plus surprise!Barrowman] got to be there for that.


This year it looks like they wanted to keep the ladies out of the press room, so they only cleared Friday for the dudes. They also clearly prioritized the big WB/DC panel on Saturday over the Arrow panel on Friday, which I'm not sure was a smart PR decision, but it did keep any possible super awkward 'shipping questions from happening either on the Arrow panel, or the press room.

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Last year, Amell and EBR were at SDCC on Friday, hence the bunch of interviews they did together. 


That explains it, thanks!  I figured there must be some logical reason.  Anyway, I'm glad they did that, because it was nice to see them interact in interviews together.  I hope they do more in the future.

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Some interesting behind-the-scenes, background info about Arrow (warning: the introductory paragraph mentions the

Ted Grant casting spoiler



15 Things You Didn’t Know about Arrow
By Tim Gerstenberger on Aug 11, 2014

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I really don't think there was any conspiracy theory. I honestly think the reason most of the girls weren't there on Friday was because they were filming lol. This show isn't all about relationships. 


Oh, definitely, the show isn't, but the PR machine for the show milks the relationship stuff because it's what creates insane levels of social media buzz -- which is free advertising -- and it's what TV coverage media loves the most because it gets them more clicks and pageviews than anything else. It's not the show that gives fandom what it wants, it's the marketing for the show that does it. Which is pretty smart of them.

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I also don't think it was anything other than scheduling problems with filming but it's odd that they announced EBR's absence like an hour or two before their Friday panel. It was like "Come, come, sit and wait for hours for your favourite character, whom by the way won't be here, but come anyway." Not to mention CL and KC have their fans. Just strange timing.

Edited by ArrowLimbo

I don't think they planned to announce ANYONE was gonna miss the Arrow panel, except one of the Vancouver paps tweeted that David Ramsey told him EBR wouldn't be there, and Twitter. went. nuts. An avalanche of fans were suddenly tweeting the EPs, and EBR, and Damian Holbrook [who moderated the panel] asking about her presence, so they had no choice but to talk about it.

Panelists are announced in advance, sure, but there's always the caveat that "talent's presence is subject to change" at all events. Most people attending cons are aware of this -- or at least are supposed to be aware that changes can happen anytime. I think the difference now is that anyone can be sitting on their couches halfway across the world from SDCC, basically stalking cast & crew via their social media presence, and make a thing like this into a Twitter ruckus in about 5 minutes. And the truth is most PR companies on the planet have no idea how to deal with that.

SDCC is a different animal that's a network/studio sponsored event, it's designed to be a media circus, KC doesn't get a say in what's taped/not taped. In the other cons, the actors are signing up and getting paid for their appearance so they can mame the no video/photo rule. However, im not sure that applies to NYCC or D*C I know both of those are recorded by the convention and with D*C there's a channel in both the Hilton and Marriott that replays recorded panels for those that missed them.

I think her no video rule was in place for her joint Manu/Barrowman panel in Sydney because there was no video of that but that same con people had video of Barrowman at his solo panel.

Yeah, I was thinking about her panel with Manu and Barrowman in Sydney. There are usually recordings at Dragon Con because I have friends who go every year. If there's no footage of a joint panel including KC, it'll be because of her. Nothing against the actress but imposing her rule on others who have no problem with it is a little arrogant and it cheats fans of a fun experience if they can't go or are there but for some reason miss the panel. And the others don't have a problem with it because you can always find recordings of their individual panels. It's very strange that it's only KC with this rule. Even the newbie Caity doesn't mind.

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EBR's birthday was the day before the panel.  Some fans tweeted the moderator as soon as he was announced (couple of weeks in advance of SDCC) and asked him to ask the attendees to sing Happy Birthday to her.  He agreed (I think he's a personal friend of hers.).  Maybe he had mentioned it before the cast appeared and then he had to tell them she wouldn't be there. I am not sure what the time frame was between him finding out and the actual panel taking place.

Panelists are announced in advance, sure, but there's always the caveat that "talent's presence is subject to change" at all events. Most people attending cons are aware of this -- or at least are supposed to be aware that changes can happen anytime. I think the difference now is that anyone can be sitting on their couches halfway across the world from SDCC, basically stalking cast & crew via their social media presence, and make a thing like this into a Twitter ruckus in about 5 minutes. And the truth is most PR companies on the planet have no idea how to deal with that.

So they don't have to explain at all if a character isn't there?

So they don't have to explain at all if a character isn't there?


Each con has its own policies about that. SDCC disclaims cancellations in their schedule: http://www.comic-con.org/cci/programming-schedule


• Cancellations: In rare instances, a guest will have to cancel because of a situation out of Comic-Con's control. Keep in mind that all programs, events, and listed appearances are subject to change.


In this particular case of the Arrow ladies missing from the Friday panel, it wasn't a total cancelation because they were there the next day for the DC/WB panel. Damian Holbrook started the panel by saying something Felicity-related in reaction to the S3 reel they showed, and then added something like "Emily couldn't be here today but will be here tomorrow". He didn't mention KC and CL also missing [both had been announced as panelists], but I do know his Twitter mentions were only exploding about EBR, so maybe he only felt the need to address her fans. But I'm just guessing here.

Edited by dancingnancy
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