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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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I saw Colton Haynes.  Is there another pic with SA?


Yes, the salmon shirt and salmon tie was overkill.  And the with running shoes were weird with it, rather than edgy..

No, sorry. That's CH at the San Andreas premiere. I was just comparing it to the other monstrositie.


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The color of CH's suit is gross and kinda reminds me of Pepto Bismol but for some weird reason I think he can pull it off. I also kind of like that he goes a little out there with his fashion choices, instead of the black or navy that everyone else wears. Power to him.


Also DAMN EBR. DAMN. She's looks super hot! Wowsa. I like. 

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Colton and Stephen suits are super gorgeous, the only problem with them is: Colton doesn't have the skin tone to rock that much Salmon, that kind of color really only works if you have dark skin, or play around a bit with other colors. Stephen bowtie... the suit is lovely, the bowtie is... just.. no words.

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Apparently Emily is wearing this for a sketch (some corset type thing with fishnets) :p Damn. I wonder what the sketch will be about...



Holy Shit EBR looks fucking Hot!! If only Oliver could come home to Felicity wearing that!

Wow at Emily!

I drooled like Homer Simpson

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Vid by Edmonton fan who met CL at St. Albert's Eek! Fest this past weekend...


(Caity Lotz!) EEK! Pop Culture & Comic Festival: Haul/Video| Josh Cooper
Published on May 31, 2015, by Josh Cooper VID


FYI (Eek!Fest info):  http://theeek.com/



ETA:  PB was at StarFury's Inva5ion in London this past weekend, but I haven't found any pics or vids yet.

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CL answers questions on-stage at St. Albert's Eek! Fest on May 30, 2015....


Eek Fest! 2015: Interview with the actress Caity Lotz


-- New movie, 400 Days, with BR and TC.  She plays a doctor and 'hopeful astronaut.'
-- New tv show, LoT.  They haven't seen scripts yet.  They went to Vancouver to shoot promo.  The show will have the action/fighting of Arrow and the effects of The Flash.  Will be 13 episodes.  Event-based.  Will be a lot like the Flarrow cross-over episodes.
-- She's been training in Filipino martial arts (two sticks, bo staff).
-- If she could have any superpower IRL, she'd want to fly.  Sara might want the ability to foresee the future.
-- She did one dance movie, it wasn't that good.
-- She would like to do some straight drama, heavy drama.
-- She doesn't know, but it would make the most sense for Sara to come back via the LP on Arrow.  Would then be able to see Quentin's reaction to his daughter being alive again for the third time.
-- At one time, she wanted to be a dolphin trainer.  She never planned on acting.  She started dancing at 7.  She moved to LA to dance, planned to have a real job, moved to Europe and became part of a singing group, then moved back to LA and became an actor.
-- SA really is a good guy and such a 'dude-dude', he's not a 'fancy LA guy', he's Canadian.  She never got to work with JB, who's the real prankster.  She'd like to work with JB.
-- She doesn't know, but expects that Sara will be changed by the LP.
-- She has always been very active.  She doesn't do weight training.  She started doing martial arts before she began acting.  At a studio where she was break dancing, there were martial artists.  They taught her martial arts and she taught them break dancing.  She wanted to do stunts then.  Arrow was interested in her because she could do her own fighting. 
-- She commented on the similarity between the machine character in the new movie, Ex Machina, and her character in her movie, The Machine, both named Ava.
-- She didn't know Sara was coming back when she died on Arrow.
-- Her favorite Arrow episode was the "League of Assassins" because she liked the fighting and being able to fight without the wig, mask and 'crazy clothes'.
-- She doesn't think Sara's return will affect Laurel being BC because Laurel is BC, but will affect Laurel emotionally.  She thinks it will also help Laurel on her trajectory of becoming a hero.
-- She assumes that Flash S2 will have answers as to what happens to the other half of Firestorm.
-- She's hoping for flashbacks to when Sara and Nyssa met.  She's also interested in seeing flashbacks to when Sara got pulled out from the freighter and how she started training in Nanda Parbat.
-- She thinks it's harder to play WC because not many people know who WC is.  More people knew and loved BC so it was easier to play 'Canary/Black Canary'.
-- When she auditioned for Sara, she didn't know who she was.  Afterwards, DC sent her some BC comics to read.
-- If she got cast in that dramatic film she wants, the leading guy she'd want cast opposite her would be Tom Hardy. 


ETA:  I guess I should stop posting CL events in the Arrow forum.

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Arrow (and Flash) writers returned to work yesterday...

Arrow retweeted
Beth Schwartz ‏@SchwartzApprovd  22h22 hours ago
First day back! #arrowseason4 #butfirstcoffee #somuchcoffee
Arrow retweeted
FlashWritersRoom ‏@FLASHtvwriters  14h14 hours ago
First day back in the writers room. Lots of fun stuff. Bring it on, Season 2! #TheFlash
Arrow retweeted
ArrowWritersRoom ‏@ARROWwriters  12h12 hours ago
.@FLASHtvwriters Good to see you again, neighbors! #FirstDayOfSchool #DCReunites


ArrowWritersRoom ‏@ARROWwriters  14h14 hours ago

And hellooooooooo Season 4! #ArrowSeason4 #FirstDayBack #DidntWeJustFillThisThing? https://instagram.com/p/3ZuAx7xoB9/

ArrowWritersRoom ‏@ARROWwriters  18h18 hours ago

Sayonara Season 3! #ArrowSeason4 #FirstDayBack https://instagram.com/p/3ZVig9xoA_/





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More MG responses at http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/...

ladychaos83 asked:
Can we get a return of the Felicity panda flats?

Yes.  As soon as I figure out what those are.

iamajf asked:
No more Felicity crying all the freaking season and no more tumblr fanfiction for season 4. Can we ask for that?

I think you just did.

oliciters-porsches-sunsets asked:
Hi Marc! Question...What does a million Oliver x Felicity lovers/shippers have to do to get us an #Olicity photo-shoot? Plus happy first day back to the writers room. I can't wait for S04 and Olicity. Have a nice day.

Publicity photos are outside my control, I’m afraid.  I’d reach out to the CW.

myolicityuniverse asked:
Hi Marc, the first months of a relationship are often the more relaxed, loving, retailers, dating, kissing, sex... We hope that the return of the series, we can see this state of happiness and "beginning of relationship" between Oliver and Felicity... not only problems, pain and stress. We´re concerned because in these five months much progress the relationship and they don´t have "the magic of the beginning of a relationship"

Duly noted.

fantasticalsyfy asked:
Was rewatching ep 1x12 and have a question. Thea's given 500 hrs community service and 2 yrs probation .... When she left Starling City in 2x23 would that have been considered a violation of probation? Since there was at least another year left?


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Biggest spoiler yet

Sandra and Connor will not appear in season 4


Unless Oliver's baby mama and kid fall under different names.

OK how does this spoiler thing work? Seeing as Spoiler Discussion is locked.

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I originally posted these in the Spoilers thread, but then re-read The Summer Spoiler Rules (which say that anything tweeted by MG is not a spoiler because it's a public forum) and moved them here.


MG's back on tumblr -- http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/...

yxsrxz asked:
im hoping cooper'll be in season 4 because we never found out exactly what happened to him??? you don't have to answer this but you could maybe make him part of h.i.v.e cause he obviously is very skilled (not as skilled as felicity but) in the computer science area. that would have an even greater effect on felicity when she finds out that her dad and evil ex boyfriend are working together.

We’ve talked about Cooper returning in Season 4.  We’ll see.
starcitysoul asked:
Will Laurel become a full-time member of the team next season and will she have REAL scenes with Ollie, or will you listen to the Oliciter "Original Team Arrow" campaigners, who want the team to remain OFD forever? It's clear that the main aim of the OTA fans is to keep Laurel excluded from TA, and have minimal interaction with Ollie. Considering how U catered to a vocal minority and minimized LL's involvement with TA&her interaction with Ollie in S3, many LL fans are very pessimistic about S4.

Laurel is a full-fledged member of Team Arrow at the start of Season 4.  (Really, at the end of Ep. 323.)
theflarrowgal asked:
Hi Marc! Since Sara has been resurrected, will Laurel be finding out since Oliver seems to know as he was standing with her giving the whole speech thing???

You should watch Season 4.  ;)
mermaidsofthesea asked:
Is there any chance of that Sandra and Connor Hawke will be in Season 4? And if so, will they be casted correctly?

Sandra and Connor won’t be appearing in Season 4.
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Anyone else disappionted he is already back on Tumblr? I was enjoying the quiet. LOL


I don't put stock in anything he says, just look at the difference between what was sold last summer and what was actually on screen..

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Im hoping its a first week return to writers room Tumblr spree and then he just keeps quiet. Maybe he is feeling out the audience. It is nice when he is radio silent.

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It's clear that the main aim of the OTA fans is to keep Laurel excluded from TA, and have minimal interaction with Ollie.


Curses, she's uncovered my dastardly plan.  But mostly it's to keep anyone from calling him Ollie ever again.


ETA:  I guess I should stop posting CL events in the Arrow forum.

I'm not sure what the rules are but I appreciate that you post her comments here, especially what she says about Arrow and the Arrow cast.

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Has he ever flat out lied? Serious question, because I can't remember.

Responding to baby mama stuff in Hopes and Fears.

He said Starling City wouldn't be in danger of destruction again in S3.  A lethal pandemic virus with no cure seems pretty dangerous and destructive to me.  

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(I don't usually read press about The Flash but I did read one AK interview after the finale. It was about Barry & Iris moving forward in S2 after Eddie's death. I swear it was word for word what he said about Oliver/Laurel in S2 after Tommy's death. The interviews are reruns!)

That's actually not new. If you compare AJK and MGs comments about Ray and Raylicity to Barry and Barcity circa S2 they're practically identical. AJK also did the same thing for Baricity S2 compared to Barcity in the first Felicity crossover. I believe there was one other incident from either MG or AJK but I can't remember what it pertained too.

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I guess if you want to get ~technical, the city wasn't in danger of being destroyed like it was in S1&2. There was the earthquake that leveled half the Glades, and the 'strokes causing mayhem and destroying things - setting buildings on fire and whatnot. Ra's didn't want to destroy the actual city, he just wanted to kill everyone in it. Could be chalked up to careful wording" on MG's part. Or he could be lying.

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Just moved 20 posts over to the Hopes & Fears thread because they were speculating on tweets and tumblr.  That's where they belong please.  I will keep moving posts that don't belong here to the correct location. 

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Marc Guggenheim ‏@mguggenheim  21h21 hours ago

Today marks the digital debut of my creator-owned series, NOWHERE MAN: @gothamchopra




Nowhere Man Vol. 1



ETA:  It would be nice if MG finished the Arrow Season 2.5 comics before Season 4 starts, instead of spending his time working on these other comics projects.

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This is interesting -- Colleen Atwood discusses designing the costumes for the Arrow, the Flash and Supergirl...


Costume Designer Colleen Atwood on Making the Heroes of ‘Flash’ & ‘Arrow’ Look Super
JUNE 3, 2015 | 10:00AM PT  Laura Prudom

Arrow, we really wanted him urban, and sexy, and you could almost wear the costume down the street and it would look cool in today’s world. That was a big goal with Arrow and the way the story was set up with his character.
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This is interesting -- Colleen Atwood discusses designing the costumes for the Arrow, the Flash and Supergirl...


Costume Designer Colleen Atwood on Making the Heroes of ‘Flash’ & ‘Arrow’ Look Super

JUNE 3, 2015 | 10:00AM PT  Laura Prudom


Thank you for this! I love costumes and learning about the design is so fascinating to me. I make costumes for fun and it really helps me with the creative process. Sometimes I feel like we need a thread just to discuss costumes because it's so integral to how the characters are portrayed.

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Colton Haynes looks terrible in that pic.


Guggie should learn that aphorism about doing a few things well, v. a lot of things shoddily.  Embroider it on a pillow or something, since he seems to have a bad memory, if Arrow's lack of continuity is any indicator.

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