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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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I remember when a woman showed him the harassment she received on his page and his reply was that it's best to ignore people like that. He is aware of what's up, he just doesn't want to admit his page, like every corner of the Internet, is problematic and not the best thing ever.

People should just stop asking him to speak up for them unless it's about the hate the character he plays gets because in that case they are likely to get the reply they are looking for.

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Does Steve think everyone is an idiot, like the people who follow him around the country for his boxed wine events and cons, and will believe whatever line he feeds them? It is NOT Emily's decision to not do PR, it is all on CW. 

Every press outing that Steve has had this season was arranged by the network. Steve did not fly out the journalists to Vancouver from LA and arranged the interviews personally or through his team, CW did that. Steve did not arrange to attend Paleyfest through his agent, CW invited him. Steve did not go to CW upfronts because he was in NYC and was bored and decided to attend it, he was called in by CW ...

On the other hand, Emily Bett was missing from all of it and it was deliberate, she was being kept away from press for whatever BTS reason. I don't have to like it but I am okay with that as long as no one comes across and lies to my face like Steve did. Ignore the questions if you don't feel like answering the question but such outright lies insult my intelligence. Anyone who has worked or been around either PR or showboz journalism or with a modicum of common sense knows or figures out how it all works ... everyone not named Steve that is.... 

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She threatend to quit or probably got her lawyers involved. who knows. I think no one really cares this year about promoting the show. It's 5 years in, at this point, most of the time, CW just moves on to something shinier and newer.

Edited by Primal Slayer
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18 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

What is the theory on why EBR is missing?

Did she do interviews last season? Does someone high up not like her?

Are they scared the Felicity haters will come out and rage?

There's speculation that Suzanne Gomez, who runs PR at the CW, doesn't like Felicity/Olicity and by extension, EBR, and does her best to not promote her. Based on her tweets from her personal account, Gomez is a huge fan of comics BC, BC/GA, and KC. She also has a history of bias and favoritism according to people that have watched other CW shows and paid attention to what the network does and doesn't promote.

Another theory is that EBR is avoiding doing press because of all the abuse she always gets in the comments/social media ever since last season. She told people at a con that the network is aware of threats made to her. 

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39 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

In this case she must have known they were killing her off Sara and she was becoming the new BC. It was the season 2 finale. Not that I think it's a capital offense, it's just how shows work, but she must have known what was coming.

KC has always seemed like she goes with the flow instead of SA who knows what happens forthe entire season. She probably didn't know until she got the 3x01 script. I think the scene is more about KC excitement for something she'd waited for, for what seems like forever.  But the director didn't seem to mind the reaction or try to coach her to do it differently that we know of.

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2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

KC has always seemed like she goes with the flow instead of SA who knows what happens forthe entire season. She probably didn't know until she got the 3x01 script. I think the scene is more about KC excitement for something she'd waited for, for what seems like forever.  But the director didn't seem to mind the reaction or try to coach her to do it differently that we know of.

I'm not blaming her for her reaction, I just don't buy for one second that she didn't know they were getting rid of Sara to finally make her BC.

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1 hour ago, Tazmania said:

On the other hand, Emily Bett was missing from all of it and it was deliberate, she was being kept away from press for whatever BTS reason. I don't have to like it but I am okay with that as long as no one comes across and lies to my face like Steve did. Ignore the questions if you don't feel like answering the question but such outright lies insult my intelligence. Anyone who has worked or been around either PR or showboz journalism or with a modicum of common sense knows or figures out how it all works ... everyone not named Steve that is....

I could go either way on this one. Shows in their fifth year just don't get the amount of coverage new ones do - so they focus their reduced coverage on the main star and the actors who have big storylines at the time (Chase, Wild Dog, etc). I never really expected her to go to Paley, upfronts, etc this year with the reduced Arrow focus. Set visits are dependant on who's shooting that day. The one thing I find curious is that they do not seem to make her available for phoners, unlike say DR who is still giving quick quotes to outlets like THR even though he doesn't have a storyline focus. 

My spidey senses aren't really going to start tingling unless we don't see some press with her surrounding 519-521. TVline's MM says they tend to only get one interview with EBR a year (which seems typical for her unless it's event driven like SDCC), so I assume it's coming now that she's finally getting an arc. It'll make a lot of sense for interviews to drop the week of 519 since it's supposedly a big one for her and they'll need the buzz after 3 weeks off. If that doesn't happen, something is off. 

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24 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I'm not blaming her for her reaction, I just don't buy for one second that she didn't know they were getting rid of Sara to finally make her BC.

I don't know if it's true, but I read somewhere that CL found out Sara was going to die and Laurel was going to become Black Canary while they were filming the season 2 finale. If she knew, KC knew for sure. That's probably also why KC was so giddy and may I say full of herself at a convention the following week. 

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In case anyone is interested, Arrow - A Generation of Vipers was released today. I got through the first few chapters and it's pretty entertaining & if you like Olicity, there's is quite a bit of goodness in the few chapters I've read so far. Not sure if this is the right place for this post.


Edited by JJ928
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3 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

In case anyone is interested, Arrow - A Generation of Vipers was released today. I got through the first few chapters and it's pretty entertaining & if you like Olicity, there's is quite a bit of goodness in the few chapters I've read so far. Not sure if this is the right place for this post.


Ch 6 is everything I miss about 4a Olicity

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Wow, I went to bed and woke up to find SA's FB page had turned into a garbage fire. I don't think he helped by replying to almost every negative comment (doesn't he sleep?) and reposting that very weak "code of conduct" video, but at least he's promising to do better.


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5 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Ch 6 is everything I miss about 4a Olicity

Agreed. But I also love that there's Delicity, Felicity getting some field action and Speedy! Yet, my favorite part is how Oliver is written, can these writers please be hired by the show?

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Just now, JJ928 said:

Agreed. But I also love that there's Delicity, Felicity getting some field action and Speedy! Yet, my favorite part is how Oliver is written, can these writers please be hired by the show?

Yeah, I'm only on Ch 8 so far, and I made notes for quotes/sections I like so far, and it's already most of anything related to the Arrow-side of things.

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Stephen proves again and again imo that he values male opinions over his show more than female opinions. Theres a reason why he was validating LL stans(majority of who were men complaining on his wall) last season while he is dismissing Olicity fans (majority of who are women) that make well thought posts on his wall. Theres a reason why the felicity and friends comments and the soap opera snark on his wall got a reaction from him almost everytime to the point that he started telling them he listens to their criticism and talks to the EPs and theres a reason why he bragged so much about the show this season being what the people want. Theres a reason why he always tends to reply thoughtfully to men on his wall while he is jumping to mansplain stuff most times that female fans complain on his wall(demanding proff that women get hate on his page as if every other comment isnt targeting olicity  fans calling them tones of sexist shit over a show). Of course people are allowed to think he is forced to say these stuff or follows PR or  that he cant admit he hates that KC is back or that he doesnt even like the season much etc but eventually one thing is sure: it seems as if he  often contradicts himself trying to please certain groups. Whether he does it intentionally or not.

And i do understand that its frustrating having loud fans on your wall always nagging you about something or being caught in the middle of fandom wars(LL vs Olicity fans on his wall) but attitudes like him indirectly ecouraging people who were spamming his wall with Felicity hate(even if one would say he did is sarcastically) by laughing at their clearly hateful posts or thanking them for their passion and then turning around getting mad that people post on his wall, after an episode, comments over "RIP Oliver Queen" says a lot. He is only getting butthurt when something affects him or his character but has no issue asking for people to ignore actual hate directed at them even if it happens on his page. 

Is it so hard to call out certain stans who are literally threatening women on his page? Guess he doesnt want to piss off reddit. 

Anyway,that will be the last time i share my views on his behavior when it comes to media over arrow. I dont care for him as a celeb but he has a media power and he chooses to interact with fans in a way that imo feeds certain hateful people instead of spreading positivity like he always claims he does. He should follow his advise and ignore the hatefull posts and maybe things will tone down and people wont feel offended or mocked.


Edit: i guess what im trying to say is that he goes from "ignore actual harassment on my page " to "how dare you hate my fictional character get a life" from one day to another and i just fail to see how that doesnt make him look bad.

Edited by theOAfc
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17 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Wow, I went to bed and woke up to find SA's FB page had turned into a garbage fire. I don't think he helped by replying to almost every negative comment (doesn't he sleep?) and reposting that very weak "code of conduct" video, but at least he's promising to do better.


From this it sounds like he tends to ignore the really bad posts as outliers that don't count.  But if you sound sane (and obey grammatical rules) then what you are saying is somehow worse because you aren't coming off deranged?  

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19 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Wow, I went to bed and woke up to find SA's FB page had turned into a garbage fire. I don't think he helped by replying to almost every negative comment (doesn't he sleep?) and reposting that very weak "code of conduct" video, but at least he's promising to do better.

My "favorite" was him dismissing rape threats as coming from a fake account. IDIOT. Even troll accounts have a real person behind them. Does he not understand that even if the rape threat wasn't "real" it's still really awful and scary to read, as a woman? 

He just doesn't get it, sitting up there in his privileged white male world. Disappointing. Again.

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My favorite instead is when he asked the girl that showed him a post about the guy saying he wanted to slit her throat if she can't see that guy is totally deranged..is that supposed to make her feel any better? Any safer? There are people that go from words to fact every day in real life, that's why women can't just ignore threats.

To me it seems his priority is to show how great the community he created is. If someone brings proofs of the contrary they don't count.

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5 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

To me it seems his priority is to show how great the community he created is. If someone brings proofs of the contrary they don't count.

Sadly, his priority is to get his ass kissed, IMO. You have a shit storm like this and you know his defense squad will soon follow. And then he'll post a FB video about it and he'll get a ton of comments supporting him and saying he's an angel too pure for this world and all will be right in SA's world. He just wants to be liked. That's what it comes down to.

I know some posters go OTT and probably expect too much from him. But he really needs to find a better way to respond and deal with things.

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Yikes. I get that there isn't anything he can do about threats that happen on Twitter or other places that aren't his page, but it's really not that difficult to tell people he's sorry they've had to deal with that and that he'll do his best to make sure that type of stuff doesn't happen in his community.

It would be so easy, and would save him the drama.

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11 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

My "favorite" was him dismissing rape threats as coming from a fake account. IDIOT. Even troll accounts have a real person behind them. Does he not understand that even if the rape threat wasn't "real" it's still really awful and scary to read, as a woman? 

I think that one was referring to a twitter account. It was still a crappy response on his part, but it wasn't about his page. I just wish he would have come up with stronger "code of conduct" rules. He should state that harassment will not be tolerated in any form instead of telling women to just ignore it. It seems he only really gets his back up when people are talking about Oliver's unlikeability, which is not a good look.

Also, he once again pointed out that the lack of EBR press isn't on CW PR. I don't necessarily disagree. I've worked in a lot of newsrooms (not specifically on the entertainment beat, admittedly) but it always seems that movie PR is very regimented, while TV and music interviews are way more scattershot. I also think it's important to remember the volume of coverage doesn't necessarily reflect the access. For a week there it seemed like JS did a ton of press about being Chase, but most of the quotes were the same so I think that was all from the result of one conference call with multiple outlets. (I once had to transcribe one of those for Parks and Rec. They are weird!) And it looked like SA did a lot of press, but I'm pretty sure Natalie Abrams at EW just did one interview with him that probably lasted about 15 mins, and she spun it into three different features (on Olicity, Dinah and Susan) plus multiple mentions in Spoiler Room and her podcast. But everyone got mad at CW PR for "pushing Susan" when EW posted that article after 516, even though NA probably just scheduled it to go up after a Susan-heavy ep. Same with when people get mad at PR for which stills outlets tend to feature. CW PR is pretty terrible, but I also think they get crapped on for stuff they have no control over.


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4 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I think that one was referring to a twitter account. It was still a crappy response on his part, but it wasn't about his page. 

Yeah, that's what I said? But as I said above, even troll accounts have a real person using them. So someone actually tweeted those rape threats even if there was no real intent behind them. And SA just dismissed it as fake without acknowledging how gross it was. Badly done, dude.

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If it's EBR's choice not to do PR (weird choice for an actor but okay), why didn't they just say so? It's been months and months of people tweeting the CW PR people to no response. They could've just said EBR didn't want to do any this year. Problem solved!

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2 hours ago, strikera0 said:

I don't know if it's true, but I read somewhere that CL found out Sara was going to die and Laurel was going to become Black Canary while they were filming the season 2 finale. If she knew, KC knew for sure. That's probably also why KC was so giddy and may I say full of herself at a convention the following week. 

 KC said it all when she admitted she couldn't stop smiling in that scene because she was so happy to get the jacket which tells me that her own personal glee and ego  took precedence over playing the scene with any sensitivity to the other character , her own character and her fellow actor who was losing the role of Black Canary to KC.

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There's two options. Either Emily legitimately doesn't want to do promo or they are throwing Emily under the bus to save face for the fact that they haven't been giving her promo opurtunities. I'm honestly inclined to believe it's the former and she's asked for reduced PR as I don't believe Stephen and Marc would come out and say or imply its Emily choice if it wasn't. 

Emily doesn't enjoy doing cons so it's not a stretch to imagine she doesn't enjoy interviews. *shrug*

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20 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

If it's EBR's choice not to do PR (weird choice for an actor but okay), why didn't they just say so? It's been months and months of people tweeting the CW PR people to no response. They could've just said EBR didn't want to do any this year. Problem solved!

Maybe they were worried about how that would come off?

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28 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I think that one was referring to a twitter account. It was still a crappy response on his part, but it wasn't about his page. I just wish he would have come up with stronger "code of conduct" rules. He should state that harassment will not be tolerated in any form instead of telling women to just ignore it. It seems he only really gets his back up when people are talking about Oliver's unlikeability, which is not a good look.

Also, he once again pointed out that the lack of EBR press isn't on CW PR. I don't necessarily disagree. I've worked in a lot of newsrooms (not specifically on the entertainment beat, admittedly) but it always seems that movie PR is very regimented, while TV and music interviews are way more scattershot. I also think it's important to remember the volume of coverage doesn't necessarily reflect the access. For a week there it seemed like JS did a ton of press about being Chase, but most of the quotes were the same so I think that was all from the result of one conference call with multiple outlets. (I once had to transcribe one of those for Parks and Rec. They are weird!) And it looked like SA did a lot of press, but I'm pretty sure Natalie Abrams at EW just did one interview with him that probably lasted about 15 mins, and she spun it into three different features (on Olicity, Dinah and Susan) plus multiple mentions in Spoiler Room and her podcast. But everyone got mad at CW PR for "pushing Susan" when EW posted that article after 516, even though NA probably just scheduled it to go up after a Susan-heavy ep. Same with when people get mad at PR for which stills outlets tend to feature. CW PR is pretty terrible, but I also think they get crapped on for stuff they have no control over.


These people need to direct their complaints about the lack of PR for EBR and Olicity to the Arrow production team and Chico. Seriously, what is SA supposed to do or say when PR is not his responsibility?  I can't say much about 2hat went down about the threats to EBR.

Assuming the death threats are still a factor, maybe he's been told to not engage in SM in defense of Emily for fear of  escalating an already volatile situation.For all we know he's rec'd death threats for defending EBR. Some fans think EBR &SA are a secret couple IRL which might be complicating how he replies.

I'm not defending many of his poor responses just saying there might be more to this than meets the eye.

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Maybe they were worried about how that would come off?

Possibly? Personally I don't have a problem with it aside from thinking it's a strange choice to make as an actress. But it would've been better to know in the long run.

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1 hour ago, JJ928 said:

In case anyone is interested, Arrow - A Generation of Vipers was released today. I got through the first few chapters and it's pretty entertaining & if you like Olicity, there's is quite a bit of goodness in the few chapters I've read so far. Not sure if this is the right place for this post.


*Runs to Amazon*

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11 minutes ago, Chaser said:

The lack of interviews doesn't bug me as much as the lack of support by the official accounts.

Same. It's that whenever anything is about Emily or Felicity, it takes the official account a long time days before it shares, like that THR poll. If I remember correctly, Felicity was the only current CW character on the list and quite high up and yet no one seemed to be in a rush to share it. Actually, did the main Arrow account ever share it? Guggenheim's tweet about Felicity's LOT concept art? Same. No interviews from Emily herself? Share the interviews the EPs are doing about the character. It's quite simple really. At least for competent PR professionals. 

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Really? I may be the only one but i think KC return is a lot bigger then EBRs appearance in LoT, and justbecause i love her.


1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Really? I may be the only one but i think KC return is a lot bigger then EBRs appearance in LoT, and justbecause i love her.

But again , that's a matter for the CW PR team.Why are people directingthat to SA? .the should be posting those compliant s to the Arrow CW official page or tweet at Chico

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Just now, catrox14 said:


But again , that's a matter for the CW PR team.Why are people directingthat to SA? .the should be posting those compliant s to the Arrow CW official page or tweet at Chico

Because they know the chances of SA replying are higher. He's made himself so accessible that people like to think he is everything Arrow.

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5 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Really? I may be the only one but i think KC return is a lot bigger then EBRs appearance in LoT, and justbecause i love her.

The official account RT'd JB appearance in the musical episode. They could have RT'd one of the numerous articles about EBR's appearance on LOT.

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4 minutes ago, catrox14 said:


But again , that's a matter for the CW PR team.Why are people directingthat to SA? .the should be posting those compliant s to the Arrow CW official page or tweet at Chico

They are, they have been ... not just this season. I agree the frustrations should not be directed at Stephen but at this point, IMO, people are pissed and frustrated and since he's willing to engage, they're probably thinking, hoping that he'd say something to TPTB.

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I think for some the issue is if it's KC news or pics or articles about LL, Chico would RT instantly. And not just LL stuff, but other cast members too. Contrast to stuff about EBR/Felicity and articles never get RT'd. People legit had to beg for them to RT MG's post about Felicity's LOT costume. 

So I really do understand why many believe there is a bias because it certainly looks that way. 

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Because they know the chances of SA replying are higher. He's made himself so accessible that people like to think he is everything Arrow.

Because he kept saying i enjoy the passion when KC and her fans were spreading the NoLaurelNoArrow crap but now suddenly people are sensitive. 

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5 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Same. It's that whenever anything is about Emily or Felicity, it takes the official account a long time days before it shares, like that THR poll. If I remember correctly, Felicity was the only current CW character on the list and quite high up and yet no one seemed to be in a rush to share it. Actually, did the main Arrow account ever share it? Guggenheim's tweet about Felicity's LOT concept art? Same. No interviews from Emily herself? Share the interviews the EPs are doing about the character. It's quite simple really. At least for competent PR professionals. 

I'm one of the people who were pointing out the perceived bias on the official Arrow accounts. And yeah, this was my issue. It's not the lack of interviews, it's how the official PR handles what they do have from EBR. The Arrow account for a while was retweeting more non-Flarrow Arrow stuff than actual Arrow stuff. Then new about a star from one show crossing over gets nothing for days? Really? Even when the show runner for both shows shared that info on Twitter? 

5 hours ago, catrox14 said:

But again , that's a matter for the CW PR team.Why are people directingthat to SA? .the should be posting those compliant s to the Arrow CW official page or tweet at Chico

The one reply in that thread was a reply to another post too, more so agreeing with the bias than directing it at Amell. He said previously that the fact that there was bias was laughable and that he was actually chuckling about it. So people pointed out that, no hey, there is some bias (at least it appears that way from fans. Which are kinda what matters when it comes to PR stuff no?). 

Either way I think it was better when SA was on his SM break. When he gets too engaged he seems to side one way, either pro-Olicity sometimes, or pro-MASKS!!. He also seems to think that if you ignore trolls they will go away, and yeah sometimes that does work. But to ask for proof of attacks and harassment and then brush it off as "oh I didn't see that, they were banned, that is a fake Twitter account so it doesn't mater" is well... kinda bad? He fails to realize that while the Twitter handle may not be the person's actual name or actual photo in the profile, it is still a very real person behind that account. I'm not sure how he thinks an account is "fake" ? It's not like they are pretending to be someone else or there is a robot behind the account...

Edited by HighHopes
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3 minutes ago, Chaser said:

The official account RT'd JB appearance in the musical episode. They could have RT'd one of the numerous articles about EBR's appearance on LOT.

 That's a fine example but using KCs return isn't. 

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