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9 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

God, I find it so embarrassing tbh. He's throwing puppy-dog longing heart eyes at Felicity and Laurel's gasping at him touching her. I legit forgot about that. I think I was in denial but it turns out KC was right to play her that way all along. Or maybe she figured if she stuck to her head canon it might come true! Guess it did but not in the way she wanted. Yikes!

As they say: be careful what you wish for ;-)

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The breathy voice, the weird stare, the odd reactions and facial expressions -- this is confirmation (at least to me) that KCcan act, she just was acting according to the headcannon she'd designed for her character and her character's arc on the show (back when the show first started) without deviating from that headcannon at all regardless of what was going on with the other characters on the show. It's impressive in a way.

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25 minutes ago, RandomMe said:

The breathy voice, the weird stare, the odd reactions and facial expressions -- this is confirmation (at least to me) that KCcan act, 

Well...to me it's confirmation that she can't. :/

Agreed about the rest, though. She was following her initial headcanon, definitely.

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

Could we maybe move this convo over to the Laurel thread? I keep getting excited about possible Twitter/Facebook shenanigans and then find Laurel talk instead. Womp womp. 

Sorry! :)

Hopefully we should start getting something in two weeks :)

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6 hours ago, tv echo said:

In 2012 KC actually commented on playing that 1x04 rooftop scene (see video clip posted above)...

Cassidy: I think there’s this magnetic, almost sexual tension between the two of them.

OMG this is hysterical. I know it's in the eye of the beholder but sorry, it's never going to be not funny. And I have never seen 3x17 so I had no idea about the gasp but I looked at the video and ROTFLMAO (back then I'd have asked for Laurel's head on a pike but since I got it...).

Is there a GIF of the gasp? I'm sure it can be used as a meme or something to look at whenever I need a good laugh.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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8 hours ago, tv echo said:

04/23/14 - Q: "Did you read the comics for preparation?"  KC: "No, I was more of a Nintendo geek.  I always liked Mortal Kombat. The script is very graphic and very real. They didn’t want it to be 'superhero-ish.' And I felt like my character is what anchored it. In preparation for shooting, I created backstories for each character based on the information given to me on the script.   In the comic, she turns into the Black Canary, so if that were to happen, I’ll definitely get more into the comic books and learn more about that character."  Also, Q: "That’s really interesting that you build your own backstories for the characters. Do you ever share those notes with the writers?" KC: "I usually don’t, but it’s come up in conversation.  They know how I work and every one has their own way they work and it’s just the way I was trained. Sometimes what they’ve written contradicts what I’ve written in my backstories and I’ll just change it. It keeps me on track. I have shared some ideas with them and I feel like they’ve definitely used them."

With everything that's happened with KC and being utterly out of sync with the rest of the show, I find the "I built backstories for every character!" thing hilarious. And kind of bizarre. Creating a backstory for your own character and even their past with other characters is normal. (Though imo that approach works better in theater or film where the story isn't always changing like TV). But she's implying she created backstories for other characters as well. Although she claims she adapts the backstories if the writers outright contradict her,  her track record with clinging to the same lines right from the pilot "Laurel has always seen the good in him!" "It just makes her love him more" suggest she doesn't exactly adapt much. Which would explain why she has such weird views on the rest of the characters. 

Now I'm imagining KC holed up in her trailer, reinterpreting every scene because Oliver is still in love with her and linking his actions back to their mythical past relationship where they lost their virginity to each other and Tommy was a douche. I mean,  the weird gasp reaction scene:  "Oh! He touches her shoulder at the wedding because her orange dress totes reminds him of what she wore when they went to senior prom together!'  She probably didn't bother with backstories for Diggle and Felicity for most seasons, but  I'd love to know what she cobbled together about them if she tried. Arrow According To KC. 

Edit: Just saw the request to move to the LL thread. Will take my post over there. 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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Re the doggie filter Snapchat with KC and CL, KC looks quite beautiful. For me she's kind of like the woman in the episode of Seinfeld in which in certain light she's gorgeous and in other light she's hideous, except for KC it's more angles. Sometimes she looks very angular and long-faced, and other times, like that video, she looks genuinely gorgeous. 

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It seems like KC's face is just a tad fuller and it's IMO a very flattering look on her.  Maybe it's a tiny weight gain (cause they all are sooo tiny still) or maybe she's just better rested. Either way, it's good.   

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I don't want to be mean, and I'm not saying they're not beautiful, but I think it's a matter of filter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

BTW, Caity posted this on her page and Holy shoe 

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I'm surprised CL's not getting yelled at for doing stuff like that. Lol. There's a longer vid on her instagram where she's doing more flips. I think it was Phil Klemmer that said they have a stunt double for CL on LoT, an MMA fighter, she didn't get to do much and ended up being the stunt double for the other actresses on the show. 

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1 hour ago, Sakura12 said:

I'm surprised CL's not getting yelled at for doing stuff like that. Lol. There's a longer vid on her instagram where she's doing more flips. I think it was Phil Klemmer that said they have a stunt double for CL on LoT, an MMA fighter, she didn't get to do much and ended up being the stunt double for the other actresses on the show. 

Why would she? she's obviously trained in general, she's training in a controlled safe environment, and it is training that would benefit her day time work.

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Hearing the sound of Caity land did make me worry for her; Sound always makes me fear more than seeing the visual. I think Caity's allowed to train. You have to train if you want to keep your skills. Caity already called herself rusty as hell. 

I think the ladies looked beautiful in the snap chat. 

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From the Spoiler thread:

But the masks imo are all the Berlantiverse choices & desires.

I don't want to belabor this point, but Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Variety and the Los Angeles Times have all reported that the Time Warner board ordered WB to start leveraging its assets, and specifically its superheroes, more, with Sue Kroll, David Haddad, Diane Nelson, Peter Roth and Pam Lifford all confirming this in separate interviews. It's also getting reported, in a more optimistic, please continue to throw money at us way, in Time Warner financial reports. In other words, the masks on the show are not a Berlanti decision, and in this particular case, your opinion is factually wrong.

I think it may help to look at the greater context - from the Time Warner board, with the disclosure that yes, I do get occasional checks from Cartoon Network, so I'm not an entirely neutral party here. First, for the most part, their chief responsibility is to investors. Second, for the last several years, with the exception of the HBO division, Time Warner has had various difficulties - and investors have had concerns about HBO as well, given the steady trend towards streaming services, which until HBO Go launched was not an HBO strength. The company's second major division, Turner Broadcasting, has had multiple issues. Meanwhile, since The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in 2012, and before that the last Harry Potter flick in 2011, the WB film division has failed to break the $1 billion mark - something Disney has already done twice this year alone, and will almost certainly do at least once more this year with Finding Dory and possibly with Rogue One. WB did not have a single film in the top ten grossing films of 2015. In 2014, it had the last Hobbit movie - which failed to break the $1 billion mark (that year, Transfomers: Age of Extinction, did), and Interstellar, which was a joint production with Paramount and distributed by Paramount, not WB, in the U.S. In 2013 they did better, placing three films in the top ten - the second Hobbit movie, Man of Steel, and Gravity, even though, again, none of those films broke $1 billion in a year where Disney broke that barrier twice (with Frozen and Iron Man 3). In 2012, though, they had two top ten films, both breaking $1 billion - The Hobbit, and The Dark Knight Rises.  

WB has had some lesser grossing, but still profitable hits during this period, of course, but 2015 was by any measure not a good year for the film division, featuring a string of losses. And WB is bringing out another Harry Potter related vehicle this year. But that's not a well that it can tap too often, and it's out of Hobbit/LOTR flicks unless someone, somehow, manages to create a working adaptation of The Silmarillion and convinces the Tolkien estate that this is a really awesome idea.

But WB does have some assets - WB Television, which is doing well despite facing shifting delivery platforms, and superheroes. The DC superhero lineup is, after Harry Potter and the LOTR franchises, Time Warner's biggest asset, and unlike Harry Potter, LOTR and Game of Thrones, DC superheroes can be exploited endlessly on multiple platforms. 

So, not surprisingly, that's exactly what the Time Warner executive board, facing potential major losses, ordered WB to do - exploit/leverage DC superheroes, something that's working amazingly well over at rival Disney, where the MCU films are currently outgrossing all other film franchises, including Harry Potter and Star Wars. And that's exactly what they are doing with the Berlanti shows, even if the results are not what Berlanti originally had in mind.

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I'm not going to disagree with you @quarks because clearly you are well versed in stuff. But my point was that I think Berlanti and Co love the comics & love the masks. I think they are adding more masks because they want to not because they are being forced to. Perhaps their choices are not all happening as they want. But they are choosing mask over non-mask again and again. The only new character that has survived beyond one episode since s1 has been a non-mask is Donna, that is not a coincidence or network mandate. Every other new character has been mask/comic based.

Yes, there are other business reasons for doing it - I'm not discounting that. I'm just saying I think the Berlanti & Co team are gung ho for masks with or without that added business bonus or network pressure.

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So something is actually on fire then?

*Snort laugh*

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1 hour ago, kismet said:

 But my point was that I think Berlanti and Co love the comics & love the masks. I think they are adding more masks because they want to not because they are being forced to. Perhaps their choices are not all happening as they want. But they are choosing mask over non-mask again and again. The only new character that has survived beyond one episode since s1 has been a non-mask is Donna, that is not a coincidence or network mandate. Every other new character has been mask/comic based.

Yes, there are other business reasons for doing it - I'm not discounting that. I'm just saying I think the Berlanti & Co team are gung ho for masks with or without that added business bonus or network pressure.

It's not exactly "network pressure" or a "business bonus" or "other business reasons," These people - the Warner Bros executives - are their bosses. And in turn, the Warner Bros executives report directly to the Time Warner board, which has to answer to investors. The investors want to see that Time Warner is not going to collapse under the combined issues of the doubled loss of their two most profitable franchises and the ongoing shift in delivery platforms.

I certainly hope that Berlanti loves comics - he's running four superhero shows now, plus the upcoming Archie thing. But I think it's important to note that what he originally pitched, and wanted, was a gritty, realistic vigilante show with no superpowers. Superpowers were only introduced to Arrow after the show was an unexpected cult hit and after the Time Warner board faced questions about its post Harry Potter revenue streams.  Superpowers and masks were not part of Berlanti's original idea.

Regarding the survival of non-mask characters, I haven't kept strict count, but to be fair, this season we have had at least three more non-mask characters survive the season besides Donna - Felicity's nemesis at PT, Curtis' husband Paul, and that annoying neighbor person who showed up in a couple of episodes. Sure, they're all very minor characters, and I'm not hopeful for Paul's continued survival, but they're alive. And two of the Supergirl regulars are original, non mask characters who both survived the season; Flash has at least one original, non-mask character who has managed to survive two seasons. Legends of Tomorrow just ditched its arguably best known from the comics character, Hawkgirl, given the combined issues of CGI expense and a pretty tepid to negative fan response. 

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13 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

I'm sure I'm focusing on the wrong elements of this picture of the hot, sweaty man, but I like the gray in his hair.  

I don't really see alot of grey, maybe a hair here and there.. most of it seems to be his regular blonde hair looking lighter because of the lighting.

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Nope according to the spoilers


SA shaved his hair over the summer and it grew back grey and will be on the show.

I guess we'll see what the next couple of months bring. He doesn't look bad, but its a different hair coloring for a CW star in the young group.

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12 minutes ago, kismet said:

Nope according to the spoilers

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SA shaved his hair over the summer and it grew back grey and will be on the show.

I guess we'll see what the next couple of months bring. He doesn't look bad, but its a different hair coloring for a CW star in the young group.

I know what he says, I saw that "spoiler", but honestly.. as someone who has been going grey herself for about 3 years now... it is far less worse and noticeable than what we really think it is in our early 30's.

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My hair started to go gray in high school at my cowlick and it looks like his is starting in the same place.  I know he's a bit of a bro in real life, but I think the salt and pepper would fit Oliver Queen, super-serious adult.  Plus, it's kind of hot.

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I think he looks very handsome. I am a huge proponent of sunscreen...I have fewer wrinkles than he does and I'm eight years older. But I like his crows' feet. He could  take a little more care, esp. forehead-wise, but I'm just so glad he can actually move his face and make expressions that I can let that go.

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Diggle has a funko pop - unfortunately, it's of him wearing the Arrow suit.  Hope they do one of him as Spartan...

There was a custom-made funko pop of Malcolm in his LoA outfit...


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I never understood why the first Diggle they released had him in the Arrow costume. It happened like twice on the show. I know it was a fun thing when it happened. But Dig should have gotten his own Pop sans Arrow costume. I hope they do give him another one either in his Spartan Costume or just the Black outfit he wore before that.

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There was some drama with Manu earlier in the week regarding the payment but i thought that was sorted out. I know he booked another con that is happening at the same time as the Belgium con.

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Dear fans,

due to the false information’s being leaked and publicly released by Stuttgart Comic Con, Mr. Manu Bennett and his representative, we would like to clarify the following:

· KANSAS LET ZEPPELIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY, S.L. has fulfilled every single of its legal obligations derived from the contract subscribed with ARIES ENTERTAINMENT, LLC in regards of the participation of Mr. Manu Bennett at the ArcCon that will take place in in Brussels, Belgium on June 25 and 26, 2016 (hereinafter, “the Contract”).

· Specifically and despite for what has been falsely published, KANSAS LET ZEPPELIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY, S.L. has fulfilled before ARIES ENTERTAINMENT, LLC all of its financial commitments in regards to the Contract.

· On June 5th, 2016, KANSAS LET ZEPPELIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY, S.L. provided ARIES ENTERTAINMENT, LLC with Mr. Manu Bennett’s plane tickets. In no case whatsoever a complaint, of whatever nature, was filed by Mr. Manu Bennett’s agent and a safe journey was wished to everyone.

· On June 19th, 2016 and after several rumors that Mr. Manu Bennett was going to participated at Stuttgart Comic Con on the same weekend as the ArcCon, KANSAS LET ZEPPELIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY, S.L. contacted ARIES ENTERTAINMENT, LLC requesting explanations.

· Finally ARIES ENTERTAINMENT, LLC answered to KANSAS LET ZEPPELIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY, S.L. communications and confirmed that after signing the Contract, they reached an agreement with Stuttgart Comic Con.

· This of course constitutes a breach of the Contract by ARIES ENTERTAINMENT, LLC which has desperately tried to force KANSAS LET ZEPPELIN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY, S.L. to agree with unacceptable conditions which do not reflect the obligations stipulated in the Contract and which violates the services that Mr. Manu Bennett was to provide to the fans (not attending the party, not attending the Group photo, not attending the Full Meeting Room and not making the dinner, between others).

· In the light of the foregoing, and as ARIES ENTERTAINMENT, LLC has breached the Contract and unilaterally and unlawfully terminated the Contract, KANSAS LET ZEPPELIN INTERNATIONAL has no other choice but to commence legal actions against ARIES ENTERTAINMENT, LLC, its legal representatives (and any third party this company deems necessary and/or convenient), in order to protect its legal rights and interests.

All legal rights reserved.

About Manu products:

1. Bought Photos (including changes) - You will find the normal tickets inside your envelope. You will be able to change it during the weekend or ask for the refund by bank wire after the event presenting the ticket in the merchandise zone.

2. Bought Autographs (including changes) - You will find the normal tickets inside your envelope. You will be able to change it during the weekend or ask for the refund by bank wire after the event presenting the ticket in the merchandise zone.

3. Meeting Room can be changed only for another Meeting Room of Shantel, Matt, Violett or Rick in the event itself with the ticket of the Meeting Room.

4. "Arrow" photo is now Group Photo op.

5. Included Photos - You will be able to choose a new photo between the 4 confirmed guests during the registration.

6. Dinner - You can change it for Shantel Lunch, other products or ask for the refund after the event by bank wire.

We worked until the end to tried to get him, we went to the airport four hours ago to pick him and he decided to not appear without further notice to the organization.

We are very sorry for you and for us. We promise an UNFORGETTABLE weekend! THANK YOU ALL!!!

Doubts - arccon@klzevents.com


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