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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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The negativity of the hashtag is a little upsetting, but indicative/reflective of their general MO. If I was losing my favorite character I would find a more positive hashtag to celebrate them, but to each their own I guess.

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I can see why liking them would be a way of showing fans she's thankful for their support without outright saying anything. But liking tweets that say

there's no show without her

makes me uncomfortable. A little too arrogant for my tastes. But that's probably a personal thing. Things make me cringe so easily, haha.



For those of you who are curious about the KC in the fridge post y'all were tlaking about a few pages back:




I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I don't think she knew what she was implying with this. At least I really hope not considering the time she posted it. Otherwise, yikes. 

Edited by Guest
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Well this is what happens when you have a screening and a Q&A afterwards in the day of modern social media, the show revealed and spoiled everything on its own. No one should be surprised that there is a big death tonight, and many professionals & non-professionals are making it pretty clear who the victim is. Also the preview clip & episode revealed it was someone's time of death.

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She posted the fridge picture when everyone was upset about Sara being fridged for her. She was being a snot, and she definitely knew what woman in a fridge meant. It's not like stuffing one's self into a fridge, having someone take a picture of it, and then posting said pic right around the time people are saying a character was fridged for you is a believable series of coincidences.


TL:DR...she knew exactly how much of an ass she was being.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Well this is what happens when you have a screening and a Q&A afterwards in the day of modern social media, the show revealed and spoiled everything on its own. No one should be surprised that there is a big death tonight, and many professionals & non-professionals are making it pretty clear who the victim is. Also the preview clip & episode revealed it was someone's time of death.


So, because people in other platforms are careless with spoilers you won't bother to use spoiler tags in this thread? O-KAY then.

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Of course they made sure to let everyone know that

this is the death episode.

They want people to watch it. But I strongly disagree with professionals letting know who it is - I think it looks that way to you because YOU know it.

Edited by looptab
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I think KC isn't a very sensible person and it isn't the first time she has liked "controversial" tweets that another person would have ignored to avoid issues. I think she didn't put much thought on it and didn't see it as encouraging hate or shade against the show, just as liking the support she was getting. She also doesn't seem to me like the most humble person in the world, lol, so there's that too.

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Not really..he promoted the s3 premiere as a great episode as well. Of course he wouldn't hint at the final shocker, maybe he is doing the same here? IDK.


I doubt it considering all the Arrow news about the death since the beginning of the week, and we all know SA has seen these articles considering he's very present in social media... He never said one heartfelt thing about this episode tbh. 

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I don't know I think I remember some posts on his facebook or maybe at a Con before their death episodes aired where he didn't seem too happy about what was coming up. It could've been after though. 2014 is too far for me to remember. 

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Not really..he promoted the s3 premiere as a great episode as well. Of course he wouldn't hint at the final shocker, maybe he is doing the same here? IDK.

I remember he kept saying how the Olicity hallway kiss was the "8th most significant thing that happens in the episode" in the lead up to 301. In retrospect, I'm pretty sure Sara's death was one of those 7 things that he considered more important.

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I think those were after. And yeah, Sara's death was surely the most important thing in 301. But he didn't say more than that before, did he? As far as I recall.

But he also commented about not being able to sleep after reading this script.

Hey, could be he DGAF and was actually celebrating, but I wouldn't read too much into what he is saying before the ep airs.

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I get the impression that SA and CL are really good work friends, considering how he congratulated her directly when LoT premiered. It's not surprising, since they probably filmed together a lot in season 2 when Sara was part of the present day AND flashbacks. So losing her and Sara would have been emotional.

Edited by lemotomato
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It looks like CR started a thing when she posted that photo to support EBR's shirt. Echo followed her. I wouldn't open it if I were at work. There's nothing really visible, but he doesn't have pants on. I get them posting photos from the bathroom in the thing and think it's cute. The lack of pants in both cases throws me, though.

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It wasn't the lack of pants that threw me in CR's picture in support of the bathroom therapy tee, it was that she cropped the t-shirt to show off her abs, lol. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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So, because people in other platforms are careless with spoilers you won't bother to use spoiler tags in this thread? O-KAY then.

Nothing about my post was spoilery we knew from 401 that a group of fans would lose their fav characters. I was talking more about social media in general at this point than anybody's posts here. And the preview announced it would be the time of death and previews are not considered spoilers.

Edited by kismet
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I love it when the fandom works together for something positive. I saw WM, the writers' room, and Bamford tweet their appreciation for the trend and all the love. Must be a nice break from the last week.

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Dang, after reading some truly vitriolic stuff over the past few days (and I'm usually able to stay in my PTV bubble) I'm glad there's a positive trend happening. As frustrated as Arrow sometimes makes me, it's still #1 on my DVR Season Pass. It's still the show I look forward to, and I'm glad I have all you knuckleheads to praise, bitch, and moan to and with. :p

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To give credit where it's due, KC keeps it classy on Twitter.





There's EK, and short tweets from SA and CL that could be connected to Laurel, but are also possibly not. 







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I took that as a response to others on social network not keeping it classy. 


I know! I was like thanks for saying she is keeping it classy. Was she not suppose to? LOL

Edited by tarotx
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I really have to say I don't blame him though. Some of the stuff I saw in responses to him (and basically anyone involved with Arrow) were shockingly vile. I almost feel bad for him which, considering I've never been a big fan of his showrunning, is pretty noteworthy. But I guess it's a big trade-off for any showrunner--they definitely get the perks (money, notoriety, etc.) for what they do, but they also get to deal with that "fun" stuff too.  Maybe Marc should call Scott Gimple if he needs a sympathetic shoulder. :P

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I would hope KC keeps it classy if she wants to continue to work. I'm interested in what she says at cons, she's not very good a joking around or keeping her feelings in check in person. 

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