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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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They're getting a lot of p.r. mileage from pix with the production office.  Good for them, beind-the-scenes people should get more attention.


I would go to Fan Expo for Stephen Amell.  It's nice that Willa Holland is coming but it's not the same thing, although Jeri Ryan will be there too.  (For $160 you can get your picture taken with 7of9, Neelix and the hologram Doctor.)


Whatever it is and umm if you stick to your plan, (this is any show), in violation of what the actors are giving you on a daily basis then you're kind of setting yourself up for failure. And that is an aspect a lot of the fans on twitter or tumblr who reach out to me don't realize. The great thing about television is the opportunity as a writer and a producer to react and you can't do that with a movie." With television you can react, that Emily Rickards who was supposed to be in one episode is great, I want to see her in more scenes in the show"

That's true for writers who are writing books too.  You have to listen to what your characters are telling you. I was at a panel with Matt Lennox yesterday and he said that he had his latest book half written,and then he realized it needed to be in the first person so he had to go back to the beginning and re-do it.


But poor Guggie. It seems like he's always having to defend the decision to bring EBR on board and later maker her the love interest.


EBR being on the show saved KC's job because if not for EBR, Sara could have replaced Laurel in both ways? Except that Laurel still could have been replaced in both ways and was not. So no, sorry, that makes no sense.

I think EBR/Felicity saved it because if they hadn't struck gold with the Oliver/Diggle/Felicity team, the show wouldn't necessarily have had a second season.  Lots of shows end after 13 episodes or fail to get a second season because they're okay but not good enough.I think Sleepy Hollow makes the case for the importance of chemistry between the show's leads keeping the audience on-board.

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I think only the real fern can talk about the gruesome experience of the pit to Sara! Thereapy session between Sara and the Fern!

I'd watch that.

"Only you understand what I'm going through!"

They can tag in Thea and have a group session.

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Caity doesn't seem upset in the least. She probably thinks the love fern is hilarious. I was imagining her doing and controlling fun, silly behind the scenes videos of her "therapy" sessions with the fern along the lines of EBR's bathtub therapy sessions.

There is zero lack of respect coming from what I'm posting.

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CL should so do a Periscope therapy session with the Fern! Bonus points if she gets Willa to join the fun. The Straight Outta Lazarus Pit therapy hour. 

Edited by Sakura12
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From seeing Caity at SDCC2014, it seems like she'd have a lot of fun in a post LP therapy session with Thea and fern.  (Someone who tweets her should suggest it, like JB's singing vids.)  But who could be the facilitator?


ETA:  or what Sakura just posted.  Can you tweet her the idea?

Edited by statsgirl
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Poor PB and CL, indeed! Forced by TPTB to give the fern publicity because it's so wildly popular. Damn you, fern-service!

So we're all in agreement in calling any Olicity treats we get (videos/pics/tweets ) fernservice from now on, yeah?

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Poor PB and CL, indeed! Forced by TPTB to give the fern publicity because it's so wildly popular. Damn you, fern-service!



So we're all in agreement in calling any Olicity treats we get (videos/pics/tweets ) fernservice from now on, yeah?




@lemotomato, you win today, you really do.

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Haha. Yeah, that trend is GATV's fault. I love that though. They turned his salty comment into something positive. 

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Podcast with Marc Guggenheim



The Arrow part start at 50 min mark!


"we do have a plan and we're not making it up...we react to things we feel are working...we react to chemistry between actors and react to LACK of chem between other actors"


I'm reacting to this a bit late but is this the first time Guggenheim or any other EP has actually used the phrase "lack of chemistry"? It just seems very pointed to me because it's a phrase that's been used repeatedly regarding SA/KC both by fans and media. Couple this with another recent interview where he said "We've got to pick a horse, or not pick a horse" and it really sounds like they're saying: "We've made our choice and it was because xyz." No more hedging, or being wishy-washy. I like it!

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My guess is he is over the temper tantrums. All this childish foot stomping is ridiculous. 


Fandom has been ugly recently. I think one of the reasons is because some people thought that all the hate Olicity got would actually have an impact. Last season, Olicity was a big PR push and I think the anti-crowd thought this summer would be so different after the shaky S3. And yet, this summer is very similar. Olicity is still front and center in PR. Comic Con, articles, polls, tweets and tumblr. Characters people thought would get more push just aren't. They are doing that because all their data says that will get the biggest return. And it's making some people lose their chill.


The fandom needs that trailer. Lol

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It looks like the Fern was trying to reenact Sara's death scene. Taking 3 to the chest and falling off a ledge into the garbage. :D

Now I'm dying! Your observation/comment is wickedly, wickedly funny! I only wish I had a mouthful of cheese puffs or some other powdery, bright orange snack food so I could spew it out to grand effect in uncontrolled laughter! Bravo!

Viva la fern!

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I don't think you can blame people too much for being upset that they flat out won't be getting Green Arrow/Black Canary. If it's because they made a mistake by casting an actress that turned out to be a dud, then they fucked up, but still...that's a really huge thing to fuck up on, imo. They tried to redo it by turning Sara into BC, but there's no real way to take it back, unfortunately. I wouldn't blame people holding a grudge for that for the life of the show, to be honest. I doubt Green Arrow will get his own movie in the DC-verse anytime soon, so if there were fans of the character who are upset about that, I think they have pretty good reason to be.


But I also don't blame the show for shifting gears toward a character who is a fan favorite with the people who are actually watching. They had to do what worked, and I'm glad that MG is getting to the point where they're admitting that. I would really love it if they could own up to the fact that they screwed up some of the canon stuff early on and there was no way to fix it, so they had to move on the best they could. They probably can't do that without explicitly insulting KC though, so I don't know if it'll ever happen.

Edited by Ruby25
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@Ruby25--that's an incredibly fair perspective!

I sometimes have a difficult time empathizing with the show's Black Canary fans because I had never heard of Green Arrow before I started watching the show. However, I can imagine that I'd be on the absolute pissed side of disgruntled if one of my favorite stories were adapted, but then radically changed. For example, if a TV series about Austen's Elizabeth Bennett were made that also included Mr. Darcy, I would be very upset if a new character usurped his role as love interest. I'd probably continue watching because I love Austen's story and because I'd have the expectation that the show would simply have to correct at some point and reinstall Mr. Darcy as the rightful love interest. This could be a bad analogy because I understand that Black Canary is much, much more than Green Arrow's love interest.

I agree that MG and company face the conundrum of owning up to their mistake without insulting KC. Felicity and Olicity are simply happy accidents that turned out to be a gold mine for the show, so of course they will continue to be prominent.

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I think if they did own up to it and clearly stated that "mistakes were made and we had to do what worked," (vague enough to not name names) it might buy some forgiveness from fans of the character, who wanted to see something that they will never get. But at least it would be owned up to.

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Well if they didn't like something they could've come together as a group the way smoaknarrow on twitter does it. I'm guessing theapplefour is trying to do that but, he often more than not angers a lot of people and he intentionally does so also. So it's hard for me to feel sorry for that side of the fandom when they go at Felicity's character, or even Oliver's. They even go as far to say that during one of the sdcc interviews they said Emily intentionally "butchered" KC'a fan question. Like who says things like that? It's ridiculous.

I can see the comic fans being mad but, if the actor can't elevate the material or turn it around somehow like how Willa, Emily or Colton brought some of the bad material they had around than why couldn't KC?

Emily is probably the newest to the acting world when she got cast. Yet I immediately bought that she knew her stuff. Whereas they wrote Laurel as needing the hood's help to solve the cases. I never bought that they were her cases. That's the problem here. You can't just blame the writers all the time. If other people on the show can switch things around and not always play by the acting book than they are easier to work with and they adapt to change.

I think why David and Stephen have such a cohesive summary about why they loved working with Emily so much is because she gave them stuff to work off. Whereas Katie does come off as being stiff and IMO doesn't give to her fellow actors.

the entire Ted Grant arc was useless in the narrative of the show.

Edited by EmilyBettFan
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Well, whether it was the writers or the actress (and in this case most seem to blame the actress) it was a major fuck-up. I mean, I don't know when they knew she wasn't working, but they could have fixed it by recasting after the pilot, right? That was too big and too important of a character from the canon to make such a big mistake on. But they did, so they radically changed things up because they had to, and in so doing it earned them a permanently pissy fanbase out there who will never get to see one of the biggest things from the GA canon. Those people are going to be resentful and bitter about this forever.


And that was the show's fault, one way or the other, so I think they should own up to it, but also make no apologies for what they did moving forward, after they realized what had happened.

Edited by Ruby25
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I don't blame people for being upset or feeling they got screwed. I just don't understand watching something that makes you that upset. I can't wrap my head around that mindset. Personally, if a show makes me that mad and I find little enjoyment in what I'm seeing I flip the switch. I ether stop watching completely or I accept what I can't change and lean heavily on the DVR or YouTube for what I do enjoy. It's difficult for me to understand those who surround themselves in what they hate and just yell about it. That would make me completely miserable.



I think if they did own up to it and clearly stated that "mistakes were made and we had to do what worked," (vague enough to not name names) it might buy some forgiveness from fans of the character, who wanted to see something that they will never get. But at least it would be owned up to.

They talk a lot about finding what clicked or worked in regards to EBR but they haven't really talked about what didn't. I know they would want to avoid the perception of placing blame on one actress but I wish they would talk more about it. Because there is a lot of blame to go around for their original plan not working. The writers for the inconsistent writing, the creators for the terrible backstory, the CW who pushed an actress that wasn't IMO right for the part, not doing a chemistry test, etc..


I highly doubt it would change anything but it would give a clearer picture.

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I do agree with that part- if people are that upset about it they probably shouldn't be watching it, lol. But everybody likes to whine too. To me it's clear that they shifted gears in response to a thing that they clearly screwed up, and I could tell from the moment they brought in Sara as "the Canary" and turned Felicity into an obvious love interest in Season 2. They were going in a new direction because the person who was supposed to be BC just didn't turn out what they hoped (and imo that was a combination of actress and writing, so I don't let these writers off the hook for not doing BC right).


But I accepted it, and I enjoy it for what it is now. But it has made me nervous about The Flash, because I'm telling you, if they do the same thing to Iris and fuck up WestAllen the way they did Oliver and Laurel, I will totally be out. That one I was much more invested in from the canon, so I'm warily heading into Season 2 over there, to see if there are clues that they've decided to radically change anything, since that was when it happened with Arrow.

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But why would they waste their time telling a story about BC/GA when they divorce in the comic? At least now they can write freely. They never said this show was going to be word for word as the comics or scene by scene as the comics.

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My trainer has me doing similar sets, but a) nowhere near as gracefully, and b) nowhere near as quickly. And I don't do Burpees or sprawls while I'm balancing on a medicine ball, good lord. And I also look like absolute hell when it's over, haha.

Edited by apinknightmare
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