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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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The problem though is that some of those "fans" really go after the GF/spouses in a pretty terrible way.  Those SOs were basically being called beards, etc for Jensen and Jared and that the marriages are shams.  I think in her case, she was just not having it. It's not as though the SOs of said stars go out looking for trouble. So I can't really say I blame SA's wife, or either spouse of J2 for fighting back against that kind of nonsense.  To my mind that's not biting the hand that fed them, that's standing up against bullshit.

Man, those "beards" rumors and don't forget the "contract relationship" too (or maybe that's one of the same?). it's sort of nice (in a very weird way) to know my favorite actor, George Clooney, isn't the only one who gets blasted on with that stupid annoying "beard" shit, just because the man had the audacity to not settle and settle down with someone he wasn't sure he was 100% in-love with and remain single until his early 50's. (not that it stopped now that he's engaged- it almost gotten a bit worse). 

sometimes i don't get humans.

Edited by foreverevolving
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"I die" and "This is everything" are terms that people use on the internet in general, though. I saw it about hundred times last night when I was looking at 1st day of school kindergarten pictures on my nephew's school's Facebook page. I'm not really sure where people are getting that her tweet resulted from being upset about Stemily unless there were deleted tweets specifically pointing out the Stemily thing before that tweet. It looked to me like she was making that statement about people in general and then, per usual, the fandoms overreacted and people started pointing fingers. I'm sure she was annoyed/upset because the replies to her were rude, but I don't think the original intent had anything to do with certain fandoms especially since she cleared up her intent a couple of tweets later.

I was online when it happened and you summed up the whole thing. Her tweet was not about anyone in the Arrow fandom. Fans who follow her misunderstood what she said and thought she was making fun of them because "I die" "This is everything" are a fandom thing. It got messy and that's why she tweeted again right after sayings she loves fans.

Edited by rainydawn
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Beyond the ick factor in writing about or imagining real people who are or could be already in relationships, even when the real life people DO start dating it can really mess up a show.  It happened on Alias.  Jennifer Garner was dating her love interest on the show which made for a smoking make out session but when they broke up there were all kinds of rumors that she dumped him for Ben Affleck.  I didn't go looking for that kind of thing but it found me and I could barely watch the show without all that static running through my head.  Before the break up I was oh, that's so cute, now if anything I'm an anti real person shipper. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I think my very first cognizance of RPS was way back in the X Files days when there was speculation whether Gillian and David were in a super secret relationship. Then, it sort of turned into an almost jokey, "scientifically-studied" phenomenon because no one understands GA and DD's kinda-hate/love each other relationship. Actually, 20+ years later, and that's still a topic that comes up a lot with troll Gillian fanning the flames, at times. Hee. Love that woman.


But I don't think the Arrow cast (neither Emily and Stephen, or their respective SOs) have much to worry about, or be bothered by, in that regard. Granted, I avoid certain places about Arrow--because I just do not need all that drama--but I barely even know about any actual, for-serious RPS in the Arrow fandom so, whoever those people are, they're pretty low-key. The only one that's really present, that I know of, is Emton, which both Emily and Colton playfully encourage, anyway.


On another note, the more I see of Katrina Law at cons and during interviews with the cast, the more I love her and wish that Nyssa can recur more often. I, also, really do want to see how Sara and Nyssa fell in love, in flashbacks at Nanda Parbat.

With Ra's coming this season, I hope it means more Nyssa, as well! I'd rather have more of her than Brandon Routh (still kinda bitter about his role on Chuck), any day.

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John Barrowman & Stephen Amell in a pool together!




Guess who I found in my pool yesterday??@amellywood just don’t ask him about my #Jedi moment.. Jb


i don't think any words are even necessary!

mon dieu! has my AC broken down or... cause it sure as hell hot in here all of the sudden :-P

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So i should be surprised by the choice of the pic the official social media accounts of Arrow. I thought for sure they would go with the Arrow one or Arrow vs Arsenal











Then the same photo posted also by Stephen on his facebook:




And the before mentioned fangirling WB excited about Olicity and Black Canary



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According to an Arrow fan acct I follow, KC won't be attending Montreal comicon with stephen anymore. I'm disappointed because I want to know if/how her answers have changed for her season 3 arc. Hoping we get a video from dragon con at some point. I feel like since comic con the whole Sara/Laurel = Black Canary thing is even more confusing. Yes, I'm still rooting for Sara but I'd like to see if KC's answers have changed or become more ambiguous. Oh, also I'd like to see if she mirrors SA on the Oliver/Laurel relationship after comic con.

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Maybe they will. Didn't most of the cast attend last year (or was that the year before)? If they do my bf would be ecstatic because he's going, and he has the biggest crush on Felicity.

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Manu, David, Emily and Stephen went to Walker Stalker Con in Chicago last March. I don't think EBR likes Conventions that much or perhaps she's just young and would rather enjoy her time away from the set hanging with friends rather than doing Cons?  I noticed that Willa and Colton don't seem to do Con's either.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I agree with you. I can't blame her or any of them, I wouldn't want to jump from con to con on my time off. Plus, she did do that European press tour this summer. Still hoping she gets added to NY comic con because my bf just loves her.

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Manu, David, Emily and Stephen went to Walker Stalker Con in Chicago last March. I don't think EBR likes Conventions that much or perhaps she's just young and would rather enjoy her time away from the set hanging with friends rather than doing Cons?  I noticed that Willa and Colton don't seem to do Con's either.


I guess I'm happy that I spent all that money to meet all of them when they were there. Especially EBR since it's apparently rare to meet her. I just need Caity Lotz and Katrina Law to come here, preferably together. Then I can say I met most of the cast of Arrow. 


I wonder if any of them will be doing Walker Stalker this year. It's actually in the city this time at a major tourist attraction.

Edited by Sakura12
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I guess I'm happy that I spent all that money to meet all of them when they were there. Especially EBR since it's apparently rare to meet her. I just need Caity Lotz and Katrina Law to come here, preferably together. Then I can say I met most of the cast of Arrow. 

Yeah, no doubt.  If I could get all of them in one group I'd totally spend the money and haven't been to a Con in over a decade.  NYCC is already sold out so even if DR/EBR were added I wouldn't get to see them anyway but maybe next year. 

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I don't know if it's always filming. Stephen loves interacting with his fans and he is the PR person for Arrow so they probably are happy to send him off to promote the show at cons. Or Stephen is just better at hitting his marks and finishing up his scenes on time. He also has a stunt double that can do the stunt scenes while he does something else, like go to cons. 

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Apparently they wouldn't have had a joint panel. Stephen has Q&A scheduled on Saturday. KC had it on Sunday. 


That's because KC doesn't allow taping in her panels and most everyone else wants it taped probably so the the fans that couldn't be there can see it too.  I'm assuming that's why there is one from the Sunday Dragoncon panel when Katrina Law talked about Nyssa thinking Laurel is awesome. 

Edited by Sakura12
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If Emily Bett Rickards had a better agent, that girl would be ruling it all - on magazine covers, con appearances, may be a deal or two for shampoo commercials or skin creams. She is basically selling the show along with Stephen and CW and WB are using her popularity to get more and more eyeballs.

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SDCC is the biggest con of all but NYCC is big too.  I think the producers would arrange to have SA there just to promote the show.  For the other actors, it would be more optional.


Manu, David, Emily and Stephen went to Walker Stalker Con in Chicago last March. I don't think EBR likes Conventions that much or perhaps she's just young and would rather enjoy her time away from the set hanging with friends rather than doing Cons?  I noticed that Willa and Colton don't seem to do Con's either.

Maybe they don't need to, they're regulars on the show and they're young so they have lots more chances to get other roles.  Someone older like Manu Bennett, on the other hand, doesn't have that many really physical years left and he needs to get roles while he can.  (Alan Dale seems to have sewn up all the 'older Australian/Kiwi ones.)  Sad but true.


Thanks for the link, Lokiberry. Wow, Katrina's hot when she wants to be.

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So far, only Stephen Amell is scheduled for NYCC - no one from Arrow was there last year.  He and Katie Cassidy were there in 2012.  I think at least one of the EPs was with them.


Hoping another cast member joins him in NY - I'm secretly hoping, if nothing else, that Colin O'Donnell shows up.  I don't know if he's still performing in NYC though.  I only have tickets to Saturday though my husband and son will be there on Sunday also. 

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He and Katie Cassidy were there in 2012.  I think at least one of the EPs was with them.


And Willa. 


Hoping another cast member joins him in NY - I'm secretly hoping, if nothing else, that Colin O'Donnell shows up.  I don't know if he's still performing in NYC though.  I only have tickets to Saturday though my husband and son will be there on Sunday also.


Colin isn't doing his show anymore but he does live in NY...so it could happen. 

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