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  • Without a successful Arrow, there'd be no Flash spinoff and likely no Gotham - and certainly GG would not have been cast as Barry Allen since GG chem-tested with EBR.


I don't think Grant Gustin's hiring hinged on his chem test with EBR, I think the chem test was to see if they could pull off flirty banter and sell the connection enough that viewers would buy Oliver feeling threatened by someone like Barry over Felicity. If GG and EBR didn't spark, they might have tweaked the script to lessen the flirtiness. Either way, GG was getting hired as The Flash/Barry Allen. (BTW, the story being told about the casting of SA, GG and MB is that they're all the first people they saw for the roles and no one else could compare.)


Am I to believe that they rewrote 1x04 at the last minute because of EBR? I ask because Felicity had a significant if small role in 1x04 -- though larger than her role in 1x03 -- that would have had to go to a different character originally and be rewritten specifically for her between when her scene in 1x03 was shot and when 1x04 started production, if indeed Felicity was always going to be a one-off until EBR just dazzled everyone with her delivery.


I don't think a lot of rewriting needed to be done in 1x04, the role seems nondescript enough that it could have worked with another one-off tech character, or as quarks pointed out above, the tech/security person that showed up later and got killed. The role seems big in retrospect because it tied Felicity to the main storyline right away, but that particular part in 1x04 could easily have gone to someone else without much impact.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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I seem to remember an interview with... someone, possibly MG? where he said that when they saw the rushes from 1x03 (and this was after Stephen Amell had already talked up Emily to them) they were all 'Get this girl back! Write her in again asap.' This was way before the Network honcho had seen her because the response when they were asked/told 'the blonde girl's coming back, right?' was along the lines of 'Way ahead of you.'

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It's this interview from Paste magazine, I think:


Paste: Was the “Team Arrow” dynamic with Diggle and Felicity a plan from the start?


Guggenheim: Not at all. We always knew that Diggle would learn Oliver’s identity and become his ally. Felicity was a big surprise. She started off as a one-off character in episode three of the first season. As we were writing episode four, we were seeing such great dailies from Emily Bett Rickards, we thought, “Let’s put her in episodes four and five.” We had so much fun writing for her. Then the network kept saying, “We’re going to see her again, right?’ We were like, “Way ahead of you!” Eventually, you get to the point where she has to learn Oliver’s secret or she’s the biggest idiot in the world.


BTW, Marc has on numerous times talked about needing to let Felicity in on the secret soon because they didn't want her to look like an idiot. I kinda laugh because they didn't seem to have the same worry with Laurel.

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They were aware of the same problem with Iris but she was still clueless way into the season.


I think one of the reasons EVR worked so well as Felicity is that she never seemed to buy Oliver's b.s. excuses, even from their first scene with the cocked head.  I wonder if when they finally wrote Felicity into knowing the secret in 1x14, they missed the interplay between Oliver's lies and her scepticism.  The syringe/sports bottle exchage is perenially funny.


I may have almost spit my drink when I saw this photo of Moira. I love her, but what the hell is she supposed to be here?!?! If they wanted her to look slightly evil, they succeeded :P

That is definitely the Cruella da Ville look.


From the Nanda Parbat 3x14 episode thread:

This episode really highlighted that they were trying to separate Team Arrow. That is how I saw it. We only got one or two scenes the entire season of the original three. I get there being tension between Oliver and Felicity but there is no way Diggle wouldn't have told them to forget about it for now. Instead we have the next episode, with Felicity casually mentioning she talked to Diggle as like a tag team. They could have had a scene of all three of them.

MG said a number of times through the season when people complained about the lack of Original Team Arrow, that they had to split them up in order to make room for new charatcters.


I wonder how they now see this.  (I know I think it was a big mistake.)  We'll see what the new season actually is like but given the way the EPs have been saying that there is a lot of Diggle and Felicity coming up in s4, I wonder if they now realize that the splitting of up Team Arrow for Laurel, Ray and Malcolm plots didn't do the show any favours.

They were aware of the same problem with Iris but she was still clueless way into the season.


I think one of the reasons EVR worked so well as Felicity is that she never seemed to buy Oliver's b.s. excuses, even from their first scene with the cocked head.  I wonder if when they finally wrote Felicity into knowing the secret in 1x14, they missed the interplay between Oliver's lies and her scepticism.  The syringe/sports bottle exchage is perenially funny.


I may have almost spit my drink when I saw this photo of Moira. I love her, but what the hell is she supposed to be here?!?! If they wanted her to look slightly evil, they succeeded :P

That is definitely the Cruella da Ville look.


From the Nanda Parbat 3x14 episode thread:

This episode really highlighted that they were trying to separate Team Arrow. That is how I saw it. We only got one or two scenes the entire season of the original three. I get there being tension between Oliver and Felicity but there is no way Diggle wouldn't have told them to forget about it for now. Instead we have the next episode, with Felicity casually mentioning she talked to Diggle as like a tag team. They could have had a scene of all three of them.

MG said a number of times through the season when people complained about the lack of Original Team Arrow, that they had to split them up in order to make room for new charatcters.


I wonder how they now see this.  (I know I think it was a big mistake.)  We'll see what the new season actually is like but given the way the EPs have been saying that there is a lot of Diggle and Felicity coming up in s4, I wonder if they now realize that the splitting of up Team Arrow for Laurel, Ray and Malcolm plots didn't do the show any favours.

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What is his role? Maybe he has an elaborate costume or make-up that requires a casting of the actor and a week's prep? They might fly him up for a day of prep for something like that.


He's playing Constantine - so I doubt it has anything to do with all that, but who knows. 

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It's from a Coke commercial she did not too long ago. 



What? How? 


One, that's a legitimately funny commercial which is shocking in its own right.


Two, is Arrow big in China? No offense to ERB but she's not exactly a celeb I'd figure have international star power. And the commercial seems to assume the audience would have familiarity with her role as Felicity.  

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What? How? 


One, that's a legitimately funny commercial which is shocking in its own right.


Two, is Arrow big in China? No offense to ERB but she's not exactly a celeb I'd figure have international star power. And the commercial seems to assume the audience would have familiarity with her role as Felicity.  


Katie Cassidy did one too - 


Seems like these were promos done for a Chinese television channel (it seems like Arrow airs on there?) in conjunction with Coke? Not entirely sure. So people watching the promo in China might actually be familiar with Felicity, if they watch the show.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Two, is Arrow big in China? No offense to ERB but she's not exactly a celeb I'd figure have international star power. And the commercial seems to assume the audience would have familiarity with her role as Felicity.  

IDK if Arrow is big there, but Stephen visited Beijing to promote the show in the summer of 2013. Here's a video of his Q&A with some Chinese fans. My favorite thing about this video is Stephen's answer to a question about "the IT girl." (Skip to 8:55) Oh Captain, my captain. 

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He's playing Constantine - so I doubt it has anything to do with all that, but who knows. 

Ah, sorry.  I've been meaning to check out the episodes of Constantine that aired, but I'm not at all versed with the actors names and such.  It does seem unlikely, in that case, unless they are doing something very strange with his character. 

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MG said a number of times through the season when people complained about the lack of Original Team Arrow, that they had to split them up in order to make room for new charatcters.


I wonder how they now see this.  (I know I think it was a big mistake.)  We'll see what the new season actually is like but given the way the EPs have been saying that there is a lot of Diggle and Felicity coming up in s4, I wonder if they now realize that the splitting of up Team Arrow for Laurel, Ray and Malcolm plots didn't do the show any favours.


I never understood why they had to sacrifice one for the other.  They needed to keep the existing bonds between the team and then let the team grow.  That's why Roy worked.  He was added to the team.  He wasn't edging someone out. 


Even if they in all practicality needed different characters to interact, they could have still given us moments where we see, for example, start a scene where we see Felicity with Diggle and then immediately see her coming over to talk to Laurel.  Or just something as simple as some extra eye contact or silent communication on top of doing the needed lines with the new people. 


Or why couldn't we have had Diggle come visit Felicity more often at work?  That would have made MORE room for Ray by letting him play with more people. 


I think they get lazy and then pat themselves on the back for mixing up the dynamic. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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My favorite thing about this video is Stephen's answer to a question about "the IT girl." (Skip to 8:55) Oh Captain, my captain. 

It's interesting to note that the fan asking the question if Oliver will go on a date with Felicity is a guy.


If the show is looking to hook the younger male demographic.....

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Did they think that the Oliver/Diggle/Felicity Team Arrow was such a tight-knit group that it would have been hard to grow new superheros on the show?  (They did okay with Roy, Sara and Thea though while keeping TA.)  Or was it just an excuse to put Felicity on Palmer Island and produce a reason (I.e. lack of fighting power) for Laurel to put on the black leather when Oliver was gone?


I think not having Ray interact with Oliver and Diggle till almost the end of the season hurt the character of Ray, but it may have looked different in their heads when they were planning it.

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Katie Cassidy did one too - 


Seems like these were promos done for a Chinese television channel (it seems like Arrow airs on there?) in conjunction with Coke? Not entirely sure. So people watching the promo in China might actually be familiar with Felicity, if they watch the show.

Ha!  I hadn't seen that one for Katie before.  It seriously makes no sense, lol.  Lost in translation I suppose. Can't say EBR's was all that logical either (the ending) but it was funny!

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I've always thought there were two kinds of mistakes, those that you knew/should have known at the time were mistakes, and those you reasonably couldn't have known were mistakes. A lot, like a LOT, of S3 mistakes were glaringly obvious at the time they were making them. They didn't look bad only in hindsight, instead they were dumb as dirt at the time. Making Ray a misogynistic stalker a-hole who effectively isolated Felicity was an obvious mistake for a "hero" character they wanted to spin off. Separating the three characters widely thought to have the best chemistry was an obvious mistake. Making Oliver dumb as a doorknob was an obvious mistake. I can't immediately think of any mistakes that weren't obviously moronic at the time...maybe killing off Oliver temporarily? That could have felt like a bold storytelling choice, except that it wasn't, because the show couldn't go on without him, and it was obviously a ploy to try to make people give a crap about the secondary characters they were pushing. I can't for the life of me figure out what they were thinking with the dismal morass of S3, but then I remind myself that S3 ratings were very good, and I despair for humankind.

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For me the most frustrating thing about breaking Team Arrow up to make room for new members, is they didn't actually make room. Ray and Thea didn't join until the end of the season and Laurel was hit or miss. She clearly wasn't apart of the group at the start of the season. She joined up with Team Arrow lost the Arrow part. When Oliver came back, she was portrayed more as a tag-a-long then an actual member. Oliver seemed annoyed she was there (even after her moment in Canaries) and she was left out of any important discussions. Then when they lost Oliver again to the LOA, she wasn't hanging out or working with Diggle and Felicity until she needed their help with Nyssa. She ended up just getting lumped up with Thea and Ray at the end. Viewers were still asking if she going to be apart of Team Arrow in S4.


Maybe it was all a set up for the new Team Arrow in S4, but it was messy, the point was missed and it disrespected the audience.

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Came across some Season 1 promos and it's so weird to see it now and compare it with how the show is now.

I laughed when I watched those S1 promos because I immediately thought of some recent complaints that S3 was too "soap opera-y" (as compared to past seasons?) and that the show should go back to the action of S1 and S2.  Yeah, right.


I don't think Grant Gustin's hiring hinged on his chem test with EBR, I think the chem test was to see if they could pull off flirty banter and sell the connection enough that viewers would buy Oliver feeling threatened by someone like Barry over Felicity. If GG and EBR didn't spark, they might have tweaked the script to lessen the flirtiness. Either way, GG was getting hired as The Flash/Barry Allen. (BTW, the story being told about the casting of SA, GG and MB is that they're all the first people they saw for the roles and no one else could compare.)

Barry Allen first made his appearance on Arrow as a Felicity love interest, so I still think GG's chem test with EBR was a determinative factor. If he had had no chemistry with EBR, I don't think he would've been cast.  Moreover, I think the whole persona of Barry Allen as a lighter, more easygoing superhero might've been influenced by the EPs recognizing that audiences wanted to see more humor and joy - and that consciousness could've been due to the positive reception of Team Arrow and Felicity in S1 of Arrow.  Otherwise, it's possible that The Flash might've ended up also having that DC universe aesthetic of dark, gritty storytelling and that Barry Allen would have a different personality.  However, I don't know and you could be right.


At some point, probably years from now, I'd love to read a tell-all by one of the EPs as the what went on behind the scenes on Arrow.

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I can't help but wonder if the Arrow EPs had to reach a compromise with both CW executives and WB executives in the switch from Laurel to Felicity -- because they started out from opposite sides. The CW pushed hard for KC to get this role. And then here's the show just starting out production, and the WB president is calling them to ask for more Felicity. It cannot have been pretty.


In my experience, on-set rewrites are the norm, not the exception, for most scripted television. My favorite example from Arrow was a picture of Marc Guggenheim sitting at the beach with his laptop when they were filming the island scenes from the S2 finale. Dude was rewriting that scene as they were filming. Maybe they had already decided then to cut the O/F kiss at the mansion, so their conversation in the island most likely needed to be adjusted.

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IDK if Arrow is big there, but Stephen visited Beijing to promote the show in the summer of 2013. Here's a video of his Q&A with some Chinese fans. My favorite thing about this video is Stephen's answer to a question about "the IT girl." (Skip to 8:55) Oh Captain, my captain. 


Also from that June 2013 trip - certainly sounds like SA and EBR have a lot of fans there (probably even more now)...


Stephen Amell (ARROW) Meet&Greet Tencent in Beijing

Beginning at around 13:14 of above video...

VC: "What about Felicity? Chinese fans are really crazy about her."

SA: "Yes."

VC: "More than Laurel. More than Diggle. More than you sometimes.(laughs) What do you think about your relationship with [unintellible]."

SA: "Well, I think - I've never - there's no way to anticipate that that was gonna happen, with all the fans liking that. But, um, I give all the credit to Emily. I think it's a really cool dynamic. I hope that whatever they have planned for it, uh, makes the fans, keeps the fans as excited as they are."


Stephen Amell with his fans at Beijing Airport

Edited by tv echo
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Go to twitter link to watch video clip...

Stardust ‏@StardustWWE
I'm training too, Ollie!


#StardustVArrow #SummerSlam
[video of Stardust trying to shoot arrow into Funko POP Green Arrow]
3:01 PM - 15 Aug 2015



SA's response...

Stephen Amell ‏@amellywood

Stephen Amell retweeted Stardust
I'm going to beat you up.
4:08 PM - 15 Aug 2015


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Making Oliver dumb as a doorknob was an obvious mistake. I can't immediately think of any mistakes that weren't obviously moronic at the time...maybe killing off Oliver temporarily? That could have felt like a bold storytelling choice, except that it wasn't, because the show couldn't go on without him, and it was obviously a ploy to try to make people give a crap about the secondary characters they were pushing.

They must have known that removing Oliver from the show was a mistake because they didn't really do it.  Even in Left Behind, the episode following The Climb, the audience saw him still alive. I mean, we all knew he was going to survive but the way SA and MG were talking in the fall, it seemed like Oliver was going to be off the show for 3 episodes and he wasn't, he was in them all. So they knew even before the ratings came out that Oliver was necessary in every episode.


MG said that they got a lot of storytelling mileage from making Oliver an idiot but I wonder just how much of that was in service to get a storyline for John Barrowman as opposed to the show's story overall.

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Yup on the arrow after show where he went to defend Laurel. Lol he said episodes 10-13 and you could just he was annoyed that he had to keep saying that.

He was acting like Oliver wasn't going to be in those episodes and he was at the end. I think they saw what a mess it was and quickly wrote in Oliver + the parallels of Tatsu and Maseo to Oliver and Felicity.

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I never understood why they had to sacrifice one for the other.  They needed to keep the existing bonds between the team and then let the team grow.  That's why Roy worked.  He was added to the team.  He wasn't edging someone out. 

I want to know why C.Haynes had to go. I can't believe that he was there short time or whatnot. Roy had his detractors but he was imo more widely accepted than any other addition to OTA (better than even Sara, I think). I'm this close to suspect that some other new addition needed more room for herself in the Arrowcave.


I laughed when I watched those S1 promos because I immediately thought of some recent complaints that S3 was too "soap opera-y" (as compared to past seasons?) and that the show should go back to the action of S1 and S2.  Yeah, right.

Having gone through the Triangle of Doom live in S1, I can only agree.


Admitting to breaking what works for your show in order to make some room for new characters...renders me speechless. It's hard enough to introduce any new character at all because the audience is wary, even when the plot actually asks for new blood (imo Arrow didn't in S3, re: already existing -oops, female- characters robbed of an agency and of a storyline) even when the writers have no choice because an actor chose to leave. So excuse me while I WTF at this kind of statement. WTFingF.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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To give the EPs the benefit of the doubt, maybe they really did think that Brandon Routh was charismatic enough that the scenes with Felicity would grab people enough that they would be okay with Oliver and Felicity being  apart for almost all the season.  And to be honest, I thought Ray's scenes were full of fun chemistry -- unfortunately though they were the scenes with Oliver and not Felicity. I know that they think Malcolm Meryln far more compelling than I do so they were probably counting on him to generate chemistry with Will and Stephen.  And even with what seems like a lot of Laurel this season, her episodes were spaced out long with the 3 after midseason ones, the time period which I will now think of as the Laurel doldums.


At the end of season 2, most of the reviewers like Mo Ryan and Alan Sepinwall were all Team Arrow, Yay!.  So I can see how the EPs might have thought that to bring three new superheroes in on the side like they had Roy would have missed the impact of their origin story, although I can't understand how they could have missed to complaints that much of 2B became the Oliver & Sara Hour,


TV shows have to take risks (unless they're on CBS like NCIS and Hawaii-50) or else people lose interest.  It's too bad that they couldn't reproduce the chemistry O/D/F had with their other characters.  And the thing about chemistry is that it masks a multitude of sins on the show itself. With the O/D/F chemistry sidelined along with the characters, those flaws became even more evident.



I want to know why C.Haynes had to go. I can't believe that he was there short time or whatnot. Roy had his detractors but he was imo more widely accepted than any other addition to OTA (better than even Sara, I think). I'm this close to suspect that some other new addition needed more room for herself in the Arrowcave.

It could have been to bring both Laurel and Thea in because it's hard to write for team larger than four or five.   I expect that Thea will pretty much take the role that Roy had, being a junior partner and sidekick.  I have no idea what they're going to do with Laurel (only that I'm afraid she'll end up taking over the second position on the team, relegating Diggle once again to Black Driver and Felicity to back-up tech).  It's the old problem of comic book canon, that Black Canary is Green Arrow's equal so if she's on the team, she's going to have to be very important.

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Even if she did win I didn't really expect her to be there? EBR doesn't really make appearances at industry events like cons or whatever... And it sort of bothers me a little sometimes because I wish she'd put herself out there considering CW PR won't do crap for her, but it's her life *shrugs*

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I used to be a little bothered by her reluctance to do cons and such, but after listening to her Girl on Guy interview, I understand why she doesn't. If staying out of the con craziness is the kind of balance she needs to want to continue playing Felicity, then I'm all for it.

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I think if she did win, she should be there because it's only polite to the people who are giving her the award.


But I didn't think she would, given the competition and if she didn't, no reason to go if she doesn't like to schmooze.

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Not doing Cons doesn't bug me, but I do wish she would go to things like the TCAs. Both for herself and the fans. 


I don't think it will discourage people from voting for her or trying to get her nominated. I got the feeling people weren't expecting her to be there anyway and a lot of the fans seemed to want a nomination more than a win.

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Eh, some fans are already questioning why bother nominating/voting anymore. I don't mind EBR not attending cons but I feel for the fans this time. Isn't she currently in LA too?


She lucked out with the Felicity Smoak role. Her role/performance earned her a passionate following who does a better job at promoting her than her own team. I wish she/her team would put in a little bit more effort, tbh.

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I wish she'd promote herself, but she seems really happy with what she's got. She went into Arrow thinking she was getting a bit part, and it blew up to be bigger than she ever anticipated. She seems uncomfortable with the attention (what I gathered from that interview), and it's beyond her control at this point. If staying away from things like this is what makes it easier and tolerable for her, then she should.


I mean, I get wanting to see her more, but not if it's something she really doesn't want to do.

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I don't mean this to be snarky, or to come off like I think she's ungrateful at all, because I truly do think she appreciates Arrow and the fandom, but I really don't think she would care if people stopped nominating her for awards like this? I mean, it would be different if she was on Twitter asking people to vote in these awards and then not showing up to them, but she isn't. I think she's happy to just go spend the day on Arrow and come home and spend time with her friends. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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She could already be on her way back to Vancouver if she has to film tomorrow. She's typically had scheduling conflicts when there's an award show. Last year her grandmother's birthday was the same night as TCAs. She didn't go to the Leo awards because her best friend was in a one-night only play.


Or it could be that she just didn't see the point in going if she knew she wasn't going to win. She doesn't seem like she cares about going to things just for publicity sake.

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Everyone knows the TCAs are rigged from the start. Fans may be questioning the point of voting now, but when nominations come around people will get competitive. 


I remember reading one fan's write up about meeting EBR in Paris. She meet her day one and day two and she mentioned EBR was warm and friendly, but much more reserved and the next day even more so. Too me, that says EBR probably gets overwhelmed outside of her social circle and in bigger venues. She also seems to attach herself to someone at those events. CH, CL, DR, etc.


Is anyone in The Flash fandom? Do fans wonder about GG attendance at Cons and Events? He 'won' at the TCAs and he is a no-show.

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Yeah, I was just going to say, I'm more surprised by Grant Gustin refusing to attend cons (he hasn't gone to a single one except the mandated Comic Con) and not going to the TCA's, considering he's the star of his show and everything. I wonder what that's about.


He tweeted that he's busy filming, but CP is there and some of his instagram pics suggest he's not all that busy this weekend, so it looks like he just didn't want to fly out.

Edited by Ruby25
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Not everyone can be SA. That boy's placed a pretty high bar for fan interaction. I can't blame EBR for wanting her off time from Arrow to be her own. If she does some cons, great, but if not, I'm happy with her work on Arrow and the bit of interaction she does - like those goofy bathroom therapy videos. 

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The bathroom therapy videos are something she has contol over, like showing one of the newsmags (TV Guide?) around the set last season.


If she's really an introvert, it explains why she'd rather do something she can control.  (And where no one will ask her how she feels about being the only character who isn't a hero.)


She's still pretty young, after all.

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Just laughing because only Nina was there from the Sci-Fi Actress nominees. And that the male category wasnt even televised. It was basically all set up to give an emotional farwell to Nina.

Edited by Velocity23
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I mentioned in the awards thread, I'm really mot surprised Nina won. She almost always does and this is her last hurah.

I really hope she gets some post TVD work lined up and doesn't end up like the rest of the network's younger actors.

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For this award show the winners are notified in advance and, if the winner doesn't want to attend, the show will appointment another winner. Additionally, the winners are at the discretion of the company/network that organizes it so, winner is rather liberal terminology, IMO.

To be honest, I don't see Arrow winning many TCAs. I have a feeling, next year Flash will start taking all of the awards that normally go to TVD.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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