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The only thing I've heard about the new lair is it will be bigger but does that mean one big space or several smaller stations?  It's funny, TPTB talk about how the Foundry was built to fit only Diggle and Oliver  and that it got really crowded since but has it ever LOOKED crowded?

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She looks like a google intern instead of the potential owner of an international company. I need ponytail, glasses and her in a dress (Felicity is rarely a pants girl). I would even take her in another peek a boob dress. I'm sure she has it in a color we haven't seen yet. I do actually want it brightly coloured to stand out.

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The only thing I've heard about the new lair is it will be bigger but does that mean one big space or several smaller stations?  It's funny, TPTB talk about how the Foundry was built to fit only Diggle and Oliver  and that it got really crowded since but has it ever LOOKED crowded?


I hope it's big and open with flow, similar to the Star Labs set, so that even the different areas can feel connected by shooting through gaps and windows.


The Foundry never looked crowded to me, but I know from listening to the Leverage commentaries that there are eventually only so many ways to shoot a space and it gets complicated with more than three people (Leverage commentaries are A++ recommended, btw).  So I can understand they may have been getting disgruntled feedback from directors or crew.


The Foundry was great because you rarely saw the outer walls through the shadows, which gave it a wonderful expansive feeling, but it was a small set as far as places to set up cameras and lights, I guess.


Of course, they could have just kept my OTA and let Black Canary set up her own space.  Ehem. 


P.s. Nope, it was the one true Sally, because the ledge/hooks are V shaped, while Ray's (pretender!) salmon ladder was flat on the front with only single angle ledges on the backend.  Also, it was metal and not wood.


Guys, guys, do you think this could be Dig's revenge on Oliver?  For his betrayal as Al Sahiem, Oliver will forever lose the affections of Sally?!

Edited by TrueMyth
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Good catch - that's definitely the outfit!

I don't necessarily mind her hair down rather than in a ponytail. But glasses and a dress, one of her office dresses? Yes. I would have her with hair down (if they want to make it a little more glamorous), glasses, a professional looking dress, and holding a tablet.

I mean, ok. On the second season poster she was wearing skinny jeans and heels - I've never seen Felicity wear anything like that on the show. The third season she's wearing a school girl outfit complete with plaid skirt and Mary Janes, again, not resembling anything we've ever seen Felicity in on the actual show. Now this. I mean, seriously. If we've got to have Laurel in full BC costume, why can't we have Felicity Smoak actually looking like, you know, Felicity Smoak?

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They actually changed her skirt (and shoes) in Photoshop for that S3 poster because it was different from the original photo shoot (see above). I can't find a better photo but I remember one where you can actually see the ribbon in the neckline. They're just recycling, which is pitiful.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Not surprised they're recycling old photos. They had to pay for Ray Palmtree's tin suit and all that time travel somehow.

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I agree with all the criticism already levied, but I was very, very happy to see Quentin on the poster. Despite the way Quentin's storyline was mishandled, PB is phenomenal. I was disappointed that he had so little screen time in S3 and hope his inclusion on the poster bodes well for S4.

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I don't think Quentin's inclusion in the poster means anything. I like PB and all, not saying he doesn't deserve to be on there, but in order to get all the masks on there, they needed symmetry for the other side of the poster, I guess. They basically killed off/let go of anyone else who could've been on there. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Not to defend the dreadful composition of the poster, but sometimes it's not entirely the graphics department's choice. Sometimes it's Marketing that gets in there and tells the artists, "Here, we pulled a bunch of crap from last season, throw it together and make it look cool. Oh, and put some flames in there too. Fire is cool." Apologies to any marketers out there, but I've had a fair amount of headdesk moments dealing with marketing departments. 

I just don't get it; even using old material, I still feel like CW could have put forth something more appealing and aesthetically pleasing than what we've gotten so far. Maybe I need to make my own fan art. Just for my own peace of mind.

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"[...] Maybe I need to make my own fan art. Just for my own peace of mind."


If you do, @Menrva, don´t forget to post it in "Clock Tower Theater", please. I´d like to see your work! :-)

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The only thing I've heard about the new lair is it will be bigger but does that mean one big space or several smaller stations? It's funny, TPTB talk about how the Foundry was built to fit only Diggle and Oliver and that it got really crowded since but has it ever LOOKED crowded?

It was a giant lair roughly the size of a nightclub, so no I never felt it looked too crowded. Especially with the trinity. But on the other hand during the crossover it was a bit overfilled, in a thank god Laurel and Thea aren't down here yet. And what if Nyssa had stopped by for a chat? Then Ray needed to talk to felicity.

Edited by Delphi
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The only thing I've heard about the new lair is it will be bigger but does that mean one big space or several smaller stations?  It's funny, TPTB talk about how the Foundry was built to fit only Diggle and Oliver  and that it got really crowded since but has it ever LOOKED crowded?

I don't know that I ever thought it looked crowded but I did wonder if it was more difficult to shoot because the BTS/production team couldn't move around as freely with having to film 5 or 6 characters instead of 2 or 3 (if that makes any sense).

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And for all of my own criticisms of this poster, I'll also note that the marketing/promo departments for both the WB and the CW experienced severe cutbacks this year. I doubt that whoever did this poster had a lot of time to spend on it. 

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And for all of my own criticisms of this poster, I'll also note that the marketing/promo departments for both the WB and the CW experienced severe cutbacks this year. I doubt that whoever did this poster had a lot of time to spend on it. 

That's pretty much how it is these days. Do more with less. Frankly, I'm pretty sure those in charge at the CW don't really care if we think their promotional material sucks. And since the fans are active, creative and passionate and they don't have to pay for that sort of enthusiasm, I don't see anything changing any time soon.

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The only thing I've heard about the new lair is it will be bigger but does that mean one big space or several smaller stations?  It's funny, TPTB talk about how the Foundry was built to fit only Diggle and Oliver  and that it got really crowded since but has it ever LOOKED crowded?


They've definitely had issues with camera positioning, and they haven't been able to do the swooping/panning camera moves that they were able to do on the QC set or even the two major Nanda Parbat sets. 


And even on the QC set they've had some weird blocking situations, so I'd imagine the directors will be thrilled to have a bit more space for movement.

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Hopefully in the future they'll just slap them in the dark with a background of the city, because I cannot make sense of the bright blue sky and Quentin, Digg and Felicity's exploding legs. Although I suppose they needed the light background so they wouldn't have to spend time contrasting the dark costumes with the dark background. But...FIRE LEGS.

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Someone pointed out elsewhere that all the costumes on display are for characters no longer on the show - Roy/Arsenal, Sara/Canary, Arrow's jailed suit. Since Felicity's glasses are in the Arrow display I wonder if they are giving her new ones or she's strictly going to be a contacts wearer in S4? EBR said she had to fight for both the glasses and pony tail in either S2 or S3.

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I think it's more likely that the glasses represent Felicity to the audience, in the same way that the Arrow suit is also iconic so they brought them to display. Those frames are about twenty bucks, which is dirt cheap for frames so I'd imagine they have quite a few pairs lying around for when they get broken during stunts or what have you so they just grabbed a pair from the costumers to bring along.

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Season 1 Screen-time


Oliver: 9hours, 26mins, 6secs
Laurel: 2hours, 46mins, 46secs
Tommy: 1hour, 58mins, 3secs
Diggle: 2hours, 47mins, 51secs
Thea: 1hour, 32mins, 43secs
Moira: 1hour, 52mins, 48secs
Quentin: 1hour, 32mins, 14secs
Felicity: 1hour, 17mins, 32sec
Malcolm: 47mins, 43secs
Slade: 47mins, 40secs
Roy: 23mins, 17secs


Season 2 Screen-time


Oliver: 9hours, 1min, 24secs
Laurel: 2hours, 33mins, 27secs
Diggle: 3hours, 21mins, 47secs
Thea: 1hour, 47mins, 38secs
Felicity: 3hours, 8mins, 3secs
Roy: 1hour, 38mins, 49secs
Slade: 1hour, 30mins, 39secs
Moira: 1hour, 30mins, 1sec
Quentin: 1hour, 41mins, 50secs
Malcolm: 9mins, 44secs


Season 3 Screen-time


Oliver: 8hours, 23mins, 24secs
Laurel: 3hours, 9mins, 1secs
Diggle: 3hours, 37mins, 53secs
Thea: 2hours, 19mins, 8secs
Felicity: 4hours, 37mins, 15secs
Roy: 2hours, 37mins, 54secs
Malcolm: 1hour, 36mins, 44secs
Quentin: 59mins, 46secs




Oliver: 26hours, 50mins, 54secs
Laurel: 8hours, 29mins, 14secs
Diggle: 9hours, 47mins, 31secs
Thea: 5hours, 39mins, 29secs
Felicity: 9hours, 2mins, 50secs
Roy: 4hours, 40mins, 0secs
Malcolm: 2hours, 34mins, 11secs
Quentin: 4hours, 13mins, 50secs



All from http://hendrixclone.tumblr.com/ 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Maybe after the last time they displayed the costumes and basically got chewed out by everyone for not having enough women on the panel, they thought that people weren't mad because of the lack of women on that particular panel but mad because there was no Felicity and therefore not considered a hero. 

In order to avoid that, they put her glasses there along with all the other costumes they might not need anymore. That way she is represented and considered an equal among the costumed heroes.


They probably have quite a few of those glasses and therefore they can easily have them there and EBR can just get another pair. Or maybe Felicity will change her glasses or her look. As a goth she did not wear glasses either if I remember correctly. 

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But you can't service Felicity fans at the place where fans gather to celebrate their fannishness BECAUSE COMICS. Felicity fans are not real fans! Comics! Comics! Must follow the comics!

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It wouldn't be surprising if this apple person is one of the guys from GATV or a part of canadagraphs. Candagraphs posted their review of the last season 3 episode. He says in his review about that scene where Felicity wants to basically kill thousands of people to save only Oliver. He is a mess of a reviewer.

Edited by olicityfan25
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Interesting. And now I want to know who it is. 


He's real subtle though, isn't he? Lol.

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I feel like he's either mentioned the reporter in question before, like he wrote a FB post about whatever it is they wrote? Or maybe I'm just confusing it with that one time he went off on Men's Health for posting some YouTube and it turned out that his publicist is the one who provided them with the clip, hahaha.

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I looked through Stephen's twitter and Facebook and didn't see anything negative from February. But he may have deleted something. I'm not going to go back and read all the reviews about arrow for that month though.

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I read that as well. Folks on twitter seem to think it's some reporter for the NFL named Chris Mortenson but I have no idea why.

Eta: someone asked if he was waiting for the Arrow writers to apologize for season 3. Lol.

Edited by Delphi
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Miley thing? Man, I'm clueless. I have no idea about any of this stuff! 


A while back he posted about how he had to leave a restaurant immediately because he was concerned that the "overly sexualized velociraptor" who entered the same place would corrupt his daughter.  And then went on to mention how that's what it means to be a father. Or something along those lines. He never mentioned names but people assumed it was Miley Cyrus. 


IMO, it was gross then and it's gross now and he doesn't deserve an apology from the writers who called him out on it. 

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If he's talking about wanting an apology for someone calling him out on that disgusting mess, then....nah. If it's about something else, I want to know what it is.  /nosy

Edited by apinknightmare
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A while back he posted about how he had to leave a restaurant immediately because he was concerned that the "overly sexualized velociraptor" who entered the same place would corrupt his daughter.  And then went on to mention how that's what it means to be a father. Or something along those lines. He never mentioned names but people assumed it was Miley Cyrus. 


IMO, it was gross then and it's gross now and he doesn't deserve an apology from the writers who called him out on it. 



Oh. Oh. I vaguely remember the velociraptor quote. But agreed. So gross. Yikes. That's really bad. 


I honestly thought he was talking about a writer from the show at first but that makes zero sense now that I think about it. So it is probably from some article online. Maybe he wants an apology because he didn't name names? I don't know. 

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I don't know if that Arrow poster (above) was done by the CW or by the WB for SDCC, but both have PR twitter accounts (if you're looking for an avenue to contact them)...


Official CW Publicity Team


Ben Brown (WBTV Publicist for Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and DC's Legends of Tomorrow)



I have no optimism left when it comes to the Arrow Season 4 poster.

Edited by tv echo
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Tweeted by Arrow writers and producers...

ArrowWritersRoom ‏@ARROWwriters  2h2 hours ago
Thank you @emilybett! #FatteningUsUpBeforeComicCon https://instagram.com/p/47IkbkxoO-/



Arrow Prod. Office ‏@ArrowProdOffice  21h21 hours ago
We're baaaaaack! Here's the official #Arrow prod'n office family photo for #Season4! We're so excited … are you?CJbSf4eVEAAetnI.jpg


Edited by tv echo
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Maybe they're trying to pick up more viewers for TVD? Either way, he doesn't make any sense as host. Plus, weren't we told that Stephen and Grant were co-hosting?

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Maybe they're trying to pick up more viewers for TVD? Either way, he doesn't make any sense as host. Plus, weren't we told that Stephen and Grant were co-hosting?

I thought that was just an assumption people were making.  I don't remember anything official.  I have been known to be wrong though.

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