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Det. Jake Peralta: The Hotshot

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I have to say that I'm surprised how much I grew to like Jake by the end of this season.  I do think his character was too much at first, but seemed like they got it together, thanks to a combination of the writers figuring out how far they could push his immaturity and giving him more layers, plus Andy Samberg finding his footing and seeming to figure out how much is too much.  I still think the best think to happen to him was "M.E. Time", when he was dead wrong about the case, was called out for it, and admitted.  That lead to other episodes, like the great "48 Hours", where he screwed up and learned from it, and the continued to improve the character.

Also, I'm glad that it looks like Andy Samberg doesn't think of this show as some kind of "star vehicle" for him, but seems to be embracing being part of an ensemble, and letting everyone shine.  Considering that this industry can be very egotistical, I respect him for that.

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I agree. Honestly, I heard that he was in a new sitcom and I planned on avoiding it completely. Thankfully friends tuned in and were raving about it. I very reluctantly watched the first ep and was immediately hooked.

I feel that they've found a good balance for Jake. He's not a superstar detective, nor is he a completely useless, immature manchild. He takes his job seriously but he can also have fun with it.

I am so thankful that his friendship with Boyle is genuine. I was worried that Boyle's role was to just be the butt of every joke (like Jerry on P&R). I was delighted to find that, no, Jake actually genuinely likes and cares about Boyle. I think their friendship is lovely.

And Jake's slow realization of (and struggle with?) his attraction to Santiago is great. I honestly would never have thought that Samberg could convincingly play that...yet he's proven me wrong.

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While Amy's complete need to impress Holt is obvious, the show is showing that Jake posses the same desire to be recognized by Holt, but does it in the same "pull the pigtails" method he took to his approach with Amy.


Being a cop appears to be the one thing he's good at, and being recognized for that from Holt seems important to him.

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I've been rewatching episodes for the third or so time (this show is my happy place, and I need to be happy right now!), and I'm still kind of amazed by how much I like Jake. On paper, Jake is exactly the kind of character I normally can't stand. I mentioned somewhere else that Shawn Spencer was my least favorite thing about Psych, and I fully expected Jake to be very Shawn Spencer-esque. Something about Jake just works for me, though. Much to my own surprise, I really like the guy. I think I even love the guy. (Granted, I love everyone other than Gina..I'm not especially picky when it comes to this show!) The writing and acting ensures that Jake's cockiness is counterbalanced by enough vulnerability and that his immaturity is broken up by enough scenes of him being competent, compassionate and even serious when he needs to be. The information we've gotten about his background really fleshes out the character for me and explains his need for attention. The thing I love about Jake is that I never doubt how much he loves and even needs the other characters. I've even come around to the idea of Jake as a love interest for Amy, and I'm apt to think no one is good enough for Amy ;) 

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I am so thankful that his friendship with Boyle is genuine. I was worried that Boyle's role was to just be the butt of every joke (like Jerry on P&R). I was delighted to find that, no, Jake actually genuinely likes and cares about Boyle. I think their friendship is lovely.


Yeah, I was worried Boyle was going to sort of be a clueless puppy type of character, but as you pointed out they have a very genuine friendship. 


I also appreciated Jake being toned down a bit - having now seen The Office and P&R, I've kind of come to expect Michael Schur's MCs to be a little uneven and OTT at first anyhow, so I gave his character a chance, though I've come in a bit late (just started watching after mourning P&R and being directed to Brooklyn Nine-Nine... I didn't know it was a comedy, I thought it was another cop drama and I've already got Castle for that). I did recognize the guy who plays Jake as the park ranger in the second season of Parks and Recreation who HAS A REALLY LOUD VOICE. 

Edited by Azaelia
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Honestly, I never considered Andy Samberg to be hot until B99.

Like, damn, when did that happen.

It's the grown-up haircut, I think.

It's so shallow of me, but when he walked into Thanksgiving dinner in the first season wearing that blue suit, I actually said out loud (from my couch, with no one else in the room) "HOT DAMN" because he looked fantastic.  


Now, to back up from my dip in the shallow pool, I will say that he's done a really great job of taking a character that could be over-the-top and annoying, and making him into a guy who is believably a good detective and great friend.  He has a pretty good sense of who the character is supposed to be, and to another poster's point above, he does seem to be completely ok with the show being an ensemble.  Which does say a lot about him as a person.  

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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I've been rewatching and loving S1, and I can't even express how much I love Jake Peralta...and how much I would have erroneously assumed that I *wouldn't* love Jake Peralta. He just rises so far above the 'juvenile, attention-desperate, cocky manchild' I'd expected him to be. Somehow the writing and acting strike just the right notes, making Jake endearingly enthusiastic rather than infuriating. I also love how Jake's lonely childhood informs his character and makes him more eager to love and appreciate the people in his life rather than becoming yet another angry, surly, brooding male, which IMO shows of all genres have far too many of already :)   

Edited by amensisterfriend
  • Love 9

At the end of S3 I have to say I'm amazed how much I love Jake. I basically hated him in the pilot but he has grown so much and the writers and Andy Samberg have done so much to make me believe that what he really needed was a father figure he really respected who didn't give up on him to actually mature. And they've really shown that gradual process.


And for Holt he's also both a nightmare and a dream come true. Here's the text book cop who would have hated him for being gay and black for a lot of his tenure within the NYPD but whilst early Jake is a menace, he never has any issues with Holt's sexuality or race and starts defending that fairly early on (Old School) and beneath it, he's desperate as Amy for Holt's guidance and approval. He's finally been given his own precinct and three brilliant young detectives are ripe for mentoring. Must have been a lovely moment or realisation for Holt.


Loved that Jake had grown so much that he was most choked out about Amy and *Charles* moving in together and very chill about them taking this next step. Obviously that was a lot in service to the final twist but I enjoy that they slip in "Ames" all the time as no big deal and it's "Jake of the acknowledge feelings" rather than "Jake of the stupid sitcom tropes" that has appeared this season.

I'm trying to figure out how Jake got to be a policeman.

I noticed that Charles went to Sarah Lawrence, and Terry to University of Syracuse, and Amy also said what university she attended. So I am guessing that a university degree (in law? criminology?) would be pretty much a prerequisite these days for becoming a police officer.

But Jake can't do basic arithmetic and is pretty vague on history and literature.

And he isn't from a police family.

I'm streaming and am only in Season Three, but how did he make the force?

On 9/3/2021 at 3:42 AM, femmefan1946 said:

So I am guessing that a university degree (in law? criminology?) would be pretty much a prerequisite these days for becoming a police officer.

The minimum requirement for NYPD is 2 years of college or military so I always saw Jake getting an associate's degree and studying much harder for the entrance exams than he ever did for school.

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