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S17.E04: Episode 4

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In Season 5 there were at least two other houseguests who had twins (Diane and Drew), so obviously the producers were actively recruiting twins, and chose whichever pair looked most alike for the "twist." That being said, having done this twist before, you'd think if more than one HG has a twin and said so, they'd start to suspect the show was going to pull that twist again.


I want to like Da'Vonne but she keeps losing me. This time it was when she was crying in the diary room because Clay disrespected her, or whatever. She's a a drama queen. She's also a victim of this show constantly casting certain "types" to fulfill certain roles, so I'm sure she's supposed to bring the "sass" or whatever they are expecting from their stereotypical role call.


That said, I don't actively hate anyone yet so that's a good sign.

 Yes, it could be a gynecologist's office.


Imagine hearing "SLIDE DOWN!" in your head all night....

How dense do you have to be to even break into a guy cozying up to another HG, much less persist when he says not now?


Dense, or self-absorbed?

Or is there really a difference?

As for the twin, it's already common knowledge who it is. It was already found out before the show even aired. Their cousin even posted about it already on reddit! Which is why I'm surprised they waited so long to reveal it.

Absolutely true - but (as has been surmised by others already) what if more than one set of twins is in play...?

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Well, not everybody seeks out spoilers.  I can hardly blame BB for keeping the same schedule they used for the original twin reveal in S5 (or the Saboteuse reveal in S12) just because the news is on some corners of the web.  They're only taking a week to tease, anyhow.  Meantime, I enjoyed guessing.  Especially if I'm actually right.


Indeed, I had heard not one word about who the twin is and I was really enjoying reading the guesses of the posters here. Oh well....


Let's imagine that Audrey did not eventually go down and get Meg... and even just see it like it happened.  What in the hell was she thinking taking Jeff like that?  Isn't there supposed to be some form of secrecy?


Right??? I said it before, but she done lost her mind. She's running frantically through the house and pulling people into the HOH room and other people aren't going to figure out what's going on? I kind of wished someone would have told her, "Nah, I'm good". 


Jeff kind of shot her his best "Can't you see I'm busy here?" glare and did say pretty much that he wasn't going anywhere... then she said (approx) "If you don't want to end up on the block next week you need to come to the HoH room." She's one smooooooth tlaker that Audrey.


The silly thing there is couldn't she have just told them both to come up??


ETA: I still miss the food comps. Also, you wouldn't catch me anywhere near that damned dentist room. *shudder* I'd sleep in the back yard first!

Edited by Wandering Snark

Okay, so I'm doubling down on Clay being the twins. That argument with Da'Vonne, where she DR'd about his voice being different than she had heard before?  Yeah, it's almost as if he was an entirely different person, isn't it?  Plus when "Clay" went upstairs to talk to Da' about the confrontation, he didn't really seem to know what had happened, whether or not he had told Jeff to go into the "car room".  I'm assuming that's "Clay #2" upstairs, trying to clean up "Clay #1"'s mess, but working off of incomplete information.

The show may be lamely pretending we aren't supposed to know who the twin is, but remember they blew their wad in Episode One when the person in question told both a housemate AND us about being a twin.

The only way this isn't the case is if they stacked the deck with someone who was a twin (doesn't have to be identical, since they aren't playing this game) apart from a different player who IS an identical twin (who IS playing).

Or (as has been mentioned) if the joke is on us even more than that and there aren't merely multiple twins, but multiples ones playing (and we've been deliberately misinformed).


The only way this isn't the case is if they stacked the deck with someone who was a twin (doesn't have to be identical, since they aren't playing this game) apart from a different player who IS an identical twin (who IS playing).


According to media (media isn't spoilers right?)- there are 3 people in the house who have twins.  Only 1 set is identical, though 2 are same-sex.



The show may be lamely pretending we aren't supposed to know who the twin is, but remember they blew their wad in Episode One when the person in question told both a housemate AND us about being a twin.

Who did that? I remember someone in episode 1 saying they were a twin, but they said they were fraternal (and it was to everybody; not just one housemate), so that doesn't seem to do anything.  Did someone else?

Edited by Skittl1321

According to media (media isn't spoilers right?)- there are 3 people in the house who have twins.  Only 1 set is identical, though 2 are same-sex.


Who did that? I remember someone in episode 1 saying they were a twin, but they said they were fraternal (and it was to everybody; not just one housemate), so that doesn't seem to do anything.  Did someone else?

Clay said he was a twin in Episode 1. I'm pretty sure he didn't specify what type, but I erased the recording, so I could be wrong.

Which is why I speculated that either they blew their wad, OR they stacked the deck with fake possibilities to fool us (and in that scenario probably even encouraged him to talk about his twin on TV).

Edited by Kromm

I have to wonder what Meg was thinking when Audrey kept coming down to the bedroom and pulling out Shelli, and then Jeff and then finally her. Could you be any more stealth about starting an alliance at five in the morning, Audrey? Because I'm not sure the rest of the HGs weren't waking up or hearing you threaten people going on the block if they didn't come along with you.

I have to wonder what Meg was thinking when Audrey kept coming down to the bedroom and pulling out Shelli, and then Jeff and then finally her. Could you be any more stealth about starting an alliance at five in the morning, Audrey? Because I'm not sure the rest of the HGs weren't waking up or hearing you threaten people going on the block if they didn't come along with you.

If Meg were smart she'd have been thinking "wow, it's going to be able to focus a target on this bitch next week".

Where does Big Brother find these stereotypical people? I was hoping we'd have something a bit different, but Dayvonne is just like every other black woman they put on this show. Man, she got really pissed over nothing. She and Audrey are not long for this show if this is how they're coming off the first week.




Steve's growing on me. He's nerdy adorable. "ok, short term problem solved..." 

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