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I have no idea why they so invested so much energy in Paige. I mean, yes, when Higley took over Paige became her idea of an 'integral' character - ex-wife to her great villain, Spencer, mother to his mystery son - but when Michael Malone introduced her the character was a completely pointless, two-dimensional recurring love interest for Bo who had no personality to speak of, and you got the sense Malone was still lamely trying to use her and Daniel Colson as (pointless) spoilers for a Bo and Nora reunion, which he proved to have no ability to write.


And they went big on the character, too; they tried very hard to get Mary Beth Evans, who was at ATWT at the time and ready to sign a contract, but ultimately passed because that show finally offered her one. Then they went out and hired the great Kimberlin Brown from the Bell soaps, who sat around doing absolutely nothing for a year or so. For what? There was no character there. And then when Higley took over they went out and got another NY theater star, Cady Huffman, who I believe was Felicity Huffman's sister. I called her "Blonde Nora" because they were extremely similar in personality, except Cady was blonde and cheaper to pay. That was when Hillary Smith went into her contract coma and they very nearly killed her off, while Paige soothed little Matthew. Ugh. The third one, that chick from Texas - who cares.

Edited by jsbt
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I didn't even remember that Malone introduced her first. I just remember that there were three of them and they were so ridiculously different from each other while still remaining so completely vague themselves that they may as well have been completely new characters with each recast.


Although I did like it when Blair picked the catfight with one of them to cover her tracks re: Spencer just as she was trying to get info on the guy.


I hated that whole storyline but I liked that Blair finally woke up and got the goods on Spencer the Mad Titan. I just hated that it took her so long and that Higley and Co wrote her so completely out of character leading up to it.


(By the by, Kassie has been fucking KILLING it on Days lately. Her storyline is absolute shit but she's been giving a masterclass this past week. Also, her and Missy Reeves are amazing as enemies. They're the best part of that shit ass story.)

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Hugh Hughes definitely had potential. I liked that he was adopted and brought up with love and care and truly considered those to be his parents. And I would have preferred to keep it that way. No existential angst about 'his blood runs through my veins... could I be a monster, too?' Believe me, I got more than my fill of Daddy issues with Todd who drew the short end of the stick on all fronts (biological, adoptive and surrogate in Victor, Peter and Sam were all losers) -- although I always appreciated that Blair seemed to have a certain point she would get sick of his whining and tell him to suck it up, buttercup. (Then again, Blair generally had her hands full so she didn't have time to angst about her own bloodline which was certainly as questionable as Todd's in some areas. That lady had shit to do that took precedence over bloodline whining. She only really did it when she 'saw red' and went nuts for awhile but, thankfully, that got dropped shortly afterwards.)


And I seem to recall Hugh flat out rejecting Spencer (and possibly Paige?) at one point. I remember when Viki found out she was Megan's daughter... Megan was not best pleased. She read Viki the riot act and basically told her to back the fuck right off because she had a mother who taught her how to tie her shoes and took care of her when she got hurt and it wasn't Viki. I mean, it was fairly obvious that it was going to be Megan. Viki and Sarah got along so well that there wouldn't have been any drama at all if Sarah had been revealed to be Lost Daughter #1. And even though Viki and Megan did forge a real relationship and bond it wasn't an easy road so that was a worthwhile thing to watch.


It's definitely NOT something I much cared to see in the case of Hugh and Spencer. Spencer was a super villain and was against everything Hugh believed in, It's like... Dante on GH has a legit relationship with Sonny and it continues to not make sense to me other than the fact that Sonny is the main figure and 'hero' of the show. Viki forging a relationship with Megan was a foregone conclusion. She was the absolute heroine so she was going to have a relationship with her lost daughter. Spencer was a villain and Hugh wasn't... there shouldn't have been any relationship ever. Thankfully, they killed Spencer off and we didn't have to worry. Although Hugh didn't last that much longer. But he got written out as opposed to killed off, right?

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Yeah, McBain was so badly burned as to be unrecognizable. For a while. He also got a funeral - they even remembered he had a mother & brought her back for a few days and of course there was much wailing and rending of garments and so forth - while people visited "Hugh" in the hospital and all but told him he shouldn't be alive while such a hero had died, hahadramaticironyblech. I don't think the real Hugh was ever mentioned again after the confusion was cleared up.

Edited by Melgaypet

Yeah, I thought ME and FL had real chemistry and I was into that. I would've bought it, even if it was clear (to me, anyway) that RC's projected scenario was to repeat Todd/Blair/Patrick Thornhart by having undead Victor walk in on Téa and John boning. I half-expect he would've found a way to make Téa come out of that semi-forgiven by Vic though, or at least sanctified by others, whereas 1-year widow Blair got railed for having a roll in the hay forever.

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On 3/22/2017 at 10:34 AM, UYI said:

I would have been okay with Brendan Thornhart living if it meant that his half-siblings Starr and Cole would have never been a couple later on. 

I would have loved if Brendan Thornhart had come back at some point. I think there was a potentially great storyline there. I like to pretend that that storyline could actually have been for Blair, but I'm sure it would somehow been written to be about literally everyone but her. But, I do think it had a lot of potential. Actually, I thought Cole should have been Brendan (and clearly never been in a romantic relationship with Starr.)

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I never liked Nora and was unable to see what Bo or any of her other besotted boyfriends/stalkers/kidnappers saw in her. I was flabbergasted by Lindsay's (who I didn't like either!) jealousy of her. I tended to take Lindsay's side, however, because Nora's smug sanctimony got on my nerves. I can't tell you how many times I rewound Destiny's Mama slapping the taste out of Nora's self righteous mouth. Always looking down her nose at somebody, meanwhile she's throwing cases and keeping paternity secrets and poking her nose into a pregnant high schooler's life and being pretty damn boring otherwise. 

12 hours ago, Camille said:

I loved Luna. Maybe I just have a thing for characters everyone else hates, because I liked GH's Lily too.

I don't think that's actually unpopular. She seems like a character who was loved or hated by the audience in equally divided numbers.

(Now Lily on GH: she was DEFINITELY hated more than loved by the audience.)

Are you Bond Girl from TWOP? She loved Luna and Lily, too! :)

I didn't really hate Lily, I just thought she was boring. Then she was a dead saint, which made her even more boring. I do remember thinking she had chemistry with Det. Garcia.

Luna, I did hate. A lot. I don't pretend it was rational, despite being really, really annoying (IMO), it's not like she was an awful person. OLTL wasn't doing that thing were they tried to sell a walking dung heap as a hero(ine) to root for. I didn't hate her for shipper reasons, either. She just drove me absolutely bonkers. I was happy when she got shot, I won't lie. Then she was a dead saint, and really boring.

Credit where it's due, it was awesome when she cracked Todd's face with that pipe.

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On 5/16/2018 at 8:08 PM, Camille said:

I loved Luna. Maybe I just have a thing for characters everyone else hates, because I liked GH's Lily too.

I liked Luna too.  Blair became my favorite character but I always had a soft spot for her and I think I had more patience to let soaps try to write "good" characters. 

I also liked-ish or at least appreciated Lily.  She was what Sonny needed in a wife.

On 5/17/2018 at 4:46 PM, Camille said:

Yes, I am.

I didn't necessarily "love" Lily, I just didn't hate her the way everyone else did. Probably because in yet another unpopular opinion, I was never a big Sonny and Brenda fan. 


Cool! I recognized you from YouTube comments under the name Camille too, from comments on OLTL videos and on Nancy Kerrigan's figure skating videos. They sounded similar, so I figured it might be the same person.

...Not to creep you out ,of course, lol. Your comments on soaps have just always stood out to me, because of the way you write and your excellent memory. You're a good writer. :)

To stay on topic, I NEVER wanted Max & Roxy to be a real couple, ever. I was happy to see them become friends, but I never wanted them to actually fall in love. And yes, I might have my own reasons for why that is. ;)

(But seriously, it wasn't just because of Gabrielle. I just really didn't see any romantic potential there at all.)

Edited by UYI
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On 5/20/2018 at 12:05 AM, Irlandesa said:

I also liked-ish or at least appreciated Lily.  She was what Sonny needed in a wife.

I thought so too. I remember a soap magazine saying that the reason that the triangle had so much potential is that the two women were polar opposites--Brenda the spitfire vs. Lily who's been raised to be the perfect Mafia wife--be loving, dutiful, and don't ask questions.

I always hated Blair. Mostly because she was always such a bitch to characters I liked--Luna, Marty, etc.


I always hated Jerry Ver Dorn as Clint.  Clint Ritchie was the one and only Clint Buchanan. He and Erika Slezak had wonderful chemistry. That was her best pairing. Joe Riley was before my time. I have watched some of the Joe/Vicky clips on youtube and they were good, as well.   I really hated that Clint was turned into a boorish, homophobe to prop that degenerate, general, Sloane Carpenter.  Vicky's affair with Sloane forever changed Viki, in my opinion.  Asa never forgave her, for hurting Clint and neither did I.  I am so happy the backlash against Viki/Sloane led to his death..

I was team Dorian all the way, in her efforts, to take down Sloane and Vicky. Vicky was such a smug, self-righteous, hypocrite when she was with him.  Dorian should have gone after Clint, to spite Vicky.

Jerry Ver Dorn should have been cast as Tony Lord.  I have no idea if he had had any kids, but, they should have been brought to town and shake things up.  I always hated that we never saw Meredith and Larry's son Dan Wolek integrated on the show. It was a loss opportunity to  not have more Lords on the show. 

Natalie should have been Tony's daughter with an axe to grind.  Dorian could have taken advantage of that, in her never ending war with Vicky.

Todd Manning should never have been Victor's illegitimate son.  

I loved Elaine Princi as Dorian. She brought a certain iciness to the role that I appreciated a lot. I loved Robin, as well. At times, she could be a bit campy. Robin had better chemistry with Erika than Elaine.

Elaine Princi should have been brought back as Kelly's mom.  Elaine and Robin look like they could be sisters in real life, especially, when Robin had her original black hair color.

I loved Dorian with Herb. He was her true love, in my opinion. I loved their dynamic, whether it was Elaine or Robin playing her.  He got Dorian. I also loved his relationship with Cassie. 

I did not like that Vicky's alter Tori killed Victor. I think that it was a mistake to retcon Dorian being his killer.  The original actress that played Dorian had gone on record and said that Dorian did indeed kill Victor and that is how she played it.. The original Dorian was really good, from the clips that I saw on youtube..

I never really cared for the last Cassie, she never really appreciated Dorian. I liked Cassie better when she had a bit of an edge to her. She was more complex in the 80's.

I loved Megan with Max. I also loved Megan's dynamic with Marco. I also loved her alter, Ruby Bright.

I loved original recipe Niki Smith with Harry O'neil.  They really loved each other. Niki became a caricature, every time she came back.

I never hated Luna like a lot of fans. I just hated how Blair was thrown under the bus for her. I liked her friendship with Tina.

Cord's mother Maria was a good villainess.  I always loved Cord and was saddened when he was written off the show.

I loved Bo/Sarah more than Bo/Nora.

Edited by Apprentice79
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I always hated Jerry Ver Dorn as Clint.  Clint Ritchie was the one and only Clint Buchanan. He and Erika Slezak had wonderful chemistry. That was her best pairing. Joe Riley was before my time. I have watched some of the Joe/Vicky clips on youtube and they were good, as well.   I really hated that Clint was turned into a boorish, homophobe to prop that degenerate, general, Sloane Carpenter.  Vicky's affair with Sloane forever changed Viki, in my opinion.  Asa never forgave her, for hurting Clint and neither did I.  I am so happy the backlash against Viki/Sloane led to his death..

I was team Dorian all the way, in her efforts, to take down Sloane and Vicky. Vicky was such a smug, self-righteous, hypocrite when she was with him.  Dorian should have gone after Clint, to spite Vicky.

Jerry Ver Dorn should have been cast as Tony Lord.  I have no idea if he had had any kids, but, they should have been brought to town and shake things up.  I always hated that we never saw Meredith and Larry's son Dan Wolek integrated on the show. It was a loss opportunity to  not have more Lords on the show. 

Natalie should have been Tony's daughter with an axe to grind.  Dorian could have taken advantage of that, in her never ending war with Vicky.

Todd Manning should never have been Victor's illegitimate son.  

I loved Elaine Princi as Dorian. She brought a certain iciness to the role that I appreciated a lot. I loved Robin, as well. At times, she could be a bit campy. Robin had better chemistry with Erika than Elaine.

Elaine Princi should have been brought back as Kelly's mom.  Elaine and Robin look like they could be sisters in real life, especially, when Robin had her original black hair color.


I agree with so much of this.  I did grow to appreciate JVD's portrayal of Clint; but I do think that the show could've done with more Lords towards the end.  

I actually hated Viki/Sloan as well; and think that story really damaged Viki's character.

I also always thought that Elaine Princi could've been brought back to play Melinda Cramer.

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On 6/2/2018 at 5:39 PM, Apprentice79 said:

I was team Dorian all the way, in her efforts, to take down Sloane and Vicky. Vicky was such a smug, self-righteous, hypocrite when she was with him.

Hell yes. (Though I draw the line at the fake sexual harassment complaint she had someone file. That's NOT something to trifle with)  An absolute lowest point was how rude Viki was to Clint's fling Lindsey (Butler from 1993, not Rappaport from 1998)--getting pissy because Clint had dinner with her even though she herself was having dinner with Sloan that night? Not to mention the dirty look Sloan  gave her. Smirking when Joey was rude to her? Showing absolutely zero sensitivity for how this would affect her children? 


On 6/2/2018 at 5:39 PM, Apprentice79 said:

I always hated Jerry Ver Dorn as Clint.  Clint Ritchie was the one and only Clint Buchanan

I didn't like him either, but (a) Clint Richie didn't want to come back, and (b) He died, so TPTB didn't have any choice.

Did they really kill off Sloan because viewers hated him and Viki together? I always just assumed the actor's contract was up.

Edited by Camille
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On 6/8/2018 at 9:29 AM, UYI said:

I'm not sure how much of a UO this is, but one of my favorite friendships on this show was the one between RJ and Max. There was just something very believable that Tim Stickney and James DePaiva brought to it. I wish we got to see them again one more time before the show ended. 

Is that unpopular? Not with me.

49 minutes ago, UYI said:

Dorian should not have ended up with David, Herb should have either returned (or if Tony Call was unwilling to come back, she should have met up with him off-camera), or Mel should have turned up alive (you know Robin ADORED Stephen Markle and would have JUMPED at the chance for this). 

Well, when the online version ended, David and Dorian were estranged.

My unpopular opinion is that I wish Max and Roxy had been given a real shot.

I know. :)

While I mostly liked Nora, there were times she annoyed me enough where I just wanted her gone. I pointed and laughed when she found Troy & Lindsay in bed together, and cheered when Phylicia Evans slapped her so hard she knocked the phone out of her hand. 

While she wasn't really a good actress at all, I liked Shenell Edmonds as Destiny. There was just something really sweet about her. 

Edited by UYI
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6 hours ago, UYI said:

Dorian should not have ended up with David, Herb should have either returned (or if Tony Call was unwilling to come back, she should have met up with him off-camera), or Mel should have turned up alive (you know Robin ADORED Stephen Markle and would have JUMPED at the chance for this). 


On 6/8/2018 at 10:29 AM, UYI said:

I'm not sure how much of a UO this is, but one of my favorite friendships on this show was the one between RJ and Max. There was just something very believable that Tim Stickney and James DePaiva brought to it. I wish we got to see them again one more time before the show ended. 

Not sure of how UO it is but RJ and Dorian should have had a Casablanca type ending. I loved their friendship. She was so much better with them than romantic relationships. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, UYI said:

This one might get me banned forever:

I never really hated Gigi. In fact, for a long time, I absolutely loved her. Because of that, I'll never be able to fully get abroad the I Hate Farah Fath Train.

...I mean, this IS the UO thread. ;)

I liked Gigi at first, down in Texas with Vicki.  Coming to Llanview and teaming up with Muggsy McHairmodel aka Rex was a deadly combination and a lethal blow for me with Gigi.

UO - I liked Jessica a LOT more than Natalie and I detested Jared.

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