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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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She just needs to stop with the theatrics and just not tell the other side how they are voting. Blindside them it's fun to see!!!

Vanessa my girl, calm down and breathe. But if she wants to expose Becky I'm all for it.

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I can't tell if Vanessa is trying to save Shelli with this plan or is just getting the target onto Becky. If it's the latter then solid play. But I don't see how this convinces Austin the twins to save Shelli. 

Edited by Cutty
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Vanessa really just needs Shelli to talk to the Austwins again - Shelli can reinforce how upset Clay is with them and mention how close he is with Meg and John. And if "the other side" wants to keep Clay, it's for a reason.

Then just calm down and see how things go.

Edited by mooses
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Vanessa really just needs Shelli to talk to the Austwins again - Shelli can reinforce how upset Clay is with them and mention how close he is with Meg and John. And if "the other side" wants to keep Clay, it's for a reason.

Then just calm down and see how things go.


Vanessa and 'calm down' just don't go together. Thankfully for me!


I hope them outing Becky lights a fire under her ass and she wins HOH.  That would be incredibly entertaining.


YES! I need this to happen.

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Well Vanessa is right that Becky is a rat but it lasted only  briefly and I think Shay will come to her defense?  As terrible as they've been, they have said time and again they are indebted to her and refuse to throw her or Johnny under the bus.


After last night of Becky expressing her anger of the position Vanessa put her into by putting Jason up against her, I think the ship of the Summer campers believing Vanessa if she attempts to throw Becky under the bus has sailed. They will go back to WHY exactly Becky has to be a rat and how all that came about. 


Still flashing back. Meg keep saying getting Austin out over Vanessa is a good idea because Vanessa doesn't have the devotion that of the twins that Austin do. I love the beat of silence that follows when she makes that ridiculous claim.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Sometimes, Vanessa thinks too much. She must take aspirin by the gallon with unneeded headache she is giving herself. She's is almost Derrick caliber but way too emotional & manic. Derrick was cool as a cucumber but slightly boring. Vaneesa is all over the map but fun to watch. That said, this latest scheme is so not needed. Can't she just go to bed until eviction night?

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Note how Vanessa is not active in any of these fights.


She's busy producing/directing/writing these little plays.  You can't expect her to act in them as well.  Sheesh!;)

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I want Clay to go, but part of me kinda wants the Austwins to agree to vote out Clay but then one of them (probably Liz) just doesn't do it on Thursday and Shelli ends up going. LOL it'd be hilarious.

I think that will definitely happen. And people will assume they voted together, so they can blame the stray on Austin or Steve to the S6 and F&G.

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The house meeting was just a terrible idea. "Hey, I'm just a solo dolo player and I have no power, but let me now detail for you what everyone has to do the next couple of weeks, and you have to swear to me that you'll do it. But hey, I have no power. I'm solo dolo." 

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I think that will definitely happen. And people will assume they voted together, so they can blame the stray on Austin, Steve, Becky or John to the S6 and F&G.


That would be such fun! But I am super leery of Clay staying. I live in fear that he'll skate to the end and win.

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I'm going to need Vanessa to slow down with the "you guys have no idea how hard this week has been for me" to Clay and Shelli. I can't see that going over too well.


She is positively gleeful over taking Becky down.  Now THAT I want to see.  It's about to get real uncomfortable in this house.

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That would be such fun! But I am super leery of Clay staying. I live in fear that he'll skate to the end and win.

I've gone on record that I was super excited Shelli was staying. Now I think she'll go and Clay will get to at least final five.

ETA: Seems Jackie and James were wondering why Meg was so eager to keep Clay. It'll probably take another five weeks for them to figure that one out.

Edited by mooses
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What the hell does "solo dolo" even mean? I understand the first word, is she just going for some cutesy rhyming crap here?


It's now been added to my list of words to be banned from the house, right near the top with "scampering" and "sneaky" (usually when said by one of the twins).

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Is Vanessa planing to take Becky down herself? If she is asking one of Shay to do it and they are willing, then they are colossally stupid. What do they gain aside from loosing Becky and John's votes and having them come after the surviving member?


I really want this rat business out in the open. I like Becky and I feel like it is a cloud hanging over her head. She did tell the Campers how uncomfortable the last two weeks has been for her, while paves the path for them to be on her side, I still need her  displaced loyalty to Shay to come out as well. I need her to be completely done with Shay.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Curry asked:

I don't understand about this fake fight is why Austin wouldn't theoretically want to vote out Shelli after it?

I think Vanessa is trying to change Jame's, Meg's and Jackie's perspective so she can get the vote she wants without anyone "going against the house."

(Sorry, cannot figure out how to see formatting options from an iPad)

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I feel like Vanessa is all of Dan and Derrick's traits super exaggerated in one human. Overthinking plus crazy antics all day every day is just not sustainable for a long, fruitful game.

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I was complaining about JMac and Becky not talking often enough but I have to commend them. Vanessa et all are not considering Johnny's reaction to this outing Becky business because they have done well to hide just how close they are to the whole house.


Shay should know though because Becky/Johnny have done little to hide it from them.

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Vanessa et all are not considering Johnny's reaction to this outing Becky business because they have done well to hide just how close they are to the whole house.


I'm gonna need Vanessa to run her latest plan by John soon. That should be fun!

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Vanessa about Becky: "She's loyal to the whole fucking house! That's the definition of a floater!" Oh, I see now why Vanessa is mad at Becky, only one person can be pretending to be loyal to everyone and that person is Vanessa dammit!


Yeah, Vanessa also said it's stupid to make deals. How she said this with a straight face is beyond me.

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James actually told Vanessa she could give Shelli a pity vote. How she thinks she was bullied is beyond me. She's entering Audrey territory with her exaggerations and lies.

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Shelli, the word you keep using is "withhold". The word you're looking for is "uphold". And while we're at it, please take off the knee high stockings that are left over from your French maid Hallowe'en costume. You look ridiculous going around the house in those, especially with shorts and a long tee shirt. 


I hope James finds out that they keep calling him a bully. I can see that being an interesting confrontation. 

Edited by Callaphera
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And while we're at it, please take off the knee high stockings that are left over from your French maid Hallowe'en costume. You look ridiculous going around the house in those, especially with shorts and a long tee shirt. 


I crack up every time I see her in that get-up. It's so embarrassing.

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Seems like Clelli is putting the kibosh on the Becky plan. Never made sense for them anyway. Becky was a rat but she was their rat. 


It's hilarious that Vanessa is complaining that James is "bullying" everyone to vote Shelli out with Clay standing right there. What an asshole trying to keep you in the game, amirite? 

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I can't keep up with who Austin and the twins want to keep, it changes by the hour.


This is totally Shelli's fault though in that she went OFF on Julia, that was a huge mistake Julia seemed to be focused on Clay but she let's Liz drive the bus and Liz is dumb (prolly cause Liz was the "real" player that got her on the show). UGH. 

I don't understand what the game plan is for Slay and Van, they're talking together does that mean Van/Shelli are convinced Clay is fine with going? Like IF he's FINE with going, I'm sorry I still think it's BAD game play for Austwins to vote to keep Clay, he WILL go to the other side and ipso facto they WILL be targeted they may be subtarget but on the block is ON THE BLOCK.


Hee Vanessa: I don't know which of you going is this very awkward HEE, it is because Shelli and Clay are completely different players and Clay is clearly lying and wants to STAY. Heee, Van is looking at Clay like he's crazy. She needs to go straight to the Twins and tell them all this, that they are FUCKED if he stays.

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Ironically it looks like Clay is determined to stick with Sixth Sense and target JJM. I still want Shelli to stay, because I don't trust dumb Clay to stay the course, and I just enjoy and prefer Shelli's gaming to Clay's, but, I guess I'm okay with which ever one of them walks out, and I like that we still can't say with any confidence which one it will be. 


I am glad they 86'd the Becky UTB plan, because it was definitely one of Vanessa's more half baked ones, that might have really blown up in all their faces.

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Clay can't even clean a mirror right. Mommy Shelli had to come behind him, point out the streaks, and then do it for him. Is he going to be able to tie his own shoes if he stays and she goes? Nah, Meg would probably be happy to tie them for him.

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Shelli: He [James] is on a high high horse. He really is. I am really tired of him marching through the house.


LOL. You can tell Shelli is used to always getting what she wants in life.

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Vanessa again complaining about BOTB being over. The entitlement of these three is really something to watch.


Eh, we're going to have so many entitled HOHs/power alliances from here to the end, entitlement doesn't bother me, it amuses me (e.g. Jackie, yesterday, before that batshit meeting was commenting that other folks have no choice but to vote with them in taking Shelli out, because of the force of 3 in charge (I guess) where only 2 can compete next week...heee!).


What I do understand is that Clay/Shelli/Vanessa ended up making a decision in evicting Jason based on thinking that BotB would still be around (and no, they aren't entitled to this season working exactly like last).  I am sure what is killing them all is that if they had just taken out Austin as planned, all would be well.  Seriously, C/S would probably be in a prime position to make a late game run, Vanessa with SS/FGs would have also been well positioned.  One decision, based in part on a faulty assumption, led to this mess they find themselves in now.  One overreach did them in, one moment of just not letting it be, trying to get more.  That has to be destroying them inside, even if they are verbalizing it as frustration at production.


I get it.

Edited by pennben
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Julia is trolling Liz about Austin pawing her and sharing a chair with her. Also reiterates she hates Clay, and yet is going to abide by whatever Lord James of the Manor tells them today? What in the entire fuck, I know she is smarter than that, it is truly bizarre to live in fear of a guy who can't win HoH and who's other big ally Meg, couldn't win one to save her damn life.




Liz But I'm afraid, I'm just scared what if I don't do what a guy who has no power in the house does next week?!!..................bitch please I hate her, please vote her out next week Clay.

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Heh, even Shelli and Clay can't figure out why John is so emotional over them being up.  Shelli thinks it out of guilt over something he did to them.  Oh, Shelli, I love JMac, but he's not actually doing anything to anyone. 

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The Twins have listed like 10 reasons why they shouldn't keep Clay, but LIz keeps dragging it back to booting Shelli because she's "strong" and wins comps, oh okay one reason that makes sense bimbo. Julia looks beyond irritated with Liz, she told her four times they had make up their mind, and Liz keeps going back and fourth, the most Julia says when Liz argues Shelli should go is: Yeah,...we have to do what's best for our game. She brings up Steve's argument about keeping Shelli as a shield. 


Julia is also of course disgusted with the Austin situation,the best thing for her game might be Liz walking out the door.



But why is (was) Johnny Mac crying over them?


Nobody knows! That's the whole point, I do agree with the basic idea he was super sauced and was just feeling general BB House related breakdown, but why Clay and Shelli leaving is the trigger I can not fathom.

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The twins were whispering in the HN about Austin. Julia kept referring to him as "The Beast". Liz once again confirmed that she's not attracted to Austin and that she's just using him as a shield. She mentioned having to end it at some point and telling him in the jury house that she's just not that into him. 


Is it wrong that I kinda wanted to see that moment?

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Well, they do tape a little in the jury house. Of course, she might need to whisper to a producer when, where & what time. Now, that's good tv.

Edited by ByaNose
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He was drunk. At least that is what he told Becky as to why he teared up.


James has been one of the least egotistical HOH in the show's history. I don't get why he is getting a bad reputation. It is understandable from Shay whose game he effectively ended. Even Vanessa. She is bitter he won't do her bidding, but fans? Nope. I think he's been overly nice to the other side actually.

Liz just NOW breaks up with some Ryan guy she was seeing lol

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