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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Becky is currently attempting a build an alliance with Vanessa and Shelli, while also asking them if she should keep Jackie as a side alliance. This cast, yall.

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Becky is currently attempting a build an alliance with Vanessa and Shelli, while also asking them if she should keep Jackie as a side alliance. This cast, yall.

Well, Jackie no longer has Becky's  back.  Kinda figured it after Becky avoided eye contact with Jackie, which somehow convinced Jackie that Becky knew about the plan to blindside Jason all along.  Yet . . . Becky's still willing to help Jackie.  Weird.


Sad, too, because I figured they had something going after Jackie gave that confessional about Becky's train story.  Sounds like Becky ruined it.

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But the fact that Becky is stupidly aligning herself with Vanessa, Clay, and Shelli, and then asks her own alliance about a side alliance is a little insane to me. First of all, poor Becky has no clue. She thinks she's forming a legit alliance with Clay, Shelli, and Vanessa. And second of all, don't tell your main alliance about your side alliance. LOL. Clay and Shelli don't know about Vanessa/Steve or Freaks and Geeks. Up until now, Vanessa didn't know how close Shelli/Clay were with Meg and Jason. 


This is just hilarious to me. Becky wants to win HOH this week and target James. 


I've decided I want a Vanessa/Shelli final 2, so I can see the jury tear themselves apart about which one they wanna give the money to.

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thought Becky had potential.

Now I want her back in Colorado, climbing some dumb mountain.

Please please please BBGods let's save Jason and turn this house on its head next week!!!!! 

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I'm rooting for Sixth Sense because I don't really like any of the outsiders. Vanessa is annoying me lately, though. She's been doing way too much that's just unnecessary as part of a majority alliance.

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Jackie's got balls.  She's straight-up telling Clay that she thinks Audrey was telling the truth all along about the six-person alliance.  And that he was part of it.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Jason is feeling a little bitter.  Saying no one is worried about him at this point, only about the people that are his friends and who will be pissed about his being targeted.  True dat. 


And Steve is sweeping the kitchen!  House cleaning!  He may be doing it just to hear what Meg, James, and Jason are saying, but still! 

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I saw earlier today that the box of never-ending Cheez-Itz had migrated down to the purple bedroom (on the table by Jackie's bed, naturally) and was a little sad, because I wasn't sure how Jackie was going to bust into the HoH bedroom from now on. But that's okay! She went up and took a drink from the fridge and has been plopped on the bed, questioning Vanessa's decision. Here's hoping the Cokes or whatever she's drinking are as never-ending as the Cheez-Itz.

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I seriously hope Jackie blows them all out of the water.

The most ANNOYING thing about Vanessa is her "I hate liars" schpeel she uses to lambaste everyone else with when her version of truth depends on with whom she's speaking...honestly, I think if it's between her and Shelli, the jury goes to Shelli for that exact reason. 

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Vanessa still has Steve, and she's always been closer with Austin and the Twins.


Right? And she was reeling Jackie in today and seems to have an agreement if not a rock solid guarantee of anything with her (which she tried to do with Jason, and now look where Jason is after "betraying" her?). I think Jackie appreciated that Vanessa spoke as honestly as she could about why swapped Austin for Jason, so she tentatively also has side alliance with Jackie that no one is aware of. I still think she's playing this game the best of those left in the house, thus I'm still rooting for her big time. 

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Don't the houseguests find it peculiar that Clay and Shelli are always in the HOH and feel perfectly comfortable sitting around listening to all the conversations Vanessa is having?

It's bugging me that they're laying on the couch silently while Vanessa and Jackie are talking.

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Jackie: (To Vanessa, with a smirk.) I think you're fine next week. You did what the house wanted, right?

Jackie's been kinda awesome in this conversation.

Jackie isnt cute here. Vanessa has been known Jackie wants her nominated.

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Jackie is AMAZING, but goodness it's so stupid. I don't care though because I love when someone calls people out on their bullshit. I just think she's so done with their lies and fakeness that she can't even take it anymore.


But she is 100% gonna go next week if she doesn't stay HOH/win veto.

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It's great Meg didn't believe Clay but the reality is it's still 9 on 3 next week.

All I have to look forward to this summer is the demise of Shelli and Clay.

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I almost wish they'd never gotten wise to it because I was content to just enjoy watching Shelli/Clay/Vanessa fuck them over week after week, but now I really want them to get a chance to take a shot at those 3. Now I have my hopes up, which will just end in disappointment.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Meg and Jason are annoying! They are talking shit and all but been at a sleep away camp for 39 days



Jason has put more effort into perfecting his "this one time on BB Canada" schtick than he has into playing the game.


I don't find him funny.  At least not as funny as he thinks he is.  

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I think James is first.


I will be shocked if Shelli doesn't gun for Jackie next. Vanessa as well. She's on to their shit and she's a competitor. Honestly they'd be stupid not to go for Jackie and I know they're not stupid.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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What I want to happen:


Becky, Clay, and Shelli turn into a love triangle within the next 24 hours.

Shelli campaigns hardcore to evict Becky. 

Becky gets evicted.

Clay has to deal with a scorned Shelli.

Jason and Jackie team up to incinerate them. 


And yes, I know this is just wishful thinking. 

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Jackie is AMAZING, but goodness it's so stupid. I don't care though because I love when someone calls people out on their bullshit. I just think she's so done with their lies and fakeness that she can't even take it anymore.


But she is 100% gonna go next week if she doesn't stay HOH/win veto.

She and James are the top two targets next week, and both of them know it, so I guess Jackie figures, why not go balls to the wall, anyway?

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Clay to James about Jason going on the block: "This was a house decision. I don't know who the house is." HA! Although, to be honest, I'm surprised he's trusted to dress himself in the mornings.

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Clay to James about Jason going on the block: "This was a house decision. I don't know who the house is." HA! Although, to be honest, I'm surprised he's trusted to dress himself in the mornings.

Most places I've gone, Clay is more disliked than liked by the fans.  Even his prettiness can't cover up how dumb he often comes off, I guess.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Clay is bad.  I've heard his 'ask myself a question and give myself an answer' speech twice now.  It's really horrid.

Shelli is going to blow her stack because someone tried to tell her the truth.  

I'm jumping off the Shelli bandwagon.


I'm still on board with Vanessa.

I hope she can work with Julia.

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Boy, there's a lot of "straight shooters" this season. 


I feel like I need a shot when Clay starts digging his hole even deeper with Meg, Jason, and James today.


Shelli getting butt hurt... sorry, offended that people are figuring out her and Clay's game is hilarious. If they were ever nommed together, she would melt the fuck down. Now I want to see it happen.

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I am surprised by how hated Clay is by the online fans. Normally his type is a fave.

I was, too, but I can believe it.  It was mostly feed watchers who started hating him, but lately, it's coming across on the casual, broadcast-only watchers, too.  I think it started when he went after Da'Vonne over the one little scrap they had, and then, him joining in the plan to set up Jeff for Vanessa made it worse.  At one point on Jokers, he and Shelli were the bottom two on the fan polls.  (Vanessa and Austin might be giving them a run for their money to take those spots now, though.)  RFF posters generally can't stand him.  Almost all of the Sucksters hate him.  TV.com posters aren't too thrilled with him, either.


So . . . yeah.  I believe it.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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And there we finally have it.  Jason (if he or someone else, on his behalf, manages to pull off a miracle) and Meg are going after Clay and Shelli the first chance they can get.  They're discussing the best possible way to do it.  Jason's telling Meg to put them up directly on a Double Eviction night.  But they'll have to backdoor them in a regular week due to the (sucky) BotB.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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