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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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The funny thing is that Shelli is totally right. Austin is a vote for them, it is better for her game if Becky goes. But her assumptions are completely wrong. There IS no other side of the house; it doesn't exist.

Oh well, goodbye Becky.

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Oh, God. Austin versus Vanessa in the HoH room about his lies. They both talk so damned fast and over top of each other and get emotional. Austin is losing his shit about possibly going on the block. I'm running out of popcorn.

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Austin is the worst, but Shelli will make sure that Becky goes. She is really playing this game well. Not only does she keep Austin, but it's going to be all Vanessa's fault. If the other side of the house didn't know they were an alliance before, they'll know now. Betting on winning every HOH has worked well so far, but it's not going to work forever, and they're giving the rest of the house a really good reason to go after them.

I'm not all that mad about Becky leaving either. She's too clueless for me to really get on board with.

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Vanessa is playing Austin like a fiddle. She's telling him all about the backdoor plan, but laying on his betrayal SUPER thick, about how hurt she is that he lied to her and he doesn't know what she's been going through knowing that he's lied to her face and etc etc. Austin is freaking out and practically begging. If she doesn't put him up, she's basically setting it up so that he would fall on a sword for her if needed in the future.

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Austin pulls his hair and smacks his hands down on cushions like a little kid having a temper tantrum when he gets upset. It's really funny. Is he going to react this way when Liz tells him that she's not that into him?


Austin said that he needs to be "in jury with Liz" but he'll gladly be the target for next week. They're all under the impression that jury evictions are going to start after this eviction. If they are keeping him for next week, I really hope that jury is 7 people instead of 9.

Edited by Callaphera
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Every time Austin says he's making these mistakes because he's falling in love, I want to punch him in the throat. He's so gross. But Liz really needs to start shutting that shit down. She's not another Amber, she has people on her side. No one is encouraging Austin, her game won't get screwed.

And Liz, Vanessa and Shelli nailed it - he just wants to get to the jury house with Liz so that he can nail her. Again - gross.

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Vanessa is fucked no matter what.


If she puts Austin up and he leaves, she looses a vote and someone who won't target her.


If she doesn't honor the deal she made to take Austin out, she will move up the target list for Meg, Jason, JOHNNY and Jackie.


Clay and Shelli will be sitting pretty. 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Liz:  he's not even cuuuuuute!  He repulses me!  

Don't you mean "he's not even cuuuuuute!  He repulses meeeeeeee!"


Every sentence seems to have that whine.

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Is Austin going to feel more foolish when (1) he gets voted out of this game, (2) when he realizes Liz is not into him, or (3) when he finds out that BB has not made Judas a 'thing' and he is not going to be famous?

He has very little grip on reality in seemingly multiple facets of his life.

I do agree they should keep him though. That was part of Derek's game that helped too - don't get caught up on if your alliance members are unpleasant assholes (Frankie), they are numbers. Numbers to get you paid.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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Vanessa is fucked no matter what.

Here's hoping!


Clay and Shelli will be sitting pretty.




I really want Vanessa to back out on nomming Austin and for that to finally get John/Meg/Jason/Jackie/James to grow a brain and fucking play the game.

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Vanessa is fucked no matter what.


If she puts Austin up and her leaves, she looses a vote and someone who won't target her.


If she doesn't honor the deal she made to take Austin out, she will move up the target list for Meg, Jason, JOHNNY and Jackie.


Clay and Shelli will be sitting pretty. 

So true, so true...


I can't see how Austin doesn't realize that when you're in an alliance you tell your alliance-mates what you're up to.  That's why he doesn't look honest.


Vanessa really is in a bad situation.  

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Is Austin going to feel more foolish when (1) he gets voted out of this game, (2) when he realizes Liz is not into him, or (3) when he finds out that BB has not made Judas a 'thing' and he is not going to be famous?

#2 easily. He's told Vanessa repeatedly he's in love with Liz.

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I do agree they should keep him though. That was part of Derek's game that helped too - don't get caught up on if your alliance members are unpleasant assholes (Frankie), they are numbers. Numbers to get you paid.

Good point.

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I kinda wish Vanessa goes all out and slap Jackie up there because I want to see the house really divide. 


In that scenario, I'd want Jackie voted out. She is the one who cooked this stupid scheme to put up their allies with Vanessa. 

Why would that split the house? Jackie doesn't have any real friends or allies. does she?

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I can't see how Austin doesn't realize that when you're in an alliance you tell your alliance-mates what you're up to.  That's why he doesn't look honest


Because when he did what he did, he was only in an alliance with his penis and trying to figure out how to get time with Liz alone.

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#2 easily. He's told Vanessa repeatedly he's in love with Liz.

Yeah - I feel kinda bad for him on that score.  It's not going to make him feel good when he gets out.  I know it's not Vanessa's place to tell him the truth - but I wish she'd give him a hint.

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Why would that split the house? Jackie doesn't have any real friends or allies. does she?


She does in that she is closer with the outsiders that include Jason and Meg. Plus all the people I mentioned minus Johnny were in on the plan to backdoor Austin forming that latest Sixth Sense alliance.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Why would that split the house?


If Vanessa doesn't put up Austin it should make Jackie/James/Meg/Jason/John realize they need to work together to take out Vanessa's group. But of course that would mean they have brains in their heads and I'm not so sure about that.

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I'm not sure it's going to completely fuck Vanessa over if she backs out of putting Austin up. Especially since she's competing in comps against people like Meg and Jason, who can only win a competition about clothing pattern foam parties. James is dumb as a brick and completely useless too. Jackie and John are all she'd have to worry about, and even then, it'd only truly be worrisome if they both win HOH. And now Austin is telling her that next week, if Vanessa is targeted, Austin will create scenes with every person in the house in order for them to target him first.

OMG I think Austin is gonna confront Jason.

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I never assume someone is good because persons A and B can't win a competition. There is always going to be a competition where any random person can win. This goes way back to season six, where Ivette sucked ASS at every competition, and then randomly started winning things at the end. There's always a possibility. I think Vanessa is in a really tough spot right now; I don't blame her for wanting to cover her ass if at all possible.

I hate the fact that Shelli/Clay are the big winners in this whole thing.

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I don't know how Shelli does it. She comes off astronomically fake to me. I don't know how people buy her bullshit. Plus, she's in a showmance! That alone should make people want her gone. AND she's already won 2 HOHs. It's just mind-boggling that she's got all these people snowed.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Oh, absolutely, pennben. I think Shelli is playing the best game right now hands down. I just can't stand her with Clay. I just can't stand Clay.

Am looking forward to Austin picking a fight with Jason. That should be fun.

Edited by Katesus7
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Austin loses me when he says he didn't MEAN anything the way it came across.  That's a life lesson - intentions don't always matter.  No matter how much he didn't MEAN to make a bad situation - it IS a a bad situation.

He keeps wanting a pass for what he did because he didn't MEAN it.  


He can't even formulate his own plan to get himself out of this situation.  He keeps asking Vanessa what to do.

Edited by Vicky
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Oh my god, Austin just told Shelli/Clay that he's in love with Liz, and Shelli literally almost started laughing. She had to physically close her mouth.

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I don't know how Shelli does it. She comes off astronomically fake to me. I don't know how people buy her bullshit. Plus, she's in a showmance! That alone should make people want her gone. AND she's already won 2 HOHs. It's just mind-boggling that she's got all these people snowed.

I think the opposite about her! :)  She seems really genuine to me.  On the other hand - if it turns out she's NOT genuine - I won't be surprised.

Clay getting out there and schmoozing with the people on the 'other' side really helps.  I think that's why they get away with being in a showmance.

I didn't like that she was getting bent out of shape because John wanted to save Becky.  She couldn't imagine that John might like Becky the way she likes Clay.

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Don't you mean "he's not even cuuuuuute!  He repulses meeeeeeee!"


Every sentence seems to have that whine.

Is this a Miami thing?  Victoria had the same inflections in her voice when she was excited.

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If Austin stays, whether I continue to root for anyone depends on how they handle the whole Liz isn't into Austin at all thing.  If folks tell Liz she has to put up with it, I'm done with them.

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At this point, and I hate saying this because I dislike him so much, for game reasons only - Vanessa should keep Austin since he will take a bullet for her at anytime and he is a number.


This is feeds gold though, Austin is doing all this for a girl that doesn't even feel the same for him.

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I think the opposite about her! :)  She seems really genuine to me. 


Yea, I've seen that other viewers think she's genuine, too, so I guess I can understand why the HGs do. But I would be all over her if I was playing! But then I thought Derrick came off fake as hell, too. And I think Vanessa does. I just never buy players who put on so much of a show.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Ugghhh i HATE how they treat Steve. "We will just kick him out of that room because we want to talk in there." It just bothers me how people treat people like they just don't matter. 


And his reaction,








Clearly, he is not okay with being dismissed but what can he do?



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Clay was all about integrity and being truthful when it came to voting Audrey out of the house.  I don't see how Clay could back up Austin with all the stuff just rolling of Austin's tongue. 

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I just want to see Austin have a meltdown on eviction night. Austin might actually scare Julie during the live interview. Julie will get all nervous and say she can't hear anything in her ear & needs to go to a commercial. LOL!!!

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Is this a Miami thing?  Victoria had the same inflections in her voice when she was excited.

Well I'd say it's just an extreme form of Uptalking.  Most beachside communities seem to have it.

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