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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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I recently re-watched an episode of Season 3 and the sessions were so much more interesting without the one liners.


Goodness yes. I have been rewatching random episodes of early seasons the past couple days and the DRs were a completely different thing back then. They weren't just scripted nonsense or retelling of what we're watching on screen. They let people actually talk about their strategy and their thoughts.


It's kind of exciting that the vote is still up in the air this late. Especially since I am A-OK with either of the nominees going. I'd love for them to do the rock-paper-scissors thing or the secret vote just to make the live vote exciting and unpredictable for once.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'd enjoy seeing Meg in a regular spot (not the star) on a NYC-based sitcom.  She's just so cute and her face has such a happy look.

There was a time I'd have dated Meg in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately, that time was about 25 years ago - and considering 25 years ago Meg was still in diapers I'm pretty sure dating her would have been illegal, even in West Virginia.


I can't watch the feeds right now. Are they serious?

I'm moderately certain they're joking around.

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"If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? I have often answered this question with the word no, but perhaps I should have been asking a much larger question… what is a sound?"


The first sentence of Austin's blog. I gotta be honest - I didn't make it any further than that. 

  • Love 6

"If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? I have often answered this question with the word no, but perhaps I should have been asking a much larger question… what is a sound?"

I remember having this same discussion before.

When was it...?

Oh, yeah - eighth grade science class.


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I was just almost enjoying Vanessa for a minute and then she started talking about how gross Steve was for what he did and how she's SO intuitive and SO forgiving and I'm just like nope.

She told Steve yesterday that she's going to play up how much she hates him, so people don't think they're close. Maybe she was actually playing him, but part of me thinks she was at least partly genuine, because she has no chance as 1 vs. 3. She needs another ally, when she makes a move against the Austwins. She was also Jedi drilling with him yesterday, and I'm not sure she'd Jedi drill with someone she's scared will win HOH.

Edited by Ceeg

At this point, Vanessa can't push too much to save John without it looking suspicious so she has to agree with the Austwins. I hope John sees through their BS when the Austwins try to blame Vanessa for flipping votes on him and he either wins return juror comp or tells return juror to work with her. I believe this is the only way to get the Austwins out since Meg/James think it's "too soon". I fear if no one targets the Austwins next week this season is shot for me. I can't stand the thought of any of those 3 winning this game. At least Vanessa has played the game.


My dream was for James and Vanessa to come to a truce for the common good but that seems unlikely. It would be silly for the returning juror to waste their time targeting Vanessa or Steve when their is a showmance and actual blood relatives still in the house who will control the votes after next week. Something needs to shake things up.

Edited by kellog010
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Unlike last season's juror comp, where I only wanted Hayden to come back into the house (purely for game reasons....though Nicole wasn't a bad choice) and didn't want Jocasta or Zach winning because nothing would change, I'm ok with anyone coming back this season. I may not love Becky or Jackie, but they have a chance of changing things up, Becky more so. Shelli I think might be an interesting choice who would also shake things up, and Steve/John? Well, they've seen this house explode this week. I'd rather one of the females come back, but I wouldn't hate John/Steve for coming back into the comp, as long as they change things up.



I just read Austin's HOH blog and Liz was right.....boooorrrringgguuhhhh!  He also sent some tweets and this is my favorite:  "Brendon and Rachel I hope Liz and I are making you guys proud. #Brenchel #Lizstin"   Bwahahahahaha!!!!!


Austin, I believe that Brenchel is mortified by your behaviour and Brendon would call you a Neandertall. 

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Yeah, I am rooting for whoever comes back. Obviously I have my favorites, but would be fine with any of them, even Shelli. Of course none of it matters if they don't win HOH. Meg/James are too passive not to nominate them, and it's good for the Austwins to get them out. Vanessa is the wild card, but she is always the wild card. That is her whole role.

Edited: I'd be willing to bet Rachel loves Liz and Austin. I couldn't say about Brendon because I never saw him actually have an opinion, but I think Rachel would be all about these two. Birds of a feather, and all that.

Edited by Katesus7
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"Steve asks JMac about the bark of the pineapple. They start to talk game but then Steve requests that they don't."

I'm surprised how long Steve's gotten people to trust him. He's so sketch.

" Julia to Vanessa: 'I can't believe Johnny Mac is screaming in the DR because of your bitch ass.'"

I can't help it - the twins make me laugh.

And James and Meg have been informed that Steve is staying. It's so strange how these guys are so afraid of upsetting the HGs that really will have no choice but go after them ASAP. They won't make their own decisions, it must be a group decision.

Oh, and Meg has to inform John. I wouldn't be surprised if James and Meg were so tired of receiving the Austwins orders that they evict them next week (actually, I really would be surprised if they went against The House Plan like that).

Edited by mooses

What I don't get is why this was ever in doubt for the Austwins? It is not so much that Steve is GOOD for their game but rather that there's no way he's WORSE for their game than John. And not even that John is bad for them, either, but between the two, how could the guy you've been aligned with NOT be better off for you than the guy you have no connection to?

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What I don't get is why this was ever in doubt for the Austwins?


I don't think it ever was, at least not to the The Twins, Austin only cares about raising his wrestling profile outside the house and can't man up and make up his own mind, so on some level the Rock Paper Scissors thing was a legit option for him at least to placate Vanessa who was  angling to keep John w/o alienating Austwins.


I honestly think even Vanessa is better off with Steve as her renewed F2, but I get that the Austwins seem closer to him than her so that means she's the bottom bitch IF they are the F5, but Vanessa you and Steve (or fine John) and the new HG and Meg and James can VOTE THEIR ASSES OUT next week. Make it happen! Steve has got to see how turning on the Austwins now is better than going to F5 with them too, even if he's one notch above Van.


I was just re-watching S10, and I kind of wish the HoH comp will be like the one Renny won, it's was super fast, and it's something I think Meg could actually win (it was guessing what HG said a particular thing in the DR), but since they all discuss their DR's or over hear someone YELLING maybe they think it's too much of a gimmee.

Edited by blixie
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I was just re-watching S10, and I kind of wish the HoH comp will be like the one Renny won, it's was super fast, and it's something I think Meg could actually win (it was guessing what HG said a particular thing in the DR), but since they all discuss their DR's or over hear someone YELLING maybe they think it's too much of a gimmee.

Meg is the last person I want winning HOH though. I like Meg, but her HOH would be such a mess. She'd put up the returning HG (unless it's Jackie), Vanessa, or Steve. 


I just want someone to win who will actually do something. And there really aren't a lot of people who will. James might if Vanessa could convince him, but he seems like he doesn't want to upset the Austwins yet. Steve and Vanessa would probably put up James/Meg/Returning HG. Liz and Julia would put up Returning HG/Steve. Jackie seems pretty anti-Vanessa, and who knows if she's warped Becky's brain about it. Shelli is anti-Vanessa right now, but could possibly be convinced otherwise, because she needs someone. John would 100% put up the Austwins.


Can America please win HOH? LOL that's the only option I like right now.

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I am truly at my limit with Vanessa. IDEC that the Austwins need to be broken up or that it's gonna be boring and predictable if they continue to stay. I just can not stand watching Vanessa 'play' anymore.


I feel like John will probably win the comp to return (ugh) and then promptly lose hoh and get evicted once again next week.

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I like Meg, but her HOH would be such a mess. She'd put up the returning HG (unless it's Jackie), Vanessa, or Steve.


Eh, I think she'll do whatever James tells her to do and I think if the returning HG is hell bent on the bust up the Austwins plan, along with Van, and John/Steve come to them with the basic math James has already figured out, he'll jump on board and thus will Meg. It's Van's one big oversight in the game to me relationship wise, she ignores James (and Julia as well) when I think both are extremely anxious to "work with her".  


I just think Meg is the best HoH to go after Austwins, hell they might not even TARGET her if she does it, because she's so damn useless as player and non threat in comps. Meg getting blood on her hands means nothing for her game and saves better players like James and Vanessa, and hopefully returning HG the aggravation of payback.

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James has never given any indication that he wants to work with Vanessa in any capacity.


Julia, even if she is willing to, will not work with Vanessa over her sister. She is the same girl who've been bashing Vanessa for weeks after she saved her and her ungrateful twin. She has flashes of independence but she goes along with what Liz and Austin wants.


Meg will have to win anything for me to comment on what she'll do as an HOH. The last time I heard her and James, yesterday in the pool I think, they are going after Vanessa if either wins HOH. It is too soon to go after the Austwins according to those two brainiacs.


James has never given any indication that he wants to work with Vanessa in any capacity.


Yes except for the two times that he did work with her in specific capacity when he nommed Shelli/Clay over her, and voted out Shelli over, you can pretend that didn't happen, but it did, when he goes up and nominates and targets Vanessa maybe then I'll buy he's not open to working with her. But not until then.

I think Becky coming back would be an absolute waste unless she won HOH.  She would be a nominee for pretty much everyone.  I could even see James/Meg putting her up.  If John is not in the house then she would have nobody who truly wants to work with her.


I agree. If JMac goes tonight I have a high suspicion they'll be be throwing the returnee comp. There is no point in them being in the house without the other.

Deputy I have the same read as you. No way would James ever work Vanessa nor has he given any indicator he'd work with her. And, I don't think Vanessa would ever work with him either, because a lot of her game depends on trust. And she would never trust James with her secrets or with her strategies.


Becky and John would definitely be put up outright, probably by anyone who won HOH, with the exception of Vanessa and Steve (I think they would both put up Meg and James). Shelli would most likely be put up by everyone except Vanessa, and Jackie would be put up by everyone except James and Meg.

This is why I hate returning jurors. Not only is it unfair (and yes, I'm calling it unfair, even though a lot of BB is unfair) since they've already been booted, but it usually ends up a complete waste of time, and turns into a pointless rerun of what's already happened.

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Yes except for the two times that he did work with her in specific capacity when he nommed Shelli/Clay over her, and voted out Shelli over, you can pretend that didn't happen, but it did, when he goes up and nominates and targets Vanessa maybe then I'll buy he's not open to working with her. But not until then.


He wasn't working with Vanessa either time. His motives during those two weeks were wanting Shelli and Clay gone. It benefited Vanessa are they indication he wants to work with her.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Yes except for the two times that he did work with her in specific capacity when he nommed Shelli/Clay over her, and voted out Shelli over, you can pretend that didn't happen, but it did, when he goes up and nominates and targets Vanessa maybe then I'll buy he's not open to working with her. But not until then.

That's not working with her. It's just not working against her because he had other fish to fry. Clay and Shelli were bigger priorities for him. Now that they're gone, Vanessa is target #1 for him. According to things he's actually said this week to Meg.

  • Love 2


It's just not working against her


In this game it's the same fucking thing, you can START working with someone any time it SERVES your interests, like Johnny Mac going to Vanessa and spilling to save his ass. And working with the rest of house to get out Austwins is absolutely in James interests, as foolishly as he's played I refuse to think he won't see that opportunity and take it.  I have consistently seen James willing to work with anyone who is willing to work with him. He's also willing to betray them, but so is Van I refuse to rely on what these idiots say they are going to do (nominate Vanessa, Back Door Vaness) and instead watch what they actually do which is fail to nominate Vanessa, fail to target Vanessa, and fail to back door Vanessa.

I recall the consensus being Vanessa was FOR SURE being nominated and out the door this week, but she managed to talk herself off the block, and then won that fucking Veto. 


And as someone mentioned recently working together for ONE fucking week doesn't require her to trust James with her secrets nor her LT strategy, she simply needs to point out the fucking math and have that backed up by John/Steve, and any returning HG. It's this sort of moronic thinking that has lead to such weak game play, you don't need to forge a new alliance to the end, just for ONE WEEK.

I don't see James and Vanessa ever working together either. But that being said, James has said this week that they need to go after Austwins. He's talked about going after them and about going after Vanessa, so I don't think we can say for sure what he'd do. I think a lot of what will happen next week depends on who comes back, especially for James/Meg.


But honestly the most likely noms for next week are probably some combo Meg/James/Returning Juror/Vanessa. The twins, Steve, and Vanessa will put up Meg/James/Returning Juror. Meg/James will probably do Vanessa/Steve/Returning Juror, with an outside chance of Austwins. Returning Juror might do Austwins or they might do Vanessa/Austwins or Vanessa/Steve.

Deputy I have the same read as you. No way would James ever work Vanessa nor has he given any indicator he'd work with her. And, I don't think Vanessa would ever work with him either, because a lot of her game depends on trust. And she would never trust James with her secrets or with her strategies.

Becky and John would definitely be put up outright, probably by anyone who won HOH, with the exception of Vanessa and Steve (I think they would both put up Meg and James). Shelli would most likely be put up by everyone except Vanessa, and Jackie would be put up by everyone except James and Meg.

This is why I hate returning jurors. Not only is it unfair (and yes, I'm calling it unfair, even though a lot of BB is unfair) since they've already been booted, but it usually ends up a complete waste of time, and turns into a pointless rerun of what's already happened.

Yeah, James and Vanessa are not happening. In a short term way, like coordinating votes, yes. But at this point neither could - or should - trust the other.

The returning juror is usually nice to shake things up if The House is on a predictable roll. But this have shifted enough recently that I'm not looking forward to it. James and Meg have put themselves in a better position lately against the odds. Austwins can't decide between fun and loyalty. Steve just got burned by his only alliance. Vanessa is Vanessa. If the Austwins win HOH, will they choose Vanessa or ADC? Will Vanessa orchestrate an Austwins Turnaround? Will Steve go against the Austwins if he doesn't throw a competition? Will ADC leave the three headed monster in the game?

There's enough uncertainty that I'm pretty interested in what's going on without having to hear Jackie's laugh again.

ETA: James has talked about going after the Austwins a bit, but I fully expect him to focus on Vanessa this week. She's survived too many weeks as the #1 target, he's gonna want to get her while he can. It's clear how much the Austwins can have control from here on out after this week, though, but I think James and Meg trust them and they're fun, so they will put it off.

Edited by mooses

But the bittercakes were so delicious. His WWE rejection must have been outstanding.

I can see it now:

Austin: How about I run up, grab the microphone, and make an eloquent speech about all his transgressions against me?

WWE Bout coordinator: Or you could just hit him with a folding chair. Jeez....

  • Love 3

I recall the consensus being Vanessa was FOR SURE being nominated and out the door this week, but she managed to talk herself off the block, and then won that fucking Veto. 


The "consensus" there was just the Austwins telling John, Steve and James (and technically Meg, but she was never winning that HoH) "Yeah, let's backdoor Vanessa" so that if James, Steve or John won the HoH then the Austwins wouldn't be the target this past week. Note that Austin tried his best to win the HoH even though the "consensus" was that they were getting Vanessa out, because that was never Austin's intent - it was just his backup plan in case John, Steve or James won HoH. 

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John has talked to Meg and is now talking to John. They seem kinda torn. I think they actually both know it's better for them to keep John, but they're not ready yet to make such an overt move against Austwins. And doing so will mean they will have to tentatively work with/trust Vanessa, who has put in no work whatsoever socially with them, while Austwins have.


John is just not good at campaigning though. But in his defense he doesn't really have any more info than James/Meg do, so there's not much he can really say to convince them of anything.

I suspect how this will end is John will talk to Vanessa and hint at or outright say James/Meg are on board and then Vanessa will run immediately to Austwins and tell them that and then James/Meg will be fucked. LOL.


Oh geez John has some plan for some secret code for Vanessa to give Meg/James right before the live show if she is on board with evicting Steve. LOL.


ETA: Meg wants to actually talk to Vanessa about this, she is not about this secret code shit. I think Meg/James would do this, but Vanessa will fuck it up.


But tbf it's probably not a good move for Vanessa. James/Meg/John will never truly work with her long term. Austwins will.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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John has talked to Meg and is now talking to John. They seem kinda torn. I think they actually both know it's better for them to keep John, but they're not ready yet to make such an overt move against Austwins. And doing so will mean they will have to tentatively work with/trust Vanessa, who has put in no work whatsoever socially with them, while Austwins have.

John is just not good at campaigning though. But in his defense he doesn't really have any more info than James/Meg do, so there's not much he can really say to convince them of anything.

Yeah, they're in an interesting position. The one thing is that they'll most likely gain an extra person in their side this week and Austin can't win HoH so it wouldn't be the worst thing to cross their fingers because they won't be in a much better position gong forward anyway. But I don't think they're the type to take drastic risks - neither move is a slam dunk. It will all depend on the next HOH.

John knows about Steve being in the Freaks and Geeks alliance, right? That's the only thing I could think of that might question it seriously. Steve betrayed them in DE and got away with it, and he's another number for the Austwins.

I suspect how this will end is John will talk to Vanessa and hint at or outright say James/Meg are on board and then Vanessa will run immediately to Austwins and tell them that and then James/Meg will be fucked. LOL.

You're right. I'm a hundred percent sure that will be her move. She wants to crack the fun alliance.

John knows about Steve being in the Freaks and Geeks alliance, right? That's the only thing I could think of that might question it seriously. Steve betrayed them in DE and got away with it, and he's another number for the Austwins.

John just told James about F&G, and that Vanessa was kicked out and John replaced her. And that's what the fight was about. And also he told James that Austin told both Steve and John that they have to put up a returning HG with James or Meg.

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John just told James about F&G, and that Vanessa was kicked out and John replaced her. And that's what the fight was about. And also he told James that Austin told both Steve and John that they have to put up a returning HG with James or Meg.

Wow. James' next move should be interesting.

Unfortunately for John, I think he waited way too long. He should have been working at James and Meg weeks before this.

Edited by mooses
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LMAO Meg is telling Austin Steve is acting weird and he's telling her it's just because he told Steve he had the votes so he's not worried. And then Meg is all "He's not giving me a good vibe." I think she's really considering flipping.


Anyway again this is all pointless because Vanessa won't do it and will actually just use this to fuck James/Meg for next week.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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John is spilling EVERYTHING to James right now. I don't think it'll be enough to switch the vote, but it gives the thoughts and ammo James needed to hear in order for him to nominate the Austwins.


Thank JEEBS.



Nooo I don't want a house meeting because then the Austwins will be able to talk their way out of it, and Meg will believe it because she's Meg.


It looks like they just told Austin what John told them, and they are trusting Austin in this moment. SMDH.


Also Meg is annoyed that people DARE to game, w/o her, or at all.

Edited by blixie
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