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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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1 hour ago, ElizaD said:


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So, Ramsay

does get almost the whole season to torture Rickon since the gift can't be Walda's baby, and the final thrill will be that the plot ends Jon/Sansa failing to save his life. Abandoned by the Umbers, Sansa raped by Ramsay and Rickon spending weeks or months as his terrified captive, about to lose the battle when Littlefinger arrives with the Vale army - the Starks are going to spend their "triumphant" season looking absolutely pathetic, beaten and degraded by Ramsay in every possible way until they're saved by the man who betrayed Ned. If Jon can't even manage to out-general and defeat Ramsay when he's fighting right outside his childhood home, he should have no chance against the Night's King. So it's up to Dany to be the savior then. Seriously, Jon will be resurrected only to be beaten by Ramsay and saved from the consequences of his own idiocy by the Vale army: that's absolute humiliation.



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I'm actually glad that it won't be revealed what happened to Hodor. That never really felt like something that needed a flashback and this way it'll remain a nice little mystery. Not getting all the answers makes the world seem a little bigger



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So he's awake but no one knows? I wonder how he'll make his dramatic entrance: surely the others can't find out he's been resurrected when Jon just casually walks into a room? I really like the idea that Davos could have gone to Hardhome with Jon, even though that would have meant not getting one last sweet scene with him and Shireen



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If there's no explanation for why he can interact with the dragons and no one ever mentions the Tyrion Targaryen theory, for which there hasn't been a single scene of setup on the show that's been preparing for R+L=J for seasons, I expect people will still keep on believing in A+J=T rather than accepting that non-Targs can ride dragons. I just hope GRRM has said no to the idea that only a single speshul royal bloodline can save the world


WRT WF: if the rumors are true I can't see the

Umbers allowing that for Rickon

1 hour ago, SeanC said:
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The weird thing is, Dany seemed to have a pretty good handle on them when she had one of the Old Masters BBQ'd.  They did exactly what she wanted them to, and didn't harm her or any of her men.

Tyrion (and spoilers beyond 6x02):



Dany did have a good hold on her dragons when siccing them on the masters, but she had to distract them with food to chain them up successfully. Also, I don't think we've ever had the dragons communicate with a human except to express aggression and rage (like R+V's "You suck, Mom!" screams at Dany when they realize she's chained them up in 4x10). One of the dragons presenting his chained neck in a "Help a brother out" gesture he expects Tyrion to understand would be pretty unusual, and something Dany's never been able to achieve. Dany has been able to order the dragons around to a certain extent, but she's never been able to communicate with them that way.

As for the Tyrion Targaryen thing, if Varys asks Tyrion how he managed to keep R+V from attacking him, or how he knew that it was safe, and he just references his years of study of dragonology--it would be funny if the Dragon Training Manual were, like, one paragraph reading "Talk to dragons nicely and rationally and don't act like an asshole"--and Varys accepts this explanation as legit, I don't think there's anything else to it in the show universe. If on the other hand Varys freaks the fuck out and cannot wrap his head around how it is that a non-Targ can do what Tyrion can do...well, I'll have questions.

On a more pragmatic note, it seems likely that the Jon=Targ reveal is going to come in 6x03, based on the timing of the TOJ sequence, and I doubt D&D would ruin it by suggesting simultaneously that there's another secret Targ running around.


6x02 in general sounds like an exciting episode.


Maybe this is me being overly optimistic, but Season 6 feels like it's going to be a lot more propulsive than previous years. Shit is going down.

3 minutes ago, CofCinci said:


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We will probably see Ramsey be (falsely) kind to little Rickon for the time they're together.

Ramsay (potential BIG spoilers for 6x09):


A set extra and some guy who claims to have worked on Season 6 and specifically on the BOTB have both said that before the battle, Ramsay releases Rickon to run to the Team Stark side on the battlefield and plugs him full of arrows before he can reach Jon. It has been speculated that Ramsay's line from the trailer "Do you like games, little man?" is Ramsay's line to Rickon before this "game."

13 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Tyrion (and spoilers beyond 6x02):

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On a more pragmatic note, it seems likely that the Jon=Targ reveal is going to come in 6x03, based on the timing of the TOJ sequence, and I doubt D&D would ruin it by suggesting simultaneously that there's another secret Targ running around.


It seems like 603 is going to be a very big Stark episode, between Jon's backstory, the reaction to Jon's return, the probable Jon/Sansa reunion, and potentially Rickon's reappearance (the last in much less happy circumstances).

Edited by SeanC
1 minute ago, Edith said:
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I do have a question about Rickon 

Where is  Shaggydog? 

L7R said there would be direwolfs in the BOB but I can't conceive shaggydog being alive while Rickon gets torture by Ramsay or even betrayed by the Umbers


If Rickon is turned over to Ramsay, I'd unfortunately say Shaggydog has gone the way of Lady and Grey Wind.


I'm hoping against hope that the Rickon the Umbers send is a fake one, playing the same trick on Ramsay that he played, along with Theon, with the Miller boys because the absence of Shaggydog is suspicious.  Perhaps the Umbers are playing a long game and will turn against the Boltons in the battle.  I can't remember if the Greatjon is still alive in the Frey Castle on the show.  If so, maybe they are planning their own little revenge for the Red Wedding.

From the books my impression is that Rickon is being kept alive to inherit Winterfell.  Jon is a Targ and he might die saving Westeros from the second Long Night.  Bran is becoming a tree, and I haven't seen any indication in the books that he will ever leave the cave.  Sansa will probably marry Sweet Robin or some other high lord and head her own castle; she might even end up in control of the Vale.  Arya is becoming a Faceless Man, and I doubt she'd go back to rule Winterfell after that.  However, on the show, Bran is apparently leaving the cave, so he might be the one inheriting Winterfell in D&D's version, in which case Rickon dying paves the way for that.

I don't want Rickon to die, even though he's a sullen, angry, wild child in the books and practically a non-entity on the show.  But I don't want the Starks to suffer any more losses, and, more importantly, I don't want any other direwolf to die :-/

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7 minutes ago, WearyTraveler said:
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I'm hoping against hope that the Rickon the Umbers send is a fake one, playing the same trick on Ramsay that he played, along with Theon, with the Miller boys because the absence of Shaggydog is suspicious.  Perhaps the Umbers are playing a long game and will turn against the Boltons in the battle.  I can't remember if the Greatjon is still alive in the Frey Castle on the show.  If so, maybe they are planning their own little revenge for the Red Wedding.

From the books my impression is that Rickon is being kept alive to inherit Winterfell.  Jon is a Targ and he might die saving Westeros from the second Long Night.  Bran is becoming a tree, and I haven't seen any indication in the books that he will ever leave the cave.  Sansa will probably marry Sweet Robin or some other high lord and head her own castle; she might even end up in control of the Vale.  Arya is becoming a Faceless Man, and I doubt she'd go back to rule Winterfell after that.  However, on the show, Bran is apparently leaving the cave, so he might be the one inheriting Winterfell in D&D's version, in which case Rickon dying paves the way for that.

I don't want Rickon to die, even though he's a sullen, angry, wild child in the books and practically a non-entity on the show.  But I don't want the Starks to suffer any more losses, and, more importantly, I don't want any other direwolf to die :-/


Spoilers for Season 6 beyond the 6x02 spoilers in my response, so beware:


I always thought that Rickon was being kept alive to inherit Winterfell in the books, too. If Rickon dies in the show, though--and right now based on the spoilers, it's not looking good for him--I will have to change my thinking. While I believe GRRM when he warns, as he did recently, that just because a character dies in the show does not mean that they necessarily die in the books or in the same fashion they die in the books, that D&D would not kill off Rickon if he was intended to be important to the endgame. That doesn't mean that Book Rickon is doomed if TV Rickon dies, but it does likely mean that he won't inherit Winterfell in the books. Maybe Book Rickon tells Davos to fuck off when Davos tries to fetch him back from Skagos. The books are full of doomed quests. Why not one more?

Also, as you point out, Bran is getting evicted from the cave in the show, so his eventual return to Winterfell looks more likely. I can see TV Sansa holding it in his absence, though.

40 minutes ago, Alayne Stone said:

Tyrion spoilers ...

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He's able to calm them simply by talking to them? Really? Geez, he really is the Gift.



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Someone said we'll get Jon's backstory in episode three? Is that supposed to be the TOJ? I thought that was later for whatever reason, like episode 6 or something.



Yeah, if Tyrion is able to calm the dragons just by talking to them the way he would to a human with no other explanation than he's read up on dragons, I'm going to roll my eyes so hard that they'll fall out of my head. Frankly, if he is able to do that, he had better fucking be a secret Targaryen or else he'll be the biggest Gary Stu who ever Stued. What's worse: that he's special by virtue of his magical bloodline, or that he's special because he is so awesome that he is better at dragoning than even the Mother of Dragons? Ugh.



TOJ sequence was supposedly filmed by Jack Bender (6x05 and 6x06), but it may have been moved to 6x03. There's a still supposedly from 6x03 of Bran and Bloodraven with Bran looking up at what looks like the tower where the TOJ sequence was filmed.

Edited by Eyes High


They are really just hamfisting the whole Tyrion is special thing, aren't they? I wonder what the deal is with the dragons not leaving the cell/cave/cellar/wherever they are though. I guess we won't have them terrorizing Meereen just yet and roosting a couple of Masters and stealing their pyramids. Though that would have been cool, if not expensive, to film.


I'm very curious to see what younger Lyanna looks like. Really surprised her casting managed to fly under the radar. I remember the scene with the two young boys and Hodor scenario had been leaked a while back but no mention of Lyanna. And okay, TOJ is possibly episode 3. That's two of the three reported flashbacks. Someone remind me of the third one again?

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1 hour ago, Edith said:
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No. I remember that spoiler. It was about the BOB not season 6 in general. I'm going to check again to be sure..

Unless they are doing a full rearrange I think

Nymeria is staying in the RL, leaving only Shaggydog and Ghost in the North, unless Edd is glamoured as Jon and then Ghost would stay with real Jon.

I think 


they just need someone to release the dragons, for plot reasons. Obviously Quentyn did this in the books, but he was BBQ'ed in the process. Without that storyline, and with Tyrion needing something to do, I guess they figured the next easiest thing was to have him have a rapport with them precisely so that he DOESN'T get Quentyn'd. I don't know how effective it will be, but I'm not sure it signals anything about Tyrion Targaryen or Tyrion as future dragonrider. It might just be plot necessity resolved with the laziest solution.

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I don't see the big deal with Tyrion being able to calm down two kid dragons by saying that he's a friend of their mother. It's not like he was controlling them. I'd take more issue with the dragons still being so lively despite not being fed for a while.

Reading the Ramsey stuff, I almost wish I didn't read the spoilers as watching that scene playing out would've probably worked better just with my anticipation of Ramsey's actions.  From imagining what he might do once he gets his hands on the baby to the actual payoff.  I'm pretty shocked that Snow came back from the dead so early.

Edited by Oscirus

I can't remember the leaks being this bad before. Season 3 was the first time I saw low quality photos of an episode, 3x06, before it aired. IIRC there was nothing in season 4, then season 5 had actual episode leaks and the 5x09/5x10 spoiler photos. Now there have been 6x01 photos, what seems like an accurate and incredibly detailed summary of 6x02 that spoils a huge moment, and a detailed account of the Winterfell battle that's also looking pretty reliable (don't they make extras sign NDAs? I've seen a couple of guys post about being battle extras on Vikings and they've waited until after the episode to post more detailed photos and commentary). But that dude who managed to film the shooting of the Tower of Joy will probably always be my favorite for A+ dedication.


I get that HBO wouldn't want whole episodes leaked like the first four from season five but I think it's silly to take down spoilers of images or just people talking. I don't think these things hurt viewership and in fact excites a certain part of the fanbase. I haven't seen anyone say that they weren't going to watch the show now that they read/heard a summary or saw some screenshots. A few people said after hearing about Dorne from episode one that they definitely wouldn't watch but these were people who already weren't planning on watching. 

Edited by glowbug
41 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

HBO got FrikiDoctor's spoiler summary video and two other videos of his taken down on the basis of "copyright infringement" (even though the better part of the show is available on YouTube through clips fans have uploaded). So if there was any doubt the summary was legit...

I have no idea what the point of that is at this point.  It's already been translated and circulated.

34 minutes ago, ElizaD said:

I can't remember the leaks being this bad before. Season 3 was the first time I saw low quality photos of an episode, 3x06, before it aired. IIRC there was nothing in season 4, then season 5 had actual episode leaks and the 5x09/5x10 spoiler photos. Now there have been 6x01 photos, what seems like an accurate and incredibly detailed summary of 6x02 that spoils a huge moment, and a detailed account of the Winterfell battle that's also looking pretty reliable (don't they make extras sign NDAs? I've seen a couple of guys post about being battle extras on Vikings and they've waited until after the episode to post more detailed photos and commentary). But that dude who managed to film the shooting of the Tower of Joy will probably always be my favorite for A+ dedication.

I don't think anything will top four whole episodes being leaked, but in general, I agree that the leaks this season are pretty bad. I can't recall set extras prior to this season providing detailed descriptions of big action sequences before this season, let alone two (since the big spoiler sources on Reddit for BOTB appear to be two different users). This is The Walking Dead-level spoilage (where it's routine for an entire episode summary to be circulated a few days before the episode itself airs).

4 minutes ago, SeanC said:

I have no idea what the point of that is at this point.  It's already been translated and circulated.

Deterrence to prevent him from spoiling future episodes in full, I assume. AMC did the same thing on Facebook with the reliable TWD spoiler sources.

I mean, on the one hand, I get it: big shocks are GOT's stock in trade, so HBO has a vested interest in keeping big spoilers off the Internet. On the other hand, FrikiDoctor isn't providing new stills or an episode leak. The summary he provided seems to have made everyone who viewed it only more eager to see the episode itself.

Edited by Eyes High
1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

HBO got FrikiDoctor's spoiler summary video and two other videos of his taken down on the basis of "copyright infringement" (even though the better part of the show is available on YouTube through clips fans have uploaded). So if there was any doubt the summary was legit...

Well that sucks. For him and us. The copyright infringement is just a convenient excuse to get him to remove the 3 videos that spoiled GoT. They also told him his videos can't be any longer than 15 minutes. WTF is that?? He says he's not sure if they'll also make him take down his channel but in the meantime he'll keep posting videos analyzing the show but won't use any images of GoT. HBO's got him in their sights now, and I don't think he'll be giving anymore spoilers from here on out. I assume his source is probably gonna make himself/herself scarce now. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. 

Edited by bunnyblue

Pity, I don't think the guy has any malicious intent.  It's not as if he's shouting from the rooftops all the info he got.  Only those who wanted to be spoiled were spoiled and he had fair warnings throughout.  I don't mind being spoiled, I don't find that it reduces my enjoyment of the show, but to each her own, I guess.

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My gut says HBO asked him to take it down because of the


Jon Snow wakes up spoiler. Something they have gone to great lengths to pretend isn't going to happen, even though they were happy to use Snow's image for promotion. I think that's the main reason why Snow remained dead in the first episode. Most viewers were expecting a re-awakening but HBO was all Gotcham he is dead. And then Episode 2 it can be the shocking twist we didn't think was ever going to happen.

Okay, from the 603 promo the nature of Ramsay's "gift" is exactly what everybody was guessing it was.

I'm really confused by the timing of this, though.  If the Umbers turning on the Starks is going to have any sort of semi-plausible foundation it would relate to the Wildlings, but none of the legitimate Starks (e.g., Sansa and Rickon, who the Umbers have with them) have had anything whatsoever to do with the Wildlings yet, nor has there been any move to use Wildling soldiers against the Boltons that might prompt such an action.

When Maisie was talking in pre-season interviews about her season feeling "split up" and not being in it as much, most of us interpreted that as meaning fewer episodes with larger concentrations, but it appears she meant the exact opposite:  smaller segments across many episodes.  At this point she's in the first three episodes straight.  At that rate I'd call it extremely unlikely she's not in more than 6 this season.

As far as the timing around events at the Wall, I think Sansa's arrival could be either 603 or 604, depending on how much time they're willing to spend at the Wall.  Obviously Jon has to react to being dead before we get to the family reunion.  Though I suppose Sansa and Brienne getting there could be like a tag, teasing the following episode.


As far as the timing around events at the Wall, I think Sansa's arrival could be either 603 or 604, depending on how much time they're willing to spend at the Wall.  Obviously Jon has to react to being dead before we get to the family reunion.  Though I suppose Sansa and Brienne getting there could be like a tag, teasing the following episode.

My theory is that Sansa arrives at the Wall at the very end of the episode, to the shock of Jon and everyone else-then fade to black and we are all kept waiting until episode 4. 

Not surprising given Arya's popularity how many episodes she's in-though frankly, I'm not sure her storyline in Braavos deserves this much screentime, but hey still better than Dorne!

9 minutes ago, Winnief said:

Not surprising given Arya's popularity how many episodes she's in-though frankly, I'm not sure her storyline in Braavos deserves this much screentime, but hey still better than Dorne!

She hasn't really had much screentime.  I didn't count, but her scene with Jaqen in this episode felt like it was about a minute long.


Ramsay's definitely getting fed to his dogs, in between Myranda, Walda, and Roose's comment about Ramsay being fed to the pigs. Isn't that what Docmantistobogan said would happen? Sounds like that account of the BOTB is all but confirmed at this point.

From that angle of the 6x03 promo, Robert Aramayo (Ned) looked like a young Neil Patrick Harris.

Edited by Eyes High
1 hour ago, Winnief said:

I've also read speculation that Ramsay's getting fed to Ghost.

I've heard that speculation too, and I much prefer Ghost devouring Ramsay than his own hounds. A little Stark justice after all he's done and will do to them.

The preview of the ToJ scene has me so excited. And they included those 2 famous lines! Coming from actors, they don't sound as cheesy as I imagined. Is it Sunday yet?

9 minutes ago, Alayne Stone said:

Next episode will be Tower of Joy, probs the Rickon Stark reveal and if IIRC, Drogon might even have his big moment burning the Dothraki in this episode as well?

If that's the case we're in for another big ep.

If the cast/crew members' hype is real, there won't be any small episodes for the rest of the season.

I agree with TOJ and the Rickon Stark reveal. I thought the temple burning scene with Drogon rescuing Dany was from 6x03, but I don't remember what that was based on. Jorah and Daario spying on Vaes Dothrak and Dany being stripped are likely from 6x03, though.

Judging from the promo, already-released clips, promotional photography and the ep description, we get the following storylines:

1. Meereen (Varys finds an answer, whatever that's supposed to mean)

2. Winterfell (Lord Umber delivers a gift--probably Rickon--to Ramsay)

3. Cave (Bran has a vision of the TOJ)

4. Braavos (Arya fights the Waif again and seems to be getting better)

5. Castle Black (Jon wakes up, is viewed with fear and wonder by the wildlings)

6. KL (Tommen confronts the High Sparrow, Cersei asks someone--Qyburn?--to spy for her)

7. Sam (Sam travels with Gilly)

8. Vaes Dothrak (Dany arrives)

Up in the air: Ironborn? Sansa and Brienne?

I think the Drogon thing had something to do with an episode title screen appearing on a behind the scenes photo (another blow torch torching a dothraki tent) but I'm not positive.

So, Tower of Joy is coming ... but do we actually think it'll cut to the interior afterwards? Will we actually see Lyanna with a baby?

I think I will actually try to stay unspoiled for this episode, or at least that scene.

6 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Up in the air: Ironborn? Sansa and Brienne?

I would say no Ironborn, and Theon will get home in episode 4, probably.

Sansa and Brienne, unsure.  The episode is called "Oathbreaker", which, looking over the plots that are in it, seems like it must refer to Jon deciding to leave the Night's Watch -- certainly there's a basis there for Sansa to get to Castle Black.  It's also possible that some version of the Pink Letter precedes Sansa to the castle.  I'm not sure whether it's more appealing to the writers' sensibilities for Jon to make that decision with Sansa already there or not.

14 minutes ago, Alayne Stone said:

I guess I just really don't want the Vaes Dothrak thing being dragged out. I am not looking forward to it in the books and I am looking forward to it even less in the show.

It looks like Dany is en route and away from Vaes Dothrak leading a bunch of Dothraki somewhere with Daario by 6x05 or 6x06 according to set reports. So if you're worried that Dany's going to spend the season cooped up in Vaes Dothrak, worry not. It's pretty clear from spoilers and such that Dany's storyline is going to hit certain beats:

1. Dany gets the Dothraki's respect, with Drogon's help.

2. Dany enlists the Dothraki in a quest to restore order to Meereen.

3. The Dothraki sack Meereen and/or the other cities retaken by the masters.

4. Having restored some semblance of order to Slavers' Bay, Dany finally turns her eyes westward. Somewhere along the way, Tyrion has managed to wrangle the other two dragons.

Throw in Yara to provide the necessary ships and boom! Game of Thrones' stint in Essos will be finally, FINALLY done, thank God.

Edited by Eyes High
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1. Dany gets the Dothraki's respect, with Drogon's help.

2. Dany enlists the Dothraki in a quest to restore order to Meereen.

3. The Dothraki sack Meereen and/or the other cities retaken by the masters.

4. Having restored some semblance of order to Slavers' Bay, Dany finally turns her eyes westward. Somewhere along the way, Tyrion has managed to wrangle the other two dragons.

Throw in Yara to provide the necessary ships and boom! Game of Thrones' stint in Essos will be finally, FINALLY done, thank God.

One can only hope.

But are we sure *Yara* will provide the ships?!?  I mean why would she want to head to Slavers Bay?!?  She's not gonna plan to marry Dany herself like Vic did.  Besides, I'd think they'd want a Greyjoy sibling reunion sometime soon post-Reek.

54 minutes ago, Winnief said:

But are we sure *Yara* will provide the ships?!?  I mean why would she want to head to Slavers Bay?!?  She's not gonna plan to marry Dany herself like Vic did.  Besides, I'd think they'd want a Greyjoy sibling reunion sometime soon post-Reek.

We know she goes to Volantis, so yeah, she's going to Dany.  I agree that's a bit of a sudden leap, but there you go.

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