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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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In addition to what Chris24601 said - the thing I take most seriously from GRRM are his quotes about being a "gardener" and "if he knows how a story ends, he gets bored with it" because I see evidence for those things being true.  I see no evidence that he is heading toward his original ending or aligning up with his 25 year old plot outline or anything else along those lines.


In my opinion, his statements regarding how he writers directly contradict the idea that he is going to match this story up with some outline he made back before I graduated high school.  And I do believe he has altered his stories in ways he can't realign now and have it make any sense.  For him to do so would be making the same mistake D&D often make to the determent of the show. 


However, even if GRRM is being sincere with his "working toward his ending" comment - I think there is so much room for interpretation in that comment that believing it means he will align with his original outline might be taking it too far.  He really could simply mean, the White Walkers will invade, Dany will do whatever it is she will do (I always thought she would fight with Jon but I've seen great speculation that she will fight against him), Jon will win and bring peace to the realm (live or die - no clue), and something will happen to the Iron Throne and the 7 kingdoms (they will break apart, instill democracy, no clue), and everyone will definitely not live happily ever after.  I mean those are such HUGE broad strokes that I think he has room to do just about anything he wants in terms of romance, marriage, etc...


Oh and let me expand on something I just mentioned - I truly have no clue as to whether or not Jon will survive this story and be Lord of Winterfell or anything else.  I think GRRM knows, and I suppose D&D know, but don't think the story has given us much of a hint one way or the other at this point.  All I believe the story has told us thus far is that Jon is the hero of the tale, but sometimes heroes die saving everyone.  That's why I'm not sure if Jon/Sansa is a thing or not.  I'm just fairly certain at this point in the book series - Jon/Ayra has been abandoned. 


And a little more on that note - I wouldn't be surprised if any pairing for Jon has been tossed out the window. It read like that love story was partially to build up the tension of discovering his true parentage.  Kind of like "oh thank goodness, he's only my cousin so this icky love affair is completely ok now."  But since Jon is literally lying in the snow, bleeding out in the books and there has been no love story whatsoever - it's no longer a central plot element to resolve.  Now any romance developed for Jon (if indeed there is any) will come after his true parentage is revealed.  Ergo, any young woman whom it would advantageous for him to pair up with is on the table - that ranges from Sansa to Dany to Doran's daughter to hell Margy Tyrell.


Personally I could almost appreciate the irony of R&L's bastard pairing up with the heir of Dorne if she hadn't been cut from the show.  Of course - let it also be said that if we believe GRRM, the show has cut characters that will be important and therefore it will end up being a different story than his books.  So, I kind of think at this point, GRRM heading for his "original ending" is a bit like D&D knowing the "ending" and designing the show for it.  The largest and broadest strokes might be the same, but there are going to be TONS of differences between the two venues and I suspect between GRRM's original plan and his final product.

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Although not in a romantic sense, we have seen how important they are to each other. Pink Letter, anyone? Jon was talked out leaving the NW for Ned's sake, but for Arya? Different matter.


There's also the fact that everyone else in his family is dead.


If my family is doing alright and something terrible happens, I could be convinced that my duty is more important. Especially if I have a brother my own age who I think is pretty capable.


If my parents, and most of my siblings die and the last one (who I also thought might be dead) needs my help? Yeah I'm dropping everything.


I'm sure Jon would've rushed to the rescue of Bran, or Rickon or Sansa as well. It's the same reason why Bran made Sam promise not to tell. He knew Jon would come after him.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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6x01 title: The Red Woman


"Following the shocking developments at the conclusion of season five, including Jon Snow’s bloody fate at the hands of Castle Black mutineers, Daenerys’ near-demise at the fighting pits of Meereen, and Cersei’s public humiliation in the streets of King’s Landing, survivors from all parts of Westeros and Essos regroup to press forward, inexorably, towards their uncertain individual fates. Familiar faces will forge new alliances to bolster their strategic chances at survival, while new characters will emerge to challenge the balance of power in the east, west, north and south."


Kit Harington’s name is nowhere on the press release but we’ll all look tastefully away from that fact.

From EW

Episode 1 title: The Red Woman

The extremely brief episode description: “Jon Snow is dead. Daenerys meets a strong man. Cersei sees her daughter again.”

There’s also a season 6 description that’s new: “Following the shocking developments at the conclusion of season five, including Jon Snow’s bloody fate at the hands of Castle Black mutineers, Daenerys’ near-demise at the fighting pits of Meereen, and Cersei’s public humiliation in the streets of King’s Landing, survivors from all parts of Westeros and Essos regroup to press forward, inexorably, towards their uncertain individual fates. Familiar faces will forge new alliances to bolster their strategic chances at survival, while new characters will emerge to challenge the balance of power in the east, west, north and south.”

Edited by Edith

Canal+ aired a (Spanish) teaser for a special about GOT filming in Spain. Someone spotted Miguel Sapochnik (filming 6x09 and 6x10) filming a scene at Mesa Roldan with the actors for Tyrion, Grey Worm, Missandei, and Dany (the dragon puppet was also there). You can see an Unsullied in the background at one point. Screenshot (of Peter Dinklage, Jacob Anderson, D&D, and Miguel Sapochnik) here.


I think there was a spoiler about seven principal actors filming at Mesa Roldan. Missandei, Tyrion, Grey Worm, and Dany make four. Even if you add Daario and Jorah, assuming they're still alive as of 6x09/6x10, that only makes six. Varys leaves Meereen earlier in the season. So who's left? Dothraki? Souad Faress' priestess character?


Other things in the teaser:


1. A shot of Dany in her Dothraki outfit with a woman (maybe the young widow spoiled earlier).

2. A huge procession of Dothraki on horseback.

3. Emilia standing in the outfit Dany's wearing at the beginning of the season (mucked-up white gown, bound hands) while extras walk behind her.

4. Shots of the castle where the Tower of Joy sequence was filmed.

5. Michiel Huisman and Iain Glen peering at something from behind a rock wall (?). I'm guessing this is the part where they're spying on the camp where Dany is being held.

6. Several Dothraki extras joking around at a night shoot.

Edited by Eyes High

I think there was a spoiler about seven principal actors filming at Mesa Roldan. Missandei, Tyrion, Grey Worm, and Dany make four. Even if you add Daario and Jorah, assuming they're still alive as of 6x09/6x10, that only makes six. Varys leaves Meereen earlier in the season. So who's left? Dothraki? Souad Faress' priestess character?


Maybe Theon and Yara, since they're said to be in Volantis at some point and could end up getting a version of Victarion's plot?

If Game of Thrones still feels like it's just a bit weighed down by the sheer heft of its narrative strands, to say nothing of the seemingly endless backstories and mythologies, the series at least now feels like it has some firm footing and a newfound sense of certain direction that was lacking intermittently in the second season.



Apr. 7th (tonight): Liam Cunningham on Conan O’Brien

Apr. 11th: Sophie Turner on Conan

Apr. 12th: John Bradley on Conan

Apr. 13th: Maisie Williams on Late Night with Seth Meyers

Apr. 14th: Emilia Clarke on Conan


It'd be nice if that meant we were getting five different Season 6 clips. I doubt it, though.


The Davos clip was a great bit. So much tension! I hope Ghost is going to fuck them up.

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 3

I'm just wondering what fools would be willing to go through that door with Ghost on the other side.  Did he pick the only members of the Night's Watch that hadn't seen Jon and Ghost in battle together?  Forget the men with swords - ya'll are going to be dire wolf food. 

They've been reassured that an insufficient VFX budget will keep Ghost from doing anything.

  • Love 10

It'd be nice if that meant we were getting five different Season 6 clips. I doubt it, though.


The Davos clip was a great bit. So much tension! I hope Ghost is going to fuck them up.

Me too, except maybe Olly, I know,I know, maybe take his hand, he is conflicted and young and to me Sam and Jon could have and should have explained it much better to him.

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More ep titles revealed. 6.02 is Home and 6.03 is Oathbreaker.



And looks like those are Mormont banners on the wall beside him.

Yes they are slowed it to 1/4 speed, looks like Bronn taking Podrick from behind, 6 burning crosses, Sansa and LF in the woods?

Danny stripped, who are the Freys feasting hope they aren't expecting guest rights.

My first observation, as others have already pointed out, is that thanks to the shot of Davos we now know where Sansa is in the first trailer. Note the lighting and the candelabra behind Davos with in the shot with the Mormont banners. Its the same lighting and candelabra as in the shot of Sansa from the first teaser. So I think we can confirm that Sansa is with Davos recruiting Northern Lords to the cause of destroying the Boltons.


This also pretty much confirms that Sansa makes it to The Wall after escaping since that's the only way I can think of for Sansa and Davos to meet and start traveling together. Some of the other shots of Sansa inside by firelight with the dark background definitely look like they could be at Castle Black. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me at all if her speaking lines from the trailer aren't actually to Jon... putting Jon alive in the trailer, but just outside of the camera shot. Sansa going to the Wall also pretty much kills the idea that she will be quickly reunited with Littlefinger, since he's starting out in the Vale and would have to go all the way past Winterfell to get up to where she'll be.


Based on some other bits it seems that Wun Wun is breaking down the gate at Castle Black in response to Jon's death. I'm kinda loving the idea of the Wildlings coming to the rescue of Davos, Ghost and the Jon-loyalists and them splattering Alliser and Ollie like the bugs they are. It has been said that parts of Episode 1 will be Cheer-worthy and THAT would certainly qualify to me. It does though call into question the reports of Wun-Wun breaking down the gate during the scene with Jon, Sansa, Littlefinger and Ramsey later in the season.


The "Do you like games little man?" line is DEFINITELY Ramsey's voice despite the shot of Tyrion so I'm going with him speaking them to Rickon... which means Rickon will be in Ramsey's clutches which means Rickon's certainly going to die as a final Frak You! from the Boltons to the Starks.


The additional shots of Littlefinger also confirm that Littlefinger is in the Winterfell Godswood and we also catch a glimpse that the reason he seems uncertain is because someone just came up on him in the foreground (and its NOT Sansa). If this is post Snowbowl/Battle of the Bastards then I think he's a dead man. Post battle he should be sitting pretty having just provided decisive aid to Team Stark... unless he had a role in bringing Rickon to the Boltons and its been discovered.


My hunch though is that shot is going to come earlier in the season. If he's NOT reuniting with Sansa until late in the season then he's going to need more than extras to interact with and Boltons (who also lost Theon, Sansa and Myranda to interact with) seem like a solid choice for at least an episode or two. Littlefinger rallies the Vale armies, but then rides ahead to the Boltons under the pretense of visiting his allies and niece (but actually get information since no doubt the Boltons are keeping quiet about Sansa escaping) and the person who approaches is going to give him some critical piece of info that will inform the rest of his actions this season (I think he'll book it out of Winterfell soon thereafter).

  • Love 3

It doesn't take any special knowledge to assume that Ramsay telling someone "Do you like games, little man?" likely refers to Rickon and doesn't mean anything good for Rickon, but it aligns with rumours that are looking more and more like spoilers based on the new trailer about what happens to Rickon in Season 6.


Frey/Lannister celebration could be a wedding, or it could just be a celebration of the Riverrun siege being broken. Jaime was supposed to be traveling after leaving Riverrun, and the Riverrun episodes themselves happen fairly late in the season (no earlier than 6x07), so the Twins makes sense as an ending point. There was speculation among book readers that Daven Lannister's wedding would turn into a Red Wedding 2.0 courtesy of the BWB. If this Frey/Lannister event, whatever it is, is taking place late in the season, maybe something's going down there in the show.


Someone pointed out that the shot of Rhaegal (or Viserion?) breathing fire was a recycled shot from Season 5 (Rhaegal breathing fire on the Master). The trailer fools you into worrying that Tyrion is getting flambeed, by cleverly mixing shots of Tyrion in the dragon pit with a recycled shot of Rhaegal breathing fire in the dark. Sneaky, sneaky!


If Tyrion gets that close to the dragons without meeting Quentyn's fate, the Tyrion=Targ theorists will go berserk.

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 4

From the premiere, this Telegraph review, while technically non-spoilery, tells you a certain amount when reading it with other spoiler information we already have.


 From the article: " "The Red Woman" of the episode’s title, the mystical Melisandre – who was left at Castle Black along with Jon Snow’s corpse as season five closed – in no way dominates the action, but by the hour’s end, with a luridly surprising twist, sets the scene for some powerful sorcery to come."


This is exciting and frightening at the same time!!

Frey/Lannister celebration could be a wedding, or it could just be a celebration of the Riverrun siege being broken. Jaime was supposed to be traveling after leaving Riverrun, and the Riverrun episodes themselves happen fairly late in the season (no earlier than 6x07), so the Twins makes sense as an ending point. There was speculation among book readers that Daven Lannister's wedding would turn into a Red Wedding 2.0 courtesy of the BWB. If this Frey/Lannister event, whatever it is, is taking place late in the season, maybe something's going down there in the show.


I think season 6 is looking too crowded for the wedding, but this could be setup for including it in 7 if Jaime helps the Freys get Riverrun, Sansa sends Brienne south to find Arya, and Arya ends up in the Riverlands like a spoiler said.


 From the article: " "The Red Woman" of the episode’s title, the mystical Melisandre – who was left at Castle Black along with Jon Snow’s corpse as season five closed – in no way dominates the action, but by the hour’s end, with a luridly surprising twist, sets the scene for some powerful sorcery to come."


The common speculation seems to be that the earlier trailer shot of non-seductive Melisandre disrobing could be her revealing her true age and that's the twist being referred to. Since episode 3 is named Oathbreaker, that's current my current bet for the resurrection.


Tormund's line about how he "thought he was the man to lead us through the Long Night" is made to look like it's about Jon being dead, but it's clearly really Tormund speaking to Jon about Mance, with the rest of the line being that Jon is that man instead.


Jon/Tormund friendship is something positive that I'm looking forward to. He's pretty much the only wildling character left who can be their voice, so I hope he survives.

  • Love 4
the mystical Melisandre – who was left at Castle Black along with Jon Snow’s corpse as season five closed – in no way dominates the action, but by the hour’s end, with a luridly surprising twist, sets the scene for some powerful sorcery to come


Given how the show has treated Mel as a sex object, "luridly surprising twist" gave me the sickening feeling that she's going to screw Jon back to life. 


That most likely won't happen, but I wouldn't put it past D&D to unnecessarily sexualize the resurrection process.  "Sure, back in season 3 Thoros merely prayed over Beric, but we need an excuse to show Carise's boobs!"

Given how the show has treated Mel as a sex object, "luridly surprising twist" gave me the sickening feeling that she's going to screw Jon back to life. 


That most likely won't happen, but I wouldn't put it past D&D to unnecessarily sexualize the resurrection process.  "Sure, back in season 3 Thoros merely prayed over Beric, but we need an excuse to show Carise's boobs!"

They could have shown trying Dany trying have sex with Drogo to bring him back to life the way she did in the books (before she smothers him) but thankfully didn't. 


I like the theory that we're finally going to learn that she's using a glamour of some kind and that she's super old. I remember Carice commenting about Mel's age in an interview awhile back so I won't be surprised if we finally get some confirmation on this score. 

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Someone pointed out that the shot of Rhaegal (or Viserion?) breathing fire was a recycled shot from Season 5 (Rhaegal breathing fire on the Master). The trailer fools you into worrying that Tyrion is getting flambeed, by cleverly mixing shots of Tyrion in the dragon pit with a recycled shot of Rhaegal breathing fire in the dark. Sneaky, sneaky!


If Tyrion gets that close to the dragons without meeting Quentyn's fate, the Tyrion=Targ theorists will go berserk.


If he does meet Quentyn's fate, they don't have a show. They won't kill the golden goose til the final season if they're smart.

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I know that, I meant of all the actors doing the rounds I thought Bradley might be the one without a clip.

ETA: Anyway, looks like Snowbowl definitely will not be an episode-long battle like 2.09 or 4.09. In this bts in Spain video, Sapochnik can be seen working on Meereen scenes, and it looks like one of them is 6.09, not 6.10.

Edited by Lady S.

Docmantistobogan, the guy who has been posting information about Snowbowl, is back on Reddit posting about Season 6.

He more or less confirms the account of TheBuffaloHoove, except to state that Wun Wun is on his hands and knees when he dies and Jon doesn't smile at Wun Wun before he's shot. He also disputes that Jon beats Ramsay to death. Rather, Jon refrains from killing Ramsay in front of Sansa but Ramsay is later fed to his dogs.

Someone on 4chan is posting more or less the same spoilers as DMT, with some extra info, such as there being a large number of main characters dying in KL in the finale (not Cersei). Given Javi claiming the little birds scene plays out differently in the show, maybe it's a bigger massacre.

Interesting. I've really been hoping that the Cersei wildfire theory is true, but I guess it could be the little birds, though Varys has more of a good guy vibe on the show and this version of the character suddenly ordering the assassination of people like Tommen, Margaery, Loras or Trystane would feel like it comes out of nowhere.

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