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Small Talk: All Trawling, No Trolling

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Elliott Neese, captain of the Saga, is visibly concerned as well.   "Jeeze, it's the biggest storm in Bering Sea history," Neese said, nervously wagging his foot.    "What if cell service goes out and I can't call Val?"


Call Val or his latest famewhoring "girlfriend."


And you missed the 48478757 bleeps inserted in this paragraph.

Edited by Neurochick
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I watched.  The items they sell tonight may be the same, but the shows are live (ShopHQ does reruns during the overnight hours only).  Sig did really well.  He didn't seem nervous, wasn't required to be much of a pitchman, and was genuine in his enthusiasm for bringing Alaskan seafood to the US market.  I'm recording the shows tonight, as well. 


I'd be curious about how much Sig is involved.  The hosts mentioned Thom Beers several times, and it sounds like he's the driving force behind this enterprise.



ETA - they showed clips from Deadliest Catch and Sig answered a lot of questions about crabbing and the boat & crew.

Edited by walnutqueen
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Edgar's pretty lovable!  Haven't been able to catch the show yet, though.


Saw  a preview of Celeb Apprentice and Sig was having an "I want the crab count and I want it NOW!" -type outburst.  The teams are divided male/female.  He wants some crates moved or something and screams "I want those crates moved..." and slams his fist on a table.  I hope he's yelling at Gilbert Gottfried; otherwise he's probably toast, because there's giving orders/assignments as a task leader and then there's being a captain on a boat, and one is not the other.  Let alone when celeb egos are involved.


But then again, it could be misdirection. 

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I saw the 5k, but then when they were in the board room and throwing around donation figures, other people were mentioned as having 7-9K in donations, and he wasn't among them, so it had to be higher than that.  And if you count Mike Rowe's donated fee... that's substantial.  I wonder if Rowe has trashed Trump in the past and thus was edited out as much as possible, because saying Geraldo would have done a better job and skipping that hook up entirely was peculiar.  


So far so good, but I dread him sucking up to Trump, which I figure is coming.  Though his calm response when addressed last night was reassuring.  

Edited by kassa
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So far so good, but I dread him sucking up to Trump, which I figure is coming.  Though his calm response when addressed last night was reassuring.



I know exactly how you feel, kassa.  I don't want Sig to embarrass himself (or me!), but it seems inevitable that everyone shows Trump some respect, and that alone makes me grit my teeth.  My dream would be for Trump to call him "Sig", and for Sig to call Trump "Don".

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He wanted something done, and nobody was doing it, so he was doing a lot of it himself instead of addressing his attention elsewhere, and he banged his hand on the bar in a "I want the crab count, and I want it NOW" flashback and screamed at them to just do what he'd told them to do.  Unfortunately, the two guys he was screaming at had only just walked into the room and didn't know what to do yet.  Kate (of Kate Plus 8) of all people, talked him down.


They were throwing a party on a circle line boat in NYC, and they showed them boarding, and Sig (and the others) were carrying black bags, and Sig always made a big deal in early Deadliest Catch seasons saying what bad luck black suitcases were, and he would throw them off when the Discovery guys tried to bring them on, and throw them overboard if they snuck one past him.


Yet there he was, surrounded by them.  I knew he was toast at that point!

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Cut and pasting from what I posted on the Sig thread on the Celebrity Apprentice forum.  Found this interesting.


Read an interesting post-eviction interview with Sig -- he really wanted the wedding dress challenge, because he had major money donors lined up.  Unfortunately something happened, so they all agreed Kate (?) should take it.  Which is weird, because we "see" them pick the PM live on tv, but then again... maybe we don't and they work it out before they do the scene with the exec?

He says the Hooters thing came about because they were going to have a big crab feast on the boat (which fits with his theme).  The crab couldn't be overnighted in time from the west coast, so he had to figure out where to get some, so he contacted his contact at Hooters, who provided the crab and asked if there was anything else they could do.  They had already contributed $ to a previous task for him.  So they brought up the serving girls, and he agreed.  But on the show, we see him propose it, and I don't recall them ever mentioning the crab tie-in at all.  And we keep seeing the "well, sex sells" as if that was his go-to point, and in fact, it was a crab feast they were selling, with the girls thrown in as an afterthought.  But aired as if that was his actual theme. 


Very interesting.

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Watched a little of Sig on EvineLive (shopping channel) last night.  He was in fine form, and told a story about finally deciding to smoke his own salmon.  His uncle used to do it for him, but kept half the salmon, and Sig is greedy.  So Sig goes through the long process of cold smoking, only to find that his neighbor's dog broke into the smoking shed and ate all the salmon.  The hostess asked what happened to the neighbor's dog.  Sig said "I put up a fence".  hee!


That man is a total natural in front of the camera.  I usually can't stand watching people flogging their shopping channel crap, lying through their teeth, but Sig is a pure delight to watch and listen to.  This could easily turn into a regular off season gig for him.

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I caught it the other night and enjoyed it, too.  That blonde lady is really good at what she does -- she was effortless at switching from selling the product to just goofing around with Sig.  


I think what I saw was some kind of rerun, though, because it was all chopped up digitally.  No idea how you sell things on "live" tv with a prerecorded show, but then I don't shop on tv!

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Wow.   That retrospective last night was soooooo good.


We finally got some unvarnished truth out of them as to their real feelings for Elliott, Josh, Scotty H., Mandy, and others.  Disco edit monkeys were called out with the airing of Bill's "good cop" routine before he went off on that horrid greenhorn.   Yes!  Bill is one helluva captain.  


I loved the irony that of all the things to go after Josh with, they chose to attack him because he went home when the season was over.  Their overall point about the need to sweat blood 24/7, 365 is absolutely right, though.  Getting to see them call folks out who don't live this code was all kinds of awesome for me.


Sig actually admitted that Mandy did NOT do a full job.  I am still in shock over that.  She is 50 million times the sailor that Josh or Elliott or Scotty will EVER be, but she can not do the job on the deck of a crabber.  There is zero shame in this.  She gave it everything she had.  I am so psyched that she is enrolled in a maritime academy and is in position to have a great career asea.    She has a chance to see her dreams happen.  If anyone deserves it, she does.  I would never, ever, bet against her!

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I only saw the first hour of the retrospective.   Unfortunately that was the hour with Elliott's whining.   I hated him all over again.   Especially when he blamed his ex to the kids about why he couldn't see them.    I don't care what the reason is, you never ever blame the other parent to the kids.   To your friends, to your parents, do whatever you want.   To the kids, you say nothing bad about the other parent EVER.   If the other parent is at fault, the kids will figure it out quickly enough.   If the other parent isn't at fault, then all you've done is bad mouth the other parent.   It puts the kids in the middle of situation not of their making.   It's not fair to them.   


But that's Elliott.   Nothing's ever his fault that goes wrong.   But everything that goes right means he's superman.   

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I only saw the last hour so if I missed the Elliott crap, hoorah.


And my son went to Cal Maritime so seeing Mandy in her khakis was great!  Their school year ends early (mid April usually), and then all the freshmen who just graduated to be sophomores go out for two months on their big ship.  So she's got that coming up.  I doubt she lives on the ship - they used to put the older guys on the ship during the school year, and have the younger ones in the dorms.

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I thoroughly enjoyed all 2 hours of that Season 10 retrospective. 


I have no use for Elliot, Josh or Scotty.  They are entitled little shits who have not earned the respect of their "peers"; I think the old timers had much more to say about them, but held back.  In more private circles I'd imagine the trash talk flows more freely. 


Looking forward to the new season.  When Sig was on the shopping channel, the host did everything she could to pull spoilers out of him, 

but all he could say was there was a scary storm that had his boat so far on its side his feet were on the wheelhouse wall.

Edited by walnutqueen
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The thing I enjoyed about the recap was the interviews with the Captains. There  appears to be a major rift between Andy and Johnathan since the Scotty issue.  Elliott going on and on about he is still not all the way clean but 99.9 % clean, please.  Well, no surprise that not one of the captains feels Josh is not ready to be a captain.   The general conscious was Josh would be screwed without Casey, which of course is so true. He seems to be the one doing all the work for the CM( saw on the DC site he owns 25% like Phil did).  I don't think Josh really wants to be a captain but just likes the idea of saying he is a captain and owner. 

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Elliot - it's everyone else and the editing - Neese hasn't changed a bit and I expect it'll be more of the same this season which just means he's on permenant fast forward status for me.


They don't even mention Jake Harris anymore; I think the last thing I saw him on was at J. Anderson's wedding and he looked really rough.  It's sad but I can't help think he must be deep into his problems now because even if he wanted to stay out of the spotlight if things were even the tinyest bit good for him there'd be a mention of something; a quick "Jake is working; doing his own thing on land" or something.


At the end when the showed quick snips from the upcoming season (looks like there'll be some storms!) did I see:  

Jake Anderson and wife at the hospital with a baby?   

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From what I can gather from other sites, Jake has been clean and sober for quite a while. He completed rehab and sober living. Just my guess, but I would not be surprised if he fished during Opies. The CM FB page posted a picture of J & J at Christmas and he loooked great.  I also saw something on another thread where a DC producer was interviewed and he stated something along the lines that Jake would be welcomed back but filmed only if he wished.  Jake has never appeared to be the media whore Josh is. He always seemed to hate the publicity and rarely posted anything when he had a DC FB page.

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I don't think Josh really wants to be a captain but just likes the idea of saying he is a captain and owner.



I think his edit is only going to get worse this year, given the number of times they showed him saying a variation of "as a captain, that's what you get to do!"  "You get to do that when you're a captain!" when every.other.captain.on.the.show (except Elliott) has lived his life in such a way that as far as I can tell, only one (Sig) has a long-term functional relationship.  Because they are on the boat.  


He thinks he's charming, and his fangirls have deluded him to thinking that the audience is squarely on his side.  I have no doubt that the questions leading to "I'm a captain!  I get to go home early!" were couched in "some people say" and he took it to mean random haters on the internet.  The arrogance of proclaiming the privileges of being a captain knowing that all these other men who do not live that way would see it?  Amazing.  

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Every single captain on the show utters the same mantra - to be a captain, you have to live on the boat.  You are there for everything, all the time.  Josh will never be a respected captain - he's nothing more than a glorified part owner and has pissed away his father's legacy.  Sig, Jon & Andy tried to help him along, but I think they are DONE with him.  I hope Disco shows him for what he is - a famewhoring party boy who has no business calling himself a captain, r even a crab fisherman.

Here's the thing...Would either Harris boy have chosen a life at sea as their career, absent Disco, and then the concept of being a proper legacy to their Dad?  That answer would be a monster NOOOOOOOOOO.


So, in an industry where lifers rule, there was no way Josh would be accepted, unless all of a sudden he really did slave away with humility whilst learning the ropes.  Instead, who was off like a shot the first moment he got the chance last season?  Contrast with a Mandy, or a Jake A. who love being on the water and any excuse will do.  


I would bet everything I own that if Josh showed a genuine desire to be one of them, that the other captains would have bent over backwards to support him.  Not to mention, the DC audience would be rooting and cheering him on like craaaaaaaaazy.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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