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S01.E22: Rogue Air

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Yeah, me too! That was weird actually, that he would write something down that Barry says is impossible, but we never find out what it is? I mean, that's got to come up again right? Or could they seriously just not bother to think of anything that would actually be impossible for him to want, so they just brushed it off on a note.

Yeah I had the same question. I kept wondering if the digital wipe was on the note or if he only came up with that after Barry said no to what was on the note.

It's probably related to the spin off - which I doubt I will watch. Whoops! Just saw your post dried fruit.

I'm tired of spinoffs. I actually wish the seasons were shorter so they'd spend more time in character development than fluff and filler.

Edited by phoenics
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I'm going to overlook the part about doing anything other than having Joe walk out and pump six bullets into the back of Wells's head means that he'll be up and running by the end of the next episode. 


But what I won't overlook is how much fun I was having when Cisco was being all stern faced and "you're evil" but was totally okay with Golden Glider flirting with him.


Heh. Cisco is a good character.

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I choose to overlook that 40-50ish RF could hold his own in a fist fight with Ollie for more than 2 seconds, or that Ollie would not just shoot him full of a bunch of non-trick arrows and decide to engage in a fist fight in the first place.

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I choose to overlook that 40-50ish RF could hold his own in a fist fight with Ollie for more than 2 seconds, or that Ollie would not just shoot him full of a bunch of non-trick arrows and decide to engage in a fist fight in the first place.


While I definitely had the same thought, I choose to fanwank it by saying that a) Eobard may actually be younger than he currently looks (I don't recall quite what the actor playing the real non-dna disguised Eobard looked like), and b) is from the future, where they may actually live longer and healthier lives (and quite possibly genetically enhanced ones).


But yeah.

It would be funny if Snart's first request was:


"World Peace."


Barry: "I can't do that!"

Snart: "Then No Deal."



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It would be funny if Snart's first request was:


"World Peace."


Barry: "I can't do that!"

Snart: "Then No Deal."



Snart: "I'd like to meet Batman."  

CW lawyer appears, whispers in Barry's ear, then vanishes.

Barry: "That's impossible!"



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Eddie has the right to bail out of what he considers a doomed relationship, just like Linda did.  A woman has every right to break up with a guy and the reverse is also true.


Yea he has that right and I have the right to question it.  Eddie treating Iris like a piece of shit when she's done nothing to him and stayed loyal to him is beyond ridiculous.


That and he might feel like he can't compete with a guy who's not only her best friend but ALSO a superhero


.So he was going to propose to her with this information but he sees a paper and now it's all OMFG this relationship I've been in is a three way relationship despite the fact that Iris has spent most of her time with him?


Since they had already knocked them out with gas, once they were out they should have dosed them with very, very strong sedatives that would have lasted the whole trip to Lian Yu



At the rate that their bodies metabolized things, I doubt that they had sedatives strong enough to keep them knocked out for that long.


I withdraw my previous complaint about Iris's use in this episode. She would've been pretty pointless in terms of transferring the criminals.


But the more I think about it, the more I wonder wtf was there plan? So basically they were going to transfer the criminals in a truck that none of them knew how to drive and rely on back up from two criminals who have no reason to help them. Also they apparently didn't bother guarding the criminal containment contraption 24/7 around said criminals.  What part of that plan was supposed to succeed?


And when did Barry and Layla become so buddy buddy?

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I'll take your WM, and i'll raise you one John Barrowman or one Tom Cavanagh if we're sticking to Arrow stars.


John Barrowman is on Arrow? I might have to watch.


 [selfishly I keep hoping they contrive a reason for Jesse L. Martin to sing.]

THAT would be awesome. And with all the crossovers, a duet with John Barrowman???


Glad that our recapper noticed "Cold as Ice" playing at the bar while Snart and Barry negotiated; dh laughed at that one.


Everyone on this show is incredibly stupid. That is all.

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Everyone on this show is incredibly stupid. That is all.

I was going to argue that point, but then I remembered that the smartest of the bunch can't even remember to lock the front door to Star Labs.

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I try to give this show a lot of slack but the dumb was too much in this episode. So ARGUS will provide air transport and prison facilities but can't help with ground transfer? The rogues can be knocked out but they can't be kept sedated? What was the plan for moving them from the truck to the plane without the dampening field? And was was going to keep them contained on the plane. And making a big deal about Barry wanting to protect the rogues was a joke since his solution was to turn them over to ARGUS...where Eiling, a man known to use and weaponize meta works. If going to Cold wasn't bad enough (because no one answrs the phone? Really?) why did he have to be told the details of how the rogues are being contained? Also dumb: Golden Glider. Given she doesn't use skates and not even a hint of her ice skating background why would Cisco got there.

The whole "I can't do that" bit would have been funnier with Pied Piper.

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Barry seems to lacks the one thing that is essential which can be found in other Heros tho: instincts/intuition.

Joe is not probably as academically clever as Barry but he knows what's up. This is true of arrow too. Even Iris has a good instinct, and demonstrated streetsmarts. She's nobody's fool. Barry was part brought up by a cop, surely he would have picked something up at the West household.

Barry should also hone his fighting skills.


Here's how I justify the dumbness of Barry. He's very intelligent, but has zero common sense. I've found that when people are really book smart, it can be astounding how stupid they actually are. I've been that way my whole life. Straight A student, but when it comes to instincts and intuition, that pot is empty. 

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Barry didn't train to be a superhero in the traditional sense.   For example, the way Bruce Wayne trained from boyhood to become Batman.  Or the way Oliver Queen trained for years prior to returning to Starling City.   Barry didn't have his whole youth to learn from mistakes, as Superman did.  Barry was thrown into this what, a year ago?   So if he makes missteps, it's more understandable.

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