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I'd Like To Thank the Academy... Someday: Awards, Nominations and Recognition

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26 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

So you think this is the last chance to vote for Jensen/SPN? Makes it doubly sucky of their social media people. Unbelievable, they had to be shamed into doing it, even at the last minute.

I'm not sure. I don't know if they do another round with all the waves when the second wave comes out. It seemed like an awfully short window to vote from before but I could be wrong too.

48 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

I would never watch the TCA - those kids are crazy. And honestly, it's hard to believe that Jensen would be in their wheelhouse.  Love that photo though. :)

I'm sure Jensen probably doesn't care as much as we do, but as @catrox14 said, Jared won last year, and Danneel tweet voted* earlier today. That's endorsement enough for me. 


*Well she kinda screwed it up, but she tried lol. 

  • Love 1

Previouslies are in the final round.

Most Meta, Meta Moment

Supergirl, Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart, Harrison Ford's wife) says she never saw "Star Wars"

Gilmore Girls: AYITL, Rory writes a book about her and her mom, Lorelai tells her to call it "Gilmore Girls"

Legends of Tomorrow, Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) says Supergirl "kind of looks like his cousin"

Supernatural, Lucille (Negan's bat) makes an appearance "Dad loved this thing"

American Horror Story: Roanoke, The show within a show gets a spinoff



I reallly want Regarding Dean to win! Vote Early Vote Often. It's up against The Flash musical episode.

OH it looks like it already advanced. Voting is Closed. I'll post when the next round is underway.



The SpoilerTV 2017 Episode Competition - Day 11 - Round 2: Polls 9-12



DAY 11! (Results from yesterday can be found here.)

The rules are as follows:
1. Two episodes go head to head for 24 hours, going live and closing at 12pm ET each day. The episode that emerges as the winner will go through to the next round.
2. Vote for your favourite episode, and tell us what you voted for.
3. Tell others about the competition! Social media is your best friend in this competition if you want your favourite episode to win.
4. Be respectful. This is a competition, but be friendly. Let's not have any abuse directed at any person, fandom or show, as we've had on occasion in the past.

We open today with a battle between two premium cable dramas as Game of Thrones' "Battle of the Bastards" faces Outlander's "Dragonfly in Amber". The Starz series seems to have dwindled in popularity slightly since winning the Series Competition three years ago, so its performance today will be interesting. We then see The Flash's musical hour facing Supernatural's "Regarding Dean" in an all-CW affair. Sense8's second season premiere then takes on Westworld's "The Well-Tempered Clavier", before the HBO western's freshman season finale goes up against The Vampire Diaries' last ever episode.

Edited by catrox14
3 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I reallly want Regarding Dean to win! Vote Early Vote Often. It's up against The Flash musical episode.


The SpoilerTV 2017 Episode Competition - Day 11 - Round 2: Polls 9-12

I just tried to vote but it said that voting is closed for that round. Regarding Dean won ?

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

A little off-topic, but apparently someone in the media section of the Chicago Tribune thinks that "Regarding Dean" is more worthwhile than any other episode, since that is the only one I saw recommended/featured all season.

Do you have a link to that article? I'd love to read it.

1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

Do you have a link to that article? I'd love to read it.

Sorry, no, it was just a listing (not article) in the TV section of the newspaper that lists recommended watching for the evening. I look at it every week, and I haven't seen any "Supernatural" episode recommended except that one. And obviously, only the writer's opinion.

27 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

Sorry, no, it was just a listing (not article) in the TV section of the newspaper that lists recommended watching for the evening. I look at it every week, and I haven't seen any "Supernatural" episode recommended except that one. And obviously, only the writer's opinion.

Ah...I gotcha.

LOL. Supernatural is not eligible this season, because they won last season? Even though Arrow and the others still got a cover despite SPN winning. Cowards. LOL


For the second year in a row, we’re asking you, our loyal readers, to choose who will appear on the cover of our annual Fall TV Preview issue that goes to subscribers.

The Fall TV Preview issue is no small thing — it’s only one of our biggest issues every year — but we’re trusting readers to decide what show gets to shine on the cover and represent the best and brightest of the season’s new and returning shows. Using the bracket system, we’re asking you to vote (and vote, and vote some more… and then ask your friends to do the same) and whittle the list down from 64 shows to one winning series.

The competition goes live Monday at noon ET, and readers will have the chance to make their voices heard from now until its conclusion on Aug. 4 at 12 p.m. ET. The winner will grace the subscribers’ cover of our Fall TV Preview double issue, sent out on Sept. 15.

Come back for each round at 12 p.m. ET (Round 1: July 10; Round 2: July 15; Round 3: July 20; Round 4: July 25; Semi-Finals: July 31) to cast a vote for the Entertainment Weekly cover star — and enlist fellow fans to participate as well with the hashtag #EWCoverBattle on social media. (And voting your favorite show into the top 16 might just help its chances for a cover in the future.)

One more thing: Last year’s big winner, Supernatural, won’t be eligible this year. And because we have that hotly anticipated Outlander cover also coming in September, we’re taking it out of the running as well.



As much as some people mock Tumblr, it sure as hell loves Supernatural. This was interesting IMO


Best of Fandometrics: SDCC Edition

Fandometrics launched in January 2015 and celebrates entertainment fandoms every week. SDCC celebrates fandom every July. Looking back at the last 129 weeks of data, we found a metric ton of overlap between what’s on the lists and what’s at the show. We pored over 387 unique TV, Movies, and Celebrities lists to bring you this Best of Fandometrics: SDCC edition.


Supernatural was in its 10th season the year Fandometrics launched. Tumblr had already become a home base for the show’s fans, and boy, are they passionate. SPN fans having a reaction GIF for everything has become a meme in its own right. One of the most popular reblog chains of all time is this thread about Dean in gym shorts.

The show dominates any list it can. It’s been ranked number one in our Year in Review’s Live Action TV list four years in a row and has been on every single weekly TV list since it launched.

The actors of SPN have just as much influence in our Celebs list. Jensen Ackles has appeared on a whopping 128/129 lists. Misha Collins (@mishacollins) has been on 96 and Jared Padalecki on 63.

Originally posted by supernatural-through-my-veins

sdcc sdcc2017 fandometrics in depth

12,150 notes Jul 22nd, 2017


Doctor Who



4 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Voted for Marvels panel. I refuse to vote for the shows panel after the ridiculous stunt they pulled with the chairs. 

If it makesyou feel any better everything I've read from multiple places ,blogs, Twitter, Tumblr is that was either Mishas idea or he had full buy in on the stunt. There is no way the  actors and showrunners would have done it to intentionally harm Misha or exclude him in an intentionlly punitive way. If Misha didn't want it to happen and be a part of it, it would not have happened, IMO

  • Love 4
On 7/29/2017 at 0:36 PM, catrox14 said:

If it makesyou feel any better everything I've read from multiple places ,blogs, Twitter, Tumblr is that was either Mishas idea or he had full buy in on the stunt. There is no way the  actors and showrunners would have done it to intentionally harm Misha or exclude him in an intentionlly punitive way. If Misha didn't want it to happen and be a part of it, it would not have happened, IMO

Precisely.  And Bob Singer, of all people, gave up his chair because they were pushing the envelope.  And Jensen gave him a hug.  

  • Love 2

Bringing this over from the Media thread  H/T to @sarvenaz

54 minutes ago, sarvenaz said:

We're in the lead for the MTV chart awards for both Jensen and Supernatural. We may win! So proud ^^

MTV Chart Awards


7 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

It's not fair to put us in against GoT and TWD. We're gonna get slaughtered LOL

Voting is still open.

POLL: Favorite Scene in Supernatural - Advanced Thanatology



Dean talks to Sean about monsters.  1%

Dean chooses bullets, bacon, and booze over the Clam Divers. 2%

Sam briefs Dean while Dean eats bacon. 3%

Dean kills himself, and Sam's not happy. 2%

Dean tells Billie he's not going to beg, and she tells him that he has work to do. 6%

Dean tells Sam about Billie and admits that he's not ok. 4%

Dean gets a call and swings by to pick up Castiel. 82%

Other. Please add and explain in the comments. 0%

Edited by catrox14

I don't

21 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

It's kind of a shame that Jensen's amazing performance in the Billie scenes and telling Sam what happened are overlooked in favour of the last ten seconds of the episode. It didn't get my vote.

I'm not sure it's that Jensen's performance is being overlooked, since the category is Favorite Scene vs Best scene. It's an emotionally charged scene that reunites TFW. I get why its winning.

  • Love 2

Canadagraphs Awards time.

Somehow I missed the first round of voting

Categories that are done for round 1 - Sexiest Actor, Sexiest Actress, Best Non-Human Character or Prop, Best Stunts, Best Talk Show Host, Best Writing, Best Director




The 8th annual Best Of TV Awards is under way!
If you see a spelling error (I do double check it, but am still human, and always seem to miss at least 1 a year). Please contact me thru the Contact form on the left, or tweet it to me @Canadagraphs2

Follow our official awards twitter account HERE
You can also find updates on our facebook page HERE

Round 1- Like every year, UNLIMITED MANUAL VOTING is permitted. Any use of a bot votoing system will have the votes  deleted.
Round 2 & 3 - Will be a ONE BALLOT PER "PERSON (peron = IP address)

Round 1 - each round will last 36-72 hours each. As with every year, the first round you can add write in votes if you do not see your candidate in the category y you think they are in. Please be sure to place them in the proper categories, as votes in the wrong category will NOT be counted.

CURRENT CATEGORIES BEING VOTED ON -  Best Couple, Favorite TV Program, Favorite TV Character, Best Episode, Best Youth Actress, Best Youth Actor


Vote Early, Vote Often (you literally can for some of these early rounds).

These are the polls currently open:



Favorite TV Character (Unlimited Voting)


Dean Winchester - SUPERNATURAL

Sam Winchester - SUPERNATURAL


Favorite TV Program (Unlimited Voting)

Supernatural (CW)

Best Episode (Unlimited Voting)

Stuck In The Middle With You "Supernatural

"Regarding Dean "Supernatural

"Who We Are "Supernatural

"All Along The Watchtower "Supernatural"


These are the SPN nominees in for polls not yet open:

(I'm not listing all the competition. You can see it when you go to the polls when they open).


(Minimum 8 episodes aired in 2017 on Scripted Sci-Fi or Fantasy Programs)

Jensen Ackles "Supernatural"
Jared Padalecki "Supernatural"
Misha Collins "Supernatural"
Mark Pellegrino "Supernatural"

(Minimum 8 episodes aired in 2017 on scripted Sci-Fi or Fantasy Program)

Samantha Smith "Supernatural"

(Minimum 3 to maximum 7 appearances in a program in 2017. This INCLUDES leads who are on programs that did not have enough episodes in 2017 for the lead to be eligible for the Best Actor categories)

Adam Fergus "Supernatural"
Alexander Calvert "Supernatural"

(my comment, no David Haydn-Jones for Ketch? Surprising)

(Minimum 3 to maximum 7 appearances in a program in 2017. This INCLUDES leads who are on programs that did not have enough episodes in 2017 for the lead to be eligible for the Best Actress categories)

Courtney Ford "Supernatural"

(Minimum 1 to a maximum 2 appearances in 2017)

Jim Beaver "Supernatural"
Stephen Lobo"Supernatural" (my comment, this dude?)

(Minimum 1 to a maximum 2 appearances in 2017)

Ruth Connell "Supernatural"
Kim Rhodes "Supernatural"
Kathryn Newton "Supernatural"
Katherine Ramsdeen "Supernatural"
Alicia Witt "Supernatural"
Lisa Berry "Supernatural"
Alisen Down "Supernatural" (my comment: who? what character?)

(any director of a scripted program that has an original air date in 2017)

Robert Singer "All Along The Watchtower" (Supernatural)

(any non-human character [NOT characters that are not "human" played by a human actor.] that is in the show for more than 1 episode in 2017. Any item that is commonly used [NOT a generic item like a coffee mug or a plant.... unless they have physically been used in some way relevant to a plot/scene] in a show that has a purpose to scenes/plots in 2017. Items like buildings, weapons, animals, vehicles mostly.)

- The Impala "Supernatural"

(any scripted [non-reality, non-news] program that aired original episodes in 2017)BEST STUNTS -
Supernatural (CW)

(any scripted [non-reality, non-news] program that aired original episodes in 2017)


Sexiest Actor

Jared Padalecki
Jensen Ackles
Misha Collins


Edited by catrox14
  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Canadagraphs Awards time.

Somehow I missed the first round of voting

Categories that are done for round 1 - Sexiest Actor, Sexiest Actress, Best Non-Human Character or Prop, Best Stunts, Best Talk Show Host, Best Writing, Best Director



Vote Early, Vote Often (you literally can for some of these early rounds).

These are the polls currently open:



These are the SPN nominees in for polls not yet open:

(I'm not listing all the competition. You can see it when you go to the polls when they open).

Thanks for posting this info!

  • Love 2

Vote for Favorite Scene in 13.08



What was your favorite scene in Supernatural "The Scorpion and the Frog?"

Bart has cherry pie for Dean. 6%

Sam is worried about Jack & thinks they have to take the chance. 3%

Bart introduces Smash & Grab - and needs Dean's blood. 6%

Dean's blood is a vault compass...11%

Sam points out it's a gorgon's tooth, not a basilisk's tooth. 6%

Dean doesn't want to stick his hand in there! 22%

Sam has a crazy idea and Dean thinks it's awesome! 14%

Sam and Dean won't go through with the deal - and save Alice. 10%

Dean and Sam share a beer. 18%

Other. Please add and explain in the comments!   3%

Thank you for voting!

Supernatural: Season 13 Viewer Votes


Are Sam and Dean Winchester hot-blooded or as cold as ice during the 13th season of the Supernatural TV show on The CW? As we all know, the Nielsen ratings typically play a big role in determining whether the TV show Supernatural is cancelled or renewed for season 14. Unfortunately, most of us do not live in Nielsen households. Because many viewers feel frustration when their viewing habits and opinions aren’t considered, we’d like to offer you the chance to rate all the Supernatural season 13 episodes below.

Votes are cached so there may be a delay before your vote is visible. Votes are weighted so that both the number of votes cast and the individual star ratings contribute to the average score. You’re on your honor to rate only those episodes you have already watched.


Viewer Votes Ranking for the 2017-18 TV Shows


For now, network TV series typically live and die by their Nielsen ratings. Since most fans do not live in Nielsen households however, the average person’s preferences aren’t taken into account, and that is frustrating. While we can’t change the system, we want to give you an outlet for your opinions, so we invite you to vote for your favorite and least favorite TV show episodes here. Which network programs are the best or the worst? If it were up to you, which TV series would be cancelled and renewed? .


You can vote on each individual episode in the first poll which is aggregated and used in the over rankings directly above.  Right now SPN is sitting at 8th but trending upwards.


Edited by catrox14
  • Love 1

Canadagraphs Best of TV Voting is now voting on the following:


CURRENT CATEGORIES BEING VOTED ON -  Best Recurring Actor, Best Recurring Actress, Best Sci-Fi or Fantasy Actor, Best Sci-Fi or Fantasy Actress, Best Comedy Actress, Best Comedy Actor

SPN has nominees (see post above) for Best Recurring Actor, Best Recurring Actress, Best Sci-Fi or Fantasy Actor, Best Sci-Fi or Fantasy Actress

Should have put these here the first time.  Sorry.


And this is why they are on the cover

Major Spoilers for a lot of shows if you click on the link. JUST FYI

Shocking TV Moments: The Craziest From 2017




Crowley dies in an alternate universe, Supernatural

Not only did Supernatural's 12th season end with Crowley's death (and Castiel's temporary death, of course), but it introduced Apocalypse World, an alternate universe where Sam and Dean were never born and Heaven and Hell are locked in an eternal war. If any fan saw that coming, well, they should probably work with Sam and Dean. Those boys need a psychic now and then. —Samantha Highfill




9 TV Moments That Broke Our Hearts in 2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017







9 TV Moments That Broke Our Hearts in 2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Supernatural - Dean Pulls Mary out of Her Brainwashing




True, the Winchester brothers didn't make it to family therapy until season 13, but that didn't stop Dean (Jensen Ackles) from laying it all out as season 12 came to a close. From Mary's (Samantha Smith) deal with Azazel to Sam's (Jared Padalecki) brief stint as Soulless Sam, Dean let his mother know exactly what mistakes were hers to own. Ackles' character has always held tight to some repressed pain, always more likely to lose his sorrows in a bottle than talk them out. No more.

Here, Dean lets his mom know exactly what her demon deal left in its wake. A son who had to play mother, father and brother. A father who disappeared in his own problems. A baby whose life would be forever defined by the machinations of the yellow-eyed demon. And for all of that, Dean hates Mary. But, as a child is wont to do, he loves her all the same. If thinking about everything that happened to bring the Winchester clan to this point doesn't pluck at your heartstrings, perhaps Ackles' one perfect tear will. Seriously, how does he do that? 




TVLINE Best and Worst of 2017



Best TV Quotes of 2017supernatural-bat-lucille-quote.jpg?w=600


"Man, Dad loved that thing."

Dean (Jensen Ackles) on John's barbed wire-covered bat, in a nod to Jeffrey Dean Morgan's Walking Dead character Negan

Image: Courtesy of The

Eh, that's not what Dean said. "He said "Dad would've loved that thing". 

So many other better quotes from SPN even in s12 than that one. I'm sure they included it just because it's related to The Walking Dead.


Best TV Quotes of 2017supernatural-sam-shiny-hair-quote.jpg?w=



"By the time we leave, Dr. Hess wants to know everything about our friends, the Winchesters. Their allies, their habits, how does Sam get his hair so shiny, how many ratty flannels does Dean have."

Doesn't Mr. Ketch (David Haydn-Jones) know that Sam's hair care routine is a closely guarded secret?

Image: Courtesy of The CW

38 of 48

TV's Best, Worst and Most of 2017 (Part 1)


Rowena, Supernatural

29 of 33

Biggest TV Plot Twists of 2017





Dean and Sam are transported to an alternate universe, where they find themselves standing in the middle of a… dinosaur-like footprint?!supernatural-dinosaur.jpg?w=600&zoom=2


Edited by catrox14
Moved here from Supernatural Media Thread
  • Love 1

Favourite CW Show of All Time


SPN in 3rd


Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by James who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below). Want to see your Poll posted on the site? Click here to submit your poll.

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?

You can vote for 5 Options.

The Best and Worst of 2017 - Submit Your Answers

Posted by Saloni Gajjar at December 22, 2017 103 Comments



Hello, everyone. Welcome to the second year of doing "The Best and Worst of..."

It's that beautiful time of the year where you get to reflect on your TV viewing experiences of the past 12 months and put them into writing. Yes, we let you review and pick everything you liked and disliked in your favorite shows this year. It's your chance to let everyone know what you're thinking, the shows you enjoy, the shows others are missing out on, which actors are the really good ones, which aren't and so much more. ALL THE CHOICES SHOULD BE FROM SHOWS AIRED IN 2017, obviously. 

I also realize these are quite a lot of questions on the form. Some are required but not all are mandatory. However, I urge you to answer all of them for an all-rounded, all-inclusive result. This is your chance, go crazy!

But, there are a few important rules you have to follow to make sure your submissions count and actually make a difference. If not followed, your votes won't count.

The rules are simple:

1. You can only give ONE answer to each of the following questions. It's tough! But that's the fun in this challenge. It makes you really think about what/who left an impression. If there is more than one answer, neither of them will be counted.

2. Any show that aired between Jan 1-Dec 31, 2017 is eligible, whether it's on network TV, cable TV, or streaming on any service. It can be a new show or a show that's already established. So from old shows like "Supernatural" to new ones like "American Vandal" are eligible, as long as they aired in 2017 and you liked what they delivered.

3. Do not keep sending your answers again and again as only once is enough. Multiple submissions will not be counted.

4. You can, however, repeat your answers if necessary while filling it out.
Example: If your favorite character in the whole wide world is Caroline Forbes, she can also be the character you will miss the most, Candice King can be your favorite actress, and so on.

5. Please write full names of actors/characters and make sure to include the show they are from. Submissions like "that guy from Supernatural, that couple from Grey's Anatomy" won't count so please use the names of characters and shows correctly. Don't use ship names either. 

6. The last day to send your answers in is Dec. 31, 11.59 p.m.

You don't necessarily have to write about why you're choosing that answer, but if some of your choices really compel you to mention why you're picking them, go for it. But please make sure it's a brief note. Some of them may or may not show up in the final winner's post.

Once all your reviews are in, up to the top three answers for each of the questions will be featured in the winner's post, to be published in the first week of Jan. 2018. That way, you can read all of your favorites of the past year as you head on to a whole new year of watching more TV. (You can read last year's winner's list here)

*PLEASE remember to read and follow these rules if you want your choices to count.


The Best and Worst of 2017

Best TV Show of 2017 (Drama) *

Best Male Actor (Drama) *

Best Female Actor (Drama) *

Best TV Show of 2017 (Comedy) *

Best Male Actor (Comedy) *

Best Female Actor (Comedy) *

Worst TV Show of 2017 (Drama) *

Worst Male Actor (Drama) *

Worst Female Actor (Drama) *

Worst TV Show of 2017 (Comedy) *

Worst Male Actor (Comedy) *

Worst Female Actor (Comedy) *

Best Episode of 2017 (Drama) *

Best Episode of 2017 (Comedy) *

Best Character of the Year (Drama) *

Worst Character of the Year (Drama) *

Best Character of the Year (Comedy) *

Worst Character of the Year (Comedy) *

Best TV Couple of the Year *

Worst TV Couple of the Year *

Best TV Friendship of the Year *

Best TV Family of the Year *

Best Wedding of the Year

Worst Wedding of the Year

Best Character Development of the Year

Most Underrated Drama of the Year

Most Underrated Comedy of the Year

Most Underrated Actor of the Year (Drama OR Comedy)

Most Underrated Actress of the Year (Drama OR Comedy)

Most Overrated Drama of the Year

Most Overrated Comedy of the Year

Most Overrated Actor of the Year (Drama OR Comedy)

Most Overrated Actress of the Year (Drama OR Comedy)

The Most Shocking Plot Twist

Best New Show of 2017 *

Worst New Show of 2017

Biggest TV Disappointment of 2017

TV Show that was Better than Expected

Best Series Finale (Aired in 2017) *

Worst Series Finale (Aired in 2017)

The Saddest Untimely Cancellation

Best Acting Revelation/Breakout Star (Drama)

Best Acting Revelation/Breakout Star (Comedy)

Most Painful Character Death (Aired in 2017)

The Best TV Revival/Sequel/Remake of 2017

The Worst TV Revival/Sequel/Remake of 2017

Most Improved Show of 2017

The Best Opening Credits

Your 2017 Guilty Pleasure TV Show *

New Show You're Excited for in 2018 *


6 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

What happened to the Peoples' Choice Awards this year?  Didn't they have it, or was Supernatural and its actors ignored?  I've seen nothing.  I used to spend all of November voting like a maniac.  The PCAs usually start off the awards season.

Bought by E! (I think) and pushed back to Nov 2018.

  • Love 2


Vote For the Sexiest TV Heartthrob of 2017!


As we look back on the continuously imploding clusterf*ck that was 2017, there was one silver lining that helped us get through it all: the sexy men from our favorite television shows. This year, some of our tried-and-true onscreen crushes made a comeback (see: Jon Snow from Game of Thrones and Damon Salvatore of The Vampire Diaries) while other newcomers burst onto the scene, practically fogging up our damn screens in every episode (hi, Greer Childs from She's Gotta Have It). Plus, there were a select few returning characters who officially made their way to the hot list in 2017, thanks to fans who voiced their newfound attraction to them (we're looking at you, Chief Jim Hopper).

Now that the year is coming to a close, it's time to come together and virtually duel it out as we attempt to identify the sexiest one of them all. Will Adam Alvaro's ripped, tattoo-covered arms in Jane the Virgin win him the No. 1 spot, or will Jughead Jones's smoldering good looks on Riverdale land him on the rightful throne of hotness? Cast your vote in the poll below before Dec. 29 at 11:59 p.m. to let us know which heartthrob deserves this truly honorable title. And while you're at it, go ahead and vote in our favorite TV couple poll, too!

Cast your vote using the arrows then refresh the page to see the latest results Voting ends in 4 days.

Damon Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries  Votes: 703,608

Bellamy Blake, The 100  Votes: 466,206

Steve Harrington, Stranger Things Votes: 54,890

Jamie Fraser, Outlander  Votes: 40,762

Dean Winchester, Supernatural   Votes: 28,216

Sam Winchester, Supernatural Votes: 18,470

Oliver Queen, Arrow Votes: 16,252

Barry Allen, The Flash Votes: 15,542

Jon Snow, Game of Thrones Votes: 6,523

Jaime Lannister, Game of Thrones Votes: 6,244

Jughead Jones, Riverdale Votes: 5,479

Captain Hook, Once Upon a Time Votes: 4,343

Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead Votes: 3,414

Rafael Solano, Jane the Virgin Votes: 2,935

Archie Andrews, Riverdale Votes: 2,526

Photo: The CW

Jack Pearson, This Is Us Votes: 2,205

Kevin Garvey, The Leftovers Votes: 2,060

Adam Alvaro, Jane the Virgin Votes: 1,806

Holden Ford, Mindhunter Votes: 1,701

Jim Hopper, Stranger Things Votes: 1,604

Randall Pearson, This Is Us Votes: 1,399

Zach Dempsey, 13 Reasons Why Votes: 1,302

Jamal Lyon, Empire otes: 1,229

Daniel King, Insecure Votes: 1,130

Lawrence Walker, Insecure Votes: 1,072

Frank Delfino, How to Get Away With Murder Votes: 1,069

Greer Childs, She's Gotta Have It Votes: 1,069

3 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Dean now has over 30,000 votes & Sam now has over 19,000. Unfortunately Damon Salvatore has over 170,000 so neither has a chance in hell of winning :(

14 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

Dean now has over 30,000 votes & Sam now has over 19,000. Unfortunately Damon Salvatore has over 170,000 so neither has a chance in hell of winning :(

Where the hell did they get 700,000 (!) votes (as of just now:  714,099)?  Do they allow voting bots?    

2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I don't care how dedicated they are, I refuse to believe Damon legitimately  has more than twenty times the votes of Dean. Nope. 

I don't think I've ever seen that kind of disparity in number of votes in any other poll.  IIRC, generally they're all within a few thousand of each other.  

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