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Season 9: Spoilers, Speculation and All Discussion In-between

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I'm in two minds about the Zygons. On the one hand, it'll be good if that dangling thread from Day of the Doctor could be resolved - I don't see any way Zygons could peacefully co-exist among humans indefinitely, so if that's going to be addressed and put to bed, well and good.


But on the other hand, I'm still annoyed about the changes made to the Zygons - not their appearance, but how they work. For instance, when they were introduced in 1975, they had to put a person in a body print machine in order to shapeshift into that appearance - it was a piece of technology, not a shapeshifting ability inherent to them, and they certainly couldn't read their victims' minds; if the Zygon died the connection was broken and the captire human released, while the human captive had to be kept in the machine so that the body print could be regularly renewed, they couldn't maintain the form long-term without renewing the print. So it jarred to see them randomly shifting into the likeness of someone who they hadn't taken a body print of, and maintaining those forms without holding the originals to renew the body print - and still more to see them reading the minds of their victims so as to take on their personality as well as appearance.


So if this is Zygon!Osgood, no way should it be able to maintain that form with the original dead and gone.

Edited by Llywela

Figured Osgood would be back.  Moffat can't let anyone die although I don't mind if this case...if it's actually Osgood and not Zygon Osgood.


Looking forward to the return of the Zygons.  I agree it's definitely a dangling plot left over from The Day of the Doctor and an intriguing one.


I'm also intrigued with what I'm reading about the format of Series 9.


So far, it's this for Series 9 ...


9x01/9x02: The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar: UNIT are back, Missy's back, Clara and Missy seem to be working with each at some point and possible the Sisterhood of Karn might be in it as Clare Higgins (who played Ohila in The Night Of The Doctor) is in this two parter as well. Written by Steven Moffat, directed by Hettie MacDonald. Also filming was in Tenerife for parts of this story.


9x03/9x04: Another two parter, written by Toby Whithouse, directed by Daniel O'Hara and guest starring Arsher Ali, Morven Christie, Neil Fingleton, Colin McFarlane, and Steven Robertson. There's rumours it could be Russian based too. It's also scary. We really don't know a lot about this one at all.


9x05/9x06: The Girl Who Died/The Woman Who Lived: First half written by Jamie Mathieson and Steven Moffat, second half written by Catherine Tregenna, both episodes directed by Edward Bazelgette. Guest starring Maisie Williams, Rufus Hound, Tom Stourton, Ariyon Bakare, Simon Lipkin, Ian Conningham, Murray McArthur, Barnaby Kay, John Voce, and Struan Rodger. There have been rumours of this being a Viking story (David Schofield plays Odin) but also there have been pictures of Williams dressed as a highwaywoman/robber as well.


9x07/9x08: Another two parter, written by Peter Harness, directed by Daniel Nettheim and guest starring Jemma Redgrave, Jaye Griffiths, Ingrid Oliver, Cleopatra Dickens, Sasha Dickens, Abhishek Singh, Todd Kramer, Jill Winternitz, Nicholas Asbury, Jack Parker and Aidan Cook. Filming pics have seen the Doctor and Osgood together as well as Clara spying on the Zygons as well.


Tha leaves two blocks/four episodes left. Mark Gatiss is confirmed to be writing an episode (probably 9 or 10) so aside from Moffat penning the two finale, there's probably one more slot left for a new writer or a returning one. There's also rumours of Davros resurfacing but nothing concrete outside that Mirror article from a month ago but according to Brian Minchin we will see an unexpected side to Missy (I guess that just means she won't be the main antogonist this series) and there's no confirmation that we'll get the Paternoster Gang back, though the actors seem keen to reprise their roles though. Also Jaye Griffiths seems to be playing a recurring UNIT character as she's in episodes 1 &2 and 7&8 as well.

Edited by darkestboy
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Figured Osgood would be back.  Moffat can't let anyone die although I don't mind if this case...if it's actually Osgood and not Zygon Osgood.


Looking forward to the return of the Zygons.  I agree it's definitely a dangling plot left over from The Day of the Doctor and an intriguing one.


I'm also intrigued with what I'm reading about the format of Series 9.


Speaking of Osgood, she'll also be in the Big Finish UNIT The New Series audio alongside Kate Stewart.


Sarah Dollard (Being Human, The Game) will be writing episode 10, directed by Justin Molotnikov (Merlin, Atlantis). Joivan Wade who played Rigsy in last series Flatline will be returning for the episode.




Filming pics with Peter, Jenna and Joivan ....



Edited by darkestboy
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I love the coat though. I think it suits Capaldi.


Though not confirmed yet, I think it's a safe bet to assume that Mark Gatiss will have written episode 9.


You know, one thing about Capaldi is that he can wear things you'd normally think were weird for someone his age, and they look good.  LIke the hoodie and the shirt with holes last year (but not the black shirt with the big white dots).  It's like Matt Smith's Doctor was an old man in a young man's body (something they wanted to do with Peter Davison, but never got to, if I remember right), and Capaldi's Doctor is kind of like a young man in an old man's body. 

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Anyone else suspect that that's Susan at the end of the Trailer?

Clearly the suggestion is that it's someone The Doctor knows.


I suppose if we assume that The Master turning female is the exception rather than the rule, that means the main candidates are Susan, Jenny (if she started regenerating rather than... just dying), The Rani, River (with a face we haven't seen before--very possible if she had one in the middle we haven't met), and Romana (and 2 or 3 more obscure female time lords we've seen through the years).

Anyone else suspect that that's Susan at the end of the Trailer?


Clearly the suggestion is that it's someone The Doctor knows.

Susan wouldn't refer to her grandfather as 'old man', even if she had regenerated into a new body. And Moffatt loves to introduce 'old friends' of the Doctor we've never heard of before, without ever bringing back any of his actual old friends whatsoever. I suspect he just knows the girl from earlier in the same story but is surprised to see her in this context, and the scene was given prominence in the trailer because Maisie Williams.


God, I hate trailers.

I definitely think going by Capaldi's comments about helping a war victim that goes wrong will end up being Davros. Even the 60s Daleks in the trailer kind of supports it as well.


Looking forward to the Missy/Clara working together scenes.


Maisie's character, I hope she's someone genuinely interesting.

Kromm I suppose if we assume that The Master turning female is the exception rather than the rule, that means the main candidates are Susan, Jenny (if she started regenerating rather than... just dying), The Rani, River (with a face we haven't seen before--very possible if she had one in the middle we haven't met), and Romana.


I have to admit I hadn't considered the idea of a previously male Time Lord, though I guess it's possible (The Meddling Monk? He's probably too obscure even for Moffat). Susan seems unlikely (surely he'd be tearing up the Universe if h thought she was still alive, though he has been wrong before) - though my thought was it was a reincarnated Jenny. Or who knows, maybe the House of Black & White are secretly training Time Lords (they do shapeshift after all!) and it's really Arya Stark!


I have to admit I hadn't considered the idea of a previously male Time Lord, though I guess it's possible (The Meddling Monk? He's probably too obscure even for Moffat). Susan seems unlikely (surely he'd be tearing up the Universe if h thought she was still alive, though he has been wrong before) - though my thought was it was a reincarnated Jenny. Or who knows, maybe the House of Black & White are secretly training Time Lords (they do shapeshift after all!) and it's really Arya Stark!

They're not going to use the same gimmick twice within a year though.

Edited by Kromm

I suspect Maisie is playing an original character and this is just a mislead.  If it is Susan though, despite any personality change I think she'd still call the Doctor "Grandfather" instead of "old man."  You need something left of the old Susan to make her recognizable.

Edited by benteen
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we've already seen all of River's faces.

How do we know that for sure when we've seen her life out of sequence?  We know many, but did we see ALL of the middle for sure? 


I guess I'm thinking of the homeless little girl. Do we know for sure its impossible that some version of Melody/River didn't exist between her as a baby and that girl?  Can Timelords (or in River's case, pseudo-Timelords) go BACK into apparent childhood after reaching adulthood in another regeneration? Who the heck knows.


But yeah. Its unlikely.

I suspect Maisie is playing an original character and this is just a mislead.  If it is Susan though, despite any personality change I think she'd still call the Doctor "Grandfather" instead of "old man."  You need something left of the old Susan to make her recognizable.

Oh true, but we only heard the line line.  "Grandfather" could be the next one, in theory.

Every time there's an even slightly mysterious unidentified female in any Doctor Who trailer or blurb, fans always fall over themselves guessing that it must be Susan (or Romana or the Rani, etc) and it never is. Moffat isn't keen on re-visiting old companions, and Susan would be a tricky one to pull off because whichever way he played it would prove controversial, because so much Time Lord lore has grown up since her time on the show and it would be hard to bring her back without explaining where she fits into all that, which would mean locking her down, which - well, like I said, would prove controversial. I really can't see him going there. I'm almost certain Maisie Williams' character will be someone completely new and the trailer is just designed to screw with fans.


Personally, that single line of hers in the trailer doesn't look at all promising, because it comes across as the typical Moffat 'sassy female', of which we already have so many examples, so I hope the actual character has a more distinct, individual voice and that line just a one-off.

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Can Timelords (or in River's case, pseudo-Timelords) go BACK into apparent childhood after reaching adulthood in another regeneration?

Kromm - I seem to remember The Master saying that he regenerated into baby Yana, which is why he didn't remember who he really was until he was an adult and saw Ten at the end of the Universe.

Edited by NeenerNeener

Kromm - I seem to remember The Master saying that he regenerated into baby Yana, which is why he didn't remember who he really was until he was an adult and saw Ten at the end of the Universe.

MARTHA: Doctor, it's the Professor. He's got this watch. He's got a fob watch. It's the same as yours. Same writing on it, same everything.

DOCTOR: Don't be ridiculous.

MARTHA: I asked him. He said he's had it his whole life.

JACK: So he's got the same watch.

MARTHA: Yeah, but it's not a watch. It's this chameleon thing.

DOCTOR: No, no, no, it's this, this thing, this device, it rewrites biology. Changes a Time Lord into a human.


YANA: The Professor was an invention. So perfect a disguise that I forgot who I am.



Yana was fob-watched - like the Doctor when he became the human John Smith in Family of Blood. That's why he couldn't remember who he was. Regenerating into a baby was never mentioned - I don't think any Time Lord has ever done that, that we know of. Probably you were thinking of Yana saying he'd had the watch his whole life, but that's what he device does - it rewrites memories, creates a whole life history. John Smith had memories of human parents who never existed. It doesn't mean Yana regenerated as a baby, just that the chameleon device gave him memories of a childhood that never was, as part of the disguise to avoid being traced as a Time Lord. It was opening the fob watch that restored his memories, not seeing the Doctor.

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I don't think the mystery woman is River.  As I understand it, River's life was something like this:

River 1 - Amy gives birth to a baby, baby kidnapped by the Silence, grows up in creepy orphanage and gets put into spacesuit.  Regenerates in alley.

River 2 - Mels, grows up alongside Amy.  Regenerates into River Song.  She says something like "Last time I did this, I wound up a toddler in New York", which implies that River 2 regenerated from River 1.

River 3 - The main River we know.  Gave up her regenerations to save the Doctor.  Killed in the Library.


It's possible that the girl River in the spacesuit isn't the original version of River, that she regenerated between being born and put into the spacesuit.  But I think Moffett wrapped up her story at the end of "The Name of the Doctor" so there's no need for her to come back.  Unlike the gap between Eight and Nine, which was deliberately left open to avoid confusing new viewers, and naturally allowed a new regeneration to be inserted.


I'd like it to be someone from a previous regeneration, like Susan or Jenny.  But I can't rule out it just being a random character.  Peter Capaldi is relatively old, so it wouldn't be ridiculous for a random person to call him an old man.

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