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Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking

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Shonda loves her "accidental"  pregnancies.

Of all the ridiculous storylines GA throws at us over and over (and they are legion!), this is the worst. In fact, I find the "disaster" scenarios more believable than all these accidental pregnancies. These women are highly educated, supposedly brilliant DOCTORS, for crying out loud. They love sex; that's fine. But grown-ass women use birth control.

  • Love 3

I wonder, too, if he causes the accident. I hope not, but he said something about, "I won't go to jail for that, right?" talking about not turning in his cell phone to the government. I hope he wasn't texting while driving, because that's illegal in Virginia and in D.C., and certainly if he caused an accident because of it. There's also been a lot of focus on cell phones.


Of course, my disclaimer is I am always, always wrong when I speculate.

I'm really going to stop commenting now...but it's funny you mentioned the focus on cell phones.  I noticed in practically all the fan pics posted yesterday Patrick was on talking on the phone.  I wondered if he was taking personal call between takes or if it was "Derek" talking on the phone.  

Edited by Greysaddict
I'm really going to stop commenting now


No, don't stop. This is all just for fun and no one knows what will happen. Guessing is more fun than watching half the time.


Interesting theory about the phones. Derek causing the accident didn't cross my mind and would certainly be different than anything we've seen before. Everyone is killing Derek off or putting him in a coma and here you have him going to the pokey to have PD off screen :)  LOL, the time jump could spring him.


I read a blurb from some radio interview he did today. Disclaimer: I have no idea what it is from, the context and didn't listen myself, all I read was the comment. The interviewer commented that PD came directly from the filming set and he replied "its been very challenging trying to finish up the season on Greys" and how it affected the testing last week. To me "been" sounds like past tense and that he's done for the year.  I don't know the racing schedules. If it started back up is he off racing and maybe filmed a scene or two for the finale (like sitting in that jail cell - hee!) and that's it for him for the year?

I'm talking about that with a Twitter friend, and with the amount he's been filming that we know of, let alone the ones that he hasn't taken photos of,  it's possible they've filmed his scenes for all the rest of the episodes. Unless he's in the pokey (Cristina saying this comes to mind!) Even if he's not in the pokey, if he wasn't shooting surgical scenes (which I imagine take the most time) then it's possible this was the plan and he's done. We kept seeing all these photos and people are asking, "Is he STILL filming episode 21?"


He probably won't be in the episode next week, except for flashbacks.


IIRC, they filmed ahead for Ellen's maternity leave with her first daughter.

Edited by LakeLover

Didn't all the people in the pictures say he was filming 21 though? I know that a few of them did even days and days in. Here's the filming dates for the episodes that were listed in the sides:


19: 2/27 - 3/11
20: 3/11 - 3/20
21: 3/20 - 4/1
22: 3/31 - 4/14
23: 4/13 - 4/24


Unless people were lying (doubtful) the location stuff got pushed, which could be for many reasons. People who follow PD way more closely than me - were there any reports of him actually filming on set for 22?  The reports of him filming 21 + the dates listed make it possible that he filmed both. 


If he really is done for the year and prefilmed than he can't have any scenes that involved guest cast or extras because they wouldn't have them yet (poor Derek must get solitary in the pokey! *). He could have filmed some family scenes though and maybe he's just not that involved in the final two episodes.


* I am kidding about Derek being in jail. I don't really think that would happen.


I read a blurb from some radio interview he did today. Disclaimer: I have no idea what it is from, the context and didn't listen myself, all I read was the comment. The interviewer commented that PD came directly from the filming set and he replied "its been very challenging trying to finish up the season on Greys" and how it affected the testing last week. To me "been" sounds like past tense and that he's done for the year.  I don't know the racing schedules. If it started back up is he off racing and maybe filmed a scene or two for the finale (like sitting in that jail cell - hee!) and that's it for him for the year?

Few thoughts on this 1) this can easily be taken out of context (not saying you are). Technically they are wrapping up the season as I believe they are filming 23 now? While it's not the finale, it's definitely at the point where you could say you are "finishing up". 2) I wonder if he got a (figurative) slap on the wrist for basically revealing what episode Derek would be returning in when he said he was headed back to the set after his race back in Jan and he is being more cautious with his interviews. Or maybe not since he decided to start tweeting after months on the exact day ABC planned the "where is Derek" promotion. I realize they film out of order and the ferry scene could be for any episode. But you've got to admit it puts a damper on the publicity.

Secondly, even though the planned filming dates on the sides don't overlap, they have seem to have been shooting 20, 21 and 22 at the same time. So it's hard to determine what episodes he's shot for already. Could be that the episodes tie together/take place on the same day so his clothes are the same. Also, they are clearly behind schedule with all the weekend shoots.

And lasty (maybe), I beleive Patrick was on set at least one day recently when he posted a picture of Ellen. I

This is the article where the blurb I read earlier was sourced from (didn't have it when I posted earlier) - http://sportscar365.com/lemans/wec/dempsey-i-want-to-make-the-most-of-this-opportunity/


By joining forces with Proton Competition and Porsche for his first full-season effort in the globe-trotting championship, Dempsey said he’s now able to fully focus as a driver, especially now with his filming commitments for the season being complete.


Edited by windsprints
(poor Derek must get solitary in the pokey! *).

Solitary doesn't get conjugal visits? Given his high level of hormonal needs, he might ask for some. ;)


Didn't all the people in the pictures say he was filming 21 though?

Yep. The only ones that we are not sure are the ferryboat ones but given that it's the same wardrobe, we can assume it's part of.


And lasty (maybe), I beleive Patrick was on set at least one day recently when he posted a picture of Ellen. I

Not that recently. That was a while ago. Whatever episode that pic was while shooting, it probably already aired. 


I wonder if he got a (figurative) slap on the wrist for basically revealing what episode Derek would be returning in when he said he was headed back to the set after his race back in Jan and he is being more cautious with his interviews.


I doubt it as many were not aware what episode (unless you follow sides and shooting schedules, which is how many figured out it was episode 16 and also based on the 11.17 episode description) he was going to return. Officially, he never gave it away.  Also, I doubt many fans are listening to his racing interviews. 


This is the article where the blurb I read earlier was sourced from

So, someone is lying then. 

This is the article where the blurb I read earlier was sourced from (didn't have it when I posted earlier) - http://sportscar365.com/lemans/wec/dempsey-i-want-to-make-the-most-of-this-opportunity/

Well that's certaintly more definitive. I guess we'll see in a few weeks.

Not that recently. That was a while ago. Whatever episode that pic was while shooting, it probably already aired.

I just went back and checked....it was 3/26, which seems to be 11x21 (but again who knows).

I take the article as saying he's finished with Grey's Anatomy for the year and now can be fully committed to racing.


If there was a chance of Derek being in jail, a coma or dead I'd be a lot more interested in #WhereIsDerek?  I think they believe the #WhereIsMeredith, #DidHeCheat and #WhereIsDerek somehow make the storylines more intriguing but they don't. We learned from the first one that its very like to be something that turns out to be no big deal and is done in an episode.


If Catherine dies than Richard is seriously the Grim Reaper of Sloan Grey Memorial. 

  • Love 1

Derek told Meredith, "Don't move. Wait for me." at the end of season 4. And then in the season 5 premiere doesn't she have a nightmare that Derek was in an accident and she sees him all bloodied and crashing on the table? 

Take all of the anvils in episode 19, plus the parallel of Derek saying the exact same thing to Meredith before he leaves, and I wonder if we're going to see Meredith's same nightmare again but only this time it will be real.


This is if Derek ends up dieing, which I don't think is happening. Then again, unfortunate things have happened on this show many times before. 

  • Love 1

That's an interesting theory funnygirl. I don't think Derek is dying either but maybe Meredith has similar dreams/flashes while he's missing?

I realize they film out of order and the ferry scene could be for any episode. But you've got to admit it puts a damper on the publicity.


I think so too, at least to a point. It would for anyone who follows on twitter or facebook and/or visits lots of the entertainment sites (where the pictures will likely pop up). But, there's a very large part of the audience who probably doesn't read anything about Grey's or its cast who will could be wondering where he is. Personally I find the whole trying to create some big mystery about nothing dumb but I'm sure some people like it. At least when other shows do it there's actually something going on. The payoff just isn't there for me on Grey's for it to add any kind of excitement.


They've been using promos to overhype for years, all the way back to the end of season 2. LOL, go watch some old promos. Only difference is that now there's more pictures to prove them wrong beforehand.


What does everyone think we'll see in the finale in general - some big episode or one of the nothing really happens finales?

Edited by windsprints
What does everyone think we'll see in the finale in general - some big episode or one of the nothing really happens finales?

My personal guess is that probably a quiet finale. Or a least not huge catastrophe one. They seem to have gone all out on episode 21 (I'm implying this with the length that took the episode to shoot), so I believe that it'll be a quiet/tense one. Or they will leave it in a cliffhanger but the episode itself won't be a huge event. 


if we're going to see Meredith's same nightmare again but only this time it will be real.



Could be. Only Derek doesn't die, he's just badly hurt. Perhaps he manages to be well enough to help out with the victims of the crash but when he gets to the hospital to tell Meredith he's fine, he faints or something and surgery, yada yada yada, and then he's fine. Could make PD's schedule light (being hospitalized and not doing much) and Derek be in less #DidHeDie mode. I can bet that is the next hashtag to use. 


Aren't the networks in charge of the promos though? So I don't really blame the writers for that.

Yes, but you'd think they would at least have some consultation with someone within the show. It's too late anyway. However, I've noticed that with this whole "#DidHeCheat" and "#WhereIsDerek", they're sort of borrowing a bit of the Scandal playbook of promotion. I just googled some of them and found out the "#WhoShotFitz" one and probably many more. I guess they found out how to hype up GA a little bit more.

  • Love 2

My guess is Derek in a coma (will be fine next season but gives him time off), Amelia pregnant, Alex maybe bringing up marriage to Jo again but probably nothing.

The dark horses for me are Richard, Arizona and Stephanie. Not sure about contract status for the last two and it would be just like Shonda to kill off everyone's father figure just as he reunites with Catherine. Plus I like all three characters and if that ain't their bad luck then I don't know what is.

  • Love 1

My guess is Derek in a coma (will be fine next season but gives him time off), Amelia pregnant, Alex maybe bringing up marriage to Jo again but probably nothing.

The dark horses for me are Richard, Arizona and Stephanie. Not sure about contract status for the last two and it would be just like Shonda to kill off everyone's father figure just as he reunites with Catherine. Plus I like all three characters and if that ain't their bad luck then I don't know what is.



I really just can't with a coma. The only thing more soap opera-ish would be amnesia LOL.


I wish I knew the status of contracts, too. The cast is so incredibly female-heavy, that getting rid of Richard would be awful. I think Stephanie/Jerrika is a Shonda favorite, so I can't imagine she'd go. Arizona going would be very upsetting to a lot of Calzona fans. If Richard has to "go" it'd be much nicer to have him move to be with Catherine, so at least he could guest star. Unless the actor wants out.

  • Love 1

James Pickens, Jr. has a contract as long as Patrick Dempsey and the others:


includes co-stars Sara Ramirez, James Pickens Jr., Chandra Wilson and Justin Chambers who have renewed their contracts with Grey’s producer ABC Studios for two more years, joining leads Patrick Dempsey and Ellen Pompeo who inked new pacts in January.

Source: article when they signed  I think (but can't find anything to confirm) that Jessica Capshaw and Kevin McKidd are on different renewal schedules and don't know when they are up for renewal. I don't think Owen is going anywhere since he's being paired with Amelia. If Jessica isn't renewing I can't see them killing her off, I think they'd leave it open for her to return in the series finale/final year.


Maybe no one dies.


The only thing more soap opera-ish would be amnesia

Plastic surgery and "Derek Shepherd will now be played by........" would be more soap opera-ish, LOL. 

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 3

James Pickens, Jr. has a contract as long as Patrick Dempsey and the others:


Source: article when they signed  I think (but can't find anything to confirm) that Jessica Capshaw and Kevin McKidd are on different renewal schedules and don't know when they are up for renewal. I don't think Owen is going anywhere since he's being paired with Amelia. If Jessica isn't renewing I can't see them killing her off, I think they'd leave it open for her to return in the series finale/final year.


Maybe no one dies.


Plastic surgery and "Derek Shepherd will now be played by........" would be more soap opera-ish, LOL.

Or, it turns out he really died back in Season 5 but was then replaced by his evil identical twin.

  • Love 2

I can totally see them putting Derek in a coma if Patrick wants off for multiple episodes. I don't think its any soapier than Meredith being dead and running around her in between life & death talking to Denny. Once they went there nothing is really off the table.


And that's exactly what I'm afraid of! :) I had hoped the era of Deaddy was long behind us!

  • Love 1

Joking aside, something big has to be happening somewhere within 20-22. They spent a lot of time/money filming on location and when they do that its usually big (ferry crash,plane crash). So, if its not death/coma what else could be the really big thing? Its possible of course that its nothing more than just an episode with action shots of Derek saving people but Grey's usually doesn't do much of that kind of thing, it usually directly impacts the well being of a character.

I know that "Derek may die!" has been a popular speculation for a couple of years now since "Is Dempsey leaving?" replaced "Is Heigl leaving?" once she left and Patrick made comments about preferring racing. I just can't see Shonda actually killing him off even if he was leaving. I know if I was a MerDer fan I'd be rooting for the soapy coma over death though, lol. You know Shonda would have him wake up at some point, probably when Meredith found someone else.

Maybe we will get some more clues this coming week. The press was on set on 3/20 and that was a day they were filming both 20 and 21 (according to the dates in the sides). Hoping for interviews and some spoilers.

  • Love 2

I know the key point for speculation for now is where is Derek, but I´ve been also thinking lately supposing Amelia is pregnant with Hunt by the season finale which is very likely, isn´t it quite daring for these two 100% mentally unstable people to raise a child together? Both of them fighting with terrible demons how can they ever raise a mentally stable and balanced child together???? Both of them have immense anger and ego issues apart from PTSD and alcohol/drug addiction ???!!! Awful basis for any relationship not speaking of bringing a child into this....


Both of them might become good parents but not with each other but with a mentally stable partner who could ground them.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
I know if I was a MerDer fan I'd be rooting for the soapy coma over death though, lol. You know Shonda would have him wake up at some point, probably when Meredith found someone else.

Fan here, and I really rather just kill him instead. The soapy coma SL would be terrible in this show. But it'd fit the desperate soapy SL.


Its possible of course that its nothing more than just an episode with action shots of Derek saving people but Grey's usually doesn't do much of that kind of thing, it usually directly impacts the well being of a character.

Perhaps that alone is the shocking part? Nothing happens? I agree with you here but what else could it be? It's just odd that episode 21 is an episode that is where the big thing is happening.


If Derek was dying, I would believe they'd at least wait for the SF. The timing is odd. But it has certainly built up interest.   


If Derek was dying, I would believe they'd at least wait for the SF. The timing is odd. But it has certainly built up interest.

Well the racing season just started for Patrick so they probably had to go big before the finale in order to accommodate his schedule.


Just curious if anyone is going to jump ship should Derek be killed off?

Fan here, and I really rather just kill him instead. The soapy coma SL would be terrible in this show. But it'd fit the desperate soapy SL.

I need to stop kidding. I really don't think they will kill him or go the coma route. As an Alex fan I want him to live probably as much as MerDer fans because any other option leaves Meredith velcroed to Alex, something I found awful this entire season.

Just curious if anyone is going to jump ship should Derek be killed off?

I don't know if I want to watch next year but its nothing to do with him.

isn´t it quite daring for these two 100% mentally unstable people to raise a child together?

24 hour day care raises the children of SGM. No need to worry.

But I see that Shonda actually wrote Episode 21, and so now I'm thinking maybe he does die

I just saw Anita's post in promos that she hasn't written an episode since S8. For her to now write one again it has to be something pretty huge imo. I still can't see her killing off her McDreamy though.


If its that PD is leaving/very limited schedule next year, maybe they'll try to do something like Luka/Abby on ER where something else shuffles Derek out of Seattle and he returns at the end of the show? Maybe this big episode of him saving people sparks something for him to go off to doctors without borders or something like that.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 1

I know someone who was in Silverstone this weekend. She's a fan of racing and she knows Patrick because of that. He told her the filming of GA is finished for him this season. Now he will focus on racing


The fact that Shonda Rhimes wrote this Derek centric episode 21 is disturbing, I think. Now she only writes the goodbye episodes for characters and finales


And it looks like they are filming alot at the dreamhouse

This pic was poster a few minutes ago: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCfuwS7VEAA2z9l.jpg:large

It could be Ellen Pompeo on the couch

Edited by BoaGreys
I need to stop kidding.

The show won't let us until season is over. So let's continue! When are the aliens coming?


Now she only writes the goodbye episodes for characters and finales


True, except she didn't write Cristina's departure episode, who was a big big big character on the show. Given her love for the twisted sisters, I would think that she would've written that episode before writing this hypothetical departure of Derek. Perhaps he will just fall ill and need to stay home for the last three episodes and we will see Derek for 30 seconds, as usual. 


Maybe this big episode of him saving people sparks something for him to go off to doctors without borders or something like that.

*gets ER flashbacks because I hated that Carter left* In another season, I'd find this plausible but given that he just returned from DC because he couldn't stand the distance between him and his family, I find this very unlikely. Although since the continuity fairy is heavily drunk, it could be a possibility.


except she didn't write Cristina's departure episode, who was a big big big character on the show

But she did write all of Cristina's parts for that episode (and also all the Burke/Cristina stuff in their episode).


Nothing else is mentioned for the episode in the press release, so for all we know this episode pretty much revolves around him.

I'd find this plausible but given that he just returned from DC because he couldn't stand the distance between him and his family, I find this very unlikely.

I was just trying to keep him alive and out of a coma, lol. I agree it would be unlikely now but we also don't yet know what happens in 20,21,22.


But she did write all of Cristina's parts for that episode (and also all the Burke/Cristina stuff in their episode).


She wrote more than just Cristina's scenes in that one episode. I saw it in an interview but couldn't find it now but found this tweet:

shonda rhimes ‏@shondarhimes

@aIexsvause I wrote this season.  I wrote most of Cristina's exit in this last few episodes.

I know someone who was in Silverstone this weekend. She's a fan of racing and she knows Patrick because of that. He told her the filming of GA is finished for him this season. Now he will focus on racing

Thanks. That matches up with the article/interview from the other day where it said he was done for the year. We could still see Derek though if he pre-taped. Like in a coma ;) (sorry, couldn't help it)

Edited by windsprints

I can't stop asking myself if the fact he said he's done filming THIS season really means the season 11 is over for him but he'll come back next season. Or did he say "this season" just to hide the fact he's leaving and to save the surprise (at the request of Shonda for sure)


The episode 21 is the first episode of the sweeps. If they kill Derek in this episode, I'm wondering how will be the impact on the ratings. Not great, I guess

I've changed my mind.  Shonda writing the episode + Patrick confirming he's done filming = Derek dies. If he doesn't die in 21 then he'll go in the finale. Isn't there a time jump in an episode? It could be to move Meredith ahead after he dies or something like with Mark where they waited to take him off support.


The episode 21 is the first episode of the sweeps. If they kill Derek in this episode, I'm wondering how will be the impact on the ratings. Not great, I guess

I think the ratings would be fine. People who aren't diehard MerDer shippers would still watch and wouldn't people who were fans of Meredith & Derek all this time continue to watch to see the aftermath with Meredith?  I shipped Alex and Izzie but didn't stop watching the show when Izzie left because I still cared about Alex.

Edited by maasa

I don't think that there is any way that he will come back for a full season next year, so they have to come up with something to keep him offscreen now that DC is out of the picture. The Drs without Borders thing doesn't really make sense since he gave up doing important work already to be with his family. And God forbid Shonda allow a mundane reason for a character to be gone. It must involve heartbreak, cheating and/or death.

So while I really don't think that Shonda will kill him (unless he is not returning at all*), then it almost has to be something that isn't intentional on his part. Like jail, a coma, something. Now if he IS killed off, I just want to point out that I called it years ago on TWoP :)

*I don't think that hm having a contract is proof that he will be a regular player next season. He could have gotten increasing amounts of time off as an incentive to re-up last time, he could buy himself out of it or ABC may just find it easier to let him out of it rather than pay him and deal with his schedule.

As for the ratings, I think that people more or less watch out of habit at this point and they will stay roughly the same no matter what, at least for near future.

Edited by Deanie87

Eeek Shonda writing 21 is worrisome to me as a Derek/MerDer fan.

Also, I had been planning on bringing this up in the Patrick thread, but it will fit here too. I looked up the WEC racing calendar thinking most of the races would be over the summer (this was the race he was at this weekend), and most of them are late August- November, which is prime filming season (for season 12). The races are all over Europe and Asia so it's not like a quick flight within the U.S. For example there is one race in China and one in Japan just 3 weeks apart. That is going to be extremely rough on Patrick. He's already mentioned in numerous articles he is committed to the entire WEC season.

Of course the cast doesn't know they will have a season 12 for sure yet so he could have been planning to race just in case there was no season 12. But, Grey's is about the surest show on air right now to be renewed (of those that haven't been announced already).

I do agree with a lot of posters that the Derek dying anvils are so heavy it seems like it's exactly what WON'T happen. But, adding all these things together definitely seem as though there could be stuff going on behind the scenes with Patrick (such as negotiating an early release from his contract).

I've changed my mind.  Shonda writing the episode + Patrick confirming he's done filming = Derek dies. If he doesn't die in 21 then he'll go in the finale. Isn't there a time jump in an episode? It could be to move Meredith ahead after he dies or something like with Mark where they waited to take him off support.


I think the ratings would be fine. People who aren't diehard MerDer shippers would still watch and wouldn't people who were fans of Meredith & Derek all this time continue to watch to see the aftermath with Meredith?  I shipped Alex and Izzie but didn't stop watching the show when Izzie left because I still cared about Alex.



Diehard MerDer shipper here: I will not watch if he's gone. I have no desire to see Meredith grieving, nor do I have any desire to watch her move on with someone else. Ten years/eleven seasons of a constant relationship tossed away in a few episodes? No thanks.

  • Love 3

Rhimes putting her name on the episode bodes poorly for Derek's survival, but I'll believe his death when I see it. Right now, I'm anticipating an Enoch Arden situation that happens sometime next season.


I always believed the relationship between Meredith and Derek was one of the series' main thrusts, so I appreciate seeing them together, even if I don't think it makes for particularly compelling television. However, as I've noted elsewhere on this forum, Derek was never as fleshed out as Meredith (and I can't remember the last time that I thought the character/actor pulled his weight), so I'm ultimately not as attached to him than I am to her. Thus, Dempsey leaving means less to me than... Oh leaving, for instance, whose Cristina, like Meredith, had an independent arc of her own (something Derek has never gotten, in my opinion). The only reason I'm still here is Meredith. I invested in her character when I first saw the pilot. The show's been laughably bad sometimes over the past decade, but I'm on board as long as Pompeo and her character stay relevant. 


But I see no motive from Dempsey for wanting to break his contract now... He doesn't publicly praise the show like his co-stars, but he doesn't seem to have the ungrateful disloyalty of a Heigl (to use an obvious example). And in the midst of a public divorce, wouldn't he appreciate the show's stability and continuity, ensured, in part, by his continued participation? 

Edited by upperco


Diehard MerDer shipper here: I will not watch if he's gone. I have no desire to see Meredith grieving, nor do I have any desire to watch her move on with someone else. Ten years/eleven seasons of a constant relationship tossed away in a few episodes? No thanks.

Preach it. If the show really goes there I'm done. Doesn't look good though. Shonda writing 11x21 is a bad sign. Adding in multiple reports of PD being done "for the season," and now the news that EP is doing Kimmel the night 11x21 airs, I've got a very bad feeling about this.

Shonda could also be writing it because someone else dies. She loves a misdirect.

Absolutely true. The only thing though is that she's been so removed from Grey's for the past couple of seasons that I have a hard time seeing her writing a GA episode unless its a biggie involving one of her favorites.

But I see no motive from Dempsey for wanting to break his contract now... He doesn't publicly praise the show like his co-stars, but he doesn't seem to have the ungrateful disloyalty of a Heigl (to use an obvious example). And in the midst of a public divorce, wouldn't he appreciate the show's stability and continuity, ensured, in part, by his continued participation?


There are 2 parties to every contract. ABC has the right not to pick up an option for any actor's contract. Obviously none of us know what is in his contract, what outs have been agreed upon, etc. but don't you think there is a slight possibility that ABC does not want to give him chunks of episodes off?  I'm not saying this is the case but just putting the thought out there.


most of them are late August- November, which is prime filming season (for season 12)


If it follows a similar schedule to the past 11 seasons then that would be somewhere around episode 3 through 11. That's 1/3 of the season.

I hadn't heard that Ellen was going to be on Kimmel until now. Also seems like it's a closed taping. That seems ultra suspicious. However, it is the first day of sweeps so could just be general promotion for the show.

I've said this a few times, but agree that contracts go both ways. Even though he officially signed for season 12, there are definitely ways out and not necessarily in a Katherine Heigel manor. If he is in fact leaving, I believe it will be on good terms.


I do agree with a lot of posters that the Derek dying anvils are so heavy it seems like it's exactly what WON'T happen. But, adding all these things together definitely seem as though there could be stuff going on behind the scenes with Patrick (such as negotiating an early release from his contract).

All we know is that he renewed his contract last year... we don't know any details beyond that, i.e., how many episodes, or even if it included S12. I don't believe he would break his contract, but I wouldn't be surprised if he knew didn't want to do another two years when he renegotiated. (Twelve years is a long time to play a doormat.) He could have negotiated a shorter contract that allowed Shonda to write Derek off AND maintain secrecy about it as she chose.


So his absence earlier this year - which oddly didn't really jibe with his racing schedule - could have been Shonda's way of creating a "come-to-Jesus" resolution of their marital problems as a lead-up to killing Derek off (after Meredith has decided she "doesn't want to live without him yada yada yada").


Ellen's made it clear she doesn't care if she ever acts again after GA, but PD might like to do something else... and the longer he stays on GA the harder it will be. Sooner or later he has to leave.


Then again, an abbreviated contract for PD could have been Shonda's idea from the beginning. I've never believed she would have Meredith and Derek "ride off into the sunset" à la Carol and Doug on ER. That would present them as equally important characters, which was never the case (for Shonda, anyway). I expect when EP decides to leave, as with SO, she'll get a victory lap season, which she won't "share" with anyone.

Thinking about it a little more, I wonder if ABC will announce a renewal for season 12 and say it's the final season. Maybe that's the reason for EP's kimmel appearance. She doesn't do a lot of press so something big has to be happening.

Both EP and PD seem ready to wrap up and I don't know if the show will continue without them(it certainly could, I just don't think it will). With the upfronts a month away, it's defintely the time of year for renewals to start rolling in.

Oh a different note- does anyone have an idea of when the 11x24 (finale) sides will released? I am terrible at interpreting the sides but so curious to read the finale!


I hadn't heard that Ellen was going to be on Kimmel until now. Also seems like it's a closed taping. That seems ultra suspicious. However, it is the first day of sweeps so could just be general promotion for the show.

That is really weird. Has JKL ever not had an audience?  Maybe he's not dying and they both are leaving. For Ellen to be the one there it has to be something with Meredith if she's there for Grey's.


So his absence earlier this year - which oddly didn't really jibe with his racing schedule - could have been Shonda's way of creating a "come-to-Jesus" resolution of their marital problems as a lead-up to killing Derek off (after Meredith has decided she "doesn't want to live without him yada yada yada").

The time off gave the audience a chance to get used to seeing Meredith without Derek and her learning she can live without him. She may not want to but she can. If he goes into a coma or dies that will come back.


The title for episode 23 is "Time Stops" 


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