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S04.E04: Tehran

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As part of her Middle East peace-talks tour, President Meyer makes an historic trip to Iran, where an American reporter is being detained. In D.C., Dan is wooed by lobbyist Sidney Purcell, while VP Doyle stands in for the president at a Rainbow Jersey event with a gay NBA star. Meanwhile, Kent’s polling and Jonah’s big mouth may cause trouble for Selina.




"I hate Kent.  I'd like to wipe that..  neutral expression off his face."


"Man up Gary.  Or at least lady down a bit."


"Bill, out of my various walking paces I selected moderate to fast."




"A week?  The Chinese can 3D print a hundred houses in that time."


"Uh Leon's Mom is here... and she looks.... very terrible."


pivot, LOL @ that guy from Drew Carey.


For those that might find this interesting, Karen Collins is played by Lennon Parham who is comedy partners with Jessica St. Clair, who plays Gary's wife.  I wonder how they got in so good with the Veep crowd.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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For those that might find this interesting, Karen Collins is played by Lennon Parham who is comedy partners with Jessica St. Clair, who plays Gary's wife. I wonder how they got in so good with the Veep crowd.

Well they both came up through UCB, which Matt Walsh co-founded and is still involved with, is also popular with casting directors and many comedy writers also came up through it.

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Another great episode, although Selina's callousness at leaving Mike and Gary behind in Iran bothers me a bit. I know she's always been self centered but Iran? That's going a bit too far. I about died when the big plastic bag of airplane booze bottles broke and spilled out in the airport though. And thank goodness Dan is still around, I was kind of worried because he's one of my favorites.


What is Sue's title in this administration? As far as I can tell she's a glorified secretary but she orders everyone else around and they listen to her.

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I presume she's the personal secretary to the President, the one who sits closest to the Oval Office.   I'm not sure if she or the Chief of Staff control the President's appointments in this particular Administration, but still, I can see people wanting to stay in her good graces if they need access to the President.  Plus, it's Sue.

Edited by jcin617
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I'd call Sue an executive assistant. I'd think the chief of staff would line up the appointments and she'd handle the logistics.

Amy is becoming really unhinged. I don't know why she was on tv because I thought she was only handling the campaign. I suppose it didn't matter.

I actually think Dan works better as a pundit. I liked him and Amy actually being cordial and friendly over drinks.

I'm also glad Jonah talked to someone about the harassment. In the most hilarious way possible.

I would think the daughter being engaged would help their image.

I need Sue and Kent to get back together. Finishing his sentence was gold. She insults him because she still likes him.

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I know the whole scene was hilarious where Jonah admits he is being molested basically but I really have a feeling that admission via phone is what is going to take down Selina and the gang b/c they were all callous about it.  I think it will leak out that the President and her staff didn't handle it in a proper way, or just brushed it aside for a joke.  I just have a feeling b/c Jonah always seems to screw the gang over somehow w/o trying, and let's face it this staff isn't the best to surround oneself with.  Other than that, the scene was comedy gold.

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Did we ever find out why Selina was so damn hyper? I figured she ate something or took something over there that might be illegal here due to the after effects.

I was surprised that there was no follow-up to that too (unless I missed it). She was OTT amped, and I figured it would come out that she had accidentally ingested something containing drugs.

Speaking of, Ben's ability to function after 1 minute of Ambien-induced sleep was quite impressive.

Edited by canter

I thought Selina was just really pumped because she had made such great progress on relations with Iran. I like that she is actually very competent as president, at least when it comes to foreign relations. 


Her "we have an hour, let's learn Italian" comment reminded me of the yogurt episode when she had a two-hour window in her schedule and wanted to take advantage of it. That's why she's an accomplished person. If I have a two-hour window in my schedule, my #1 priority is getting a nap.

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There wasn't any indication of that. Ben told her Mike and Gary weren't on the plane and she said "Is there a pilot on the plane? Then let's go." She really didn't seem to give a damn about where Mike and Gary might be.

Selina sends Mike to the press plane to see if the press plane has gotten wind of Doyle being upset then they send Gary to retrieve Mike from the press plane and then they take off so she did assume they were on the press plane. Gary and Mike were coming back from the press plane when they saw AF1 taking off.

Edited by biakbiak
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