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S01.E10: The Lie

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^^^Since I think real life prisons are run on a lock them up and throw away the key system, not a rehabilitation system (and then if they still manage to get out, make sure they have as little chance as possible to recover an honest life,) then I have to disagree about the dire consequences for a fictional character. But this is a judgement about the world and we're certainly not going to sort that out here, so on this I guess we'll have to just move on. 


But I do think you forgot something about Andrea Cornell that Ben didn't, which is that she wasn't going to quit, which means she would be going after the other people in the house. Ben had tried hunting the murderer every place outside his house he could, he knew that his home was where Cornell was looking. I think Ben was correct in assuming Christy, Natalie and Abby would be investigated/tormented by Cornell. 

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I do have to say that at least Ben was consistent with his bad choices to the end. He is so the person you want to be lost in the jungle with because you know that you just do the opposite of him. He wants to greet the natives? You hide. He wants to go upriver? You go dowriver. He wants to take shelter in a cave? You build a hut.

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SANDMAN, ON 04 MAY 2015 - 08:23 AM, SAID:

his unfortunate incarceration.


I actually LOLed there, slasherboy.  Very very funny.


I'd like another season of this.  We could watch Monkey set herself up for her next murder.  Presumably Mom would move on to another guy and the kid would kill him rather than accept that her parents aren't getting back together.  If the new guy has a kid, that kid would make for a new target.  Or: she's 13 now and interested in boys.  Imagine what she'd do to a guy who breaks her heart.  Or a girl who tries to steal the boyfriend.  Endless dramatic possibilities with killer kids.


If Natalie actively works to put her sister in jail, she'd better watch her back too.

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But it's not up to Cornell what happens with a case once it's in court. It's not her call to try a kid as an adult vs send them to juvie. And as we saw, the prosecutor already wasn't listening to her about it being Abby. Ben could have just burned the shoes and not confessed, and it's very unlikely Abby would have gone to prison.

He never thinks things through, you know? He thinks maybe Jess will be falsely convinctrd or maybe Abhy will go to grownup prison so he runs out to confess right that second. How bout waiting a couple weeks to see how it actually plays out and decide if your sacrifice is worth it? How bout just sending Christy and Abby off on the run to get some fake IDs and NOT confessing? There were so many options. Did he never watch any legal or crime drama ever? I guess Ben's characterization was consistent in jumping to conclusions and acting on them immediately without thinking through the options, but that doesn't make it any more frustrating to watch.

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^^^Since I think real life prisons are run on a lock them up and throw away the key system, not a rehabilitation system (and then if they still manage to get out, make sure they have as little chance as possible to recover an honest life,) 


Prisons yes, definitely. But I think the juvenile justice system is still supposedly based around rehabilitation... I hope. 

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After watching the CC I didn't pick up on Ben being dead.  After reading a few posts here and re-watching it, I now think it's likely -- particularly in light of the fact that RP has said his story is over and he won't be back.  From what I have heard, it's not uncommon for child killers to be murdered in prison - they are generally the lowest in the prison hierarchy.  I'm disappointed since I was watching for RP, not JL.  The next story would have to have an equally compelling lead.  I didn't enjoy JL as Cornell.  At all.


Which Riverwalk were Abby and Christy walking along in the CC?  There are so many.  Although it was supposed to be "14 months later," i.e. April of the following year, it certainly looked like fall.

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In the Australian version...the killer wasn't as obvious yet made sense with the reveal. And the mom in the Australian version was much nicer and supportive then in the US version.

Plus Cornell was male and more like he was taunting Ben..while Cornell in the Us version was more intense..imho

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I watched the Aussie version and the ending was much, much more believable and satisfying.  Not to mention, I think the actors who played Ben in the Aussie version is a better actor and about hotter than Ryan Phillipe.  Worth it just for the eye candy!


My issues with this American version of the show are this:


(1)  Christy doesn't seem all that concerned that a child was murdered.  I mean, if my neighbor's child was found in a field murdered, I would be so worried that it was some serial killer and couldn't be running around town like the only thing that sucked was my husband cheated on me.  I'd be fearful for my children.  And I would've moved in with the Uncle immediately.


(2) Dave.  The screwball comedy routine would've been amusing if a child hadn't been murdered particularly when your friend is being falsely accused.  Yeah, maybe every now and then crack a joke, but the constant life-of-the-party act with him was irritating.  And who would put a mickey in your friend's drink?  


(3)  The episode with the guy who waterboards and tortures Ben because his wife slept with someone while he was in the service...please, that was just beyond ridiculous.  


(4) Why would the police focus on Ben initially?  Just because he found the body and reported it?  Wouldn't the focus be on the family itself first?  I know it's casually mentioned that Cornell checked everyone else out, but it just seems odd.


(5) Juliette Lewis' acting.  I normally love her but thought she played the stereotypical tough cop without much nuance or originality.


(6) The episode where Ben visits her daughter in jail.  Just seemed way to hokey.


I think this series should've done what the Aussies did -- keep it to 6 episodes.  The story is interesting but all of those twists and turns defied credulity.

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I hope next season at least addresses on tv what happened to Ben. At least a throwaway line to help build the new season like the new suspect claims Cornell made Ben Crawford confess to killing a kid and he got killed in prison or a newscaster reports on it in the background. I do know that I'd watch RP in a new series. He can still act.

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I enjoyed this episode, it was a good ending although I haven't yet watched any of the CC online.  The ending scene with Abby in the car gave me chills and confirmed what Cornell said about her being a little pyscho.  I hope the show is renewed for a second season.  Phillipe will not be back but I think they can still have a second season focusing more on Cornell.


Loved Dave and Natalie.  Uncle guy turned out not to be so bad after all.  Christy is still a bitch though.


ETA:  I don't know if this has already been posted since I didn't read every comment but the show has officially been renewed for another season according to www.tvline.com  

Edited by mostlylurking
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I know Timothy Busfield was an Executive Producer on the show, but I would have expected to see more of his character, and due to her long history of lead roles, I kept waiting for something more to happen with Melissa Gilbert's part.

I actually liked Cornell's character--usually that kind of tough cop role is given to a male actor--and I thought she did a really good job without a lot to work with to show what kind of person her character was.  I especially liked the scene where she went to have a drink and let her hair down--and met her ex.

I hope they don't just come back to this crime in season 2--I'm kind of done with Ben's family and I would rather see Cornell tackle another neighborhood/crime.

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Yes, and I think Busfield's had his share of tabloid headlines prior to their marriage so that may be some of the anti-media stuff we got in this show.   He directed some of this and didn't plan to act in it from what I've read.    I knew that was why Melissa was probably involved but I guess I expected more to come of her character.

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I just caught up on a binge watch in about two weeks so give I'll give it enough credit that it was reasonably entertaining to watch. But the finale really didn't sit right. Why in the world would you force people to watch the real ending online? And considering that it almost felt like a cliffhanger, a lot of people who were just watching casually are going to be pissed next year when the story doesn't pick up on what happened with the Crawfords. And considering how much felt like filler this year (waterboarding CIA neighbor anyone?), I really think this episode should have been episode nine and episode ten would involve a proper conclusion to Cornell investigating Abby.

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I binge watched this entire show yesterday. Ugh! It was okay. Some of the episodes were definitely filler. I am in the minority in that Ryan Phillipe to me is not so hot. That could be because I'm a middle aged old woman. LOL! I hated the ending. He should have made Abby take responsibility for what she did. Tom was the cutest, most precious little boy, and I hated seeing what Abby did to him. It broke my heart.  I like endings tied up in a pretty package with beautiful ribbon. I could see a season two with Cornell on another case. Thanks to whoever noted about the Australian version being on Netflix. That will be my  next binge.

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I hope next season at least addresses on tv what happened to Ben. At least a throwaway line to help build the new season like the new suspect claims Cornell made Ben Crawford confess to killing a kid and he got killed in prison or a newscaster reports on it in the background. I do know that I'd watch RP in a new series. He can still act.


It's an anthology so it's supposed to be something new entirely with maybe Cornell tagging along.


As for the finale, that was disappointing, it ended up being similar to what happened with Gracepoint only it was more infuriating how it all went down and who it affected this time around

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