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S31: Spoilers

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Monica was one of my most anticipated options on the ballot, but seeing how unremembered she is makes me curious how she made it back on the show.

My theory is that the producers legitimately picked the top vote-getters but that the players were competing within small heats with each other. For example, the women may have been split into older/younger/old school/worlds apart, which means Monica really only needed to beat Mikayla, Stephanie and Natalie to make the top 3 "young chicks" along with Ciera and Kelley. Meanwhile, Kass and Kimmi won the 40+ vote, or perhaps Kimmi and Wigles won the early season vote, knocking out Teresa.

I don't know what happened but the site went from taking 30 minutes to load a page at work (it has been this way for a few months now) to being lightening fast. WOOHOOO


I watched the videos, I think that they are media so don't have to be in spoilers. Heck, there is no real information in the interviews that they show. Jeff says he is working with kimmi but that is about it. I am not looking forward to Vytas or Abi, I didn't like them in their first season and I don't think that they have changed their style of play.

Thank Xenu Varner is there. There is no doubt that he is the star of the pregame. I dont think he will get far but it seems that he went with the younger alliance which would be the right decision since the old school allaince was doomed from the start with Shane not getting in and Terry having to quit.



Spoilers are that she doesnt get that far and thought it was very obvious from her interview. Bad game plan, bad mind set.

Same with Ciera but she is one of the most overrated players there and most of the other players know it too.


BTW, the raw ETCanada interviews are the best. The interviewer knows her Survivor history and so she knows what to ask.

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Monica was one of my most anticipated options on the ballot, but seeing how unremembered she is makes me curious how she made it back on the show.

My theory is that the producers legitimately picked the top vote-getters but that the players were competing within small heats with each other. For example, the women may have been split into older/younger/old school/worlds apart, which means Monica really only needed to beat Mikayla, Stephanie and Natalie to make the top 3 "young chicks" along with Ciera and Kelley. Meanwhile, Kass and Kimmi won the 40+ vote, or perhaps Kimmi and Wigles won the early season vote, knocking out Teresa.



I admit I voted for Monica, even though I remembered nothing about her.  I also voted for Woo and Keith, who I did not want to see return, but it all came down to needing 10 votes.  However, once I cast my vote for the 6-7 I really wanted to see and continually voted for, I had to find a few more.  I didn't remember Mikayla at all until it was brought up about her deal with the Hantzes, but she wasn't one I cared to see back.  I did not want to see Stephanie V back, and though I threw a couple of votes Natalie's way twice, she was someone I really didn't want to see return, either.  So it came down the lesser of...evils?  Same with Woo and Keith, there were some male contestants on the docket that I was praying to Survivor Gods wouldn't have any chance in returning.


Thank Xenu Varner is there. There is no doubt that he is the star of the pregame. I dont think he will get far but it seems that he went with the younger alliance which would be the right decision since the old school allaince was doomed from the start with Shane not getting in and Terry having to quit.


Spoilers are that she doesnt get that far and thought it was very obvious from her interview. Bad game plan, bad mind set.

Same with Ciera but she is one of the most overrated players there and most of the other players know it too.

BTW, the raw ETCanada interviews are the best. The interviewer knows her Survivor history and so she knows what to ask.


Since Vytas is more or less confirmed as being one of the first two to go, that would make sense if Varner ditched him and it helped lead to his downfall.  I doubt Vytas will see it coming, so maybe Jeff's intention all along was to have two alliances and screw one of them out of the gate (while I believe Jeff will take the game seriously, I also believe he will be like he was out in the Outback and cause chaos and maybe do things he shouldn't that end up costing him).  Either that, or his alliance wound up with the minority on that tribe and couldn't pull anyone over.  Jeff was seen in a post-home photo at the airport it was believed with Kimmi and Joe, which made people believe he at least made the merge to be seen with them (it's still up in the air how Joe did, but with Kimmi's weight loss, I'd say there's a good chance those two make the merge).  Jeff, in his face, didn't look any different, but if the post game photos he posted when getting back home were legit, he looked like he did lose some pounds out there.  I want Jeff to go far, so I'll grasp at any straw I can.  Monica comes off as trying too hard.  I think that's going to be her downfall, is she's going to take charge, but plays too hard, too fast, and won't be able to do anything to save herself.  If it's true that the tribes swap at 18 into 3, I have a feeling that is going to screw over a few people.


I loved when Vytas brought up how he was cocky and confident the last time and the interviewer said "but you aren't now?" with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.  She was great.


Also, I didn't know if tribal divisions was still considered to be spoilers or not, which is why I posted those links here.  Had I gone back into the Anticipation thread for this season, I would have seen I could have put those ET interviews there.  


On the subject of interviews, I've been trying to pay attention to who is getting more focus than others.  Kelly Wigles seems to be MIA from a lot of these cast interviews.  There's a heavy focus on Joe and Monica in quite a few press vids I've seen.  Joe comes off a bit more cocky, so I think all that adoration he received might have gone past his head straight to his manbun (I still love the guy though), but, like Monica, he's also laid out his strategy more than I've seen some of the others in these vids.  Joe's been rumored to be a late pre-merge boot to early juror.  If the tribes do split at 18 into groups of 6, on a normal season that might have helped him, since physically he might be more needed.  This season?  Not sure that help.

Edited by LadyChatts
I still think that one or more of these massive weight loss picture people won't fare as well as they might look. The conditions are apparently brutal so its possible even with food in ponderosa some of them just don't recover.



My vote would actually be for Kelley Wentworth.  While I initially felt like if she made it to the merge, she'd go the distance (just a feeling), now I'm questioning that.  I've been comparing her official game shot to her IG shot that showed her weight loss-and yes, while the weight loss looks obvious, it doesn't look like she lost an absolute ton like I had originally thought.  The ones where it looked the most obvious in regards to weight loss was Spencer, Jeremy, Kelley, Kimmi, and Tasha (I don't see it in Keith).  Given what we know about parasites and illnesses that plagued the S32 cast and crew, I wouldn't be surprised if at least one contestant maybe got really sick after being voted off, and that's where the weight loss came from. 

Edited by LadyChatts

My vote would actually be for Kelley Wentworth.  While I initially felt like if she made it to the merge, she'd go the distance (just a feeling), now I'm questioning that.  I've been comparing her official game shot to her IG shot that showed her weight loss-and yes, while the weight loss looks obvious, it doesn't look like she lost an absolute ton like I had originally thought.  The ones where it looked the most obvious in regards to weight loss was Spencer, Jeremy, Kelley, Kimmi, and Tasha (I don't see it in Keith).  Given what we know about parasites and illnesses that plagued the S32 cast and crew, I wouldn't be surprised if at least one contestant maybe got really sick after being voted off, and that's where the weight loss came from. 

Good points, but the red flag for me is we know in S32 that 2 players are med evaced IN ponderosa. So they are getting food and in luxury living conditions, but still need to go to a hospital ? Just knowing that makes me think that they could not recover in ponderosa very well and still look very skinny even after some time there. 

how do we know that ponderosa is that lux? the players mention that they are in tents in pregame.


I thought Dan said last season they spent part of the pre-game portion in tents, too.  I assumed it was to get them as mentally prepared as possible.  I can't remember if they moved to Survivor's version of the Big Brother house (aka Ponderosa) before the game officially started or not.  I remember almost every Ponderosa was in tents or something not as luxurious as the house from last season.


On the subject of Ponderosa, I will say again I wish they would show the pre-jury Ponderosa.  Especially this season; I expect a lot of bitterness!

Edited by LadyChatts

I thought Dan said last season they spent part of the pre-game portion in tents, too.  I assumed it was to get them as mentally prepared as possible.  I can't remember if they moved to Survivor's version of the Big Brother house (aka Ponderosa) before the game officially started or not.  I remember almost every Ponderosa was in tents or something not as luxurious as the house from last season.


On the subject of Ponderosa, I will say again I wish they would show the pre-jury Ponderosa.  Especially this season; I expect a lot of bitterness!

I didn't mention the pre game. I said after they were voted out two people in S32 were Med evac. I think Ponderosa is pretty luxiourous at least in recent seasons. Most people seem to improve gain weight back look healthier whatever. My point was if two people could be med evac in S32 at ponderosa after being voted out maybe players this season don't recover that well and they can look bad even after being in ponderosa a while which makes it look like they were in the top 5 but in reality they were not.

I didn't mention the pre game. I said after they were voted out two people in S32 were Med evac. I think Ponderosa is pretty luxiourous at least in recent seasons. Most people seem to improve gain weight back look healthier whatever. My point was if two people could be med evac in S32 at ponderosa after being voted out maybe players this season don't recover that well and they can look bad even after being in ponderosa a while which makes it look like they were in the top 5 but in reality they were not.


I don't know if it will be as lux in Cambodia, but we will soon see!  And I get what you are saying, that people could be voted off and not recover.  Whether it's due to illness or whatever we'll also find out.  Since they already had one dry run in Cambodia before this season, and we know there are no medevacs this season, I wonder if they got a better handle on how to handle the parasites that caused people to get medevaced in S32.



The second IC, which was the first IC used in Survivor Samoa.  Just a few still shots here, and this was one the press competed in first before the castaways did.  This was actually a funny read from Gordon Holmes.  Dalton Ross, whose idea it was to hide the HII in the middle of the challenge, was told where it was to see if he could retrieve it without being seen.  Apparently he succeeded.  Gordon said he was going to watch him and try to get it away from him, but the competitiveness of the challenge took over and he forgot that was his goal.

Edited by LadyChatts

Stop referring to s30 ponderosa. That resort in nicaragua which they used 4 times is not in cambodia.

When did I say it was? My point is Ponderosa is not camp life. They are given unlimited food. Can actually use a bathroom and can shower. However, given the fact that there was 2 medical evacuations in survivor 32 it leads me to believe just because Kelley Wentworth came back looking like a skeleton it is not a guarantee she is in the Final 3. It is highly possible there are some that do not recover in Cambodia Ponderosa and can look like they were in the game longer than they were. 

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And the reports from the various reporters who were there for the pre game fun mention that the contestants were coming out of their tents in the morning.

And what does that have to do with the post voted out living conditions? Someone said Dan said last season they were in tents pre game but post game living conditions were like a hotel. Point is if they are living in tents post voted out even with unlimited food they might not look very good living in a tent without a shower for 39 days so therefore it could make them look like they lasted longer, but if living  in a tent all that time they might still look terrible and those weight loss pics would then not be as accurate as some thought.

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I was simply corroborating the posts that mentioned the tents. I was not trying to make a point.


There have been past Ponderosas were they cast have lived in tents and there was one room that had AC and a TV, video games and the like. The plus side was that those Ponderosas were really fun to watch because everyone had to hang out together while the last series of Ponderosas were boring possibly because everyone had their own nicely appointed hotel room to hang out in. So I hope they are in tents because it makes for a more interesting Ponderosa.


It is possible that Ponderosa for season 31 and 32 are not as cushy as the last bunch of Ponderosas. The reports that we have read is that it is hot as hell were they filmed and that it rained a lot. So tents do not sound all that comfy to me. I don't feel like eating much when I am hot. I don't sleep particularly well when I am hot. If the contestants end up in tents after they are voted out, it could be that they don't gain the weight back the way the contestants who have stayed in nicer Ponderosas have because they are too hot to eat much and they don't sleep well.


Or, they could be in tents now because the media and other folks are in the hotel rooms. When all the press is gone, the evicted contestants could end up in those rooms.


I don't pay much attention to the after pictures because they are too easy to fake or manipulate in order to gin up discussion.

Ok thanks for clarifying that you said exactly what I was thinking regarding the too hot to eat etc. Some people on other sites are like convinced Kimmi, Kelley, Keith, Tasha, Jeremy are the final 5 solely based on those pictures, but because of these conditions I have to wonder if one or more really are not final 5 and just never recovered. I guess can't make that conclusion until seeing more evidence though.

Edited by anthonyd46
  • Love 1

I was the one who mentioned Dan.  He said it in interview, that they were kept in tents prior to the game and he compared it to being in solitary confinement.  However, even tent Ponderosa is probably better than pre-game tents.  I think you are right about at least one skinny Minnie not lasting as long as expected, and I'm betting at least one or two people with no visible weight loss go deep into the game.  Brutal conditions aside, there's a lot of other factors out there that could play a part in the weight loss, as we know.  Looking at the post-Nicaragua group shot at the airport last year of the jury/final 3 crowd, I would have thought Hali went deep into the game based on that pic.

A poster on Sucks caught this in the new promo.  At :21, you can see Jeff Varner wearing a gold buff around his neck.  It's been said there is a tribe swap happening at 18, and the new tribe is Angkor with gold as their color.  So this would mean Jeff lasts the first 2 TC at least (and pretty much confirms that there is a tribe swap at 18).  Who needs people leaking info when we have CBS doing it for us?



  • Love 1

It's hard to tell because it's blurry, but that does look like it.  Good catch!  Not that Jeff or Tasha were rumored to be one of the first to go anyway, but nice to have the confirmation.  So that would mean Abi lasts until the final 18, too.  Since Tasha is behind her, and given the look on her face, I wonder if Abi also switches to Angkor.




Here's the promo shots for that, where you can see Jeff with the gold buff.  The marooning looks cool, it appears they are on boats, and then have to swim to another boat to get supplies, before getting on a raft and heading to camp.  I like that better than the Survivors starting on the boat with all the supplies and jumping overboard.  And so much for Joe hanging back in challenges like he said he was going to do.


According to Redmond, he describes this season as "brutal, tough, tears, crazy, and hardcore".

Edited by LadyChatts

Some new info. A poster on sucks claims he knows the final 3 and is posting a clue each day. The first clue was the phone number to Kelley Wentworth's job. His source is apparently an ex survivor, but again until we see some solid proof not sure it can be taken seriously since anyone can guess Kelley Wentworth because of the weight loss pictures.

I guess we will see if CBS cgi'ed the buff colors just to screw with everyone


I thought about that, but considering they gave away 3 of the final 4 last season, I can't see them going to the trouble.  Plus, while we know there's a tribe swap at some point, this is the first time they've done one at 18 and had a completely different tribe.  That's probably supposed to be a surprise.  Hard to say, though, maybe they got some intelligent web monkeys this season.  Although someone at their site misspelled Shirin's name as Sharin in one of the videos, so maybe not.


There's so many fake spoilers on the final 3 and late gamers, and so far it's all people speculated to go far with nothing new to back it up.  Of course it may be hard to get something new to back it up, but I'm still skeptical.  On the subject of weight loss and someone not doing as well as expected based on that, I'm switching my choice from Kelley Wentworth to Jeremy.

Some new info. A poster on sucks claims he knows the final 3 and is posting a clue each day. The first clue was the phone number to Kelley Wentworth's job. His source is apparently an ex survivor, but again until we see some solid proof not sure it can be taken seriously since anyone can guess Kelley Wentworth because of the weight loss pictures.

His threads are being deleted at Sucks which means he is not providing proof to the Mods there.


And honestly, giving out a persons work phone number is just wrong.

  • Love 1

His threads are being deleted at Sucks which means he is not providing proof to the Mods there.


And honestly, giving out a persons work phone number is just wrong.

Yea I'm not believing anything unless I see a different name than Kimmi Kelley Keith Jeremy Tasha. Those 5 you can guess by just looking at pictures so its not much of a spoiler to say they make it far even if they don't my point is its not like you need to be a genius if someone asked you to pick a final 3 to pick 3 of those 5.

This is his second "clue"


Hey diddle diddle, time for a riddle. Are you up to the challenge? This one is a doozy!

The previous clue could be solved with but contemporary knowledge. This clue will force you to look farther and deeper.

You will need this phrase: 30 Ventôse XLVII

I will tell you that it is very important to a particular location.

What that means and its significance to one of the finalists of Survivor 31 you will have to find out on your own.

And I will also provide an image that will make sense once you figure out the first part:



Theres a picture of red water so obviously blood vs water which would cover either Keith or Jeremy so again a person with an IQ of 0 could guess Keith or Jeremy with no spoilers so not trusting this guy at all.

"30 Ventôse XLVII" could mean something to do with water... the 6th month of Feb. 20 - March 21 on the Ventose calendar falls under Pisces if you look at astrology. The Roman numberals translate to 47.

They figured it out 30 ventose xlvll is March 20, 1839 which is the day Keith's hometown in LA was founded. Red water is blood vs water. 


So again I can't take this guy seriously without source proof. We have been saying for weeks Keith or Kelley could be a finalist just looking at weight loss pictures. We have no evidence this guy just didn't read all the spec and led people on. If he pulls some crazy name out of left field for the third I will maybe be intrigued but if its just Tasha Kimmi or Jeremy again weight loss pictures.

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There is really nothing new now since we all know the F6 due to pix and Helling anyway. Spencer is the only one I am rooting for and since the probably of him being in F3 is (not quite) "0.0%", I dont care anymore.

I still don't think every person Helling picked is a slam dunk F6, but until someone points me in a different direction with evidence I'll still stick with the winner out of the Keith, Jeremy, Kelley, Kimmi, Spencer, Tasha group. 

Keith was in at least one final 3 that I've seen that was debunked.  I've seen Kelley also rumored numerous times in several fake final 3s.  Right now I'm saying it is bogus, though I do like the way he's going about revealing these.  Even if he's a fake, at least he's a creative fake.

We will see who name #3 is but if its Kimmi Tasha or Jeremy then it just seems like they are going off the same weight loss pictures. However if they come up with some crazy name outside of the weight loss 5 + spencer then maybe they are onto something. 

We will see who name #3 is but if its Kimmi Tasha or Jeremy then it just seems like they are going off the same weight loss pictures. However if they come up with some crazy name outside of the weight loss 5 + spencer then maybe they are onto something. 


I have to think at least one person not speculated to go far makes it.  I've seen two different pre-game alliances Spencer was involved in: one with Stephen/Monica/Tasha/Ciera/Kelley/Vytas, and the other with Stephen/Tasha/Ciera/Kelley/Shirin.  Not that it means anything, but interesting that at least two of those people are speculated to go far due to weight loss.  There hasn't been anything concrete on Shirin or Stephen as to how well they do, and I know Monica is rumored to be a pre-merge boot (judging from her interviews I can believe it).  IIRC, Spencer's girlfriend disappeared around the time of the family visit on SM, and her and Keith's girlfriend/wife started following each other and chatting online.  I don't always put stock into that, but it's something to maybe go on.  It's kind of odd that those 5 are the only 5 who've really show any significant weight loss, compared to someone who would have gone out in 6th and 7th place and no one else showed much of anything else.  Keith and Kimmi seem like goats, as I can't really see either of them winning, but it gives me hope that the pre-game alliances at least fall apart.

Edited by LadyChatts

I have to think at least one person not speculated to go far makes it.  I've seen two different pre-game alliances Spencer was involved in: one with Stephen/Monica/Tasha/Ciera/Kelley/Vytas, and the other with Stephen/Tasha/Ciera/Kelley/Shirin.  Not that it means anything, but interesting that at least two of those people are speculated to go far due to weight loss.  There hasn't been anything concrete on Shirin or Stephen as to how well they do, and I know Monica is rumored to be a pre-merge boot (judging from her interviews I can believe it).  IIRC, Spencer's girlfriend disappeared around the time of the family visit on SM, and her and Keith's girlfriend/wife started following each other and chatting online.  I don't always put stock into that, but it's something to maybe go on.  It's kind of odd that those 5 are the only 5 who've really show any significant weight loss, compared to someone who would have gone out in 6th and 7th place and no one else showed much of anything else.  Keith and Kimmi seem like goats, as I can't really see either of them winning, but it gives me hope that the pre-game alliances at least fall apart.

This confuses me as well. 6th place is what Day 35? Day 36 even depending on schedule? 5th place is Day 37. So someone that stayed a day difference has massive weight loss from the 6th place person? Something is too convenient here. Like you said all these spoilers point to those 5 lasting deep and now if riddler is correct 2 of them in the final 3 and maybe 3 of them depending on what he says tomorrow. I guess its possible someone could look drastically different from 5th to 6th place, but I'm just not buying that all 5 top 5 look zombified then no one else does. These spoilers are still flaky at best. 

Edited by anthonyd46

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