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Little Women: NY - General Discussion

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No one watched? I wasn't going to but I was channel surfing and noticed it was on so I said what the hell.

It got a little wild and of course Lila was right in the middle. Plus I think TPTB brought Elena out to stir the pot. She really did step over the line but I bet TPTB gave her a nudge.

I couldn't believe the way Lila was coming on to Jordanna's boyfriend. It would have been more subtle if she'd plopped herself down on his face.

I can't remember all the names but I liked the self-described fiery latina and the paralegal. They seem interesting without being crazy. They could lose the guy and I wouldn't mind. I thought he was annoying.

After seeing how Lila acted with her girlfriend's boyfriend, I believe all that stalk-texting Joe from L.A. stuff.  She is a maneater, and not much of a friend.

Lila definitely has all of the signs of someone who could easily stalk someone who spurned her advances.  The only thing is, back then, she could blame it on the alcohol.  (Cue Jamie Foxx's song in my head.)  Now that she's supposedly sober, who or what can she blame it on now?


I couldn't believe what she was saying to Jordanna's boyfriend, either.  Maybe you can jokingly say, "Oh, you're such a great guy!  Do you have a brother just a nice as you?", but she was crossing the line and I'd be pissed watching that if I was Jordanna.  Poor guy was totally visibly uncomfortable, too.  I wouldn't call her a maneater, though.  I truly believe she is a self-loathing and desperate person.  I think she'll jump into bed with any guy who gives her even the slightest bit of attention.  The sad thing is, I wouldn't be surprised if she let herself get taken advantage of in a humiliating way just because she interpreted the attention as interest when really, they were laughing at her.  My gut tells me this was the case when she said she woke up one morning wearing nothing but a dog collar.


Her behavior makes me cringe way too much.  Other than appearing mentally unbalanced, she comes across as trying way too damn hard.  She wants to be this "hot mess" who is so open, crazy, and wild with her dildo, kicking off her shoes in a restaurant, and "I hope bats don't come flying out of my vagina!" talk, but it just looks pathetic.  Sorry, chick, but you're no Jenny McCarthy from her heyday.


Who goes into hysterics about a divorce that happened over 8 years ago?

Seriously!  Girl needs a therapist, stat.  It's not like Elena said, "Oh, I heard about your prison record for armed robbery."  I don't understand how 1) she's not over it to the point where she's not sent spiraling into a panic attack at the mere mention of it 8 years later, and 2) she wasn't even happy in the marriage and cheated!  I would think she would be glad she was divorced.  What the hell?


I'm a little disappointed with the fact that so many of these cast members have experience in or are currently working in the entertainment industry.  (I'm really not a fan of little people in the entertainment industry if they're not playing roles that any other average height person could do, but that's another topic for another thread some other day.)  But then again, there might not be many regular career people like Dawn who are willing or able to put themselves out there on a show like this.  I can imagine why some of them haven't been particularly successful, though.  Those damn individual talking head scenes are painful to watch.  They can't read scripted lines in a realistic manner to save their lives.  Misty's scene where she's describing herself as the ditzy blonde ("Wait, what were we talking about again?  Oh, did we already have this conversation?") was especially cringeworthy.


I do appreciate that the casting department changed it up a bit and are portraying types of dwarfism other than achondroplasia.  I felt "Little Women" LA" was saturated with that and while, yes, achondroplasia is the most common type of dwarfism, it really isn't the only type.  I speak from personal experience.  (I'm not sure if any of the women on either show have my type, though.  Maybe Tonya or Jordanna does.)


It's funny, one of my frustrations has always been wanting society to see little people are just like any other people.  I guess it's true that you have to be careful what you wish for because these two Little Women shows do show that, but not quite in the way I hoped.  Haha.  That being said, I'm in for this spinoff for now.  (How can I not be?  I'm a New Yorker, too!)

  • Love 9

Lila seems to be shit stirrer, desperate for a man and not a very good friend.

Although...a lot of this show, like L.A., Seems scripted. Elena barely spoke to Lila and they didn't appear to be friends when Lila came to L.A. So I question why Lila would have invited her to come visit her. The stuff Elena said to the guy friend and the divorced friend felt dialogue fed to me.

So far, aside from Lila, I like these women better than the L.A. Group.

  • Love 2

I actually liked the show better than Little Women LA. I liked the diversity of having a male involved, women who actually worked in the average sized world and again online romances that we'll hopefully see come to fruition. What I didn't like was the fact it was so scripted. Elena coming to NY was only to promote and give the show it's start. In the real world, she'd be staying at a Hilton.  The producer driven questions were a given to invoke confrontation. Come on as much as Elena is portrayed as not understanding American words ans customs, I'm sure even in Russia - they know it's impolite to ask such things of people you know nothing about. But for now I'm hooked.

  • Love 3

Wow! I was shocked at how loud and obnoxious Elena was at dinner. Her yelling was hurting my ears. Totally different than the way she is in LA. And we learned she got that procedure that injects fat into her butt. I'm getting a whole new perspective on her. 


I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for little people to navigate around NYC.  Going up and down all those subway stairs, trying to  hail cabs that never stop for you, and walking blocks and blocks to get anywhere must be exhausting for them. I love NYC but public transit is not my thing, and I'm an average size person!

  • Love 2

Wow! I was shocked at how loud and obnoxious Elena was at dinner. Her yelling was hurting my ears. Totally different than the way she is in LA. And we learned she got that procedure that injects fat into her butt. I'm getting a whole new perspective on her. 


I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for little people to navigate around NYC.  Going up and down all those subway stairs, trying to  hail cabs that never stop for you, and walking blocks and blocks to get anywhere must be exhausting for them. I love NYC but public transit is not my thing, and I'm an average size person!

We knew that Elena had the fat injecting surgery on her butt on one of the episodes of "Little Women: LA."  They showed her before, during, and after she had the procedure.  Gross.


I'm a Long Island girl, so I'm not in NYC on a daily basis, but when I am, I stick to taxis. (But I do take the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) in, which is no problem for me.)  I could hike up and down the subway stairs, but I don't primarily because I'd have to hold on to the railing and the thought of touching all of those railings disgusts me.  All of the soap and Purell in the world wouldn't get me to touch those railings if I had to use the subways on a regular basis.  I've never really had problems flagging down and getting taxis to stop, though.  The drivers see me no problem and have always been nice.  Sure, taxis are more costly than the bus or subways, but it's totally worth it to me than to have to hike block after block through the city streets.

Edited by LIGirl
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Overall I think I prefer this case to L.A.  They all seem to be better dancers that Terra, heh!


Totally scripted thought.  Lili just happens to travel to L.A. to see her friends that just happen to be on Little Women L.A. just before Little Women N.Y. starts.  And, of shock of shocks, N.Y. just happens to start filming just as Elena arrives from L.A. to pitch her never-going-to-happen clothing line.


But, I think this show holds enough potential promise to suspend that disbelief.  


I can't stand Lila so I rolled my eyes hard at another version of this show starring her. But, NYC. I cannot resist, I'll watch almost anything filmed here. I do find myself liking the other women, and while there are some similarities they do have their own unique looks for the most part. And I love the NY attitude. As for Lila, any scene she's in alone is a ffwd, and anyone she shares I just get through.


Oh, and I will NOT watch Terra's Stupid Family. I don't care where it's filmed.

Edited by SnarkKitty
  • Love 4

I watched a few minutes and it exhausted me and gave me a headache. They were all yelling and screaming at each other. Why do they do that? Are they trying to be like the Real Housewives? Come to think of it, why do they do that on the Real Housewives? I hate it. I used to enjoy those shows before they became scream fests. I don't understand why the producers think that arguing is so entertaining. I find it very stressful.

  • Love 1

Momof2boyz (I'm a mom of 2 boys too!), I don't get it either. It seems fake. I don't know any group of people who hang out with each other so much on the regular and it ends in a fight. It's just too much. Elena is getting bad. Last season I liked her, but she's just as angry as the rest of them now.


I'm still totally watching this show though. I do like Dawn (the paralegal). I'm with her, you've got to have something to fall back on and most of the time as a dwarf you will be casted with that in mind.

And we learned she got that procedure that injects fat into her butt. I'm getting a whole new perspective on her. 


You didn't see the episode where she had it done? It was it's own story on the show.

  • Love 2

I thought Jason was going to tell his parents he was gay. He's 27, I don't blame him for wanting to live on his own. I used to work with Filipino's who were single and did not live at home with their parents.

I'm tired of hearing about Lila's sobriety and lack of a sex life too. She needs to find a more interesting storyline. Dawn acts like she's better than the other girls just because she has a 'Normal' job. Good for her but she comes off as a bitch when she talks about it. If the other girls want to be in show business that's up to them.

  • Love 2

Okay, it's official: Lila makes my skin crawl.  Bitch is certifiably batshit crazy, son, and there's no way she's that good enough of an actress to make it all up for ratings.  She may play it up for the cameras, sure, but I fully believe the crazy is solidly there.  I think she's the worst person the producers could've picked to "headline" the show, which sadly, translates into them keeping her on front and center for as long as the show exists.  I hate that.  Christy on the LA show was a total shit stirrer and I wanted to punched her in the face a few times, but I would take her over Lila any day.


As I stated in earlier threads, Lila's reactions and mannerisms are so over-the-top to the point that it's almost cartoonish.  I mean, really, between the exaggerated facial and bodily reaction in the first episode when Kristin told her at the restaurant, "I know enough shit about you to fill a book!" and her kissy, kissy face and noises she was making at Jordanna as Jordanna walked out of the restaurant in this episode... I mean, really, what the hell was that?  Are you 9?


I also stated before that I cannot stand watching or hearing Lila speak as there's something about it that rubs me the wrong way, but I couldn't pinpoint it.  I thought about it as I watched this episode and the best I can come up with is that she's a weird mix between someone trying to slowly and softly speak to a child and a wanna-be sultry phone sex worker.  It's bizarre.


So, I'll admit that I fell for the Jason edit in the previews and commercials, which I usually never fall for.  I totally thought he was going to come out to his parents.  Oh, well.  I don't want to be mean, but I kind laughed out loud when his parents started crying and were all, "You're going to leave Mommy and Daddy here?!  Don't you love us?"  Some of my best and closest friends are Filipino and I grew up around their traditional families, but they're not that bad.  All of the kids moved out before they were married and it was fine.  Eh, his parents will survive and I believe Jason absolutely needs to have a life on his own.


Jordanna had every right to go off on Lila about hitting on her boyfriend.  (She just needed to leave the beef between Lila and Kristin between them and let Kristin deal with her choice to forgive her.)  Whether or not Lila was "testing" him to see if he had a little people fetish, it's not her place to do that.  It's no one's place.  Trust me, when you're a little person, you learn rather quickly how to weed out the perverts.  I'm sure Jordanna has a solid handle on it.  A part of me thinks that while Lila says she loves to date either little men or average height men, she really seethes with so much jealousy over her friends who have good looking, average height boyfriends that she tries to sabotage it and put doubts in her friends' heads.  She's a fucking shitty friend no matter how you look at it.


As a little person, I agree 110% with Dawn about how she feels about little people being in the entertainment industry.  Unless you are going for and getting "regular" roles, you're doing nothing but perpetuating the negative stereotype society still unfortunately has about little people when you play stupid shit like elves, leprechauns, trolls, etc.  These actors are affecting how others look at me when I'm out in public whether they want to see that or not.  The only two little people I consider legitimate successful actors (off the top of my head, so forgive me if I forget someone) are Peter Dinklage and Meredith Eaton.  All of that said, I'm nowhere near as pretentious or snobby about my thoughts on this as Dawn obviously is.  Jesus, agree to disagree, Dawn, and move on.  Don't be a bitch about it.


I do, however, completely disagree with what Misty and Kristin said about why Dawn feels the way she feels.  It has nothing to do with "not feeling comfortable as a little person."  I hate when people say that shit.  I can hate when someone contributes to the negative stereotypes or gives negative attention to little people without hating myself as a little person.  Minorities can hate racism without hating who they are or their culture, right?  Well, guess what, little people can be the same way.  I don't need to parade and jump around as a fucking elf to prove how much I love myself.  Fuck that noise.  /steps off soapbox

Edited by LIGirl
  • Love 4

jonesingjay - I was waiting for someone to ask me that!  Absolutely no truth to that at all, at least not for me.  It makes me laugh everytime someone asks me, "Do you know so-and-so?  They're a little person, too!"   LOL  It may seem like little people are "rare", but we're really not.  Little people don't know every other little person just like gay people don't know every other gay person.  LOL  For me, though, it's probably mostly because I never had any interest in joining The Little People of America, nor have I gone to any of the conventions.  It's just never been for me.  :)

  • Love 3

@LIGirl thanks for clearing it up. It sounded like such a blanket statement, but it's repeated by these ladies enough for me to take notice. I really appreciate your insights in these threads. 

No problem, jonesingjay! I've always said that I'd rather people ask me questions than remain misinformed or ignorant. (This is especially true when I'm out and about and people may stare, haha.)  I'm really happy to provide any insight I may have.  Of course, take what I say with a grain of salt.  I mean, I'm always 100% honest, of course, but each little person (as with any person regarding any issue) always has their own experiences, opinions, and thoughts that may totally be different from my own.  :)

  • Love 3

So overall I like the group a lot better than the LA crowd, they seem more rational with the exception of Lila.


Elena was definitely a plant to stir the pot, but I did like how the others responded, they told her that it was inappropriate. In no world is it okay to bring up someone's affair while they were married. I had to laugh a bit when one person asked Elena "Why are you screaming/shouting?"..I guess she was so used to it from the LA crowd. as for the fashion sense, it's a NY and LA thing, very different sense of styles.


Lila hitting on Jordana's boyfriend was uncomfortable to watch and he was obviously uncomfortable.


I liked the one who described herself as a "sexy Latina", however while I think it's fine to pursue her dreams of entertaining, I don't think she should have dropped out of business school.

Edited by bluvelvet

The tease for that Jason conversation was way to obvious to be him coming out of the closet.


But I do think an underlying element of the parents' feelings are the question of whether his moving out while still single means that he (or they) on some level are admitting that he (or they) don't think he'll ever get married.


I also suspect that, if he is gay, he's not about to bring a guy home to his parents' house while they're just starting to date, and that he can't really get past the starting-to-date phase while he's living at home.


I don't have all of their names down yet, but the lady from Texas seems to me to be a dead ringer for Ali Larter.

I didn't realize how big a deal the issue of moving out would be for Jason's family until his mother started sniffing and carrying on.  Then his papa-san wiped away a tear or two and I knew, all deeeeeep within my bones, that this was probably the biggest problem that his family has ever had to deal with.  I was waiting for his brothers to start sniveling as well.


It was sweet of Jordanna and Kristin to try to smooth things over by telling Jason's mother how much he speaks about her but I was waiting for Jason's mother, Felicidad, to ask "So, you hoes knew my baby was planning on leaving this elaborately and ornately decorated nest and you just grinned all up in my goshdarned face and ate my fffuuuucking food like nothing big was 'bout to jump off and you pretended like it was all to the good?"

  • Love 4

I thought Jason was going to tell his parents he was gay.


That's because the editing was manipulated to make us think that.  If this guy is gay, he's clearly not comfortable sharing it with the world, or even his friends and family. I thought it was a pretty dirty trick (by the show).  When you sign up for a reality show, you sell your soul to the devil.  If he's gay, I sure hope he's ready to be outed.

  • Love 1

I kind of want to slap the continuous smug smile off of Dawn's face.  I understand she wants little people to be seen in a professional light but I don't think that should stop other little people from pursuing their dreams of being in the entertainment industry.  As a non little person, I don't look at these ladies as a joke or a freak because they want to be dancers or actors.  Not very cool that she ruined Jazmin's night.  Also, comparing it to slavery is ridiculous.  There a plenty of black people that work in the entertainment industry for free in hopes of eventually making a living at it.  If she doesn't like what these people are into, she should make different friends.

  • Love 3

I don't particularly like Dawn (I hate when people smile as they insult you), but the whole thing was set up for Dawn to insult everybody.  Dawn didn't want to go, and wouldn't have gone, if not for Jazmin prompting her.  Jazmin knows how Dawn will react, why invite her?  After the performance, Dawn managed to spit out a few vague positive comments, but they push her for more.  What do you think Dawn?  Did you like it Dawn?


I'm not a little person, but I'm a woman, and I refuse to go to places like Hooters.  The most common come back to that - you're jealous.  Sorry, I have a pair of DDs, and I am definitely not jealous of the Hooters "girls".  I think Dawn is all about maintaining your dignity, and I get that.  As much as Jordanna pretended that the room was filled with Broadway talent scouts, there were about ten people there.  Dawn pointed that out. 


I have no idea if Jordanna is only on Broadway because she's a little person.  I do know that as amazing as Peter Dinklage is, he wouldn't be on Game of Thrones if Tyrion wasn't a dwarf.  I think Dawn lives in reality, and the others live in a fairly tale.

  • Love 3

Misty's mother was so dramatic. Misty's had her hardships just like everybody else but geez louise, it's like her mom was trying her best to make everybody at the table uncomfortable. 


Misty: "[My boyfriend] didn't treat me any different, just completely normal."



Like wtf is that about, that comment was totally irrelevant to Misty's story about them meeting on the internet. Maybe the cameras made Misty's mom nervous? Or some producer-goading?


Misty's dad seemed awesome though. 




ETA - Just found psychic's yelp page, for the curious: http://www.yelp.com/biz/kali-ma-triple-goddess-tarot-and-healing-brooklyn

Edited by JoJoPowerRanger

I was curious about Jordanna and the Broadway claim - she is in a Broadway show called Sideshow about a carnival an Siamese twins - so yes - she got the part due to her size. It ran just over 1 1/2 months. Her other credits are a stint with Miley on the Bangorz tour and a couple of movies - low budget - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4047405/.


As outspoken as Dawn is - she really makes sense. For every person who goes to NY to make it in acting, singing, dancing ect - few actually make enough from their craft for a sustainable wage - most supplement this with other jobs. I would expect someone outside the norm - whether they be a Little Person, a Giant, disabled ect - would have even a harder time as through no fault of their own - they fall outside of most character conceptions. Everyone should do what they want but it doesn't always put bread on the table and entertainment longevity varies. Most actors or singers hit a high and then go downhill within 5 years unless they're involved in a project that has fan appeal.

  • Love 2

I have previously stated that I completely agree with Dawn's views on little people in the entertainment world if all they're doing is further perpetuating the stereotypical views of little people.  However, I'm not that overzealous, radical, condescending, and downright bitchy about it.  Have your opinion, Dawn, but don't go so far as insulting your friends and family left and right about it.  It sucks if they don't feel like they're setting us back a bit in society's eyes, but if that's what they choose to do, then so be it.


I don't really understand the purpose of the burlesque show other than Jordanna claiming it's supposed to let others see them as "just like anyone else."  Um, okay, but what was the show - all of 3 minutes of one choreographed dance?  If you want to be taken seriously like that, then do an entire showcase of performances, not just one!  Did those few randoms have to pay to get in?  I hope they demanded their money back if they did.  Were Misty's boyfriend and parents still in town to see it?  (I thought I might've seen a quick shot of her boyfriend in the audience, but I'm not sure.)  Did Jordanna's boyfriend go?  How did they get any Broadway reps there?  It just seemed incredibly poorly planned and I may understand why Dawn called it "a joke."  (But I wouldn't have said that!)  Overall, they did alright, I guess, but it was just a weird, random performance to me.


By the way, I know I may go to hell for saying this, but um, I don't think Kristin should have worn what she did in that performance.  How old is she supposed to be anyway?  I'm not saying older or more "ample" women can't shake what their mama gave ya', but I think she looks way past her prime for something like this.  (And look, as a little person who understands the struggles to stay fit and thin because even 5 pounds can be incredibly noticeable on such a small frame, a lot of extra weight doesn't look good in tight, semi-S&M things!)


Speaking of looking their age, did I hear correctly that Misty is only 22?  She's definitely pretty, but I thought she was a lot older than that.  Maybe the fact that she lives with Kristin kind of threw me off, but eh, she looks at least over 30 to me.  I wonder if she at least got a college degree before flouncing off to NYC.  I could understand her parents' non-excitement for moving to NYC if she didn't at least get a college degree first.


You know, I am much like Jordanna says in the sense that I often "forget" that I'm a little person.  It's not until others who don't know me tend to "remind" me by being obvious about noticing me.  My family totally raised me in the same way as anyone else and I've always had friends who never made me feel different either.  When Misty, Lila, and others talk about the bullying they endured growing up, it really takes me aback.  I have to say, I'm not only someone who feels really lucky to have had a great high school experience, but I can't EVER remember being bullied because of my size.  And I grew up in a very large school population that could be kind of rough in some places.  I simply cannot imagine being physically assaulted because I was a little person.  Hell, even if I did, I can guaran-fucking-tee you my family would've had major heads roll.  LOL  Anyway, it's just sad and boggles my mind, and it makes me feel incredibly lucky I've never had to endure shit like that.  (I hope I didn't just jinx myself, haha!)


Funny side note - I went into Manhattan last night to attend a college alumni event.  Or rather, I tried to go into the city.  My train into Penn Station was cancelled half way there because some idiot decided to jump off of a moving train (he wasn't killed) and I got stuck in Jamaica (and not the nice tropical one)!  This was at the height of rush hour and major chaos ensued.  I was in Jamaica for like an hour hoping trains to Penn would be restored, but finally gave up and decided to head back home.  There was no way in hell this short suburban chick was going to try to navigate local NYC trains and subways on my own when I had no idea where I was going!  But the worst part of it all was that because trains going back to LI were so delayed and limited, I literally had to try to squeeze my way on to a sardine-packed train.  If you want to know what that was like, go on a train where people are literally pressed up against each other and stay on your knees like that for an hour.  See if you don't kind of fear for your life.  LOL  No wonder I am more than content living in the suburbs of LI, NY.  I need my elevators, my car, and enough room to breathe in public, thankyouverymuch!  ;)

  • Love 3

And her brother seems so nice.... 

I think the producers gave her the "role" of this season's bitch. Every franchise has one. Nobody can be that awful and full of jealousy and negativity for real. 


I just watched a RHoBH reunion marathon.  May I present Kim Richards and Brandi Glanville?



ETA:  I totally agree with your post about Dawn, LIGirl.   The way she delivers her message is so obnoxious it gets lost in translation.   Oh, and I'm ever so glad to be a suburban SoCal recluse who has no need for public transportation.  I think I was on a train into downtown San Diego many years ago. but it was fairly pleasant.  I hate crowds and won't even drive the half mile to the store during rush hour.  :-)

Edited by walnutqueen
  • Love 1

How old is Jazmin? The others mentioned that she was young and impressionable ? Her husband seems nice and I like their backstory (knowing each other since age 3)

I actually understand where Dawn is coming from but she is just way too condescending in her delivery. However I think a lot of her feelings come from fighting stereotypes her entire life. I wonder what her brother does for a living. I also agree that she shouldn't have been invited if they knew her stance.

On another note I was SHOCKED that Misty is only 22, I wondered why she had a boyfriend in college.

Still prefer this group over LA though.

Edited by bluvelvet
  • Love 1

I have previously stated that I completely agree with Dawn's views on little people in the entertainment world if all they're doing is further perpetuating the stereotypical views of little people.  However, I'm not that overzealous, radical, condescending, and downright bitchy about it.  

Agree.  It's not what you say; it's how you say it.   I think she raises good points and fodder for discussion, but her delivery is god awful !


I don't know why, but I'm starting to like Lila.   She makes for good TV.

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