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The X-Files Revival: The Truth is in Here

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They have an emotional connection,” Carter continues. “They share something.  In episode four he takes her hand and it’s a loaded moment.  So I feel it’s given us something new to explore considering we will have been doing this for 22 years.”

Oh good grief, seriously? Gee, I am so looking forward to seeing Mulder take Scully's hand in episode four because I have never seen those two hold hands...or hug or give each other forehead kisses. How can that possibly be something new? I don't mind some more UST (because lord knows these two can do it like nobody's business) as long as it is well and truly resolved by the end of the six episodes, but I am preparing myself for nothing being resolved.



“They struglled with their relationship originally,” Carter reiterates.  “Through the second movie, they came together, which was absolutely natural.  But they found themselves feeling that it couldn’t work in that way.  If Scully holds by her professional pursuits and Mulder by his, it would pull them apart.”

I also don't get this.  They didn't come together in the second movie, they already were together, and the second movie ended on the same 'everything will be okay as long as we are together' note that the season 9 finale ended.  To me, it makes no sense that they broke up given what I understand about the characters in 9 seasons and two movies. Yes, they struggled, they always struggled and fought, but they were also always deeply committed to each other.  I don't know, maybe this will all play out better than I think but I doubt it.

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Oh good grief, seriously? Gee, I am so looking forward to seeing Mulder take Scully's hand in episode four because I have never seen those two hold hands...or hug or give each other forehead kisses. How can that possibly be something new? I don't mind some more UST (because lord knows these two can do it like nobody's business) as long as it is well and truly resolved by the end of the six episodes, but I am preparing myself for nothing being resolved.


I also don't get this.  They didn't come together in the second movie, they already were together, and the second movie ended on the same 'everything will be okay as long as we are together' note that the season 9 finale ended.  To me, it makes no sense that they broke up given what I understand about the characters in 9 seasons and two movies. Yes, they struggled, they always struggled and fought, but they were also always deeply committed to each other.  I don't know, maybe this will all play out better than I think but I doubt it.


Word. Only problem with it is that it's not UST anymore. It's just ST and Tension, since they've been together and resolved said tension before ;). Anne, David and Mitch have pretty much said that things are unresolved between M & S by the end. So I'm not expecting much.


Are there new hand holding, hug and forehead kissing techniques out there? XD


Man, this stuff is reaching a new point of ridiculousness. I don't mind some ST and Tension, but at least add in some new stuff into the mix. Aside from the usual.


Exactly. Only thing I can see is that due to Mulder not taking that FBI job his own tendency towards obsession wasn't grounded. So it didn't help him in any regard.

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Isnt Scully getting a new "love interest" for these episodes? I read that somewhere. I was hoping they would keep the romance out of it all together. To much to ask for I guess. Still yanking our chains. Unfortunately I seem to have lost interest in that approach.

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Isnt Scully getting a new "love interest" for these episodes? I read that somewhere. I was hoping they would keep the romance out of it all together. To much to ask for I guess. Still yanking our chains. Unfortunately I seem to have lost interest in that approach.


Nope. Tad is not a threat at all. So you don't have to worry about it. As for yanking our chains, I can relate about losing interest. They're treating us like we're children/teenagers, and that we're crazy (at least up to an extent). And that's in part why I don't care all that much about the new eps anymore. I don't like any show treating fans like that.

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My husband and I saw a preview for the 2 night premiere a day or two ago. It looked...bad. Hubby asked if I was still interested in watching it and my honest answer is "no" :(


I really have to wonder what audience they are making this for. It certainly isn't the dedicated fan.


[ I think I may have chatted with you on a different site AntiBeeSpray. If so, it is nice to run into you here! :) ] 

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My husband and I saw a preview for the 2 night premiere a day or two ago. It looked...bad. Hubby asked if I was still interested in watching it and my honest answer is "no" :(


I really have to wonder what audience they are making this for. It certainly isn't the dedicated fan.


[ I think I may have chatted with you on a different site AntiBeeSpray. If so, it is nice to run into you here! :) ] 


Dang. Which preview?


I'm not wondering too much. It's for the money as far as I'm concerned. Here's an article from earlier this year about it, via Forbes.


Are you on the Trekbbs boards? If so, I go by Random_Spock on there. Your name rang a bell.

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You have to wonder why they waited so long for this. After all this time I suspect they will be aiming the show at different demographic. Testing the waters for a 3rd TV movie perhaps.


Nah. I'm not wondering. They figure that they can get a new audience. Simple as that as far I'm concerned.


How I feel about the revival!


Source: Gillian's Twitter feet


That retweet that Gillian did earlier pretty much sums it up for me. It's about as good as being poked in the eye.

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Dang. Which preview?


I'm not wondering too much. It's for the money as far as I'm concerned. Here's an article from earlier this year about it, via Forbes.


Are you on the Trekbbs boards? If so, I go by Random_Spock on there. Your name rang a bell.


Oh, it was a fairly generic commercial for the upcoming series. It just looked like everything that we have seen before many, many times on the original series. Rehash of a rehash.


They really focused on a discussion M&S were having (and focusing on the fact that he had his hands on her shoulders). Come on...these are two middle aged people. Casual touching and "intense hand holding" is supposed to illustrate a deep, mature connection?? Ummm. No. It really makes me wonder if TPTB have any experience with an actual real life mature relationship, because they certainly don't know how to present one on TV. 


I'm not into the ret-con of all that has gone before. CSM is dead. So are the Lone Gunman. I find it insulting that I'm supposed to accept CC's magic hand waving and believe his "new" vision ( Gee. Maybe I shouldn't have killed this character-abracadabra--he never died!...this explanation to the mythology was weak--hocus pocus-- it was wrong! [or never happened!] here's the new thing). No. Just no.


That being said...I was a huge fan, so I will at least watch the first episode.


Yes, I am on the Trekbbs boards...I just haven't been there in awhile! :)

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Bingo. That's how I'm feeling as well. They figure that they can get a whole new generation of fans hooked on the XF and keep the old ones around. It's insulting period. There are ways to create drama without resorting to the usual break up. And there are ways to continue the myth arc without resorting to CSM.


I will be too. Probably all 6 for the lols.


Ah. I still come around every so often. Love this time of year on there... name changes and all that :P. Went with The Holiday Yoda this year.


It's nice to see you around here! :)

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Is this the one in which Chris Carter says they had a "platonic" relationship for nine years?


Um, okay.  Not only does he not understand his own characters, he doesn't even know what words mean.

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Is this the one in which Chris Carter says they had a "platonic" relationship for nine years?

Um, okay. Not only does he not understand his own characters, he doesn't even know what words mean.

If you're on Twitter, search for #PlatonicActivity. Best hashtag ever and more proof that this is the best fandom ever. Like, in the history of ever. And ever.

I haven't watched the little promo thingie because I'm afraid of knowing too much. I read an interview with GA and when they started talking about details in the eps I had to scroll past. I know a bit, but I don't want to be totally spoiled about what actually happens.

And I totally just realized this is the spoiler thread, not the no spoiler!! Thank goodness I zipped right to the end to post instead of reading!

Edited by DaynaPhile
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Is this the one in which Chris Carter says they had a "platonic" relationship for nine years?


Um, okay.  Not only does he not understand his own characters, he doesn't even know what words mean.


Ikr? When he started saying platonic relationship, I was like dude, you need to stop right there.

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Chris, you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. 


I watched it. I've been pretty much spoiler free up until this point.  I don't know how I feel about any of it, but I am going to watch just to see Mulder and Scully together on my TV again and hope for the best. 

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Is this the one in which Chris Carter says they had a "platonic" relationship for nine years?


Um, okay.  Not only does he not understand his own characters, he doesn't even know what words mean.


Yep. We all need to send him a dictionary! XD


There's now a #PlatonicSongs tag on Twitter along side #PlatonicActivity! It's pretty good so far.


People are very creative on there, that's for sure lol.

Ikr? When he started saying platonic relationship, I was like dude, you need to stop right there.


In his language... it would be 'stop in the name of platonic activity'  XD.

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I watched the 21 min preview.


I got excited.


I'll probably be crushed but I can't help it...I missed them.

Same here, although I was a bit surprised as to how spoilery the preview was.  Then again, after having just gone through the Mad Men fandom, I got used to a production that leaked less than the CIA covert ops. 


But yes. I am stoked, stoked, stoked. Only 25 more days! 

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I don't have an issue with Mulder and Scully growing apart. It actually makes quite a bit of sense, to be honest. Let's face it: their relationship was never the healthiest, and they've both gone through so many traumas. I'd be more surprised if everything was all roses and sunshine. I just... I don't trust Chris Carter, so I'm very concerned with how everything will be handled.


And, God... I'm am so not ready for all the William angst. I feel awful for saying this, but I wish that whole mess had never happened in the first place.


I still think they missed such a golden opportunity with 2012. Oh well.

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I don't have an issue with Mulder and Scully growing apart. It actually makes quite a bit of sense, to be honest. Let's face it: their relationship was never the healthiest, and they've both gone through so many traumas. I'd be more surprised if everything was all roses and sunshine. I just... I don't trust Chris Carter, so I'm very concerned with how everything will be handled.


And, God... I'm am so not ready for all the William angst. I feel awful for saying this, but I wish that whole mess had never happened in the first place.


I still think they missed such a golden opportunity with 2012. Oh well.


Fair point. I think my main issue with it is just how CC and Fox have treated shippers like they're children and how they've bashed fans over the head with the estrangement/break up. That made me even more angry. I've gotten to the point where I just don't care anymore. Maybe I wouldn't have minded this plot if they would have treated fans with some dignity.


Neither am I. Uberangst never was and will never be my cup of tea.


I think so too.

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My thoughts on the 21 minute XF special.


In the middle of watching the XF special and I ended pausing on puffy coats face. D'oh lol. Talk about bad timing.


Still working on watching this and trying not to laugh. They’re saying that fans wanted monsters and that there’s a big myth arc base. Well I wonder where they went around s7-s9? It seemed as if there were less of those fans around by then.


Nothing’s changed. I love a good MOTW. But let M & S grow. Maybe he’s trying for it this time… but I guess I’ve just run out of patience. He figures he can have M & S try to work some stuff out to placate the shippers, but yet not have them together to placate the noromos. Well that might bite him in the butt in the end.


I’m up to the part about ep 3, which I could kind of care less about. Especially since it’s in a bad place. Right after ep 2, which seems really serious. It reminds me of how Sunshine Days was right after William. D'oh. I liked that episode, but the timing was horrible to say the least. And I’m not looking forward to seeing a monster day dreaming about humping Scully. Uh no. The thought of that makes me want to squirm.

Now I’m up to the part where their relationship is now and all I’m thinking about is… it’s time for me to stop and/or move on. It’s just more games. I’m sick and tired of it. The more I’ve watched of this special, the more I’ve realized how much of a joke it is. It’s (imo) just reframing the XF. Yes sure some of what’s being presented is legit, but some of it is out right lies. 9 years platonic, hello Chris, I think s7-s9 would like to talk to you. They certainly weren’t fully platonic.


To go out and blatantly deny them like that is such a fallacy. To act like they only got together in IWTB is such a pile of crap.

Just heard a bit about the distance and time for M & S and just about cringed and laughed my butt off. Not every one will feel the way that they said that fans will feel. I surely won’t. I’d love to see something new and different. Not something that feels reheated and rehashed. This feels like a damn X Files infomercial! XD


Just saw the bit dealing with their son... CC is a doof here. Still not dealing with the fact that M & S did it. But aside from that... it looks a bit promising. Heard the 'Fox' line though from Scully to Mulder and I could understand why they were doing it that way, but it still made me cringe. Just not a fan of that I guess.


There's a line that kind of bugs me about how they're going about the myth arc... I know it's Chris being Chris, but does he really think we're that dumb? That we won't notice the changes? That we won't ask questions?


Here's the line: "I'm not going to reveal to you exactly how we play with the mythology, but we do." ~ CC


Just like in the old days. That's why there's no show bible. It allows them to get away with a lot.


I know that he wants to surprise people as well. So I get his point there too. But going from what we know already it feels rather recycled.


That 'a friend and a physician' line said by Scully to Mulder in ep 1 still makes me want to throw something at my tv! XD They have that bit towards the end of the special and no matter how many times they show it... I still don't like it.

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Just came across this and this... via Haven.


Maybe there's some hope after all. Take a peek at the ratings for the episode... (TV-14 D, L, S, V)


A letter has shown up that's never been around before. XD


Updated episode schedule, per XFN.



I'm feeling a lot better about these eps now. Do I forgive Fox's and CC's behavior towards fans at times, no. But I'm looking forward to them again. :)

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David, Gillian and Mitch on Entertainment Tonight



Source: Entertainment Tonight, via youtube


Poor, poor Mitch!! XD



Also, let's try to boost this!


Mitch is trying to get to 5k to unlock some new info. He's at 2.5k and change right now. 


Source: his Twitter feed

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David, Gillian and Mitch on Entertainment Tonight



Source: Entertainment Tonight, via youtube


Poor, poor Mitch!! XD




Perhaps my own mind is in the gutter, but was that DD making a hilariously filthy comment?!?

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Perhaps my own mind is in the gutter, but was that DD making a hilariously filthy comment?!?

Oh yes he was >:). You're not alone there ;).

And Gillian not catching it was priceless.

And dat hug... Mitch reminded me of Skinner in the Truth there XD.

So awkward.

But David and Gillian, damn... they've come a long way.

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But I can't believe they actually tried to pay Gillian half of what they offered David. You'd think they'd have more respect.


I love the way she stood up for herself the first time around, and really love that she has no more shits to give this time.  "No, we won't even be discussing my contract until you've finalized David's, because you'll try to screw me again.  You come to terms with him, and then you pay me whatever that amount is or I'm not doing it."  And at least this time David isn't flapping his gums about "seniority" and other such bullshit.


This discrimination goes on across industries and income brackets, which is infuriating and frustrating, but it still boggles the mind that where there was a specific, widely-publicized example of someone having to fight for her right to equal pay, it didn't stop the studio from trying to shortchange that same person each time a new project within the franchise came up. 

Edited by Bastet
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I love the way she stood up for herself the first time around, and really love that she has no more shits to give this time.  "No, we won't even be discussing my contract until you've finalized David's, because you'll try to screw me again.  You come to terms with him, and then you pay me whatever that amount is or I'm not doing it."  And at least this time David isn't flapping his gums about "seniority" and other such bullshit.


This discrimination goes on across industries and income brackets, which is infuriating and frustrating, but it still boggles the mind that where there was a specific, widely-publicized example of someone having to fight for her right to equal pay, it didn't stop the studio from trying to shortchange that same person each time a new project within the franchise came up.

Me too. That takes some real guts. As for David, he's come a long way. He's grown up.

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Me too. That takes some real guts. As for David, he's come a long way. He's grown up.

I dont really blame him for the response way back when the contracts at the time of the pilot were being signed, considering he was right at the time it was contracted - he was, technically (and however small it was) a bigger "star" than she was. It was, however, shitty for him to then follow through with all that crap about Demi Moore and whatever when she was renegotiating - especially when they were both done with the show but left her contracted through seasons 8&9 when he was free and clear. He should have taken a leaf out of the Friends booklet.


That said, good on Gillian Anderson for standing up for herself now, especially that she knows what she is worth and is not afraid to say it - before signing. They both made The X Files and there is absolutely no reason why Fox or whever should have even thought one was not worth as much as the other.


But more on topic - with every special, trailer or spoiler I get even more excited. I feel like this is going to be awesome.

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But more on topic - with every special, trailer or spoiler I get even more excited. I feel like this is going to be awesome.

This is how I feel, too. All the initial spoilers convinced me I was going to hate it, but the trailers and the special made it look so good! I'm back to being really excited and grateful that it's actually happening. 

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I still feel rather meh about it. Glad that they switched the episode order. But overall, I don't really care about the show anymore. It sucks, I loved this show for years and I don't like feeling this way. But I still don't feel excited nor grateful that it's happening.


With the way that Fox and CC treated some fans, I don't know how I could appreciate this 'revival'. I don't like being talked down to, condescended towards, treated like a child who doesn't know how to think for oneself and told how I should feel towards it/about it, and that I should learn to 'accept' the break up. That just left a VERY bad taste in my mouth.


Sure I'm looking forward to the eps and maybe they'll be good. But it doesn't change how I feel towards Fox and CC and the XF in general. I don't know if I can ever care about the show anymore.

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I hadn't heard about the episode order being changed -- which ones?


Ep 5 (Founder's Mutation) is now Ep 2 and Ep 4 (Babylon) is now Ep 5. It makes more sense now story wise.


The new order:


My Struggle

Founder's Mutation

Mulder and Scully meet the Were-Monster

Home Again


My Struggle II

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A new article...

MSR - Because in the end Chris Carter is always right

This time is a must a small premise. I wrote this article at the beginning of last November, then decided not to publish it for various reasons. Today, however, I like to put online this piece, without making changes unless adding this premise, because I think it's important to remember, before the debut of the new season of the series, that if "X-Files" has become the phenomenon of worship that is still a very large part of the credit goes to its creator, Chris Carter , whose work is ultimately too often unjustly criticized by those who call themselves fans of the series.

End of the premise and beginning of the article. The relationship between Mulder and Scully (hence the acronym used in the title, Mulder Scully Relationship ) is the heart of "X-Files". Their friendship, their deep bond, their personal journey, their love. Without that "X-Files" was just a series that was mysterious and unsolved cases.

Hard to say how it would last, but certainly would not have been what the world has come to know and love. Chris Carter instead, to basics, just what he wanted. He wanted his players were not hampered by secondary issues (such as their relationship) while they were committed to saving the world, but it was soon realized that to make a credible story, this could not have been possible. Mulder's life is his work.

Throughout history, what to Scully began as a job like any other, becomes his personal battle for survival and then, for her, her life becomes closely linked to his work. And as a result, she remains tied to Mulder. Mulder and Scully discuss, grow, covering the shoulders, face many dangers, skim death several times, and in doing so find themselves inextricably linked to one another.

And in doing so, Chris Carter, and in general all the authors of the series, have been so good as to create their own story. The series was never turned into a romance rose when Mulder and Scully were falling in love with each other (because, I challenge you to find a time when this happened ...) but rather, has become more intense, exciting. We saw them fight and make peace.

We have seen them take care of each other. We saw them almost desperate and crazed when one was in danger or disappeared. We saw them kissing for the first time after long and SEVEN endless years, almost embarrassed and a bit 'surprised. We saw them separated by forces larger than themselves. We saw them get back together and ideally run off into the sunset, as do all the heroes in the stories better. We saw them "together" , in the last film, face a life that was not theirs, but only one of them that had adapted to survive. We saw them survive this period and out of darkness.

Personally, if their story was over at the end of "I Want To Believe" I would have had nothing to contradict. Despite the darkness that has always pursued, and will continue to do so perhaps, Mulder and Scully were able to get out and ideally set off towards their happiness. But their story has not ended with "I Want To Believe". Will continue in the tenth season of the series that will return to television eight years after the last film. Perhaps to forestall, or maybe not, who knows, Chris Carter has made ​​no secret of the state of the relationship between Mulder and Scully.

The first episode will see them divided. We do not know how and why, surely we'll know, but the two do not live together anymore and are no longer a couple, as were in that last movie. Knowing I was blown away. I had many, many questions and concerns about this new season, but one thing was certain: Mulder and Scully would be together as well as I had left them. I heard talk about Chris Carter for months now, without saying a word about it. ... Then the trailer started to appear on the web. We have not seen much.

The scenes in the end are always the same. But there are important details. Mulder and Scully will also be divided at the beginning, but it seems that not put us that much to go back to being a "team" to solve it is not known what an enormous problem that only they can address. We see them again with gun and badge. I hear them say " I'm Special Agent Dana Scully and this is Special Agent Fox Mulder " and I can not believe my ears. In the trailer we see them interact, we see Scully rushes to the aid of Mulder, that does not leave him alone . We see them fool around with their torches and their past.

In a nutshell, these promotional videos we are returning our beloved Mulder and Scully, "equal but different" as he used to say Frank Spotnitz the days of "I Want To Believe" and never description was appropriate even now. The mystery about the plot of this tenth season remains. Personal choice I have not the slightest intention of going to look for any kind of spoiler. I stay with my questions and my doubts, with my desires regarding what they would like to see or that happens.

But in the meantime I've been thinking. Having divided Mulder and Scully did not substantially change their characters, if anything, made ​​them even more credible than they were until now. No relationship, friendship or love, beat it smooth like oil for years without encountering obstacles, let alone a complicated relationship like theirs. Everybody knows it and knows Chris Carter.

While we fan, I for one, we hoped to find them "happily" in a long time - because real life is hard, and know that at least our heroes have made ​​it pushes the morale up - I to understand the choice made ​​by Chris Carter. Mulder and Scully they were already "Mulder and Scully" in the first season of the series. Will "Mulder and Scully" even in the tenth. We will see them get close again, have fun, spronarsi (spar? -- that's the best I can guess on that one), grow together and maybe even discuss ... all while they continue their search for truth.

Why this is, and always will be, their nature, their fate. Doing so will continue to teach the public that the comparison with others is essential to grow and mature, to open up to new horizons and accept the diversity around us. Simply put, the comparison with others is crucial to the life of every human being.

Chris Carter at the end it is always right, whether we like it or not, we are willing to admit it or not, we know that the choice he makes about these characters we love so much are always measured and never left to chance. His choices have made ​​the success of "X-Files" from the beginning. I do not see frankly hands of his best to entrust the fate of my heroes.

Source: http://www.beyondthesea.it/news.asp?id=1168, translated from Italian via Google Translate

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A new site that Fox just put up... 




Don't bother going on it just now though, since there are a LOT of people trying to access it at once. My IE couldn't handle it and shut down XD.


Just read that new Instyle article... and went /facepalm over this comment.




“I feel like we’re giving the audience something that they wanted for a long time, which is actually more than what we could have given them in a single feature.”


Source: http://www.instyle.com/news/x-files-gillian-anderson-style-evolution


What fans? O_o


What's happening now is certainly not much of anything I'm all that remotely interested in.


Sure there are fans that are interested in that, but I don't like being put in with a group of them.

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I just watched that 1 minute preview and my only question is...how does Mulder have so many episode stills?


Who knows? It's meant to be pictures he had over the years.


A new article has come out...


Via E! online


Just read part of it and it made me... >_< /facepalm


Guess I don't have the patience nor the time for it anymore.


While they may be broken up now, all hope should not be lost.


"I think at the end, I think at the very end they absolutely belong together, but it's a long road," Anderson said.



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They're...episode stills. He didn't take them. They're from the production team. T'was a yoke.


I know. But they remade them into pictures.


And the first TRUE review has come out... via the Hollywood Reporter of ep 1 and it's not good.

This snippet in particular is downright sad :( --


The problem with reopening The X-Files is two fold. First, the actors, not their characters, don’t seem to have their hearts in it. (That probably wasn’t the intention, but it’s the perceived result.) And, second, Carter’s dialogue is prone to exposition (again, partly the result of only having six episodes to work with) and overheated soliloquies. How that combination sucks the life out of this whole enterprise can’t be underscored enough.

What a damn shame. Considering they're getting along so well in real life. Oh well :(. I'm bummed by this. They did a good job in IWTB, so what's up here? I'm guessing this time they just came for the paycheck.

Another one, only this refers to the Hollywood Reporter review and an earlier Indiewire review.

And now for a little something lighter... the X Files Files did a nice little piece with D & G earlier this year. Here it is.


Another bummer of a review, this one via Variety.

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