smrou March 26, 2015 Share March 26, 2015 (edited) Well I for one would highly enjoy a Mulder/Scully sex scene, but a) I know that'll never happen (see before re: Chris Carter's puritanism) and I accept that and b) I'm not really sure how one would fit into a typical XF episode given, as mentioned before, the decided lack of emphasis/screen-time on life outside work. Here's my question, then, Hidebehind, do you think Chris Carter is *able* to write a long-term relationship well? Given his gimmicky track record when it comes to the ship? I think the key is what Bastet said before, namely that these are the same people we already know and there's no reason for them to be different just because they're now in an established romantic relationship. I mean, for most of the original run of the show--certainly from the cancer arc on if not before--Mulder and Scully were each other's significant others just without actually having sex and living together. Mulder even said as much in season 7 ("not in the widely understood definition of the word"). So I guess I think that, yeah, CC is able to write a long-term relationship because that's what Mulder and Scully were. Granted, I'll be very disappointed if there isn't explicit mention/representation of the fact that they're an actual couple now, but I really view that as something that can be shown with a little scene or line within a scene here and there* and shouldn't be a focus of the episodes. I would hope that every attempt would be made to maintain the Mulder/Scully dynamic that we all know and love from before. And given the fact that CC has never seemed particularly on board with Mulder and Scully being romantic in the first place I actually kind of trust him to do that. If he decides that he needs to really tackle the relationship rather than just let it be a thing that's happening in the background...then yeah, I'd be worried. * an emotional scene like at the end of Amor Fati they could simply kiss on the mouth like normal people instead of Scully making out with Mulder's forehead, y'know? Or...when Scully gets her guaranteed-to-happen phone call at 11:21 PM she can be in bed with Mulder instead of alone. (I'd say naked in bed, but that's hoping for too much.) Most definitely no tongue. You're no fun. ;) Edited March 26, 2015 by smrou Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray March 26, 2015 Share March 26, 2015 Maybe some post-coital conversation for, like, a minute. Light touching. Most definitely no tongue. There are spectres to research, people needin' to be saved from monsters they conjured, dark hallways to shine flashlights down. They ain't got time for neckin'! Ah. Well guess we differ there. I wouldn't mind something like in IWTB, only with better writing lol. Link to comment
HalcyonDays March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 I have no desire to see Mulder and Scully's home life or any love scenes between them. A peck on the lips and maybe some flirting and that would be fine with me So not even something like that against-the-wall make-out deleted scene from the first X-Files movie???? Come on Jolene...jolene...jolene.... (with apologies to Dolly Parton) 1 Link to comment
joelene March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 So not even something like that against-the-wall make-out deleted scene from the first X-Files movie???? Come on Jolene...jolene...jolene.... (with apologies to Dolly Parton) Haha no goddammit, not even action of the deleted scene variety! (Although I reserve the right to change my mind about that) And I'm sure Dolly approves! Link to comment
queequeg March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 I don't think I really need to see much of anything between Mulder and Scully other than general flirtatiousness b/c they're adorable, and kissing is fine. I really don't need anything else. As much as I love that they ended up together, and I will forever ship them, in some bizarro way I feel like their relationship transcends just a romantic relationship. I guess b/c they were so much more for so many seasons, and so I don't want to lose sight of that dynamic. I'm not sure if this makes any sense. I feel like I'm trying to describe a very amorphous thing. lol 2 Link to comment
Bastet March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 (edited) They've been together a long time now; any given time at which we might pop in on them, they're probably not making out up against a wall. And this is a spooky mystery show, not Dynasty, so I don't need there to be choreographed love scenes (not that I wouldn't watch one daily, mind you). So I'm fine if there isn't much attention paid to their personal relationship. But I don't want CC twisting himself in knots to avoid it, either. They live together, and get phone calls at odd hours, so we're going to see them in bed together (whatever they happen to be doing at the time). They're not going to be having sex on the desk in their office, but if we're going to watch them over a span of time, it would be rather ridiculous to never see physical intimacy beyond what we got over the few days in IWTB. Picture The Thin Man series if it had been done without the Production Code limitations, and that's the type of thing I want to see in terms of how their relationship is handled -- these people love each other, enjoy each other's company, tease each other, get annoyed with each other, are sometimes hot for each other and sometimes want nothing more out of life than sleep, and because it's obvious they're going to stay together come what may, there are no storylines about the relationship. It's just a constant, and there are wonderful moments between them woven throughout, but the plots are about what they're doing, not who they are. Like with Myrna Loy and William Powell, if you just write the characters in a way that's true to who they are, it doesn't matter how much you put down on the page -- GA and DD will fill in the blanks. And, with both sets of actors/characters, the result is millions of people watch precisely for the relationship, even though the stories are never specifically about that relationship. Edited March 27, 2015 by Bastet 4 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 They've been together a long time now; any given time at which we might pop in on them, they're probably not making out up against a wall. And this is a spooky mystery show, not Dynasty, so I don't need there to be choreographed love scenes (not that I wouldn't watch one daily, mind you). So I'm fine if there isn't much attention paid to their personal relationship. But I don't want CC twisting himself in knots to avoid it, either. They live together, and get phone calls at odd hours, so we're going to see them in bed together (whatever they happen to be doing at the time). They're not going to be having sex on the desk in their office, but if we're going to watch them over a span of time, it would be rather ridiculous to never see physical intimacy beyond what we got over the few days in IWTB. Picture The Thin Man series if it had been done without the Production Code limitations, and that's the type of thing I want to see -- these people love each other, enjoy each other's company, tease each other, get annoyed with each other, are sometimes hot for each other and sometimes want nothing more out of life than sleep, and because it's obvious they're going to stay together come what may, there are no storylines about the relationship. It's just a constant, and there are wonderful moments between them woven throughout, but the plots are about what they're doing, not who they are. Like with Myrna Loy and William Powell, if you just write the characters in a way that's true to who they are, it doesn't matter how much you put down on the page -- GA and DD will fill in the blanks. Very well put! That's M & S in a nutshell. Link to comment
Hidebehind March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 I wouldn't mind if they ignored a lot of the later mythology. My main hopes are: 1. They focus on black oil and aliens. 2. They forget about super soldiers and magnetite. 3. If they bring in William, he's a normal kid, not some sort of super hero. 4. There's a happy ending for the characters. If they do end up making a third movie after this, great, but I don't want a cliffhanger like with IWTB :( 1 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 Ok guys, let's take ANY CSM talk over to the spoilered thread :). Got so excited, forgot about that lol. 1 Link to comment
Kromm March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 I for one hope Chris is still as puritanical as he ever was. I have no desire to see Mulder and Scully's home life or any love scenes between them.Hallelujah. From your keyboard to Carter's, I hope. No wovey-dovey. None. Nada. 3 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 Hallelujah. From your keyboard to Carter's, I hope. No wovey-dovey. None. Nada. Come on, Kromm. Not even a widdle kiss? :P Link to comment
queequeg March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 Come on, Kromm. Not even a widdle kiss? :P No worries on a kiss. It's nearly guaranteed to be poorly lit. lol 3 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray March 28, 2015 Share March 28, 2015 No worries on a kiss. It's nearly guaranteed to be poorly lit. lol Probably with bees and bad angles too. lol But seriously Chris, enough with the games ;). 1 Link to comment
SmithW6079 March 29, 2015 Share March 29, 2015 (edited) I have no desire to see Mulder and Scully's home life or any love scenes between them.I'll go one better. I have no desire to see them in any kind of romantic relationship, canon be damned. I hated that they went there after eight years of being platonic friends. I really liked "X Files" when it was on. I went through an intense rewatch several years ago when Sci Fi was rebroadcasting it, even to the point of almost buying the complete box set, except I couldn't justify the expense. I was even into fan fiction for a few years (mostly slash, but still). Even after the mytharc turned into such a convoluted mess, I still liked it, but it's been 10 years. A couple of mediocre movies did nothing to keep my passion alive. I'll be honest. I can't help thinking that maybe they should leave the truth out there. Edited March 29, 2015 by SmithW6079 2 Link to comment
SnideAsides March 30, 2015 Share March 30, 2015 I wouldn't put it past Chris to troll us all by having Mulder and Scully in the middle of a bitter divorce because Mulder accidentally summoned up and started making out with the rotting corpse of Alex Krycek. 2 Link to comment
queequeg March 30, 2015 Share March 30, 2015 I wouldn't put it past Chris to troll us all by having Mulder and Scully in the middle of a bitter divorce because Mulder accidentally summoned up and started making out with the rotting corpse of Alex Krycek. I bet Krycek still looks good, even dead. Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray March 30, 2015 Share March 30, 2015 I wouldn't put it past Chris to troll us all by having Mulder and Scully in the middle of a bitter divorce because Mulder accidentally summoned up and started making out with the rotting corpse of Alex Krycek. Eww. O_o Even that would be going too far for him methinks :P. Link to comment
joelene March 30, 2015 Share March 30, 2015 I wouldn't mind a flashback between Mulder and an alive Krycek. With the kissing. All of the kissing. Link to comment
DaynaPhile April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Chiming in. Throwing us a kiss or touch in the earlier years was what made shipper fans go wild because it was still in the throes of are-they-or-aren't-they. Any tiny moment we squealed at. But after this much time? They've been together. We get it. We know what they do behind closed doors. So make being together normal, instead of a tasty tidbit of a scene just to get us riled up. I would like to see someone in peril, I don't care who, and when they finally reunite there is the big "gosh I'm so glad you're not dead!" kind of kiss. By the way...when did they French? Was it at the end of IWTB? I think I remember that...must rewatch for research purposes. 1 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Chiming in. Throwing us a kiss or touch in the earlier years was what made shipper fans go wild because it was still in the throes of are-they-or-aren't-they. Any tiny moment we squealed at. But after this much time? They've been together. We get it. We know what they do behind closed doors. So make being together normal, instead of a tasty tidbit of a scene just to get us riled up. I would like to see someone in peril, I don't care who, and when they finally reunite there is the big "gosh I'm so glad you're not dead!" kind of kiss. By the way...when did they French? Was it at the end of IWTB? I think I remember that...must rewatch for research purposes. Oh hell yea! A flashback of that would be pretty cool. Yep. Here's it on Youtube. Better than rewatching and risking scratches on the dvd! I've watched it too many times. It's still watchable movie wise thankfully. But I stick to Youtube for any research lol. Also Chris mentioned 'tongues' during the documentary during the scene. So it was plural by both D & G :O. Didn't think would have it in him to let them do that. Link to comment
HalcyonDays April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Yeah, I always liked that scene. It was pretty hot, I have to say and I remember when it first was released long ago on the old Internets, someone filmed the scene filmed in a movie theatre (way before your iPhones, etc), so you heard the audience just losing their minds cheering away. And I seem to remember commentary by GA and DD, whereas they just went with the moment, and it got more passionate then they planned. Thanks for the link, ABS! *savesbookmark* 1 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Yeah, I always liked that scene. It was pretty hot, I have to say and I remember when it first was released long ago on the old Internets, someone filmed the scene filmed in a movie theatre (way before your iPhones, etc), so you heard the audience just losing their minds cheering away. And I seem to remember commentary by GA and DD, whereas they just went with the moment, and it got more passionate then they planned. Thanks for the link, ABS! *savesbookmark* Was that one either the FTF one or IWTB? If it was the latter, was it film commentary or was in it in an interview? I remember seeing the alternate FTF one too. As for IWTB, I remember saying 'What the f was that?!' right while it was happening, due to being in SO much shock lol. You're welcome Halcyon. Just found a nice IWTB review from GeeksofDoom. They gave a fair take on it. It's a nice read. Anderson is a gifted actress who has always worked masterfully with Duchovny and their wonderful dueling chemistry is a thing of beauty. Definitely. They couldn't have said it better themselves. 1 Link to comment
HalcyonDays April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 Was that one either the FTF one or IWTB? If it was the latter, was it film commentary or was in it in an interview? It was the Fight the Future one. The "extended' bee scene that appeared at the end of the movie credits. I saw the movie in the theatres but specifically remember the online video. I just remember the snare drum kicking in for the 20th century FOX theme music, then the scene, then the threatre losing their minds. The commentary I think was just from an interview that I read somewhere long ago but don't really remember. I have the FTF DVD, but don't think the extended scene is on there. Not sure. Good review. I hope the series more FTF than IWTB. Second movie was...not as good. Link to comment
smrou April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 There are at least two FtF hallway scene outtakes that have been released. , where Scully pushes Mulder up against the wall, and this one where Mulder carries Scully off. There may be more for all I know. I wasn't aware that any aired in theatres after the credits. I hope the series more FTF than IWTB. Definitely. Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 It was the Fight the Future one. The "extended' bee scene that appeared at the end of the movie credits. I saw the movie in the theatres but specifically remember the online video. I just remember the snare drum kicking in for the 20th century FOX theme music, then the scene, then the threatre losing their minds. The commentary I think was just from an interview that I read somewhere long ago but don't really remember. I have the FTF DVD, but don't think the extended scene is on there. Not sure. Good review. I hope the series more FTF than IWTB. Second movie was...not as good. Ah I see. I think it's only on the Blu-ray one sadly. I liked both of them equally tbh. Thought the second movie was more of a character study. First was more action packed. Wouldn't mind seeing a combo of the two. Meaning the relationship from IWTB and the interaction without the drama, and the action/adventure from FTF. What didn't you like from it? Link to comment
HalcyonDays April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 Ah I see. I think it's only on the Blu-ray one sadly. I liked both of them equally tbh. Thought the second movie was more of a character study. First was more action packed. Wouldn't mind seeing a combo of the two. Meaning the relationship from IWTB and the interaction without the drama, and the action/adventure from FTF. What didn't you like from it? The second one just didn't engage me, I think. I didn't think the case was that interesting, and the ending fell flat to me. It was disturbing but meh. FTF was like an extended X-Files episode, but still I thought it was really good and held my attention. I kinda of equate it to the Indiana Jones movies. When the villian was a Nazi looking for a religious artifact, the movies were really good (Raiders and Last Crusade). But when the villian is some alien Crystal Skull thing, it ends up being really bad. Same with the movies. FTF had more of the traditional X-Files Alien mythology running through it, but IWTB with the transplanted heads, etc, I was like say what? Just weird. Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 The second one just didn't engage me, I think. I didn't think the case was that interesting, and the ending fell flat to me. It was disturbing but meh. FTF was like an extended X-Files episode, but still I thought it was really good and held my attention. I kinda of equate it to the Indiana Jones movies. When the villian was a Nazi looking for a religious artifact, the movies were really good (Raiders and Last Crusade). But when the villian is some alien Crystal Skull thing, it ends up being really bad. Same with the movies. FTF had more of the traditional X-Files Alien mythology running through it, but IWTB with the transplanted heads, etc, I was like say what? Just weird. Yea it was rather strange. How did the ending fall flat? Yea FTF was good in that way, but tbh I don't remember all that much from it. *shrug* Saw it in theaters when it first came out, and a time or two afterwords, but it didn't really stick with me for some reason. IWTB did. I think it was due to the acting. They've gotten a lot better. Link to comment
HalcyonDays April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 Yea it was rather strange. How did the ending fall flat? Yea FTF was good in that way, but tbh I don't remember all that much from it. *shrug* Saw it in theaters when it first came out, and a time or two afterwords, but it didn't really stick with me for some reason. IWTB did. I think it was due to the acting. They've gotten a lot better. I think just the reveal around the end of the film, and I was like "Oh...that's it...okay..." I mean, disturbing yes, but I think I expected something a little more impact to the general populace, maybe? Granted, FTF was about saving Scully, but still tied with with the alien mytharc. *shrugs* The movie was on TV recently, and I tried watching it but it didn't hold my attention for some reason. I should maybe give it another chance. Link to comment
sinkwriter April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 (edited) I'm the opposite. Fight the Future has been something that has stuck with me because I felt that it was more in keeping with the show and its conspiracy mytharc. The black oil scenes were terrifying, the bees were creepy, and we had CSM and a solid Mulder-Scully connection. Sometimes I felt like the Mulder and Scully in that film were a little "off," maybe because Chris Carter tried too hard to make it like "We're in a movie version now, we can amp everything up and have them swear and say things that they might not normally say," which I felt made it seem like I was watching a strange version of the characters I knew and loved. But overall the film itself felt like The X-Files. In contrast, I Want To Believe never stuck with me beyond some gross images that I didn't want to see again, and a way-too-heavy religious arc that I couldn't connect to. I never loved the "Scully's pregnant" storyline on the TV series so any connection to that in this film didn't really work for me, and I didn't love the final seasons of the series so I felt like the film was a huge disconnect for me. I liked the Mulder-Scully stuff, LOVED when Skinner shows up to save the day, but overall it just didn't feel like a film-sized X-Files episode to me. I didn't like it very much and I never felt an urge to re-watch it. Ever. I never even bought it on DVD. Fight the Future, on the other hand, I have rewatched whenever I rewatch my XF series DVDs, and I've grown to like it a lot. It may never feel fully like the show, but I still enjoy it. I've thought about rewatching I Want to Believe, just to see if I feel differently about it now that some time has passed, but every time I think about even checking it out, I don't want to. That makes me sad because I love The X-Files, it was one of the first fandoms I ever got involved in (albeit belatedly, because I wasn't online and didn't have a computer at the start of the series, and I started watching it after it had already been on a few years), and I've made amazing friends because of that show's fandom. But I really don't love the way the series ended, or the direction it took in the final two seasons, and I don't love the final film. In some ways, I would love it if they would pretend the final couple of seasons and the final film never happened. That way, the new film could bring back some of the most delicious and interesting XF characters: CSM, Alex Krycek, Marita Covarrubias, the Lone Gunmen, etc. And they could focus more on colonization and alien invasion, what the world might be like if all these secrets finally busted out, and what it would be like for Mulder and Scully. None of that Super Soldier bullshit, none of the long-haired shaman-like CSM blown up to bits, none of the stuff that weighed down the conspiracy mytharc in the end. I think I expected something a little more impact to the general populace, maybe? I think they had to be very careful with how they approached the film because anything they used would need to be carried over into Season 6 of the actual show. If they ended in some sort of total devastation to the planet, or the start of colonization, or anything that would eventually have a big impact to the general populace, they would have to commit to following through with that on the show, and I'm not sure the budget would have allowed for doing it well. Instead, I feel like they kept it smaller and tighter, more mysterious like the series itself. Edited April 5, 2015 by sinkwriter Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 I think just the reveal around the end of the film, and I was like "Oh...that's it...okay..." I mean, disturbing yes, but I think I expected something a little more impact to the general populace, maybe? Granted, FTF was about saving Scully, but still tied with with the alien mytharc. *shrugs* The movie was on TV recently, and I tried watching it but it didn't hold my attention for some reason. I should maybe give it another chance. Fair point. It did seem a little blah there. I might too, it's been awhile since I've seen it. Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 I'm the opposite. Fight the Future has been something that has stuck with me because I felt that it was more in keeping with the show and its conspiracy mytharc. The black oil scenes were terrifying, the bees were creepy, and we had CSM and a solid Mulder-Scully connection. Sometimes I felt like the Mulder and Scully in that film were a little "off," maybe because Chris Carter tried too hard to make it like "We're in a movie version now, we can amp everything up and have them swear and say things that they might not normally say," which I felt made it seem like I was watching a strange version of the characters I knew and loved. But overall the film itself felt like The X-Files. In contrast, I Want To Believe never stuck with me beyond some gross images that I didn't want to see again, and a way-too-heavy religious arc that I couldn't connect to. I never loved the "Scully's pregnant" storyline on the TV series so any connection to that in this film didn't really work for me, and I didn't love the final seasons of the series so I felt like the film was a huge disconnect for me. I liked the Mulder-Scully stuff, LOVED when Skinner shows up to save the day, but overall it just didn't feel like a film-sized X-Files episode to me. I didn't like it very much and I never felt an urge to re-watch it. Ever. I never even bought it on DVD. Fight the Future, on the other hand, I have rewatched whenever I rewatch my XF series DVDs, and I've grown to like it a lot. It may never feel fully like the show, but I still enjoy it. I've thought about rewatching I Want to Believe, just to see if I feel differently about it now that some time has passed, but every time I think about even checking it out, I don't want to. That makes me sad because I love The X-Files, it was one of the first fandoms I ever got involved in (albeit belatedly, because I wasn't online and didn't have a computer at the start of the series, and I started watching it after it had already been on a few years), and I've made amazing friends because of that show's fandom. But I really don't love the way the series ended, or the direction it took in the final two seasons, and I don't love the final film. In some ways, I would love it if they would pretend the final couple of seasons and the final film never happened. That way, the show could bring back some of the most delicious and interesting XF characters: CSM, Alex Krycek, Marita Covarrubias, the Lone Gunmen, etc. And they could focus more on colonization and alien invasion, what the world might be like if all these secrets finally busted out, and what it would be like for Mulder and Scully. None of that Super Soldier bullshit, none of the long-haired shaman-like CSM blown up to bits, none of the stuff that weighed down the conspiracy mytharc in the end. I think they had to be very careful with how they approached the film because anything they used would need to be carried over into Season 6 of the actual show. If they ended in some sort of total devastation to the planet, or the start of colonization, or anything that would eventually have a big impact to the general populace, they would have to commit to following through with that on the show, and I'm not sure the budget would have allowed for doing it well. Instead, I feel like they kept it smaller and tighter, like the series itself. Good points. I guess the whole action/adventure feel to the film just didn't stick with me *shrug*. Don't know why other than that tbh. It's a well made film but it felt rather light in some ways, themes aside. As for the swearing, word XD. That was priceless. Some of my favorite parts of FTF. Made them seem a little more real. Yea that I wasn't a HUGE fan of. Chris trying to emulate torture porn. WTF?! O_o Come on, Chris. But other than that, for what it was worth, it was well shot. Not as gory as it could have been. I didn't find the religious arc to be that heavy by comparison to some of the stuff in series. Yea some was a little heavy handed (the whole Catholic hospital vibe) , but not too much imo to have me turn the channel from it. What did you find so heavy, religion wise? I like it ok enough and in parts it felt like an X-File, but I wished that M & S would have worked together more in it. Note to mod: I spoiled the above quote, since it was SO long. I know it's the non spoiler thread, just did it to save some space. Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 Came across this older article and video about M & S: Link to it Source: Thoughts? I sometimes think Chris is a human waffle XD. Found another interesting one too. This one actually kind of goes where we're at in a way. Dread Central: The relationship between Mulder and Scully has always been so complicated, even through the second movie. How hard was it balancing out their relationship and keeping true to what’s best for the characters versus what would make the fans happy most (seeing them happy together)? Chris Carter: You know, we spent so much time and energy keeping them apart; I think that constantly fluctuating dynamic was something the fans really responded to. But then it felt dishonest after all those years that if they were going to still be together that they wouldn’t be together romantically. That’s why we ended up putting them together. And even though we’ve seen them together in bed on the big screen, we really haven’t seen that relationship explored or developed yet so I think there’s room to do that. I do think that we were rewarding expectation by putting Mulder and Scully together though; it would have been ridiculous to keep them apart. The sound of hell freezing over. And that bolded line really makes me go O_O, oh boy, shit! Plot twist! Never thought he'd go there. If it's what I think it is. I think it's mainly the relationship in general, but for him it's a pretty big step. Source: It's a pretty good interview overall too. 1 Link to comment
queequeg April 9, 2015 Share April 9, 2015 Well, it sounds like we won't have to suffer through anymore weird Mulder/Scully "I'm won't be coming home tonight" or whatever that crap was in IWTB. 1 Link to comment
Bastet April 9, 2015 Share April 9, 2015 I don't want CC being the one to explore their relationship, because I don't think he knows how to write one. At all. "Dearest Dana," anyone? And, whoever's writing it, I prefer it just sort of there in the background, a comforting constant with scattered moments, rather than a storyline. But, on the other hand, there are a few of the franchise's writers who might be able to pull it off, and heaven knows GA and DD can take what's on the page and run with it like the wind, so ... 2 Link to comment
queequeg April 9, 2015 Share April 9, 2015 I'm gonna die the first time we get photographic evidence of Gillian with red hair again. Also, DD's hair is looking a little more Mulder-y lately on photos I've see on Tumblr. 1 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 9, 2015 Share April 9, 2015 I don't want CC being the one to explore their relationship, because I don't think he knows how to write one. At all. "Dearest Dana," anyone? And, whoever's writing it, I prefer it just sort of there in the background, a comforting constant with scattered moments, rather than a storyline. But, on the other hand, there are a few of the franchise's writers who might be able to pull it off, and heaven knows GA and DD can take what's on the page and run with it like the wind, so ... Lmao XD, yea you bring up a good point. He couldn't write much of a 'bed' scene or else there. But at least it was a step up from "Dearest Dana". So I keep that in mind. And parts of 8 and 9, certain issues aside weren't all bad. Granted a lot of that were due to the actors. Some of the writing wasn't bad either. Agreed to a point. As long as it isn't completely implied lol. Link to comment
mledawn April 13, 2015 Share April 13, 2015 I hold out hope that just as GA and DD have become better actors, CC has become a better writer and showrunner. Fingers crossed! 1 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I hold out hope that just as GA and DD have become better actors, CC has become a better writer and showrunner. Fingers crossed! Same here in regards to Glen and Darrin Morgan and James Wong. Link to comment
Jac April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I wouldn't mind if they ignored a lot of the later mythology. My main hopes are: 1. They focus on black oil and aliens. 2. They forget about super soldiers and magnetite. 3. If they bring in William, he's a normal kid, not some sort of super hero. 4. There's a happy ending for the characters. If they do end up making a third movie after this, great, but I don't want a cliffhanger like with IWTB :( My hope is that they don't bring William into it at all. I will be REALLY annoyed if the mytharc plot centres on, or in any way involves William. I agree re. the focus on black oil and aliens for the mytharc. I am watching season 3 at the moment, and damn, the mytharc is great at this point in the series. I'm wondering exactly when the new episodes will be set. My sister pointed out that the alien stuff was all supposed to come to a head in 2012 to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar, which if the episodes are set in 2015 allows for two equally intriguing universes for the show to exist in. Either the alien stuff has gone down and Mulder and Scully are having to function in a world where this has happened or it hasn't happened and Mulder in particular has had his faith destroyed. Link to comment
Taryn74 April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I'm wondering exactly when the new episodes will be set. My sister pointed out that the alien stuff was all supposed to come to a head in 2012 to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar, which if the episodes are set in 2015 allows for two equally intriguing universes for the show to exist in. Either the alien stuff has gone down and Mulder and Scully are having to function in a world where this has happened or it hasn't happened and Mulder in particular has had his faith destroyed. Either of those scenarios would be really interesting! Or, a third (related) option is that colonization happened, but not in the way anyone expected or recognized, so Mulder is STILL the guy running around screaming that the sky has fallen and everyone STILL thinks he's nuts LOL. 2 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Either of those scenarios would be really interesting! Or, a third (related) option is that colonization happened, but not in the way anyone expected or recognized, so Mulder is STILL the guy running around screaming that the sky has fallen and everyone STILL thinks he's nuts LOL. That would be an interesting scenario too. Maybe it's more of a covert colonization. Found a clipping from the Entertainment Weekly article from the 2013 reunion, retyped something relevant from it in regards to where Chris was back in the day: Chris: From the start, I didn't want Mulder and Scully to get together romantically. That was not met with perfect agreement. I wanted their relationship to be platonic but intense. Of course, this changed over time. Now THERE'S the noromo I remember lol. It was true, since it wasn't a romance from the start. It developed into one over time. Which I find to be far more romantic than one that's one from the start. Pretty much counter to what he had said during the promotion of IWTB. That's why for the most part I don't really believe all of what Chris says. Some of it's true and some of it is bull. I haven't found the original source of it, but I found said quote: “For me, The X-Files has always been a romance - an intellectual romance of the mind that’s very rare and restrained. It is intimate but not physical. That is a big part of the chemistry. And from the beginning of the show, it was David and Gillian who created our success. Without them, the show would not have worked.” - Chris Carter Sure a bit of it is true in regards to the intellectual part. But it was in no way romantic. She was originally sent there to spy on him. Link to comment
Jac April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Either of those scenarios would be really interesting! Or, a third (related) option is that colonization happened, but not in the way anyone expected or recognized, so Mulder is STILL the guy running around screaming that the sky has fallen and everyone STILL thinks he's nuts LOL. That is an intriguing possibility. Somehow I don't think the scenarios we are speculating about can ever live up to what we will actually get. I wouldn't be that surprised if CC completely ignores his 2012 date setting. Link to comment
HalcyonDays April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I had always read/heard for the longest time, that CC didn't want any Mulder Scully romance, because he himself really liked Gillian A, and by extension Scully, and wanted her to remain "pure" on the show, in the sense of not being seen having one nights stands and messy romances or even being with Mulder. He wanted Scully to himself, the rumours said. That's why in the episode Never Again, the episode was cut /changed to have Scully wake up alone in bed, while the guy Ed wakes up out on the couch. The episode was supposed to have more "sexual activity" between her and the guy (fooling around more), but CC nixed that completely, because he didn't want to cast any shadows on Scully. Maybe that's why Mulder is such a dick to her at the end of the episode - he's CC mouthpiece for that spot. That's just the rumours I rememebered hearing way back when. Speculation, I know, Either the fandom finally wore CC down, or by season and on, CC didn't care anymore, and with DD half gone, they needed the ratings boost - hence the sudden relationship. 1 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I had always read/heard for the longest time, that CC didn't want any Mulder Scully romance, because he himself really liked Gillian A, and by extension Scully, and wanted her to remain "pure" on the show, in the sense of not being seen having one nights stands and messy romances or even being with Mulder. He wanted Scully to himself, the rumours said. That's why in the episode Never Again, the episode was cut /changed to have Scully wake up alone in bed, while the guy Ed wakes up out on the couch. The episode was supposed to have more "sexual activity" between her and the guy (fooling around more), but CC nixed that completely, because he didn't want to cast any shadows on Scully. Maybe that's why Mulder is such a dick to her at the end of the episode - he's CC mouthpiece for that spot. That's just the rumours I rememebered hearing way back when. Speculation, I know, Either the fandom finally wore CC down, or by season and on, CC didn't care anymore, and with DD half gone, they needed the ratings boost - hence the sudden relationship. Wow. I have no words. That certainly puts a new spin on 'Milagro', that's for sure. Maybe. Makes some sense, but remember that having M & S together probably gave the franchise more money as well. So maybe it was all those factors that led up to it. On a lighter note, Chris came up with Titanian hair :P. Courtesy of his reddit AMA: [–]ChrisCarterhere 133 points 1 year ago Titian. A fan asked what Scully's true hair color was, and that's what he said lol. And a little something interesting via a fan's question. [–]GetInHere 18 points 1 year agoThanks for doing this! If you had the X Files to do over again, what, if anything, would you change or do differently? permalink [–]ChrisCarterhere 55 points 1 year ago I've been asked this question over the years, and I never give it a concrete answer because I like to think we (given the time, money and opportunity) did what we thought was best along the way. That being said, there are two things I would change, but I refuse to reveal them. Link to comment
Jac April 17, 2015 Share April 17, 2015 Is it too much to hope that they will do a humorous MOTW? I've just finished watching s3 watching War of the Coprophages, Sygyzy, and Jose Chung's From Outer Space reminded my how great this show can be with humour. 4 Link to comment
M.F. Luder April 17, 2015 Share April 17, 2015 I hope so too! From what I've heard, Darin Morgan is part of the writing team, and he's the one who wrote many of the humorous episodes. Hopefully that means we'll get some humor :) 1 Link to comment
HalcyonDays April 17, 2015 Share April 17, 2015 I hope so too! From what I've heard, Darin Morgan is part of the writing team, and he's the one who wrote many of the humorous episodes. Hopefully that means we'll get some humor :) Darin Morgan!! Now THAT is excellent news. He wrote many of the episodes I adore. 1 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 17, 2015 Share April 17, 2015 I hope so too! From what I've heard, Darin Morgan is part of the writing team, and he's the one who wrote many of the humorous episodes. Hopefully that means we'll get some humor :) Yea hopefully. Hoping things don't get messed up. But I'm keeping in mind that he did a good job on the funny eps. Link to comment
smrou April 17, 2015 Share April 17, 2015 I hope that with six episodes available they'll have one funny one. 2 Link to comment
Bastet April 17, 2015 Share April 17, 2015 Me too. I want these six episodes to encompass all the major components that made this show a hit, and the XF brand of humor should be part of that. The show was never only darkness, conspiracies, and aliens, oh my, so I hope this revival isn't, either. 1 Link to comment
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