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Kroll Show - General Discussion


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I've never heard of/had butter tarts (dirty American here) but your description made me want them immediately. I've recently found out I'm allergic to tree nuts so no more pecan pie for me. Seriously all I want to do is go home and make butter tarts and FedEx some to Tara (I can't have 16 tarts tempting me and my office is full of non sweet eaters/can't be trusted). 

Just wanted to see if anybody caught the sneak preview of the final season. It was a good taste of things to come, with a Bobby Bottleservice movie and a new show with C-Czar and Cute Liz, Toilet Dad. Oh, and CT from The Challenge pops up, which surprised the heck out of me. Sadly, no nieces named Denise showed up. At least not tonight. 

"CT is a monster"? Tell me something I don't know, Kroll Show. And thanks for showing off "Bananas Backpack," which ranks as one of the funniest moments in Challenge history. Seriously, I hope CT gets worked into as much of this season as possible, because I'm getting sick of thinking about him and poor Diem. We can speculate what king of gigolo CT would be, and what would get him to sell his body for money.


I really hope "Wheels, Ontario" isn't that offensive to Canadians. Also looking forward to seeing more Bobby Bottleservice down the line. I remember what he wants on his tombstone: "VODKA, JESUS, REVENGE."


ETA: Anybody want to speculate how Kroll Show will end? I'm betting all of his characters will meet each other, and the show implodes thusly.

I can only deal with so much George and Gil. However, Ottawanna Go To Bed is one of the most hilarious things I've ever heard. I'm a grown ass Manitoba!


Where did they find those girls for the fan club? They're hilarious. 


The European man is my favorite character. Just because he's always around and doesn't have much of a purpose like the others. I didn't realize he hasn't a name. You are half hour too late is perfect. I hope when we find him he is eating sausages and with a toddler drinking wine. I think this is a whole set up though and Roman is the killer. 


It would be great if the did some post series special. I like the asides from all the actors and I'd really be interested in their take on the characters and the show as a whole. 


The pleep ploop song was inane. It's one of those things where you're like 'wtf, that's not so funny,' but it goes on long enough that it's funny. There's no set up or punch line to it.

Edited by ganesh
Honesly, 'ooooh you ate a apple' had me *dying*.



YES!!!   When playing HORSE, and the host (Paul Scheer) said "It seems they don't understand the rules" and Farley says "Yeah but who does", just the way Chelsea delivers that line had me on the floor. 


I've always liked Nick but just never caught the show til lately.  I have been LMAO the last couple days watching it on demand.  Who does he know that he got Laura Dern to play his mother?  "Mom we are straight up villains!!" 


when did Henry Rollins go grey?

He's been naturally highlighted quite a few years. lol If you didn't know: he hosts a show on the History channel called "10 Things You Don't Know About" that is very interesting. He admits being a history buff, so he asks lots of questions, is a natural interviewer and very personable. I have never liked history, nor Rollins Band, but his show keeps me watching, learning new things and crushing on him now.

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