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Killian Jones/Captain Hook: One Handed Pirate With A Drinking Problem

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Oh, I may have to look for that Hot Topic shirt. I try to limit my fannish shirts, but that one's pretty cool, and it might be in my size, unlike the other one.


The "I'm Hooked" thing reminds me of sometime during season two, after Hook joined the show. The lady who usually sits next to me in the church choir is a school teacher and grandmother, not quite the "sweet little old lady" stereotype, but still very motherly and very teachery. We were in the choir loft before a service (it must have been some special occasion if we were in the loft when people were there and we still had a chance to chat rather than us processing at the start of the service), and she turned to me and said, "I've started watching Once Upon a Time, and let me tell you, I am totally Hooked, if you know what I mean." Then we high-fived. But she was the last person I'd have expected to hear that sort of thing from, and I don't think I'd mentioned the show to her, so I'm not sure how she knew I'd know what she meant. Now we have our little Hook appreciation society. She didn't know Colin was Irish, so I got her to look up interviews on YouTube to hear the real accent, and she liked him more when she learned how geeky he is.

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Looks like Hot Topic also has the Hooked tank, but I like the one with the quote better.


That reminds me, I had a completely random but brilliant idea: I've been thinking of ripping off those Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl memes and making Captain Hook notebooks with a little inspirational quote on each page. Brilliant, right?

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Looks like Hot Topic also has the Hooked tank, but I like the one with the quote better.

I believe Hot Topic and Torrid are part of the same company, which would explain some overlap. ( I like the quote one better, too.)

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If you want sleeves or added color, you could wear a boyfriend cardigan over it. :) That's like my daily wardrobe. A T-shirt, or tank with a loose cardigan over it. *whispers* You know you want it it. Treat yourself. ;)

Edited by pezgirl7
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The t-shirt or tank and cardigan is my summer wardrobe, as well -- for dealing with 100 degrees outdoors and 65-degree air conditioning indoors. I love the black-and-white color scheme, so I'm probably going to have to hit a Hot Topic next week. I think it'll look classy with black capris, ballet flats and a cardigan.


I will also likely be the oldest person in the Hot Topic. I'll just say I'm getting it for my daughter.

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The T-shirts look great, and I do find myself in need of a few. Oh....what to do?

Dooo eeet. If we ever have a get together, we're going to need these shirts (I'll bring the shrimp tacos).


I'm getting the quote one.

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ABitOFluff, on 17 Jul 2015 - 3:02 PM, said:

Dooo eeet. If we ever have a get together, we're going to need these shirts (I'll bring the shrimp tacos).


I'm getting the quote one.

We soooo need to have a get together! I used to belong to a BtVS message board (with a Spike problem) and we had 3 S'cubie get togethers. One was in Nashville, one in Chicago , and one in Minneapolis. I actually had money then, so I went to all of them. It was a hoot! California's really nice, you guys, especially my little corner of it. You'd love it out here.

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I braved Hot Topic (oh, so very, very loud) and now have the Hook quote shirt. They're having a buy one, get one $5 tank sale, so you could get both shirts (I got a Doctor Who one as my second). There were a couple of teenage girls in there looking at the Hooked shirt, and I showed them the quote one, and then they were torn between them. But as a warning, these shirts seem to run small. The medium of the Hook shirt was the same size as the small of the Doctor Who one (different maker). I wear a 2-4 in dress size and generally have to get XS in things, and I had to get a medium of the Hook shirt. It was pretty form-fitting at that size. If I'd wanted it to be loose, I'd have needed a large. So if you're ordering online, take that into consideration.


It was fun having a minor Hook squeefest with the girls in the store. I think all the customers there at that time were buying Hook shirts. I hope ABC notices.

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I braved Hot Topic (oh, so very, very loud) and now have the Hook quote shirt.


You brave soul. I refused to shop there even when I was still in high school and all my friends were going through their rebellious faux-goth-punk stages. On the bright side, you now have a very devilishly handsome piece of clothing!

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Very few things would make me brave Hot Topic, but Hook is one of them. I also braved it while looking for steampunk accessories for my Halloween costume last year, and did manage to find gear-work earrings. But my ears were in pain the whole time from the music; you are right, Shanna Marie -- it's so LOUD. And thanks for the note about the sizing!

Edited by Souris
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Ack- I am actually in Vancouver this weekend staying about two blocks from the Vogue theater. However, I'm with my husband and kids, so not sure how I could manage a concert (plus they do not know the depths of my CO'D obsession). So close and yet so far...

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Ack- I am actually in Vancouver this weekend staying about two blocks from the Vogue theater. However, I'm with my husband and kids, so not sure how I could manage a concert (plus they do not know the depths of my CO'D obsession). So close and yet so far...



Aww, man! Can you fake a sudden Keb Mo obsession?

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I was thinking of the Captain Swan first date, and how Killian chose what can be termed a conventional setting for the occasion. Dinner at an italian restaurant is not all that hard to plan. Wouldn't serenading Emma in the moonlight on a sailboat have been more magical? But thinking about that a little more, it makes a lot of sense. He wanted to show Emma that he could fit into her world.


He already knows that Emma feels a disconnect towards her "fairy tale" background. Much as their Time Travel adventure helped Emma accept that part of herself, Killian knows that at heart, Emma feels more at home in the Land Without Magic than in the EF. Besides, he has seen Emma having a date with Monkey Boy at a restaurant, and must have thought she would like that kind of thing. Hence the modern clothing, and the dinner date at a restaurant. And apparently, Emma did enjoy herself, and was able to relax and have a good time! 

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If Hook had taken Emma sailing, Will wouldn't have spilled the wine on Emma's dress and Hook wouldn't have had the weird reaction.  It's all plot point.


I actually wonder if Hook ever went on a first date and the whole courtship phase of a relationship.  Him and Milah certainly don't seem like they've had a first date.


I was sort of holding out for the pirate outfit being back for some of season 5, but I don't know that it will happen.  I miss the pirate outfit a whole lot.

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Okay - my older daughter and I just bought tix to the Keb Mo concert. Seeing Colin's most recent tweet put us over the top. Hopefully I'll have a good report for all of you later tonight :).

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If Hook had taken Emma sailing, Will wouldn't have spilled the wine on Emma's dress and Hook wouldn't have had the weird reaction.  It's all plot point. 


I'm sure they could have manufactured a different setting for the Will/Killian tussle. But who knows. A&E are yet to show us where Killian is staying... 


I was sort of holding out for the pirate outfit being back for some of season 5, but I don't know that it will happen.  I miss the pirate outfit a whole lot.


Me too! The modern leather jacket and dark shirts are rather onenote. I loved seeing Deckhand!Killian in the velvet vest in the AU! I hope we get some pirate Killian and Rolly Joger action in S5.

Edited by Rumsy4
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Okay - my older daughter and I just bought tix to the Keb Mo concert. Seeing Colin's most recent tweet put us over the top. Hopefully I'll have a good report for all of you later tonight :).


Oh, that's awesome! I'm so pleased for you! Can't wait to hear details!


I assume you refer to this tweet. :)

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Okay, I know that all the "Hook and Arthur are related!" speculation is total fanon and probably nothing more than the casting person having a type (I wonder if the casting person might do matchmaking on the side because they really have my type nailed), but seriously, look at that picture. That close together, the two guys really do look like brothers. They have different builds, but look at the basic facial bone structure and the shape of their eyes and the way their eyes are framed in their faces. If they don't mean for there to even be the slightest hint of a possibility that Hook and Arthur are related, then they need to hang a lampshade on that, and fast, to rule it out definitively, or else there are going to be a lot of crazy theories and a lot of people disappointed when nothing comes of it. And then they need to write at least one little thing that uses the fact that they look so much alike.


Really, if I didn't know who that was a picture of, I would just assume it was two brothers hanging out together.

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Their coloring is different, but other than that, they certainly do favor.


Then again, if I was the casting director, I'd be casting all that type, too! ;)


I think people are just really starved & desperate for Hook backstory.

Edited by Souris
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First impressions: that's a hell of a lot of Colin! I didn't have many expectations for this trailer, and they were just blow out of the water. I will certainly not survive this movie.

And I agree with you, Souris. Hehee.

Edited by Lieutenant
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Ahhh that sex scene is going to kill all the fan girls, including me. I predict it will be gif'd 1,000 times. Not sure what to make of the movie yet, I need to watch the trailer a few more times. I'm disappointed there wasn't actually any music from the film. Wasn't this suppose to be like Once (the film) with the lead actors singing a lot?


ETA Just went on tumblr, I was right about the gifs. Those girls are fast!

Edited by pezgirl7
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Is that supposed to be Colin singing in the background soundtrack? Or is that just a random band I don't know?


I'm pleasantly surprised that this actually seems like a decent movie and I won't have to force myself to get through it just because of Colin. Hopefully they lampshade the Irish accent that kind of slips out here and there...

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Is that supposed to be Colin singing in the background soundtrack? Or is that just a random band I don't know?


I think it's the band Feedback Revival.


Colin sounds the same as he did in The Rite. Not sure what kind of accent it's suppose to be, but there's so many different kinds of US accents, it doesn't really bother me.


I'm bummed that I can no longer reblog anything on tumblr while I'm at work. Not sure why, it used to work.

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I hope this movie gets some good recognition in the indie circles. I'd love to see Colin do a lot more indie stuff. (Not that I wouldn't mind him getting a bigger blockbuster role, but the meatier roles and better scripts are 99% in the indie scene.)

I think it's the band Feedback Revival.

Ah, thank you!

I'm bummed that I can no longer reblog anything on tumblr while I'm at work. Not sure why, it used to work.

Your IT people finally caught onto you, pezgirl7. ;)

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The plot is not very original (there are like a thousand CS AU fan fictions with the same plot), but the films looks decent. I hope it gets some good reviews, at least Colin's performance, so he can get some meatier roles in the future.

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