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Killian Jones/Captain Hook: One Handed Pirate With A Drinking Problem

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The worst thing is that the Enchanted Forest doesn't have a good juridical system, and with royals like Snow , people like Regina and Rumple would never be punished. So, there is no justice, what makes vengeance an option to people like him, who can't let go of the pain.

That's an excellent point! Add to that, most of these villains are all-powerful and magical, making it even more difficult to bring them to justice. Hook fits the archetypal Byronic Hero. Framed slightly differently, Killian's story would be that of a noble quest to defeat a powerful monster. Heroes often face the temptation to do bad things to achieve a noble cause. Killian fell a victim to the temptation when he turned to piracy, and when he shot Belle. But he has found his way back slowly. The writers do hand him the idiot ball on occasion, but they do that to all characters. That's probably why I find his redemption arc the most satisfying when compared with Regina's or Rumple's.

Edited by Rumsy4
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I think it depends on your opinion if a quest for revenge turns someone into a villain. I saw lots of movies and read books that didn't treat it that way.

Hook's story is basically the same plot as the first Mad Max -- a man goes on a quest for revenge against the person who killed his wife, in a lawless world where revenge is the only way to get justice. I suppose Mad Max was kind of an anti-hero, in that he was doing violent and lawless things, but he certainly wasn't a villain. Hook mostly fell into the villain designation because of the context. Captain Hook is a villain in canon, so he couldn't be entirely seen as a wronged victim, and he was up against established regular characters, including some who are canon good guys. If you remove the character names that put them into the various storybook roles, Hook is even less of a villain. He's still a bit of an anti-hero in that he's using unlawful methods and using innocents to help him reach his goal, but he's the wounded party with his primary antagonist. And would we consider Belle to be a full-on "good guy" if her name weren't Belle, if she was just some random chick sleeping with the villain, knowing he was the villain, taking his side, and not being bothered that he murdered his former wife and maimed a man?

  • Love 2

He doesn't look like a fairytale character. He knows sometimes the good won't win (Liam), and the powerful and corrupt may prevail ( The king and Rumple). It's very difficult to believe that he came from the same place as Snow, Charming, Regina and the others. Even if his world has magic, it looks more layered somehow. (that is why it was weird when he started to believe that villains don't get happy endings or whatever).

You know, I feel like I'm in the minority of people who didn't have a problem with what looked like Killian jumping on the "villains are fated to have crappy lives forever"/author nonsense. I think I got lucky because I've never interpreted that scene that way. I don't think he ever jumped on that bandwagon, I just think that this whole stupid idea Regina, etc. had been voicing was preying on his doubts and self-loathing. So I think it was perfectly natural for Killy of all people to maybe have some sort of anxiety about whether or not that statement might be actually be true or not in the long run, even when he sees stuff that would prove the idea false.

I just don't think he actually believed it with such fervor as say Regina, Rumple, etc.

  • Love 3
I just don't think he actually believed it with such fervor as say Regina, Rumple, etc.


Well no, he didn't.  The Author was sitting right next to him and he didn't exactly grab him by the scuff of his neck and dragged him away to set his happy ending in stone which is what Regina was going to have him do by erasing Zelena from existence completely where no one would have known her or remembered her.  


Hook is a lot more level-headed and pragmatic than Rumple and Regina.  It's when he lets his emotions rule him that he loses his capacity to think.  The whole I will lose my happy ending like Regina did was very "ugh" because he just got done restoring Ursula's happy ending without the help of the Author.  He managed to do it with the help of a "friend" (it's interesting that Ariel is the character Hook has interacted the most with outside of the usual suspects and ditto for her).


I want a Hook/Ariel friendship very, very, VERY badly!  Joanna Garcia is just awesome and so freakin' cute and she and Colin have a good vibe together and even when their scenes have a heavy feel to them, they're not so heavy (I don't know that it makes sense but I get what I'm saying).  I love their interaction.  But it seems that the characters Hook has a really good rapport with and could be friends with are all off screen (Tink, Ariel), so booooo to that.

  • Love 3

I would love a Hookriel brotp too. I want him to meet Eric too, so then they can be a brot3. I've always viewed Hook as the (i feel icky using this term) "village bicycle" except for, you know, not in that sense. Colin's got chemistry with just about everyone on the show. Whether it's antagonistic or friendly, I love all of Hook's relationships.

  • Love 3

Colin's got chemistry with just about everyone on the show. Whether it's antagonistic or friendly, I love all of Hook's relationships.


Which is why I was so disappointed in 4B. Before the half season started, Adam & Eddy promised Hook would start to integrate into Storybrooke life more and make some friends outside of Emma. What happened with that? Did all of that literally happen off screen? If he's not hanging out with Emma, it's like he doesn't even exist. Were we supposed to be satisfied by the 4 minutes he and Belle shared during the library scene and call it good for the rest of the season? Because as far as we know on screen, we have absolutely no idea what Hook does when he's not hanging with Emma. It almost seems like he just sits and twiddles his thumbs until Emma beckons him to get her a grilled cheese or help out with the latest villain du jour.


Why doesn't he have a job by now? Why haven't we seen his room at Granny's? Why haven't we seen the Jolly Roger again after they brought it back? Is he actually friends with Belle or was that just a necessary and begrudging team up to free the fairies? Did he actually hang out with Snow, Charming, and Henry while Emma and Regina were off on their road trip? I realize this is an overarching issue with many of the characters who aren't named Regina, Rumple, or Emma, but it still bugs.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 6

The whole job thing, I think you can forget about that ever happening.  With crisis after crisis, where the characters don't even have the chance to take a breather or enjoy their lives for five seconds, having a job would be a difficult thing.  And it seems that the people who work are the ones who came with the original curse.  None of the Merry Men work, I'm not sure that Aurora does either, though her clothes in the one scene we saw of her in Storybrooke looked awesome and somewhat expensive.


Hook seems to have some kind of a small fortune somewhere in Storybrooke (he does still pay with doubloons after all) and now that the JR is back, I'm sure he has more stuff hidden here and there.


When he found Emma, he had just the clothes on his back and then he had a satchel that appeared out of nowhere in 3x21/3x22.  


4B has been disappointment in terms of Hook's place in Storybrooke outside of Emma.  A&E said in some interview that we would meet his father and then at the end of the season when asked if we would find out who Hook's parents are, they said someday.  Who knows with them.  I'm sure we'll get Regina's million EF flashbacks next season because that character needs to be fleshed out beyond being fleshed out until there's just bones left.


If his backstory is relevant to next season then we should have more of it.  Technically 5A at least should revolve around helping Emma and finding Merlin.  So just give it to us writers.


If his backstory is relevant to next season then we should have more of it. Technically 5A at least should revolve around helping Emma and finding Merlin. So just give it to us writers.


Amen. I know it's only May, so I shouldn't be getting feisty over a storyline that hasn't even been written in the writers room yet...but I swear I'm going to flip some tables if Hook gets sidelined again in 5A. It would make a lot of sense for the next half season arc to center around his character and Emma's Dark One plot. The writers have set themselves up with some really great narrative parallels and an opportunity to explore how this person went from spending hundreds of years of his life searching for the Dark One and the dagger to finally having that goal within his grasp, but in the worst possible way. Rumple—the person he hates most in the world and has attempted to kill multiple times—is finally vulnerable and free of the Dark One's curse. Emma—the person he loves most in the world—is the new Dark One. They focused the camera on Hook's reaction the most during the dagger scene when Emma disappeared. Emma finally said "I love you." Hook didn't get to say it back. Emma was finally willing to admit she was ready to take the "next step" with Hook. Hook is finally willing to admit he's a hero. There's still so much we don't know about his past. We barely have gotten to see him interact with Emma's parents and Henry. All of these things added together could make up a good chunk of next season—so of course that probably means his character arc will be the C or D-plot.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 6
I don't think he ever jumped on that bandwagon, I just think that this whole stupid idea Regina, etc. had been voicing was preying on his doubts and self-loathing. So I think it was perfectly natural for Killy of all people to maybe have some sort of anxiety about whether or not that statement might be actually be true or not in the long run, even when he sees stuff that would prove the idea false.

Yeah, I think it's a case of him not really believing it, but on the other hand being terrified that there might possibly be the tiniest chance it could be true. Given how much he believes in Emma, Emma believing in Regina's stupid idea might have made it slightly more credible to him. Emma seemed to 100 percent believe that the only way for Regina to get a happy ending was to rewrite the book, and if she believed that about Regina, what did she believe about him? That would be enough to worry him.


Colin's got chemistry with just about everyone on the show. Whether it's antagonistic or friendly, I love all of Hook's relationships.

I think a lot of that comes down to him being the rare combination of a scene stealer and a generous actor. He's a scene stealer because he has so much energy and a lot of charisma, and he throws himself into it all the way. Even when he's in the background of a scene, he's all-in, acting like he's the star of whatever little show is happening in his immediate vicinity. He's never just human scenery. But at the same time, he reflects that energy on the others, giving them something to play off of, so his acting full-on even in the background helps the people in the foreground do better. As a result, all of his interactions have a real spark to them. If you don't want to be eclipsed in a scene with him, you have to raise your game. I also get the sense that he puts a lot of mental work into his character's relationships with all the other characters. Even if there's nothing in the script, you get the feeling he has a head canon about it, and I think that's why it's so easy to come up with the various "brotps" for Hook.


I wanted to see him in a protective "big brother" role with Belle (goodness knows, she needs a keeper because she makes terrible choices on her own). I could also see a similar big brother vibe with Ariel, where they also have that worldly vs. naivety thing going on. She's an innocent, but has a wisdom about her, and that bounces well off his being so worldly and a little jaded while also being kind of dense about how to deal with things because he spent way too long on the wrong path and has bad habits. On the other hand, for a while it seemed like he was casting David in the role of big brother, since he said he reminded him of Liam, and although Hook is technically older than David, in physical age he may actually be a bit younger. I guess I keep trying to form these sibling relationships because we know he really loved, admired, and looked up to his brother, and he misses his brother desperately, so he might be prone to trying to fill the gap with other sibling-like relationships, since otherwise he's utterly alone in the world.

  • Love 6

I have the same hopes that Hook will be more central to the plot in 5A at least. It makes logical sense with everything they've set up in 4B. The Jolly Roger is back, and I would expect it to figure in this whole quest for Merlin as well. Everything points to Hook and the Charmings being more central figures next half-season (at least). I would also hope that Regina gets a little self-awareness since Emma's just given up a hell of a whole lot to help her and the town escape the Black Smoke of Evil. I will be disappointed if these few things don't happen and I'm not holding my breath exactly. So often what I think should go down may or may not be in the overarching plans for the season.

A&E were asked if we would see more of Hook next season and they said yes.  But we also know they either lie or get sidetracked.  I think it's more them getting sidetracked than anything else though.


They focused the camera on Hook's reaction the most during the dagger scene when Emma disappeared. Emma finally said "I love you."


About this, we have to actually go back a few scenes before that where there were only 3 people who were privy to what the Apprentice said about Merlin.  Emma, Hook and Henry and the whole scene was sort of interesting.  I think Henry looked at Emma and Emma then looked up at Hook who seemed to have a light bulb moment.


The final scenes of the season were all about Emma.  She asked her parents to take the darkness out of her but to do it as heroes, so I think their role is very clear.  The rest was all Emma and Hook.  Her last words were to him, the last person she saw before she went was for him.  Her last moments as Emma Swan were for him and no one else.  


I think season 5 has potential if it doesn't become contrived in order to fit in people who don't belong in that storyline.  


Will Hook accept Rumple's assistance once he's out of his magical coma?  Will he be able to set aside all the bile and hatred and allow him to help if it came to that? 


This story should be primarily about the people Emma loves and who love her back trying to figure out a way to help her and bring her home.  Hook and Snowing should be in the forefront of that.  I wonder if they know what Emma's last words to Hook were, if they heard what she said.


Question: Can the Author cross realms?  We saw Isaac in the EF, in Cruella's universe as well and we know he is from the LwM.  As the Author, did he have the power to just go from one realm to the other?  Because that might explain why they revealed Henry as the Author so soon.  He might allow them to cross realms just like that because he is the Author.  

This story should be primarily about the people Emma loves and who love her back trying to figure out a way to help her and bring her home. Hook and Snowing should be in the forefront of that. I wonder if they know what Emma's last words to Hook were, if they heard what she said.

If they didn't hear, they could probably make an educated guess just from the body language.

  • Love 2

A&E were asked if we would see more of Hook next season and they said yes.  But we also know they either lie or get sidetracked.  I think it's more them getting sidetracked than anything else though.



About this, we have to actually go back a few scenes before that where there were only 3 people who were privy to what the Apprentice said about Merlin.  Emma, Hook and Henry and the whole scene was sort of interesting.  I think Henry looked at Emma and Emma then looked up at Hook who seemed to have a light bulb moment.


The final scenes of the season were all about Emma.  She asked her parents to take the darkness out of her but to do it as heroes, so I think their role is very clear.  The rest was all Emma and Hook.  Her last words were to him, the last person she saw before she went was for him.  Her last moments as Emma Swan were for him and no one else.  


I think season 5 has potential if it doesn't become contrived in order to fit in people who don't belong in that storyline.  


Will Hook accept Rumple's assistance once he's out of his magical coma?  Will he be able to set aside all the bile and hatred and allow him to help if it came to that? 


This story should be primarily about the people Emma loves and who love her back trying to figure out a way to help her and bring her home.  Hook and Snowing should be in the forefront of that.  I wonder if they know what Emma's last words to Hook were, if they heard what she said.


Question: Can the Author cross realms?  We saw Isaac in the EF, in Cruella's universe as well and we know he is from the LwM.  As the Author, did he have the power to just go from one realm to the other?  Because that might explain why they revealed Henry as the Author so soon.  He might allow them to cross realms just like that because he is the Author.

I keep thinking they brought back the Jolly for a reason besides Ursula's voice. Maybe since it's enchanted Henry and those aboard can travel realms as part of his author abilities.

If his backstory is relevant to next season then we should have more of it.  Technically 5A at least should revolve around helping Emma and finding Merlin.  So just give it to us writers.


 I swear I'm going to flip some tables if Hook gets sidelined again in 5A.


Much as I adore Hook and have actually only returned to watching this show because there was a Hook-centric episode this 4B season...I wouldn't mind if the #SaveEmma arc were more about Snow and Emma getting back the bond they had in season 1 and 2A (and 3A somewhat.)




Emma finally said "I love you." Hook didn't get to say it back. Emma was finally willing to admit she was ready to take the "next step" with Hook. Hook is finally willing to admit he's a hero.


Hook demonstrates an odd sort of reversal of that truism that you must love yourself before somebody can love you, and I think it works. Hook brags about his looks a lot (okay, is it bragging if he's not exactly incorrect?) but when it comes to matters of the heart he is all in and not even using loaded dice. At the same time, he's oddly insecure. It's like...to Hook, love is something you give before it's something you get, or it's something you do (far beyond Yoda standards of "do" as in "or die" not "don't try") rather than something you be in. So, while he hasn't said the actual words, he has gone all "win your heart" and "as you wish" and "not a day will go by that I won't think of you" and that Emma is his happy ending (with heartbreak all over his face at the realization that she didn't already know this) and his reason for living.

Edited by Faemonic
  • Love 4
So, while he hasn't said the actual words, he has gone all "win your heart" and "as you wish" and "not a day will go by that I won't think of you" and that Emma is his happy ending (with heartbreak all over his face at the realization that she didn't already know this) and his reason for living.


I hope it's my job to protect your heart.


He never assumed what his place in her life was.  He did assume that she understood the extent of his feelings for her when he told her she was his happy ending, but then again, I don't think she wanted to assume what the depth of his feelings for her were/are.


Whatever happened to Emma, wherever she ended up, she knew exactly what he meant when he told her she was his happy ending and it's like everything after that adds up for her.  It explains better why he traded his ship, why he was willing to sacrifice everything for her.


She has a lot to hang on to where she might be able to keep some of that darkness at bay for a while.

  • Love 2

Random thought: Killian's a Trekkie (he just doesn't know it yet). A roguish captain with an eye for the ladies and his loyal crew zip around the galaxy having all manner of exciting adventures. The Enterprise is "a beautiful lady and we love her." He'd eat that sh*t up with a spoon!

I thought it was "Trekker." ;)

Curio: Killian can't have a job, even in Storybrooke, even if A & E wanted to go there, which they clearly don't. He is, in essence, an undocumented immigrant. I can think of two things he could maybe do, but both of them would be somewhat challenging, for different reasons.

1) eBay: Emma sets him up with an account (CaptainSwan could be their username!) based on her Lw/oM identity. He can then sell some of the bits-and-bobs he brought with him from the EF as needed.

2) Belle loans him a book on macramé. He's a sailor after all, and he knows his knots. He's at something of a disadvantage here, too (obvs), but he could probably manage with the right tools. I've seen some examples of the craft (again, mostly online) that are absolutely stunning.


Hook does have connections with kinda high-ranking Storybrooke administrative government. After all the muscle and the hours he puts into keeping the peace, would none of the royals give him that much? Entry into some witness protection program and all the necessary paperwork for that? A license for the Jolly? A stipend, or disability claims from welfare? You just know he can ace the GED with a blindfold, although the original Captain Hook apparently graduated from some prestigious university in England but then disgraced his alma mater by pirating.


I'd rather believe that Regina poofed him all the necessary documentation and got him on some kind of payroll the second he came into town without the Jolly Roger, than that Hook... I don't know... exchanged sexual favors with Ruby or Tink for a place to sleep and a meal, which would be sad. Or pawned his last handful of dubloons while Belle was in charge of the shop, which is awkward. Maybe Smee let Hook take the guest bedroom in Smee's own house on a half acre by the bay, because Snow sucks at dark-cursing people. Or Granny let him do whatever without charge, because he's pretty much part of the Snowing council table now...but on the sly, like the Master of Whispers in Westeros.

Edited by Faemonic

Well, Hook somehow paid for that fancy dinner when he took Emma out. Not to mention his new clothes and the rose. My head canon is that he came to NYC knowing he'd need money (of course), and pirates have treasure stashed in various and sundry places. He would have brought some with him. Do you see Hook trusting a bank? I'm sure it's hidden away, but I don't doubt that he's well provided for.

(Joking speculation, I know...seeing as how we're given so few in-show facts about his everyday life!)

Edited by OnceUponAJen
  • Love 1

Do you see Hook trusting a bank? I'm sure it's hidden away, but I don't doubt that he's well provided for.


This is where the show utterly fails in showing the fun fairy tale/fish-out-of-water/everyday moments of Storybrooke. Just imagine Hook and Emma debating whether or not she can afford the new apartment they're eyeing up (which will probably happen some time in Season 6 at this point...) and Hook convinces her he has enough gold stashed away to help her with the security deposit. Cut scene to Hook with a shovel digging up his "bank account" (AKA a buried chest of gold) on the beach while Emma "Seriously?" Swan just stands behind him rolling her eyes at the ridiculousness of it all.


Come on, Once. You could be so much damn fun if you just explored the characters and not the plot! One scene a season of Cruella driving her car through a fast food joint isn't enough.

  • Love 8

The whole fish out of water thing would be great.  I mean there were moments this season that were pretty funny (Elsa and Hook with the cell phone).  That being said, with the whole cell phone thing, it's like they regressed Hook a bit to get that humor.  Hook when he was kidnapped by Rumple in 3B asked Zelena if she ever heard of a telephone.  And then in 4A, we get the whole "I don't bloody know, I press the Emma button and she usually answers" and we got the whole "talking phone" which again, weird, no continuity.  (I could however see him pressing that Emma button to hear her voicemail before hanging up and doing it all over again if she's not in SB anymore or he has no way of speaking to her.)


They did Cora in season 2 with the speaker and her being a tad scared in the car.  And we got Aurora and the whole television line which was pretty funny, the magic box (internet with Hook) and the whole Netflix line which was pretty awesome.  


I think season 5 will be a very heavy one.  They will need to find their lighter moments, that's for sure.

Fan account of talking with Merrin about Colin:


At one point, she made a joke about how filming with Colin was hard because he was always joking around, so we brought up the “all about that bass” story. Merrin said he was singing it all day, and that she would like hide from him but he would still find her and pop up out of nowhere and sing the song! She then said just when she thought he was done, Colin got the whole crew to sing it to Merrin while they were filming!

Perfect cast is perfect.

EDIT: oh, and when Merrin was telling the story, she was pronouncing it like bASS (like the fish) which of course leads me to believe that Colin was indeed singing it as a pun :)

  • Love 6
That being said, with the whole cell phone thing, it's like they regressed Hook a bit to get that humor.  Hook when he was kidnapped by Rumple in 3B asked Zelena if she ever heard of a telephone.  And then in 4A, we get the whole "I don't bloody know, I press the Emma button and she usually answers" and we got the whole "talking phone" which again, weird, no continuity.

The cell phone stuff was so much fun that I'd rather just disregard the "you're in Storybrooke, use the telephone" bit from 3B. That's the part that seems out of character. In 3B they seemed to keep forgetting that Hook didn't have cursed memories in order to make a joke, like the bit where he snarks to Emma about being the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming when to him they're just people rather than iconic characters out of fiction. He wouldn't have had any reason to know there was any big deal or anything funny about Emma being their daughter while being skeptical about other magical stuff. And then there was the telephone line, coming from someone we'd never seen use a telephone. They're so inconsistent about remembering that he really is a fish out of water in this world. He fakes being at home so well that it's more amusing when he's caught out, like when Henry asks if a sextant is like GPS and his answer is like, "Um, yes?" But then there are times when they desperately want a particular line in and it seems to fit better in Hook's voice, so they give it to him even though it makes no sense for him to be the one to say that line. Though I suppose he could know what a telephone is and what people use it for without knowing exactly how it works -- so he could snark to Zelena about using the telephone with just the vague knowledge that you can talk into this thing and carry on a conversation with someone at a distance without knowing the details about how to make the connection with the particular person you want to talk to, so he'd still just know about the Emma button once he got one. That just leaves the "talking phone" line as a continuity oops, but he was very distracted and worried at the time, and he was lying to David anyway -- maybe he did it on purpose so that David would be too busy correcting him about the talking phone to notice that he was skipping out to go look for Emma.


I still have no idea how he was let out of jail without any identification. He's lucky they didn't deport him to Great Britain!

I wonder if he was really ever officially booked, or if Emma just got some cops she knew to hold him for her as a favor until she figured some things out. She'd set him up to be taken in by some cops she apparently knew, and she was able to get him released just because she'd changed her mind. So there may not have been any paperwork, just throwing him in a holding cell at the precinct for a few hours.


Within Storybrooke, he wouldn't need documentation to have a job, since the town doesn't exist to the outside world. It's not like INS/ICE or the IRS would know to come looking for him or could find him if they did come looking.

What would he do in Storybrooke, tho? I mean, ok, he's got executive experience and proven leadership skills...as a pirate. He's literate, so that helps, but he's not even up to speed on the out-dated tech they have, let alone anything newer. He could write up some of his exploits as roman a clef style fiction. I really do think (as suggested up thread) that he brought enough treasure with him from the EF to be a gentleman of leisure in the LwoM. Who knows how many pockets were sewn into that coat of his? Mostly I think it's just a matter of killing time between crises. Earlier today I was imagining him either showing up at the school to talk to Snow's class (at her invitation) or hosting them on the Jolly for a field trip.

As to his room at Granny's, I imagine maps on the far wall; a large one of the US, and a smaller one of Maine. Maybe a copy of the Periodic Table as well, just 'cuz he finds it colorful, interesting, and well-ordered. There's a box of magazines somewhere, back issues of Nat Geo or similar. A dictionary, a notebook, a couple of pens, maybe a highlighter.... I do think Granny has a grudging affection for him, but not so much that she'd let him skate on the rent.

One thing I really like is how he sometimes thumbs the dimple in Emma's chin when they kiss (I remember it vividly from the 3B finale). Let's see A & E give that to OQ (bastids)!

  • Love 3

What would he do in Storybrooke, tho? I mean, ok, he's got executive experience and proven leadership skills...as a pirate.

One thing I really like is how he sometimes thumbs the dimple in Emma's chin when they kiss (I remember it vividly from the 3B finale). Let's see A & E give that to OQ (bastids)!

Well, they are near the water, and he can sail obviously. There's got to be a living in that!

If they can give that to OQ (and they CAN), I wouldn't put it past them at some point. That and the bandaging of the hand with Regina...get your own moves, Robin! ☺

That being said, with the whole cell phone thing, it's like they regressed Hook a bit to get that humor.  Hook when he was kidnapped by Rumple in 3B asked Zelena if she ever heard of a telephone.  And then in 4A, we get the whole "I don't bloody know, I press the Emma button and she usually answers" and we got the whole "talking phone" which again, weird, no continuity.


It's also entirely possible that the difference between a landline and a cell phone is what was tripping him up. He could very well have understood that the contraption on the desk with the dial/buttons and the cords allows people to communicate but not that this little block of plastic he's supposed to carry around in his pocket with no cords or dials is essentially the same thing. Because really, a landline phone is no different in concept than two tin cans and a string. A cell phone is far more technologically advanced, to the point that it looks like something out of 60s sci-fi.

Yeah--maybe Hook meant "cellular phone" as opposed to landline. If the landline was a standing phone because you can't usually run around while using it, then the cel is a walking phone...and a texting phone. A talking phone.


It's like how Emma knows Jazz Hands magic, but in all probability still sucks at half-Elvish and potions.

  • Love 1
I do think Granny has a grudging affection for him, but not so much that she'd let him skate on the rent.

Really, though, would Granny have ever made that much money on rent? In a town that can't be accessed by the outside world, who would she have rented to before Emma showed up, other than Regina and Graham for booty calls (and what are the odds Regina would have let her charge for that?)? Was there anyone in town whose Storybrooke identity was a traveler just passing through, and was stuck always just passing through and staying at the inn for 28 years? And now, who's Granny going to rent rooms to, other than people who didn't get a curse-given home? But I imagine Hook will be moving into the Jolly Roger now that he has her back.


I figure it's hard to apply economics to a weirdly closed system like Storybrooke. The curse seems to magically generate the things they need, so there's not that much use for money. Rumple wouldn't have been charging rent while being Zelena's slave or after Belle kicked him out. That seemed to be the biggest financial concern during the curse. I just think it would be good for Hook's self esteem to have some kind of defined purpose. He's a man of action who likes having a goal. He's more likely to get himself in trouble if he's at loose ends. So whether he takes on teaching math at the school (as a navigator from an era when they did it the hard way, he should be good at it), is officially assistant librarian, is actually deputized, or is a member of the sheriff's secret police, it would be good for him to have a role and a purpose so he's not just hanging out at Granny's or sailing unless there's a crisis.


I can kind of parse the phone stuff, if I squint and wave my hands a lot. In 3B, he's noticed that the other people are able to communicate with people at a distance using those little things they carry around. He may also have noticed the thing on the nightstand in his room at Granny's, might even have used it if Emma called his room and he figured out that he could pick up the handle and hear her voice. So if Emma could contact him that way, Zelena could have. But he still might not have understood the process of placing a call, how you would know how to communicate with any particular person. So when Emma gave him a phone so she could reach him, all he might have learned about it was the Emma button. If you gave a modern cell phone to someone who'd never used a phone, would you even bother teaching him about phone numbers or would you just program in key contacts and tell him to hit those buttons to reach the people he wanted to talk to? The "talking phone" may have been a case of him actually knowing better but playing dumb in order to distract David.

I just think it would be good for Hook's self esteem to have some kind of defined purpose. He's a man of action who likes having a goal. He's more likely to get himself in trouble if he's at loose ends. So whether he takes on teaching math at the school (as a navigator from an era when they did it the hard way, he should be good at it), is officially assistant librarian, is actually deputized, or is a member of the sheriff's secret police, it would be good for him to have a role and a purpose

Bwah! Yes to the bold.


But about Hook essentially being a trust fund brat or retired at a spry 200 and set for life...while he does now have a yacht from the 1500s, I don't know, if the descendants of his peers in the peerage make it to Storybrooke and still remember House Jones, I just can't imagine him being a professional party-goer like a male brunet English version of Paris Hilton. Maybe temp jobs? Fashion model? Teacher at a finishing school that secretly also trains bodyguards and assassins? Volunteer at programmes that extract troubled youths like the Lost Boys from gangster recruitment?

So does anyone think that AU!Hook might've been close to whatever cursed personality he might've been given in Storybrooke if they had had Hook in season 1 or would Regina have been kinder to Hook seeing as she thought he had killed her mother for her or seeing as they were both considered villains at least?

So does anyone think that AU!Hook might've been close to whatever cursed personality he might've been given in Storybrooke if they had had Hook in season 1 or would Regina have been kinder to Hook seeing as she thought he had killed her mother for her or seeing as they were both considered villains at least?

I wouldn't have minded seeing more of AU!Hook, but I don't think Regina would have gone as far as Rumple did in altering his personality. He did most of that just for spite, of course. He probably would have been somewhere in between AU!Hook and himself in curse v.1. More subdued, I'm thinking from the Hook of S2.

I agree. I don't think she would have any reason to turn Hook into a coward. She gave a good powerful job to king George.

He would probably have a nice job and a boring life. I remember everyone in town was afraid of Regina, so, he would probably be the same.

She would probably give him some weird quirk. Thinking about it she over-sexualized ( sorry is that a word? not my first language) people like Ruby, Whale, and Lacey, turned Snow into a meek teacher, and made David weak and unresolute. She turned poor Grumpy into an alcoholic! Hook is lucky he wasn't cursed.

Regina might have cursed Hook into being her assistant -- she thought he was working for her at that time. So she would have had a hot administrative assistant handling the mayor's busy calendar, answering the phone, making restaurant reservations for her, writing her speeches, etc. And also doing whatever underhanded dirty work she needed done in secret.

  • Love 1

So does anyone think that AU!Hook might've been close to whatever cursed personality he might've been given in Storybrooke if they had had Hook in season 1 or would Regina have been kinder to Hook seeing as she thought he had killed her mother for her or seeing as they were both considered villains at least?

I think that AU!Hook might have had the same personality as Cursed!Hook, even though Regina might have wrangled him into a position powerful enough for her to play him (against Rumple, or Emma.) So, mixed bag.


Or maybe she wouldn't have removed his memories at all, like Jefferson, who hardly anybody asks what he would be like if Regina cursed him properly...but it would have hardly been sporting for Hook to kill the Crocodile if said Crocodile didn't even remember what he'd done wrong, which would have been too bad if Regina were looking forward to backing out on the puppet-string pleases from Gold. But would also have been fine as Regina still had Belle in the asylum, so Hook could bide his time until Gold has his memories and doesn't have magic.


If Belle had shot Hook in the back over the town line to protect Mr. Gold or something, and left Hook with amnesia, and Regina came along and implanted a cursed personality...yes, I think it would be this. And yes, he'd probably be her backup Graham. He'd have no swagger and no game, but Regina seems to prefer boy-toys without any. Robin.

I wasn't thinking in terms of Hook being Regina's boy toy. She didn't seem to bother having anyone other than Graham. I was thinking more of her making him her errand boy, a lot like she actually did when she sent him to get Cora. So something like, "Here's your coffee, Madam Mayor, and your agenda for the day. You've got a 10 a.m. meeting with the council and an interview with Mr. Glass about your latest programs at 2. I've written a draft of your remarks for this week's town hall meeting, if you'd like to review it and give me your notes. I've reviewed the budget for you. See my notes in red. And after dark tonight I'll be lurking outside Miss Blanchard's home to make sure she feels uncomfortable and unsafe, as you suggested. I've also penciled in some threats to the city employees who asked for a raise. Will there be anything else?"


So basically he'd be the one doing the administrative work to actually run the town, since she doesn't seem to have any interest in doing so. He and Gold wouldn't have liked each other, but they would have thought it was because he played gatekeeper so Gold had less access to the mayor and because he resented Gold's sway in the town. He'd be always trying to undermine him by omitting him from meeting agendas or losing his phone messages.

I wasn't thinking in terms of Hook being Regina's boy toy. She didn't seem to bother having anyone other than Graham. I was thinking more of her making him her errand boy, a lot like she actually did when she sent him to get Cora. So something like, "Here's your coffee, Madam Mayor, and your agenda for the day. You've got a 10 a.m. meeting with the council and an interview with Mr. Glass about your latest programs at 2. I've written a draft of your remarks for this week's town hall meeting, if you'd like to review it and give me your notes. I've reviewed the budget for you. See my notes in red. And after dark tonight I'll be lurking outside Miss Blanchard's home to make sure she feels uncomfortable and unsafe, as you suggested. I've also penciled in some threats to the city employees who asked for a raise. Will there be anything else?"


So basically he'd be the one doing the administrative work to actually run the town, since she doesn't seem to have any interest in doing so. He and Gold wouldn't have liked each other, but they would have thought it was because he played gatekeeper so Gold had less access to the mayor and because he resented Gold's sway in the town. He'd be always trying to undermine him by omitting him from meeting agendas or losing his phone messages.

  • Love 1

I'm having a hard time thinking of Hook as an administrative assistant. That would be a slow death for someone with his personality. 


That's the point.  The original curse was intended to be a sort of slow death for its victims, whose true personalities had been stripped away from them.  That's why Ruby became the town slut, Grumpy became the town drunk, the fairies became nuns, David (once the curse finally worked on him) became wishy-washy, and Snow became a mousy schoolteacher.  So of course Hook would be a meek little administrative assistant for Regina who would ask "How high?" on the way up anytime she said "Jump!"

OnceUponAJen, on 29 May 2015 - 10:56 PM, said:OnceUponAJen, on 29 May 2015 - 10:56 PM, said:

Well, they are near the water, and he can sail obviously. There's got to be a living in that!

If they can give that to OQ (and they CAN), I wouldn't put it past them at some point. That and the bandaging of the hand with Regina...get your own moves, Robin! ☺

The thing about sailing, tho', is the being away from town part. He needs to be available for the next crisis. Otherwise, sure, he could be a connection between the townsfolk and the outside world. The Jolly's got a hold, after all, and all it's currently holding is air.

We know Colin can sing, so there's another possibility. Kind of embarrassed I didn't think of it sooner. 

Edited by Dianthus

There are a lot of CaptainSwan AU fanfics (actually, I struggle to find many that aren't AUs) and I remember seeing one set in cursed Storybrooke where Killian was the town priest. I think that'd be interesting as a cursed identity. The town already has the fairy-nuns and the church. We could have Tink around too as one of the younger nuns. That would've set up the potential for an episode with the two of them that includes flashbacks to their real selves in Neverland (something I've wanted to know more about in the actual show itself). They could've built up the Hook/Tink friendship. His signature colour is black, so the outfit would work.


What kind of priest he'd be though (one who keeps strictly to his vows, one who wants to but struggles, or one who does what he likes when everyone's back is turned) I'm not entirely sure. I can see Regina being amused taking a man like Killian (who's sexual, who's vain, who likes to drink, who steals, who exhibits poor impulse control) and turning him into someone who lives under the overwhelming expectation that he be chaste, modest, a pacifist, forgiving and tee-total while deep down his fairytale identity is screaming to get out.


I also think it would've been interesting to see him interact with Emma. I don't see her having much time for religion, but she and Killian are written as kindred spirits. I think she'd be shocked to find herself having things in common with a man of the cloth (and that's before we get to the sexual tension aspect of their relationship).


Imagine how much worse he'd have felt being made to trap the fairies in the hat if they'd been his friends while they'd all been cursed.

Edited by october

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