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S01.E04: The Blind Leading the Blind Date

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When Dani reveals she’s depressed that she’ll be the only single one at her high school reunion, Oscar and Felix each put their distinctive dating strategies to work to help her find a boyfriend.

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This one seemed a bit smoother to me. The friend (teddy?) who said his brother-in-law lacked the work ethic to be a serial killer got an actual laugh from me. Still has rough edges, but I think it is moving in the right direction.

I have to take exception to his hook up and the model neighbor - they are casting attractive women, but in a very generic way. If I hadn't been paying attention, I would have thought the bar girl was the other Pigeon sister. The violinist was in that same swatch.

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I actually liked this one. It's still not a great show, but this episode worked and all four of the main characters were clicking.


I also liked that the guy Dani ended up with wasn't the typical TV-perfect kind of guy that would be the norm.

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It wasn't as awful as the pilot but it still needs a ton of work.  Matthew Perry still can't shake off Chandler, the writing is too Frasiery, and the plot of being depressed because you're the only single one at a reunion is stale and blah. But I did enjoy that short scene where Oscar introduces the rude guy to his assistant because he suddenly realized they might hit it off. 

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I still have the orginal Felix and Oscar in my head so this one doesn't work for me.


And yes, Chandler is still Chandler. He'll never be anybody else.


And "Felix," is so GAY. GAYER than gay. The "original" Felix was efiminate, but not as overtly so as this one.

That voice...ugh.

Sheesh. Are the obligatory 13 episodes over yet?

I keep waiting for it to get funny....

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I don't think Perry is even doing Chandler at this point; that would be an improvement.   I was watching some Friends reruns, and Perry's delivery there was so much smoother, so much more effortless, and now it's all a big "ba dum bum" drum delivery.  Maybe it's a CBS thing, because I felt The Millers was similarly affected in delivery, and I love me some Margo Martindale and I just saw Beau Bridges on Blackish and he didn't stink up the screen.


I'm not even sure what went wrong with this project.  The cast is solid and has great comedy credentials.  Maybe it's that it is too generic, too safe in many ways. 

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I didn't find this episode very funny (stale plot), but this is the first one that didn't make me laugh out loud several times.  Overall, this is a good show.  


Felix is a little weak as a character, but Oscar is hilarious.  I was never a fan of "Friends", but I did watch "Mr. Sunshine" (terrible) and "something something Sunset Strip" (terrible), so this is Matthew Perry's best work for me.  The supporting cast is all good, too, especially the Daytime-Assistant-the-the-Manager (hah!) at the local bar.

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This reminds me a lot of The Crazy Ones - there is no reason on earth why it shouldn't be great, but it isn't. Beloved cast members, Emmy-winning writers, a premise with a successful track record ... you'd think it would be fantastic.  If I were a TV exec my takeaway would be that you have to actually watch the show's pilot and see if it's funny - not just assume it'll be funny because "X stars + Y writers=funny."  That math is not working out for them.

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And "Felix," is so GAY. GAYER than gay. The "original" Felix was efiminate, but not as overtly so as this one.

That voice...ugh.


That is a massive stereotyping of his character. Just because he's highly particular and a massive neat freak, he's "GAYER than gay" or effeminate? I don't see him being effeminate at all. I see him being ridiculously ordered with his life. There's a difference. There's also nothing wrong with a man being effeminate, just as there's nothing wrong with a woman who exhibits more masculine traits.


This just perpetuates the idea that 1) you're not a man unless you behave like a macho caveman, and 2) there's something shameful in being in any way feminine. Whether you're a man or a woman, that's a terrible message.

Edited by sinkwriter
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If I hadn't been paying attention, I would have thought the bar girl was the other Pigeon sister.


Wait, isn't she?



Just because he's highly particular and a massive neat freak, he's "GAYER than gay" or effeminate?


I've known drag queens who were more masculine than Felix. 


I also liked that the guy Dani ended up with wasn't the typical TV-perfect kind of guy that would be the norm.


I liked that too. He was cute and chunky and cuddly. 


This reminds me a lot of The Crazy Ones - there is no reason on earth why it shouldn't be great, but it isn't.


"The Crazy Ones" was a good show. Sarah Michelle Gellar was the weak link, but even she wasn't so bad. They were definitely finding their rhythm. Maybe this show will too, but I doubt it.


Matthew Perry still can't shake off Chandler


Agreed. I just don't buy him as the slob. And Felix is being played as too affected and annoying. This show might have been interesting if Felix was gay, but a homosexual more masculine than heterosexual Oscar. There's a whole lot they could have done to play with stereotypes in that instance.


I also thought the assistant's story line of being the only single one at her reunion was old and tired (even to the point of "having the same last name"; not every woman changes her last name after getting married). And, the whole trope of "sassy black assistant" is also old and tired. 

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I've known drag queens who were more masculine than Felix.


That's great!


I just object to the tone presented (not by you) that there's something wrong with it, either way. Comments like "GAYER than gay" and "so GAY," followed by an "ugh" bothered me. It's offensive.

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So sue me, but I thought the joke about Dani working as "a Missionary and a Cowgirl" was funny.


Unlike a lot of others, I don't see Chandler so clearly, because Chandler wasn't a curmudgeon, and this version of Oscar kind of is.  The question I guess is if people can accept curmudgeon as Oscar's default beat rather than slob.  Really the tension (and I said this a few episodes) is new-agey touchy-feely vs. grumpy non-in-touch-with-feelings curmudgeon.  Which is fine with me (and apparently under Gary Marshall's approval, even if we don't know what Neil Simon thinks).


For me it's been more about the jokes.  Getting better, but with a ways to go, as does the chemistry--with a curmudgeon we as many have said need more convincing about why Oscar and Felix are even friends (and it hasn't shown up yet).

Edited by Kromm
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I didn't find this episode very funny (stale plot), but this is the first one that didn't make me laugh out loud several times. Overall, this is a good show.

Felix is a little weak as a character, but Oscar is hilarious. I was never a fan of "Friends", but I did watch "Mr. Sunshine" (terrible) and "something something Sunset Strip" (terrible), so this is Matthew Perry's best work for me. The supporting cast is all good, too, especially the Daytime-Assistant-the-the-Manager (hah!) at the local bar.

I watched Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip--the full title of the show--too, & I actually liked it. Did you ever watch Go On (I'm pretty sure that was the title); it was on NBC & was Matthew's show either before or after (I forget which) Mr. Sunshine. I only watched 1 ep, 'cause it had Bradley Whitford (who was his co-star in Studio 60) in it. And I only mentioned the show 'cause you didn't.

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 Really the tension (and I said this a few episodes) is new-agey touchy-feely vs. grumpy non-in-touch-with-feelings curmudgeon.


I agree. I did enjoy Oscar's " yes, go fly away and find love" bit at the end. Still not enjoying the kooky Pidgeon sister but I loved Teddy's brother-in-law. The actor was terrific

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The question I guess is if people can accept curmudgeon as Oscar's default beat rather than slob.  Really the tension (and I said this a few episodes) is new-agey touchy-feely vs. grumpy non-in-touch-with-feelings curmudgeon.  Which is fine with me (and apparently under Gary Marshall's approval, even if we don't know what Neil Simon thinks).

To me that's just the Frasier writers continuing to write like it's a slightly different Frasier. Or, Frasier if Frasier moved out and a divorced Niles moved in with their dad. Which may not be the writers' fault, I just can't unsee it (so to speak) now that I know it's the Frasier writers. It's kind of like when Capaldi became the new Doctor Who but I kept seeing Matt Smith read the lines, if that makes any sense at all.

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So sue me, but I thought the joke about Dani working as "a Missionary and a Cowgirl" was funny.


I knew there was a joke that made me laugh out loud, but couldn't remember what it was. That was it!  *GRIN*  I thought she said it in a really funny, sheepish way.

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Did you ever watch Go On (I'm pretty sure that was the title)


I didn't.  I remember when it came on; the premise didn't really appeal to me.  The funny thing is, I only started watching The Odd Couple because I enjoyed the original TV show back in the day, and I'd heard that this version was terrible, so I wanted to see how bad it could be.  I was pleasantly surprised to find such a funny, enjoyable show (so far!).

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This episode felt like the actors are starting to get comfortable playing off of each other. I like Dani/Felix scenes. I could do without brunette Pigeon sister, but I'm guessing they are setting her up as a love interest for one of them - I assume Felix based on the pilot, but also wonder if they might do something unexpected and have her and Oscar wind up together once he sows his wild oats with blonde sister.


Matthew Perry is still the weak link IMO. Also, I realized something watching this episode: part of what was great about Matthew Perry's comedic timing as Chandler was that he could deliver an entire scene via his facial expressions, with or without accompanying dialogue. 2015 version of Matthew Perry only has one, heavily botoxed expression.

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I was watching some Friends reruns, and Perry's delivery there was so much smoother, so much more effortless, and now it's all a big "ba dum bum" drum delivery.  Maybe it's a CBS thing, because I felt The Millers was similarly affected in delivery, and I love me some Margo Martindale and I just saw Beau Bridges on Blackish and he didn't stink up the screen.

I don't think it's the actors. I think it's the writing. Even very skilled actors (see Martindale) have a very hard time overcoming a badumbum if it's so heavily, clunkily written as a hardcore badumbum. I mean, I'm not saying Perry is brilliant; he isn't, but the writing is doing him no favors.
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But he has been brilliant in so many other things that it has to be the writing or directing.  Chandler was amazing, he was fantastic on The Good Wife, and even though his other shows were not successes there was nothing wrong with his acting on Sunset, Go On or Mr. Sunshine (can you tell I have a thing for Perry?)  But I can't watch this show...after the pilot I bailed, but I keep coming back here hoping to read that it's improving. And it's not.  So what are they doing to my guy?  :(

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Chandler was amazing, he was fantastic on The Good Wife, and even though his other shows were not successes there was nothing wrong with his acting on Sunset, Go On or Mr. Sunshine (can you tell I have a thing for Perry?)



And I'll throw in his West Wing episodes.  I'm beginning to wonder about Matthew Perry's choices for his career; I think the smart move would have been to go drama for a while.  I loved his WW performances and the more serious beats he hit in Go On (which started out strong and then kind of went off the rails.)


I too hear the ba-da-bum, stilted delivery.  It's both irritating me and making me sad.

Edited by amaranta
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