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Here's the extended summary for 6x05:


I can't copy and paste the text from my phone.


6x05 - "The Hurt Locker, Part 2" (30-Jan-2015)

After Sue’s “informal” Show Choir Invitational has already begun, she announces several rules, including that all teams must have at least twelve members (which New Directions does not) and the competition – which will extend over a three day period – will move forward even in the unlikely event that some of the coaches get kidnapped. Rachel and Kurt redouble their efforts to recruit enough members to allow New Directions to participate, and to put together a performance that doesn’t totally humiliate the team. Despite Rachel’s objections, Kurt suggests they enlist former gleek Kitty Wilde to help them out… a prospect that will require Rachel to swallow her pride, but that leads to Kitty’s invaluable help in putting together the perfect set list and uniting the team.

Meanwhile, Sue – who is still determined to see Kurt and Blaine reunite – pulls out all the stops to enact an elaborate plan; Sam works to recruit Spencer to join the Glee Club, but the gay, aspiring quarterback worries doing so may cost him his standing among the other jocks; and Will and Rachel have a much needed heart-to-heart.


Sam works to recruit Spencer to join the Glee Club, but the gay, aspiring quarterback worries doing so may cost him his standing among the other jocks;

Of course. 


Sounds like a parallel to S2, to smack us on the head how Sam was/is so much better than Finn worrying about the jock reputation. Add the gay aspect, and Sam is better than any male. 

Of course. 


Sounds like a parallel to S2, to smack us on the head how Sam was/is so much better than Finn worrying about the jock reputation. Add the gay aspect, and Sam is better than any male. 


IDK why I was hoping for better than rehashed story lines in the final season. Yet again some of this stuff is being recycled like its good for the environment or something. The little meta-shout outs the show is doing i.e. "they're always in the shower" speaks volumes about them knowing something is broke but still not trying to fix it when it needs to be fixed so quickly. Once more "oh but it's Glee" is not enough for the mediocre efforts they seem to be putting into this final season.

  • Love 4

Yes, because the masculine tough jock  guy has to reluctantly join Glee.  The hero jock helps him make the journey, as a "leader".


Wow, Original. 


I'm also pretty sure that the reason that Sam is going gun hard on recruiting Spencer to ND's has to do w/ making amends with Rachel from the events of P1. Rachel's very hurt and mad at him. Probably wants nothing to do with him. 


We know Sue hypnotized him yes, but Rachel won't. All she'll know is the first guy she's opened herself up to potentially another chance at love says he doesn't remember kissing her and that he's still in love with someone else. Then add on the fact that he goes to Will and badmouths Rachel to the point where Will goes back and tells her and says he's not going easy anymore at the invitationals.


So yeah Sam's probably gotta do something pretty big to show her he cares and to get back in her good graces.

I'm also pretty sure that the reason that Sam is going gun hard on recruiting Spencer to ND's has to do w/ making amends with Rachel from the events of P1. Rachel's very hurt and mad at him. Probably wants nothing to do with him.

The motivation doesn't matter, it's still a retread. And it puts him very firmly in Finn territory. Surely if he's trying to impress Rachel, proving how much he's like Finn is not the way to do it.

The motivation doesn't matter, it's still a retread. And it puts him very firmly in Finn territory. Surely if he's trying to impress Rachel, proving how much he's like Finn is not the way to do it.

Why does it put him firmly in Finn territory, who did Finn recruit in this scenario? 


I didn't say impress Rachel, I said make amends with her for what happened. He's probably very confused about everything, but I'm sure it won't take him that long to realize Rachel's very mad and hurt by him.

The writers want someone, anyone, a living body,  for Rachel to fuck in bed before the show ends to demonstrate she's OK and moved on from Finn.


If that is the main purpose of Samchel, I could live with it. 

I don't think that's the main purpose of Samchel.


I highly doubt there would be much fucking going on, considering how badly in the past both have been burned by love and they sing about that issue in episode 6. If they get into a relationship, I suspect it will move at a turtles pace. 


Sam? In Audition? I must have forgotten that scene.

I don't think that's the main purpose of Samchel.


We agree to disagree.   I think the show has shown very clearly with anvils that Rachel needs a penis, any penis, to move on with her life.  It's crystal clear if you see the signs.  Sam is used as a prop for Rachel's sexual satisfaction.


I suspect it will move at a turtles pace.



The show has not shown that.  Sam has been established that if he can't shove his penis somewhere, he will be out of the relationship. Celibacy is NOT his thing. 

Edited by caracas1914

We agree to disagree.   I think the show has shown very clearly with anvils that Rachel needs a penis, any penis, to move on with her life.  It's crystal clear if you see the signs.  Sam is used as a prop for Rachel's sexual satisfaction.



The show has not shown that.  Sam has been established that if he can't shove his penis somewhere, he will be out of the relationship. Celibacy is NOT his thing. 


What? I guess we will agree to disagree because I feel like Sam is Rachel's first chance at finding love since losing her soulmate and not being in a relationship for more than 2 years. 


This whole sexual gratification thing is kind of disturbing NGL. I don't expect they're gonna jump into bed at the drop of a hat, sorry.


As far as what the show has shown, hey couldn't being w/ Rachel be different than any other relationship he's been in? You know. Just based on the song they're singing I can't see them completely going from barely kissing to fucking within the span of an episode or two.


They have to go slow, I feel.

Edited by Hookian

What? I guess we will agree to disagree because I feel like Sam is Rachel's first chance at finding love since losing her soulmate and not being in a relationship for more than 2 years. 


This whole sexual gratification thing is kind of disturbing NGL. I don't expect they're gonna jump into bed at the drop of a hat, sorry.


As far as what the show has shown, hey couldn't being w/ Rachel be different than any other relationship he's been in? You know. Just based on the song they're singing I can't see them completely going from barely kissing to fucking within the span of an episode or two.


They have to go slow, I feel.

No, there's nothing to show Sam's any different with Rachel. He had 'moments' with Quinn, Brittany and Mercedes before starting a relationship with them. Hell he had 'moments' with Tina and Santana.

Sam is Finn without the complex emotional depths. Apart from sexual gratification I can't see what else Rachel has to gain by dating Sam.


including that all teams must have at least twelve members (which New Directions does not)

This is why the casual hand waving of the original newbies annoys me so much. OK I understand the show wants to blame somebody other than the creative team but really they just wrote themselves into a stupid corner. You could have started the season as it was, with the Original 5 off screen but still at McKinley, or at least have Rachel inform them she is restarting New Directions and have the 5 reject her because of the fear of Sue. SO then the storyline continues as planned and they get the 5 New Newbies joining. Then the invitational begins and Sue announces the 12 member plot. Rachel goes to Kitty for help, and Kitty convinces the other 4 Originals to come back to new Directions. Suddenly you have a team of 10. Which would require the show to find just 2 randoms instead of 7 randoms, much more believable for me.

  • Love 2

Finn was really thrown under the bus in that SL, probably one of the worst, and that's a high bar.


Nah the storyline that character assassinated Finn was in S2, starting w/ The Super Bowl episode.

No, there's nothing to show Sam's any different with Rachel. He had 'moments' with Quinn, Brittany and Mercedes before starting a relationship with them. Hell he had 'moments' with Tina and Santana.

Sam is Finn without the complex emotional depths. Apart from sexual gratification I can't see what else Rachel has to gain by dating Sam.


Well ask the writers because they've wanted to do Sam and Rachel since Movin' Out and find out why they set them up in that episode? 

Edited by Hookian

They set them up because they can't have their leading lady not in a relationship/potential relationship, and Sam is the last able bodied straight white male available.


It could have been Artie or you know a new character that they could have introduced. Let me get this straight, you think Sam and Rachel is the writers attempt at recreating Finn and Rachel essentially? Since you claim Sam is Finn 2.0?

It could have been Artie or you know a new character that they could have introduced. Let me get this straight, you think Sam and Rachel is the writers attempt at recreating Finn and Rachel essentially? Since you claim Sam is Finn 2.0?

Yes, that's exactly what I think.

And I said straight, white, able bodied male, that rules out Artie. That left them Sam or Puck.

  • Love 1

They set them up because they can't have their leading lady not in a relationship/potential relationship, and Sam is the last able bodied straight white male available.


No, you are wrong, wrong I tell you. Sam and Rachel were destined and preordain by the Gods. Every move, every breath, every bond, every step, they take is leading them towards their grand destiny. I don't know why we can't see they belong to each other /sarcasm/.

  • Love 1

It could have been Artie or you know a new character that they could have introduced. Let me get this straight, you think Sam and Rachel is the writers attempt at recreating Finn and Rachel essentially? Since you claim Sam is Finn 2.0?

It has been said quite a few times already, by several posters.  It's not new either, it goes back to S2 discussions when some of the posters here were on another board. 

The obvious recycling of the Finn-Sam plot in S2 is one more indication. As was City of Angels, where Will anointed Sam as Finn 2.0 

Edited by fakeempress
This whole sexual gratification thing is kind of disturbing NGL.


IMO there is nothing wrong that Glee shows that Rachel enjoys sexual gratification.  She seemed to have a very happy sex life with both Finn and Brody.


The spoilers throwing anvils that she wants to bed someone I don't find that disturbing.   It's part of many young women's journey.  There is nothing so far spoiled that she is looking for "love" with Sam.  The show has thrown enough anvils that Sam loves whoever he is with at the moment, so the show is telegraphing their sexual relationship is not a romantic endgame, since Sam seems incapable of separating women from each other in his heart.,


I suspect Brittany is the genuine love of his life. The show even tolds us that Sam thought she was THE ONE from the beginning.  That is canon.

Edited by caracas1914
  • Love 1

Sam is Finn without the complex emotional depths. Apart from sexual gratification I can't see what else Rachel has to gain by dating Sam.

He's actually one of the only reliably nice characters on the show. She's in Lima. It's not going to get any better than that now that Mike Chang has left the state. She's at an all time low failing to handle how much of a failure she is. He's an ego boost. I can kind of see it lasting until she heads back to NYC. There are worse ways to pass the time. Every other girl on the show has tried it and even two of the boys gave it a go and got shot down. 

IMO there is nothing wrong that Glee shows that Rachel enjoys sexual gratification.  She seemed to have a very happy sex life with both Finn and Brody.


The spoilers throwing anvils that she wants to bed someone I don't find that disturbing.   It's part of many young women's journey.  There is nothing so far spoiled that she is looking for "love" with Sam.  The show has thrown enough anvils that Sam loves whoever he is with at the moment, so the show is telegraphing their sexual relationship is not a romantic endgame, since Sam seems incapable of separating women from each other in his heart.,


I suspect Brittany is the genuine love of his life. The show even tolds us that Sam thought she was THE ONE from the beginning.  That is canon.


I would say the song that they're duetting in episode 6 about past love, is a clear sign that they are both looking for love. A love that won't be burnt or tarnished like all the ones they've had in the past.

Edited by Hookian

I suspect Brittany is the genuine love of his life. The show even tolds us that Sam thought she was THE ONE from the beginning.  That is canon.

Hah! Those two never even interacted before season 4, especially not when Sam was crying over Mercedes. Sam thought Quinn was THE ONE from the beginning. Then Mercedes was the one and the writers forgot Sam ever even knew Quinn. Then Britt was THE ONE and there was that whole stupid Mayan Wedding plot and the writers forgot Sam ever knew Mercedes. Then as soon as that was over, Sam was thrown into being in love with Nurse Penny because for some reason the writers decided to keep the introduction of that character and threw Sam in to to be head over heels for her because honestly? The boy would hump a cactus if it smiled at him.

  • Love 2

I suspect Brittany is the genuine love of his life. The show even tolds us that Sam thought she was THE ONE from the beginning.  That is canon.


No the show stated that Sam felt Santana was always mean to him when they dated was because she knew Sam was into Brittany (huh), not that she was always the one.  Last I checked it canon that Sam feels he is meant to be with Mercedes, which is why 6 months later he basically asked Mercedes if she still loves him, and tells Rachel he is still in love with Mercedes in ep4, a first for love and leave em Sam

Edited by rlj67

Can we please go back to talking about Howard Bamboo or something other than Sam and his epic love for<insert name here>? Pretty please?? The same points have been made over and over (and over) again.

Not really spoilerish, but it sounds like we might be seeing even more of Jayma Mays toward the end of Glee (feeble attempt to change subject).

  • Love 3

No the show stated that Sam felt Santana was always mean to him when they dated was because she knew Sam was into Brittany (huh), not that she was always the one.  Last I checked it canon that Sam feels he is meant to be with Mercedes, which is why 6 months later he basically asked Mercedes if she still loves him, ad tells Rachel is still in love with Mercedes in ep4, a first for love and leave em Sam


...Are you still a virgin means "do you still love me"? Okay then. Definitely don't think that was the case but it was just a ten second brush off line.


Plus he declared he was Quinn's soulmate. He said the same thing about Brittany as well. There's nothing special about Mercedes that he hasn't done with any of his love interests.

Edited by Hookian

No the show stated that Sam felt Santana was always mean to him when they dated was because she knew Sam was into Brittany (huh), not that she was always the one.  Last I checked it canon that Sam feels he is meant to be with Mercedes, which is why 6 months later he basically asked Mercedes if she still loves him, ad tells Rachel is still in love with Mercedes in ep4, a first for love and leave em Sam

I'm not sure that's what it said, but I could totally roll with this over most other options on the table.

Can we please go back to talking about Howard Bamboo or something other than Sam and his epic love for<insert name here>? Pretty please?? The same points have been made over and over (and over) again.


Maybe we should just surrender to it. I could change the topic title to something like: Spoilers and Discussion: A.k.a The Great Samchel Debate. Or maybe Spoilers and Discussion: Now With 100% More Sam (Than Anyone Asked For). If only those titles weren't so spoilery...

  • Love 5

I wonder if Sue uses Mercedes to hypnotizes Sam to fall in love with Rachel, explains why he is still in love with Mercedes afterwards and doesn't remember jack squat?  I think she hypnotizes him a different way to get him to frame Rachel.


Mercedes is not in either THLP1 or P2, sorry.

Sue's Wall of Hate!




Seems even she knows to get to Sam, ya gotta go thru Mercedes


...Or she hates everything except Klaine. She has Rachel and Sam both connecting to Mercedes. Don't really think there's anything significant here, aside from telling us Sue hates everyone.

Edited by Hookian

...Or she hates everything except Klaine. Don't really think there's anything significant here, aside from telling us Sue hates everyone.

Why, oh why, are they making Sue the vehicle for the Klaine reunion?  I just...  Why?  I know Glee is the textbook for 'random crap because it's convenient and moves the plot forward" but...  

Edited by tab19
  • Love 1

You know what would be cool? Knowing that they've had Dijon and Max and Jayma and some oldies back. If the end was just an instrumental or hummed version of Don't Stop Believin' (I know, overdone, but it is kind of the show's theme song) and it was a quick flash over every character that's been on the show in a significant way. Like a quick shot of Jon Groff humming and it cuts to the kid that played Jacob Ben Israel humming then it cuts to someone else. Maybe this should go in a wishful thinking thread instead...

  • Love 2

While I appreciate the S1 callback of having Howard Bamboo in an episode, I just have to wonder WHY. Was anyone clamoring for him to come back? I highly doubt he's going to have any actual impact on any of the main characters.... do we know what he's doing? Who he filmed with?

Pretty sure it is just a cameo  or short scene and he implied her had a scene with Rachel but he may have worked with others too.


I don;t mind the quick little cameos, rather see Howard or Sandy Reyerson then have another Becky story tbh.

I wonder if Sue uses Mercedes to hypnotizes Sam to fall in love with Rachel, explains why he is still in love with Mercedes afterwards and doesn't remember jack squat?  I think she hypnotizes him a different way to get him to frame Rachel.



Mercedes is not in either THLP1 or P2, sorry.


...Or she hates everything except Klaine. She has Rachel and Sam both connecting to Mercedes. Don't really think there's anything significant here, aside from telling us Sue hates everyone.

LOL she ain't in the epps physically, but she is mentioned in a significant way by Sam, but I get y it ain't significant to some lol

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