camussie January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 (edited) To be clear we don't know one way or another if there is "nothing" else for Sam & Mercedes in "Home." We haven't had spoilers there is anything else but there could be another moment or two for all we know since we don't have spoilers for every single second of the episode. I think she is referring to Sue's redemption. Not it being one of the last couple of episodes. Edited January 7, 2015 by camussie 2 Link to comment
tom87 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 (edited) So nothing on her happy ending, lovely. Mercedes and Artie are unknown. He can only the answer the question from what he has seen and he has only seen the first 2 episodes. He has know way of knowing their ending so he can not answer that. Edited January 7, 2015 by tom87 Link to comment
Hookian January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 (edited) He can only the answer the question from what he has seen and he has only seen the first 2 episodes. He has know way of knowing their ending so he can not answer that. Well I figure we would know where she is at least going w/ her career in a brush off line or something. To be clear we don't know one way or another if there is "nothing" else for Sam & Mercedes in "Home." We haven't had spoilers there is anything else but there could be another moment or two for all we know since we don't have spoilers for every single second of the episode. I think she is referring to Sue's redemption. Not it being one of the last couple of episodes. Yes we do because one of the reviewers told a Samcedes fan that they(the reviewer) were not holding out or ignoring Samcedes questions. They have one small moment probably ten seconds at the beginning of the episode. "Home" has moments for Quick, Brittana, Samchel, and Hummelberry(watching Blaine/Karofsky) . Edited January 7, 2015 by Hookian Link to comment
SevenStars January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 To be clear we don't know one way or another if there is "nothing" else for Sam & Mercedes in "Home." We haven't had spoilers there is anything else but there could be another moment or two for all we know since we don't have spoilers for every single second of the episode. I think she is referring to Sue's redemption. Not it being one of the last couple of episodes. Yeah, and even if he did know, he wouldn't be saying anything because the season have not even started yet. So he can't go and tell us what is happening with Mercedes for the season, only for the two episodes that he already saw and know we are going to see this Friday. 1 Link to comment
Hookian January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 Yeah, and even if he did know, he wouldn't be saying anything because the season have not even started yet. So he can't go and tell us what is happening with Mercedes for the season, only for the two episodes that he already saw and know we are going to see this Friday. Kind of a lame answer though. Nothing on Mercedes career or success so far, not even a brush off line. We have no idea what her and Artie are up to this season. Link to comment
SevenStars January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 Kind of a lame answer though. Nothing on Mercedes career or success so far, not even a brush off line. We have no idea what her and Artie are up to this season. Just like last season. Last season we didn't even know how many episodes Amber was going to be in or what her story-line was going to be. It wasn't until it aired that we knew and we only found out about Samcedes because Lea let slip that Sam would be occupied with Mercedes. So really this is nothing new if you are a fan of Mercedes/Amber and have been following her time on Glee and spoilers. Her fans are usually surprise when there is a spoiler out there about her, cause we usually don't get any of that. 1 Link to comment
Domenicholas January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I must applaud Sam for managing to become somehow romantically involved with every original New Direction girl. Hell, even Puck can't brag about that. The writers should have focus more on the Newbies 1.0 in that regard: give Sugar, Marley, Kitty, and Unique a chance at that stud! Too bad the Newbies 2.0 are too young at this point. In retrospect, things might have been less complicated if Sam was gay like he was originally planned. Maybe Kevin McHale is still a regular because Artie, if I am correct, has been in more episodes than any other character. Until "Opening Night", Artie was the only character to appear in every episode. Predicting Glee writers, a happy ending would be Karofsky getting together with the gay jock in the future. 1 Link to comment
LydiaMoon1 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 So really this is nothing new if you are a fan of Mercedes/Amber and have been following her time on Glee and spoilers. Her fans are usually surprise when there is a spoiler out there about her, cause we usually don't get any of that. It still pisses me off though. Link to comment
Hookian January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 (edited) I still think the writers will treat Mercedes and Artie as afterthoughts this season because we have yet to hear anything at all about what they're doing as individuals. Mercedes comes back in 5 or 6 to play a role in the Samchel storyline which is very interesting. To me it's like saying Mercedes is a device the writers are using to get in the way of Samchel. I have no idea what Artie is doing at all this season except that they will revisit Tartie in the flashback episode. Edited January 7, 2015 by Hookian Link to comment
tom87 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 (edited) I must applaud Sam for managing to become somehow romantically involved with every original New Direction girl. Hell, even Puck can't brag about that. The writers should have focus more on the Newbies 1.0 in that regard: give Sugar, Marley, Kitty, and Unique a chance at that stud! Too bad the Newbies 2.0 are too young at this point. In retrospect, things might have been less complicated if Sam was gay like he was originally planned. Maybe Kevin McHale is still a regular because Artie, if I am correct, has been in more episodes than any other character. Until "Opening Night", Artie was the only character to appear in every episode. Kevin is a regular but is not in every episode. From what has been spoiled he is for sure not in episode 1 and highly unlikely in 3 and 4, beyond that is unknown. He is in episode 6x8 and 6x9. At the end of the series I would say the most episodes would be 1. Lea 2. Chris 3. Kevin and/or maybe Matt. Edited January 7, 2015 by tom87 Link to comment
SevenStars January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 It still pisses me off though. It pisses me off too but whatever, as long as she gets a good storyline and in this case, a good sendoff, I'm okay with it. Link to comment
jaytee1812 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 Mercedes and Artie will be used as props for Rachel/Blaine/Sam. Has it ever been anything else? Why oh why are they revisiting Tartie? They did two decent things for Tina in 6 seasons and one of them was dumping douchebag Artie for a decent boyfriend. She does not need to go back there. It pisses me off too but whatever, as long as she gets a good storyline and in this case, a good sendoff, I'm okay with it. I'm sure her send off will be wishing Rachel and Sam well as she goes back on tour. And she'll be fine cos she don't need no man. Embracing absolutely no racial stereotypes. 1 Link to comment
tom87 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I personally am very grateful for good supporting characters, no show can do without lt them. Link to comment
jaytee1812 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I personally am very grateful for good supporting characters, no show can do without lt them. I'll reply to this in the episode thread. Link to comment
Hookian January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 When several show choirs plan to gather at McKinley for a technically meaningless “invitational” competition, Rachel worries that Will’s Vocal Adrenaline team will be so stellar they will blow her still-struggling New Directions team out of the water. In a bid to prevent a spirit-crushing defeat, she implores Will to take it easy on them and asks him to purposefully underperform at the event. He agrees, but when Sue gets wind of the collusion she takes matters into her own hands. With Will’s departure from McKinley, he and Sue would apparently have no further grudges to bear against each other, but she still takes offense at even the most innocent of actions and – with a planned retirement on her horizon – decides to embark on a grand act of revenge. She takes her first step of reckoning by setting her sights on destroying Will’s protégé, Rachel; she hypnotizes Sam to make him believe he is in love with Rachel, hoping his amorous advances will distract her from the Glee Club. Meanwhile, Sue takes steps to fulfill her (heretofore unrevealed) desire to be a flower girl at a “fabulous” gay wedding and sets out to rekindle Kurt and Blaine’s fractured relationship. Here we go, Sue getting the plots really rolling. Link to comment
tom87 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 desire to be a flower girl at a “fabulous” gay wedding and sets out to rekindle Kurt and Blaine’s fractured relationship. barf 3 Link to comment
Cranberry January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I'm choosing to believe that the Glee writers are deliberately trolling all of us at this point. They can't think that any of those ideas are good, right? ...right? 4 Link to comment
spiritof76 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 o really this is nothing new if you are a fan of Mercedes/Amber and have been following her time on Glee and spoilers. Her fans are usually surprise when there is a spoiler out there about her, cause we usually don't get any of that. Say that! I would almost be scared if I saw any major spoilers about Mercedes! I'd think they were getting ready to kill her off or something! LOL! I'm sure her send off will be wishing Rachel and Sam well as she goes back on tour. And she'll be fine cos she don't need no man. Embracing absolutely no racial stereotypes. Don't forget to to throw in a sassy finger snap! Link to comment
SevenStars January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 barf I feel you. This is worst than I thought because I was hopping that the reason Sue was doing all this crap was because she saw how miserable Kurt was without Blaine and it was bringing down her vibe. So she decided to fix that problem. But to hear that she is doing all of this because she wants to be a "flower girl" wow, that is so stupid. From this point on I won't put anything pass the Glee writers because clearly there is nothing too stupid for them not to do. 2 Link to comment
Ann Mack January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I feel you. This is worst than I thought because I was hopping that the reason Sue was doing all this crap was because she saw how miserable Kurt was without Blaine and it was bringing down her vibe. So she decided to fix that problem. But to hear that she is doing all of this because she wants to be a "flower girl" wow, that is so stupid. From this point on I won't put anything pass the Glee writers because clearly there is nothing too stupid for them not to do. AMEN to all of that!!!!! Link to comment
tom87 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I feel you. This is worst than I thought because I was hopping that the reason Sue was doing all this crap was because she saw how miserable Kurt was without Blaine and it was bringing down her vibe. So she decided to fix that problem. But to hear that she is doing all of this because she wants to be a "flower girl" wow, that is so stupid. From this point on I won't put anything pass the Glee writers because clearly there is nothing too stupid for them not to do. granted the flower girl is for the Brittana wedding but it is still dumb she is in her 50's. Also really Sue is hell bent on bringing Rachel down but has a soft spot for Klaine? I would have maybe bought she was trying to get Klanie back together to confused Kurt and get him distracted too. 1 Link to comment
jaytee1812 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I feel you. This is worst than I thought because I was hopping that the reason Sue was doing all this crap was because she saw how miserable Kurt was without Blaine and it was bringing down her vibe. So she decided to fix that problem. But to hear that she is doing all of this because she wants to be a "flower girl" wow, that is so stupid. From this point on I won't put anything pass the Glee writers because clearly there is nothing too stupid for them not to do. Don't these people have professional pride? Also unless Ryan Murphy keeps hiring them who else would hire people who write this shit?! Link to comment
Hookian January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 (edited) Well at least now we know Will = Rachel and this plan to distract Rachel reminds me of the plan Sue used on Will in S1 after she saw he had a spark with Emma. Get Terri as the school nurse to distract Will and then in the end take over Glee Club herself or half of it. So Sue's probably gonna notice something between Sam and Rachel, otherwise there's no reason why she would use him of all people. Plot reasons, yes I know he's the "only white blooded male" or whatever but that's not gonna be the plot reason why she chooses Sam. Edited January 7, 2015 by Hookian Link to comment
jaytee1812 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 Plot reasons, yes I know he's the "only white blooded male" or whatever but that's not gonna be the plot reason why she chooses Sam. I think you're giving the writers way more credit than they deserve! 2 Link to comment
SevenStars January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I think you're giving the writers way more credit than they deserve! And after reading this synopsis, I can't believe anyone is doing that. Don't these people have professional pride? Also unless Ryan Murphy keeps hiring them who else would hire people who write this shit?! I think they are hopping that double wedding of two gay couples will cause people to over-look the crapping writing and think that they have pride in their work. Link to comment
jaytee1812 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I think they are hopping that double wedding of two gay couples will cause people to over-look the crapping writing and think that they have pride in their work. But it's the dumbest storyline ever. Two couple who have a much longevity as a ready meal getting married is just stupid. Tying down two fantastic characters to an immature narcissist and a dumbass respectively is just stupid. And it all takes place in Ohio WHERE GAY MARRIAGE ISNT EVEN LEGAL!! If that's what they think is a great storyline... Link to comment
Myrna123 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 It boggles the mind. Is it just an extreme case of epistemic closure? Writer A reviews Writer B's script. It's brilliant! Writer B reviews Writer C's script. It's brilliant! Writer C reviews Writer A's script. It's brilliant!! And the great thing is all critics are just jealous haters! It's win-win-win everywhere you look! I just can't believe how horribly conceived, written and executed this major network tv show is. It's doesn't seem possible that it's happening by accident. It's more Springtime for Hitler than Springtime for Hitler! 3 Link to comment
Sara2009 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 But it's the dumbest storyline ever. Two couple who have a much longevity as a ready meal getting married is just stupid. Tying down two fantastic characters to an immature narcissist and a dumbass respectively is just stupid. And it all takes place in Ohio WHERE GAY MARRIAGE ISNT EVEN LEGAL!! If that's what they think is a great storyline... The wedding actually takes place in Indiana. Link to comment
SevenStars January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I would have maybe bought she was trying to get Klanie back together to confused Kurt and get him distracted too. I agree. If she was doing this in order to distract Kurt like she is doing with Samchel, I would have totally understand it. But her reason is so stupid I can't believe it. Link to comment
jaytee1812 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I think anyone old enough to drink alcohol at at wedding who wants to be a flower girl needs therapy. Link to comment
Ann Mack January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I think you're giving the writers way more credit than they deserve! Well some are defending Sue's actions when it comes to Sam and Rachel the theory is now "she sees something between them so that is why she hypnotizes Sam", I didn't get that from the extended summary it seems more revenge and pettiness but whatever. Link to comment
caracas1914 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 Jane Lynch's comments may be about Glee hedging their bets as to having a finale on screen. There is no guarantee that FOX will allow unequivacably the 13 episodes to air if ratings drop even more from than the season finale. (And no Glee premeire's ratings bested the previous years' season ending episode) They can always insert the finished 2.09 "2009" as the finale with the last few epsiodes filmed more filler with Sectional results, etc. 1 Link to comment
Ann Mack January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 Jane Lynch's comments may be about Glee hedging their bets as to having a finale on screen. There is no guarantee that FOX will allow unequivacably the 13 episodes to air if ratings drop even more from than the season finale. (And no Glee premeire's ratings bested the previous years' season ending episode) They can always insert the finished 2.09 "2009" as the finale with the last few epsiodes filmed more filler with Sectional results, etc. What comments if you don't mind? Link to comment
caracas1914 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 What comments if you don't mind? “I think we’ve shot the last [sue Sylvester redemption]. We shot an episode where we kind of go back in time and I think that might end up being the last one. It’s very sweet, it’s very bittersweet and kind of ties up some things. Yeah, it’s really sweet and I heard a rumor that that might end up being our last one.” So " OUR LAST one" could be that the throwback 2009 episode is the series finale. Link to comment
camussie January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 (edited) I think it comes down to how upset would RM be if they after ratings came in this Friday if Fox said based on these ratings we are just done? These 13 episodes were about keeping him happy and nothing else and if anything he has even more pull with the network now than he did when they said Glee was getting 13 this spring. Why? Because "American Horror Story: Freak Show" brought FX its highest ratings ever this fall. That means they will do what they have to to keep him happy, up to a point, but I think that point would include eating the cost of the last 4 episodes considering he will have three shows with Fox networks next year - AHS, Scream Queens, and American Crime Story. In the end if RM wants those 4 episodes I think he will get them and if he is more ambivalent about it Fox would shut glee down in a second. Edited January 7, 2015 by camussie Link to comment
Ann Mack January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 “I think we’ve shot the last [sue Sylvester redemption]. We shot an episode where we kind of go back in time and I think that might end up being the last one. It’s very sweet, it’s very bittersweet and kind of ties up some things. Yeah, it’s really sweet and I heard a rumor that that might end up being our last one.” So " OUR LAST one" could be that the throwback 2009 episode is the series finale. Well damn. Yeah the way she worded this doesn't make it sound like she may be talking about a "last" flashback because I don't recall any previous "flashbacks" from any other season. I could be wrong though. Interesting! Thank you. Link to comment
truthaboutluv January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 Anything's possible I guess but I'd be really surprised if FOX didn't run all 13 episodes no matter the ratings. Maybe if this were any of the big 3 networks but it's not like FOX shows are doing that amazing save for a small few like Gotham, Sleepy Hollow, etc. I doubt they would have anything to replace it with, it's already relegated to dead night aka Friday and the show was once a massive hit for the network. I think they'll show all the episodes but that's why the article stating the schedule made it clear that there weren't going to be any breaks so I'm pretty sure they'll just burn through them as quickly as possible. Link to comment
tom87 January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 caracas1914, on 07 Jan 2015 - 5:20 PM, said: “I think we’ve shot the last [sue Sylvester redemption]. We shot an episode where we kind of go back in time and I think that might end up being the last one. It’s very sweet, it’s very bittersweet and kind of ties up some things. Yeah, it’s really sweet and I heard a rumor that that might end up being our last one.” So " OUR LAST one" could be that the throwback 2009 episode is the series finale. Well damn. Yeah the way she worded this doesn't make it sound like she may be talking about a "last" flashback because I don't recall any previous "flashbacks" from any other season. I could be wrong though. Interesting! Thank you. When listening to it in context she is talking about it being the last redemption story for Sue not the last episode. Link to comment
caracas1914 January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 (edited) Per the synopsis: What Sue does never has made any sense, too late to start attributing "reasons" for her actions now. Per Jane's comments; I think it's vague enough she could be talking about more than a specific SL for Sue, since she says it wraps things up, and since when does a random flash back accomplish that unless it is somehow tied in to the end of the show. Lea said they filmed some of the finale already, and if you add that Naya and Heather are through filming, I don't think its that far fetched Glee would want something in the can that could have encompassed the period filming Episode 8 and 9 that seemed unusually long. My one argument is that FOX and the advertisers might balk at airing . 4 rated show even on Fridays, many of their reruns perform better than that. Edited January 8, 2015 by caracas1914 Link to comment
Hookian January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 (edited) I still find it so interesting that this is the first episode of Glee ever that is a two parter, it must be quite the plotline not be all crammed up into one episodes. Obviously both episodes connect to one another ie parallels, storylines and all that jazzl Not to mention that "The Hurt Locker Part 2" is the episode we literally know absolutely nothing about. Because this is the episode that started the spoiler drought. Edited January 8, 2015 by Hookian Link to comment
tom87 January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 Jane's interview - Judge for yourself at about 3:30. Link to comment
Hookian January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 Jane's interview - Judge for yourself at about 3:30. Sounds to me like she's referring to Sue's redemption and 6x09 being the last episode we'll see her as a redemptive Sue. Link to comment
Hookian January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 (edited) FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 [EDITOR'S NOTE: An audio description for tonight's episode of GLEE is available on the SAP Audio Channel.] --"GLEE" - (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 SUE PLAYS CUPID ON AN ALL-NEW "GLEE" FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, ON FOX Sue is at it again, trying to mend relationships that she thinks need mending. Meanwhile, Kitty helps Rachel find the perfect set list to win the invitational and Sam recruits football player Spencer to join the glee club in the all-new "The Hurt Locker, Part Two" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Jan. 30 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (GLE-605) (TV-14 D, L) Cast: Lea Michele as Rachel Berry; Chris Colfer as Kurt Hummel; Darren Criss as Blaine Anderson; Chord Overstreet as Sam Evans, Jane Lynch as Sue, Matthew Morrison as Will, Dot-Marie Jones as Coach Beiste, Lauren Potter as Becky Edited January 8, 2015 by Hookian Link to comment
Hookian January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 Well this is interesting. Sam in the premiere stops Rachel from hounding Spencer but in this episode he initiates Spencer joining Glee Club. Interesting. Mercedes is also not in the episode, another clue to the fact that she's literally only in this season to play a role in the Sam/Rachel storyline. Also confused about relationships? Aside from Klaine what relationships does she feel she has to amend? Samchel? She's the one that set it up. Yay for Kitty and Rachel teaming up! Link to comment
Sara2009 January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 I think it's just Kurt/Blaine that Sue is " mending." Press releases are often not 100% accurate. Link to comment
Ann Mack January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 I think it's just Kurt/Blaine that Sue is " mending." Press releases are often not 100% accurate. Is this the episode were it was rumored about Sue releasing the bear cub in Blaine and Dave's apartment and bringing all the guys Dave has EVER known in his life to Breadsticks? Link to comment
Sara2009 January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 I think that's in part 1. Link to comment
Ann Mack January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 (edited) I think that's in part 1. Well maybe then its the elevator scene were it says she dresses like a character from "Saw" or something like that. They really have Sue doing some crazy stuff for a grown woman with a child, SMH! Edited January 8, 2015 by Ann Mack 2 Link to comment
Hookian January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 I think it's just Kurt/Blaine that Sue is " mending." Press releases are often not 100% accurate. It specifically says "relationships" as in plural, so there's more than one. If this is part 2 than it's obviously gonna follow the events of Part 1 which likely means Samchel is the other couple Sue is mending romantically. We obviously were gonna get more Samchel development seeing as how the last episode left off with them, and this is a continuation of that episode. Link to comment
Sara2009 January 8, 2015 Share January 8, 2015 I know what it says. What I was saying was that those have often been wrong, so I wouldn't necessarily read into the plural. 1 Link to comment
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