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I bet they're trying to wrap this up in a pretty bow. Suddenly her abuela comes to a realization that of course she still loves Santana even if she's gay (because she's still the same person, don't ya know) and she gives her blessing for the Brittana wedding.


Hopefully she back to bitchslap Santana into realising marrying Brittany is a dumb idea and she can do so much better. 


The only women who's ending are looking good so far are Quinn, Tina and probably Kitty. Everyone else are stuck being Lima losers.

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I can't even begin to find the right words to describe what is happening in this final season. I'm glad that at least one fandom is getting what they wanted and I'm sure there will be no complaints about it being rushed. Hopefully Glee will do it justice. However, I'm still bothered by the lack of any story lines for the other returning regulars or those who have been with the show since the beginning. No relevant news has been released on Artie, Mercedes, or Tina and to some extent Sam (other than the horrid mess they've dreamed up for episode 4). At least we know Sam is an assistant football coach at WMHS. But how is Artie doing at film school, will Mercedes continue to be a successful recording artist will she have a happy ending with Sam (everyone else seems to be getting one with their significant Glee other half), how is Tina doing at Brown - did she finally find a guy who could return her affections? I want the WHOLE cast to go out on a happy positive note with the show providing those fans with what they wanted. First there was heavy concentration on Rachel, Blaine and Kurt it now seems as though that has drifted to Santana and Brittany. I also suppose that Kitty will be more featured as it seems they are going to make her a member of New Directions again (honestly she wasn't the best singer but I'm sure she'll get solos and duets, I rather see her dancing if they are including her). Any who up to episode 6 and still very clueless about the intended direction the show is working with or focusing on the other characters who have fans who care just as much as any other characters fans about their favorites.

Edited by Ann Mack
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The only women who's ending are looking good so far are Quinn, Tina and probably Kitty. Everyone else are stuck being Lima losers.

Santana and Brittany aren't in Lima (as far as we know).


Seeing Ivonne Coll play the grandmother on Jane the Virgin just rubs in how terrible the writers were at writing the family dynamic for Santana's story.

Edited by SeanC
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Rumor online is that they're back for sectionals.

Keep trying to figure out why this show just keeps having them drop what is going on in their own lives to run back to Lima to support a show choir when none of them can truly be too invested in the New Directions members. Helping recruit them for your friend doesn't make them "enough" your friend to disrupt your own personal life in my opinion. But again this is Glee and everyone has to rally to support Rachel and her Glee club regardless of what cost it is to themselves.

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Dear Ryan Murphy... back in the day, I was a founding member of my high school D&D club. We had some great times and I made some amazing friends there. But I don't go running back to my old school all the time to help out when the current group is stuck on Level 28 and facing a troop of bugbears without their charmed weapons. Most of us who graduate high school have lives (school, jobs, significant others, etc). So planting your only remaining regular characters permanently in McKinley, as well as having other graduates dropping by on a weekly basis each time someone coughs is, to say the least, a tad unrealistic.

Edited by Hana Chan
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I don't think they are back for Sectionals in episode 6 when episode 4 and 5 seem to be a Invitational.


Rumor online is that they're back for sectionals.

I don't think they are back for Sectionals in episode 6 when episode 4 and 5 seem to be a Invitational.




And they all came back  for the musical and other stuff too to support their other friends so  it is the same here, so  it isn't unprecedented.   So them coming back to help this time for Kurt and Rachel is what they seem to do in lieu of creative ideas.

Edited by tom87
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Having an "invitational" doesn't preclude having a Sectional competition a few episodes later and even makes some sort of narrative sense. I would question though too many throwaway performances by random choirs people don't give a fuck about.

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I would question though too many throwaway performances by random choirs people don't give a fuck about.

Season Five^ would say that the Glee writers think we have a higher tolerance for performances we don't give a fuck about than we actually do.


Does make me wonder how much time passes during this season.  Because if they stuck to a weekly session, then 13 weeks would put the finale at sectionals, right?  Or maybe it'll be like the NY episodes at the end of last season, with random time jumps all over the place.


ETA: I guess actually I mean Season 4 AND the first two thirds of Season 5...

Edited by tab19
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Not sure what BTS picture of Amber you were looking at, because the she was looking DAYUM GOOD! in the sparkly pants one I just saw.  

I think both Mercedes and Rachel look fine most of the time. 

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Not sure what BTS picture of Amber you were looking at, because the she was looking DAYUM GOOD! in the sparkly pants one I just saw.

They, along with most of the female cast are dressed as though they're in their late 20s. Which is fine for Amber and Lea who are in their late 20s. Rachel and Mercedes are not and they look too old.

The one who really shows how bad wardrobe are is Jenna. When she's actually Jenna I'd buy her as an 18 year old in a heartbeat, but as Tina, not so much, she wears clothes I'd reject for being too old looking and I've got a few years on all of them.

Quinn suffers from it too. I remember a comment when she did 'Saving All My Love For You' that she looked like a soccer mom duetting with her son's friend.

The only time any of these women look close to their age is when they're in character as someone several years younger.

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We'll have to agree to disagree. I think wardrobe and makeup is the ONE thing Glee consistently does well.  Claude knows I can't say that about any other part of the show.

Edited by LydiaMoon1
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At least VA are providing Will, a series regular, with some resemblance of a season long arc. I just wish that he got song opportunities out of it like the other directors.


If Will is actually interacting with him.   I have no idea, he could be linked to some other newbie for all we know so far.

Edited by tom87
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He could also be a love interest for Rachel. These writers are so fond of recycling story lines that it wouldn't surprise me,

Why not just have Rachel get pregnant by a high school boy  just to cement her in Lima.

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@kenjeong Best In Show. @JENCOOLIDGE @hitchmichael @HeatherMorrisTV




So Jennifer Coolidge and Ken Jeong are on glee in some way connected to Brittany.


Jennifer Coolidge makes sense as her mom/family member but no idea about Ken Jeong.

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Why not just have Rachel get pregnant by a high school boy  just to cement her in Lima.


For Christ sake, don't give them ideas. 


So Jennifer Coolidge and Ken Jeong are on glee in some way connected to Brittany.


Jennifer Coolidge makes sense as her mom/family member but no idea about Ken Jeong.


Ugh more Brittany. Dreadful character, dreadful actress. Please don't have her in scenes with the fabulous Ken Jeong, or at least cut out the usual casual racism. 


Whatever Naya did last season really pissed them off, they're really set on destroying Santana's character. 


Btw, is Unique back? Alex Newell was back on set. 

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Not sure how Santana probably getting to make amends with her grandmother and closure with Brittany is all that bad for Santana considering they didn't have to have her back at all.   I would have liked to see more career wise but it doesn't surprise me they are going the Brittana route. 


Now Brittany is another matter. I haven't care since season 1 when she had a few funny monotoned one liners, which of course with glee they over used it .    Jennifer Coolidge always play the ditzy blond so I may need to fast forward. 

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Ugh more Brittany. Dreadful character, dreadful actress. Please don't have her in scenes with the fabulous Ken Jeong, or at least cut out the usual casual racism.
Jennifer Coolidge always play the ditzy blond so I may need to fast forward.

Of course Glee will use Brittany to throw out more of their casual racist meta.  How can they resist? Jennifer Coolidge will, no doubt, double the "fun" by playing her ditzy blonde mother, who will also toss racist comments around.  I'm calling it now. 


......and I'm guessing that in six years we'll still never see one relative of Mercedes, Tina, or Artie. 

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......and I'm guessing that in six years we'll still never see one relative of Mercedes, Tina, or Artie.

We met Artie's mom in season four for one entire scene. They wasted the fabulous Katey Sagal only giving her one scene.

Also I cannot express my level of hate for the dumb blonde trope (As a colleague found out a couple of weeks ago to his cost) so I'm sure I'll barely see anything of Britney/Santana. I feel it's an awful ending for Santana to marry her off to someone who barely has two brain cells to rub together and have her career be basically a Florence Ballard to Mercedes Diana Ross*. Santana's smart, and hard working (despite trying to say otherwise in New Directions) They should have her at college or as a jobbing actress, or both. And dating actual lesbians please.

Btw, if I hear the phrase 'sweet lady kisses' or a reference to scissoring I may put my foot through the TV.

*high fives to anyone who doesn't have to google that reference.

Edited by jtrattray
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We met Artie's mom in season four for one entire scene. They wasted the fabulous Katey Sagal only giving her one scene.

Ah.  Considering that I never wasted a moment of time on season four, I didn't know.  Sooo, just Mercedes and Tina had to raise themselves, huh?

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Ah.  Considering that I never wasted a moment of time on season four, I didn't know.  Sooo, just Mercedes and Tina had to raise themselves, huh?

Actually don't we see Tina's Dad in season one? In the Lady Gaga ep.

I think I'm the only Glee fan who prefers some of the newbies over some of the originals. I liked season four.

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Actually don't we see Tina's Dad in season one? In the Lady Gaga ep.

I think I'm the only Glee fan who prefers some of the newbies over some of the originals. I liked season four.

We never saw her dad.


Kitty was fun. It wasn't that I disliked them just found most of the newbies boring.

So just Mercedes from the originals?  Really?

No we never did see Tina's parents.

Edited by tom87
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Actually don't we see Tina's Dad in season one? In the Lady Gaga ep.

I think I'm the only Glee fan who prefers some of the newbies over some of the originals. I liked season four.


Well considering the massive nosedive the ratings took in Season 4 and onwards, yeah I'd say you might be in the minority on that one. That said, I will say I always thought the judgments of the newbies were a bit over the top at times and that the problem wasn't so much the actors but the writing. The writing for the new characters was awful and the attempts to keep the old characters they stupidly got rid of was an even greater mess which basically ended up creating an uneven, sloppy, inconsistently written season that was also not very funny. 

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Actually don't we see Tina's Dad in season one? In the Lady Gaga ep.


No, that was Mr. Schue who went with her to Figgins' office when she got in trouble for dressing goth.  Because it makes total sense to notify a student's choir teacher, but not their parents, when there's some sort of disciplinary problem.  /sarcasm

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No, that was Mr. Schue who went with her to Figgins' office when she got in trouble for dressing goth. Because it makes total sense to notify a student's choir teacher, but not their parents, when there's some sort of disciplinary problem. /sarcasm

I actually just watched it back to see. I had forgotten how much I hated Figgins, another one with the casual racism.

Early Will, Bieste, and Ricky Martin were the only teachers I liked.

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So we see Brittney's mom, and all the cliches of the Ditzy blonde will be spitted out once again in an older version.  I do like Jennifer Coolidge so there's that.


 I shudder to think how they will use Ken Jeong on this show.

Edited by caracas1914
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So Glee is rehearsing its 700th song truly hope its better than Shout (the 500th song). I see Amber is singing as well as Kevin, Chris and Matt sure this is going to be a big group number cause I saw some newbies too. What ever the song is I know Amber will slay it and the rest of them too!

Edited by Ann Mack
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It's official Matts going to be JM Barrie in Finding Neverland on Broadway




Considering that they going to prep that show for a Broadway opening in the Spring (April?) I could easily envision them wrapping up Will's arc on Glee by January as far as production.   The show already gave him his "thanks" by the Glee alumni in Season 5 so I don't see stretching out any major Will SL until the bitter end.

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Considering that they going to prep that show for a Broadway opening in the Spring (April?) I could easily envision them wrapping up Will's arc on Glee by January as far as production.   The show already gave him his "thanks" by the Glee alumni in Season 5 so I don't see stretching out any major Will SL until the bitter end.

Won't all production be done by then? If they're on episode 6/7 now of 13 surely at the latest they'll finish filming in January.

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Won't all production be done by then? If they're on episode 6/7 now of 13 surely at the latest they'll finish filming in January


Could be, because even if they give them 2 weeks off for Christmas and New Years and 2 days for  Thansksgiving, they would still  have starting today, Nov 10,  28 working days from here until the end of the year.  They could wrap up Episode 10 and presumably  a lot of episode 11 by January 1.


Regardless, they are planning for performance of "Finding Neverland" to start on Broadway March 15, 2015.


Edited by caracas1914
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I am truly hoping that the next Sam and Rachel duet were they are singing "I'll Never Love This Way Again" is about her thinking about Finn and Sam thinking about Mercedes. I know Glee doesn't use logic but hell why have Sam and Mercedes profess all that love in season 5 to turn around and destroy it in season 6. 


I mean in episode 4 he is telling Rachel he is still in love with Mercedes and in episode 6 they may be making googly eyes at each other. So episode 6 includes the 700th song so Mercedes will be in Lima is she suppose to stand around and watch the man she loved and let go of on the advice of some of her friends, which included Rachel making lovey faces at each other.


This show has in my opinion desexualized Mercedes and treated her like she really wasn't worthy of being loved like the rest of the Glee club but damn this is even lower than what I thought Glee could even sink.


If this is true I know I'm done and catching the songs on YouTube. How is it that so far Brittany and Santana will get engaged and be married, Blaine and Kurt will find their way back to each other and oh yeah look Mercedes you can gaze upon the man who said he wanted eventually marry you get with your I don't even know what to call her because she definitely isn't a friend if she would do this.


Somebody save this damn show!

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!. The rumored (unconfirmed) Sam/Rachel duet is I'll never fall in love again.


2.  From a person who will be a part of the the transgender choir filming soon.


"Guess who is going to be on GLEE tomorrow in Hollywood? Me and Candice Marie Sweet! We are so excited for the opportunity and the producers and casting director are way excited! They said this was one of the most exciting shoots they have ever done on GLEE! Feeling honored and humbled."

"GLEE is super thrilled to have transgender people on set. The casting director told us that she thinks this will be the best shoot ever. They are so happy to be using transgender people on the show. Times are certainly changing."




Also somewhere mentioned there will be up to 80 people in the choir.

Edited by tom87
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!. The rumored (unconfirmed) Sam/Rachel duet is I'll never fall in love again.



That's a really horrible idea. The song is someone bitter about romance, I hate the idea of Rachel singing that. As for Sam, Chord really doesn't have the voice for it. 


Chord was posting behind the scenes pictures. It looks like Sam and Blaine as doing a duet dressed as angels, so I assume a woman needs her feelings mansplained to her. 

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That's a really horrible idea. The song is someone bitter about romance, I hate the idea of Rachel singing that. As for Sam, Chord really doesn't have the voice for it. 


Chord was posting behind the scenes pictures. It looks like Sam and Blaine as doing a duet dressed as angels, so I assume a woman needs her feelings mansplained to her. 

Kevin and Heather are in that number too.  Kevin actually is wearing a Tux so hopefully that means he is the lead..


I have seen several different interpretations for I'll never fall in love again.  But I hope it is mainly Lea singing and Chord watching her and then she is like ok let me go  for a mature man to date.

Edited by tom87
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