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Someone (sorry can't recall who) suggested earlier that the dearth of Kurt solos, relegating him to second harmonising voice in the Klaine duets, and not much prominence in group songs (when they remember to include him) is due to Chris not having singing career ambitions -- so they don't bother. This sounds plausible, but maybe not the whole story. But even then, Kurt's ambitions are decidedly singing-career wise as far as we've known them all this time, and the story involves the character Kurt, not the real person Chris, so...

Out of the "2009" songs, I like only Popular and I'm His Child, though the songs are not super exciting themselves. Lea, Chris and Amber all sound great to me. I like gospel when I hear it, and Amber's all kinds of right for the genre. The other songs: Kevin sounds sharpish at times and I don't care for Pony itself. Jenna is shouty and rougher - which I suppose is story related because that's how she was and sounded at her Pilot audition. 

Edited by fakeempress
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I wouldn't say Chris isn't getting any solos because of Amber.  She hasn't been in that many episodes.  If anything the person "taking" solos from Chris/Kurt is Max George, the VA dude.  As for the last two episodes, the first hour it seems focuses on the original 5 and Will and how they all came together.  Someone guessed that it would be Rachel trying to convince people to sign up and given that Amber & Lea filmed at a church I think that is right. I think Rachel probably tracks down Mercedes at the church and begs her to join.  It doesn't seem like Sam will be in the episode at all and I still think Blaine and Kurt will have a near miss or something like that which is how Blaine makes it in.


The second hour seems focused on the original team's futures, primarily Rachel's but secondarily Will's, with the rest of them getting  a line or short scene showing what their future is


There's also a whole bunch of returning characters in that last hour, mostly walk-ons with probably little or no dialogue I think.



I doubt they have any dialog as it seems that is a song out of context i.e. the original 5, Will, Blaine, and Sam are reminiscing at the party celebrating Rachel's Tony and we fade out to that last song.  

Edited by camussie
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What we know for finale


For sure - confirmed

Teach Your Children - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Will Schuester

I Lived - One Republic - Everyone

This Time - Glee Original Composition - Rachel Berry


Also almost certain...

Amber has a solo

A Will/Sue duet - an unspecified Abba song


So I say could be at least 2 songs still open. 


I lived will not have anyone but the main players right now, I wouldn't put it past them to squeeze Chris in as the male lead in this song like they did on  the last incarnation of Don't stop believing.

Edited by tom87
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I wouldn't say Chris isn't getting any solos because of Amber.  She hasn't been in that many episodes.  If anything the person "taking" solos from Chris/Kurt is Max George, the VA dude.

I think someone was wondering about "2009" specifically (not so much about Amber but the lack of Kurt solos.) Otherwise, Max George has been "stealing" from everybody. 

Edited by fakeempress
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Yea, it's too late to worry about who gets what songs and screentime this late in the game.


As to the Original Five finally getting some focus in the penultimate episode, how can anyone begrudge Artie, Tina and Mercedes getting SOME screentime for once, seriously.  Overall Santana and Brittany got more of a SL this year than those three.   PUck was screwed but what else is new?


The finale seems more about Rachel and probably Will , which circles back to the pilot.   it seems everyone else other than Amber just sings backup to a group song, So I don't see how it's back to the Original Five there.


Of course that is separate from my own dissatisfaction that this season was one big tease,and that despite the Brittana wedding, other characters like Quinn, Puck, Mike, Santana, Tina, Artie,Kurt and Brittany were woefully underutilized.


The bigger complaint was that most Season 1 Glee cast this season was more cameo than storylines.

Edited by caracas1914
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For sure - confirmed

Teach Your Children - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Will Schuester

This sounds to me like the bookend to Over the Rainbow. 


Was Mark in this final scene, I don't remember? I think the spoiler pics showed Chord playing guitar. 

Edited by fakeempress
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I wouldn't say Chris isn't getting any solos because of Amber.  She hasn't been in that many episodes.  If anything the person "taking" solos from Chris/Kurt is Max George, the VA dude. 

I don't I think the original comment intended to imply that Mercedes was "stealing" solos from Chris, but it does remind me that if I had a dollar for every time the Glee fandom accused Amber/Mercedes of stealing solos from character X, Y, or Z, I'd be rich by now.

As for the last two episodes the first hour it seems focuses on the original 5 and Will and how they all came together.  Someone guessed that it would be Rachel trying to convince people to sign up and given that Amber & Lea filmed at a church I think that is right. I think Rachel probably tracks down Mercedes at the church and begs her to join.  It doesn't seem like Sam will be in the episode at all and I still think Blaine and Chris will have a near miss or something like that which is how Blaine makes it in.

Good Gawd, I hope not.  Mercedes was the first person to sign up for the Glee Club.  So that was all Rachel too?  Mercedes can't even have that?  Phuck!

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He wasn't.  Chord was playing the guitar.  I still think that song will be the last song before Rachel leaves for either school or Broadway and we fade into the flash-forwards from it.  

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So the series finale is essentially two straight hours of "the original 5 are the only characters that matter."

Oh wait, Sam and Blaine too. My eyes can't roll hard enough.

And Will and Sue.

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This sounds to me like the bookend to Over the Rainbow. 


Was Mark in this final scene, I don't remember? I think the spoiler pics showed Chord playing guitar. 


I don't think Mark was there for the final day. I think it was just the original 5 with Blaine/Sam/Shue/Kitty

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He wasn't. Chord was playing the guitar. I still think that song will be the last song before Rachel leaves for either school or Broadway and we fade into the flash-forwards from it.

Matt plays the ukulele on it too. He mentioned that in an interview.

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This sounds to me like the bookend to Over the Rainbow. 


Was Mark in this final scene, I don't remember? I think the spoiler pics showed Chord playing guitar. 




Thing about the final "I Lived" number is...hey, it's great. Better that it's there than not being there, and it's super cool that everyone was in it. Really lovely way to end the show. But like...everyone is in it. Which means that there's still no kind of special focus at all for the glee club originals in the series finale. Santana/Brittany/Quinn/Puck/Mike will get the same amount of focus and screentime as the old noobs (and less than the new noobs), Becky, the adults, etc. It's always going to bother me. With two hours they're focusing on the past of the original 5 and their future to see how far they've come, and that makes it look like the rest were basically irrelevant in the end. And yeah, it bothers me in particular that they're likely going to show Puck's past as a horrible bully without the contrast of how far he's come. And I know that my friends will say to me "But you wouldn't want to see Puck marrying Quinn" and that's true, but I still think the way they decided to handle this says something, and not anything good.

Edited by SNeaker
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Marrying off Brittany to Santana probably limited Heather's appearances on the show.  Seems the producers love Heather (rumors were that they were going to retain her as a regular in Season 5 until she got pregnant) but even they figured out it would be too awkward to have her in a final episode without her character's wife.

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Good Gawd, I hope not.  Mercedes was the first person to sign up for the Glee Club.  So that was all Rachel too?  Mercedes can't even have that?  Phuck!

Mercedes  just happen to be the first person to see the sign up sheet,.   They could have written that any of them was first  to sing up.   It was just  a set up to see the auditions not a barometer of who cared the most, they all cared.      This Rachel speculation would not change that.

Edited by tom87
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I don't I think the original comment intended to imply that Mercedes was "stealing" solos from Chris, but it does remind me that if I had a dollar for every time the Glee fandom accused Amber/Mercedes of stealing solos from character X, Y, or Z, I'd be rich by now.

Good Gawd, I hope not.  Mercedes was the first person to sign up for the Glee Club.  So that was all Rachel too?  Mercedes can't even have that?  Phuck!


I think I only ever seen the Sam stans complained about Mercedes/Amber "stealing" songs, because they claimed that it was the reason Sam had so few songs whenever he was in a story-line with her. That the writers would give her the solos while he stood there listening to her and look pretty,lol. Last season was the worst because Mercedes had a solo/duet/group song in almost all the episodes in the NY portion, while Sam stayed mostly quiet. It was ridiculous the amount of hatred that was sent Mercedes/Amber's way because of this.  When the truth of the matter was, Samcedes or no Samcedes, Amber/Mercedes always sang a lot. I think there was a chart made, that shows that she was the third, after Rachel and Blaine to have solos overall in series so far. 


As for Rachel being the one who convince/bring Mercedes into Glee, I call b.s on that because it was showed that Mercedes was the first to signed on for Glee and it was never implied that Mercedes had anything to do with Rachel before Glee. But whatever, I'm going to wait and see how the writers handled this episode before I get mad about it.

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As for Rachel being the one who convince/bring Mercedes into Glee, I call b.s on that because it was showed that Mercedes was the first to signed on for Glee and it was never implied that Mercedes had anything to do with Rachel before Glee. But whatever, I'm going to wait and see how the writers handled this episode before I get mad about it.

It's Glee.  Go ahead and get mad.  Saves time.

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And yeah, it bothers me in particular that they're likely going to show Puck's past as a horrible bully without the contrast of how far he's come.



I still think there is a chance they retcon Puck to be the one bully who is not really into it, in order to have someone fill that role, since Finn isn't around to do it.  If they do it will tick me off as a Finn fan because it will be one more way they rewrite him out of the past.  


Mercedes  just happen to be the first person to see to see the sign up sheet.   They could have written that any of them was first  to sing up.   It was just  a set up to see the auditions not a barometer of who cared the most, they all cared.      This Rachel speculation would not change that.  



It wouldn't be a complete retcon but it would be contrary to the impression that the premiere gave - that these people all independently made the decision to join the Glee club.  No need to change that to say hey none of them would have been there had Rachel not pushed for it.  As of right now, though, we don't know if that is what happens.  It just seems likely given the Rachel/Mercedes church scene and also the Kurt/Rachel duet.  

Edited by camussie
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I still think there is a chance they retcon Puck to be the one bully who is not really into it, in order to have someone fill that role since Finn isn't around to do it.  If they do it will tick me off as a Finn fan because it will be one more way the rewrite him out of the past. 


Why would they need someone in that role at all? Seems likely the point is to see the original 5 being bullied by Puck/Karofsky/Matt(?) I doubt they have anything more than quick cameos as the bullies.

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Thing about the final "I Lived" number is...hey, it's great. Better that it's there than not being there, and it's super cool that everyone was in it. Really lovely way to end the show. But like...everyone is in it. Which means that there's still no kind of special focus at all for the glee club originals in the series finale. Santana/Brittany/Quinn/Puck/Mike will get the same amount of focus and screentime as the old noobs (and less than the new noobs), Becky, the adults, etc. It's always going to bother me. With two hours they're focusing on the past of the original 5 and their future to see how far they've come, and that makes it look like the rest were basically irrelevant in the end. And yeah, it bothers me in particular that they're likely going to show Puck's past as a horrible bully without the contrast of how far he's come. And I know that my friends will say to me "But you wouldn't want to see Puck marrying Quinn" and that's true, but I still think the way they decided to handle this says something, and not anything good.


I think they are basically saying they are ending Glee with the ones who started the Glee club, minus Finn, unfortunately. I don't have problem with that, especially since all the characters are suppose make a cameo in the final episode.  As for Puck, maybe that's when we'll see how far Puck have come from his past. They just need to show him being kind to the ones he bullied and loving on Quinn. I don't think they need to do more to show how far he has come.


Honestly, I think this whole season has handle all the characters badly for the most part. Glee Club should have never come back as season arc story-line. This season should have been about showing the original characters rebuilding themselves, their relationship, building their careers. Then in the last two episodes, shows them doing something to bring back the Glee Club so that future students can have a safe place like they did. 


To me. this whole season was a waste. I don't even know why they asked/wanted 13 episodes, it seems like 5 or less episode would have been enough. That giving them 13 episodes was too much because the writers had nothing they wanted to write about.

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As for Puck, maybe that's when we'll see how far Puck have come from his past. They just need to show him being kind to the ones he bullied and loving on Quinn. I don't think they need to do more to show how far he has come.



I  don't think we will see any in context scenes for any of the people in that final number other than the original 5, Will, Blaine, Sam, and Sue.  We have no spoilers for them filming anything other than that song, which is the last song of the episode, after a 5 year time jump that focuses primarily on Rachel winning a Tony and secondarily on Will's future.  That tells me, along with the matching outfits, it is a fantasy sequence/out of context scene. 


Why would they need someone in that role at all? Seems likely the point is to see the original 5 being bullied by Puck/Karofsky/Matt(?) I doubt they have anything more than quick cameos as the bullies.



In order to show that not all is lost with these awful bullies.  It doesn't have to be a long scene.  Just a flash of Puck looking uncomfortable.  

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It wouldn't be a complete retcon but it would be contrary to the impression that the premiere gave - that these people all independently made the decision to join the Glee club.  No need to change that to say hey none of them would have been there had Rachel not pushed for it.  As of right now, though, we don't know if that is what happens.  It just seems likely given the Rachel/Mercedes church scene and also the Kurt/Rachel duet.  


Yeah, I would hate it but it would go with this season theme of Rachel being the center of almost everything. So it wouldn't surprise me if they did this episode, to show that without Rachel, Mercedes or Kurt wouldn't be part of Glee. Therefore, them spending so much time being their for her, holding her hands, and being willing to do whatever it takes to make her the star she destiny to be is just them paying back their debt.  So it would totally make sense why Mercedes left behind her career to come sit in Lima to make sure that Rachel had a love life and a career, and shut-up the fans who think it makes no sense for Mercedes to always be there for Rachel, when Rachel is usually never there when Mercedes needs her. 


"2009" was the only episode I was looking forward to watching (before the song list came out) but now, my theory is making me already dislike it. 

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I don't think anyone is stealing solos from Kurt/Chris, not Mercedes, not VA, not even Rachel or Sue (who seem to be the only 2 old characters getting much focus this season).

It's just that the writers don't want to give him anything. 


If they wanted to give Kurt some song focus they simply would have, but they haven't. They're obviously not interested in Kurt (and Chris?) anymore besides him being part of Klaine, and occassionally a prop for Rachel (like 'Popular' also could turn out to be).


The least they could have done is let Kurt sing his original audition song 'Mr. Cellophane' in '2009', as there's only 4 songs in the episode. But even that was too much trouble apparently.


Well, fortunately the other 3 originals got a solo, so I'm happy for Artie, Mercedes, and Tina fans. Though I don't like their song choices for '2009'.

As for Puck..... I'm afraid that was a lost cause as soon as he hardly uttered a single line in the first episodes this season.

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To me. this whole season was a waste. I don't even know why they asked/wanted 13 episodes, it seems like 5 or less episode would have been enough. That giving them 13 episodes was too much because the writers had nothing they wanted to write about.

Taking reply to the All Episodes:Breadstix Thread.

As for Puck..... I'm afraid that was a lost cause as soon as he hardly uttered a single line in the first episodes this season.

TBH, Puck fell out of favor in, what, season 2 or 3?  I never understood why..................

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Other than Sam, once Glee loses interest in a character they really don't turn back on them. 


Having said that, they did give Puck some focus in two of the biggest episodes, "The Quarterback" and "100".  So to these shitty writers, that was more than enough.

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I don't I think the original comment intended to imply that Mercedes was "stealing" solos from Chris,

I think you are right. When I originally read the comment that was my take-way, but upon re-reading the comment I don't think that is what the original poster  was trying to say. But as you mentioned I'm so used to people accusing Amber/Mercedes of singing too much/stealing solos, etc that was my knee jerk reaction. 




This sounds to me like the bookend to Over the Rainbow.

Was Mark in this final scene, I don't remember? I think the spoiler pics showed Chord playing guitar.

You are so right. That sounds like a perfect bookend to the end to the "Over The Rainbow" scene. how hard would it have been to have Puck playing the guitar for that? I swear, this show.......



As for Rachel being the one who convince/bring Mercedes into Glee, I call b.s on that because it was showed that Mercedes was the first to signed on for Glee and it was never implied that Mercedes had anything to do with Rachel before Glee. But whatever, I'm going to wait and see how the writers handled this episode before I get mad about it.

Yeah, I don't care what Glee tries to tell me, I will never believe that Rachel got Mercedes or Kurt to join Glee club. There is just nothing in those earlier episodes that even remotely implied that. Yes, it is just a way to bring it all back around to Rachel. So that the whole thing wouldn't exist if it wasn't for her. Nope. Not here for it.

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I will just say as someone who doesn't really care that much about this show (or the characters beyond the Unholy Trinity) - even *I* looked at that "2009" song list and thought, "No solo for Kurt??"  i mean, the Hummelberry duet is nice, and certainly I don't think Rachel needs any more solos, but wow.  They just must not like writing songs for Chris to sing.

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Full songs are out:





So sue me, I like the gritty sound of Jenna's "I kissed a Girl".


"Popular", well Hummelberry ace a Broadway tune, hardly a shocker.  Just makes me upset that didn't have one single duet in the choir room this whole fucking season.

Haha I linked to that same site here like 5 hours ago.. 


There is no way they didn't introduce at least one lesson with a duet.

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Eh all this Mia "I'm a professinal" Swarren build up for "Rise" might have meant something when Glee still had ITUNE clout Does any song even crack the top 500 these days?

" Rise" was 210 an hour ago.

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Eh all this Mia "I'm a professinal" Swarren build up  for "Rise" might have meant something when Glee still had ITUNE clout    Does any song even crack the top 500 these days?


200 - Let it go and Home  ( Let it go broke 200 two times when it was released right before xmas and after the episode air it broke 200 again).

300  - Uninvited, Problems, Take on Me, Hand In My Pocket / I Feel The Earth Move, Thousand Miles

400 - Suddenly Seymour, SIng, You Learn / You've Got A Friend

500 - Tightrope, Will You Love Me Tomorrow / Head Over Feet, All Out Of Love, Father Figure, Uptown Funk

everything else was lower than 501.


Yes the answer is I am bored.

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So sue me, I like the gritty sound of Jenna's "I kissed a Girl".



Yip, going on a list of less than 5 songs I've liked this season. All sung by women, none of them named Lea Michele or Amber Riley. 

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Wow Kevin sounds awful on Pony. 


I liked Popular, Lea is no Chenowith though. I don't get how they can have a Hummelberry duet in 2009 though. I don't buy these two talking to each other let alone singing together. 

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Wow Kevin sounds awful on Pony. 


I liked Popular, Lea is no Chenowith though. I don't get how they can have a Hummelberry duet in 2009 though. I don't buy these two talking to each other let alone singing together. 


I can imagine that they're going to try to retcon things and have Rachel being the one to get everyone to sign up for ND. Of course, we'd have to ignore the fact that anyone who saw the pilot knows that Mercedes, Tina, Artie and Kurt all signed up before Rachel showed her face. Or the fact that Kurt had so much distain for Rachel all through season one that he very likely would have avoided any club that she was a member of (if he knew that she was a member first, he would have run away in the other direction).


It's much nicer to think that this group that didn't really know each other much (except maybe sharing a class or two here and there) came together to form the core of ND. Not having Rachel setting everything up.

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How they happened to sign up is not an indication of anything except how they wanted to introduce them and to show their audition.


And  they were all in Sandy Reyerson glee club together.  By  episode 3 Rachel was friendly enough with them  for her and  Tina to be concern about Mercedes liking Kurt.   So there was some level of "friendship", more than just acquaintances.


And that is just a speculation anyway. 


Not sure how it  is changes anything how they came together as long as them did.  

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I can imagine that they're going to try to retcon things and have Rachel being the one to get everyone to sign up for ND.

That's so Glee. Let's wreck what was so special to start with.

I fear how they're going to ruin Tina in these last two episodes. I fear she's going to end up with Artie.

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I'm sure they all interacted but as I said while it isn't a complete retcon it is a retcon in the sense that the implication in the premiere is those 5 signing up for Glee club was a decision they came to on their own.  That they all signed up because they wanted to sing and/or showcase their talent.  Retconning it into Rachel prodding them to do it (if that happens) I feel will take away something from that.  

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I'm sure they all interacted but as I said while it isn't a complete retcon it is a retcon in the sense that the implication in the premiere is those 5 signing up for Glee club was a decision they came to on their own.  That they all signed up because they wanted to sing and/or showcase their talent.  Retconning it into Rachel prodding them to do it (if that happens) I feel will take away something from that.

It is a retcon because I don't buy season 1 Mercedes, Kurt, Tina or Artie doing jack freaking shit because Rachel Berry asked them. They didn't like her and she was probably lower down the social ladder than they were.

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For real. 


I can't tell how much I look forward to Rachel convincing Mercedes to join Glee Club by telling her, "Mercedes, girl, you are Beyonce!  You ain'ts no Kelly Rowland!



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I'm sure they all interacted but as I said while it isn't a complete retcon it is a retcon in the sense that the implication in the premiere is those 5 signing up for Glee club was a decision they came to on their own.  That they all signed up because they wanted to sing and/or showcase their talent.  Retconning it into Rachel prodding them to do it (if that happens) I feel will take away something from that.  

But they are still signing up becasue they want to sing.  Who said she prods them she could just be notifying them.


Take solace in the fact she is still doing for herself anyway and they do not care becasue  they want to sing despite Rachel being a part of it.  So their sacrifice  for the glee club is greater than Rachel's. 

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It would be funny if Rachel is telling the new new newbies how the Glee Club came to be, but totally rewrites it so that she's the catalyst for getting everyone to join and the rest of them are like, "Uh, come again?"

Edited by Myrna123
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But they are still signing up becasue they want to sing.  Who said she prods them she could just be notifying them .

Take solace in the fact she is still doing for herself anyway and they do not care becasue  they want to sing despite Rachel being a part of it.  So they sacrifice  for the glee club is greater than Rachel's.

Well, we will have to see how they have it play out. But going by what has already gone on this season, my hunch is that the show wants to give Rachel the credit for putting everything together. That is why all these people are so invested in her dream. Because they never would have met or been a part of glee club without her. It fits with how they are writing Rachel this season. I just don't think it fits Season 1 Rachel or Season 1 Kurt/Mercedes. That Rachel was not looking to put a team together and share the spotlight with anyone. Season 1 Kurt actually cared about getting solos and being featured. I can not imagine her seeing him and seeing his talent and seeking him out to join a club where he would compete with her for solos. And I can't imagine Season 1 Kurt entertaining too much of what Rachel had to say. I could maybe, maybe, see Rachel seeking out Tina and Artie because I could see her thinking they would be more willing to be in the background. But the Mercedes and Kurt we met in Season 1? I don't see it. 

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I could maybe, maybe, see Rachel seeking out Tina and Artie because I could see her thinking they would be more willing to be in the background. But the Mercedes and Kurt we met in Season 1? I don't see it.

Ugh. Given the way they retconned Tina from confident, independent sexy woman, to someone who cheerleads for Rachel Berry and needs Artie of all people to build her confidence I can totally see that.

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Yes we have to see how it plays out and right now  it is not even confirmed Rachel tries to get them in glee again.     For all we know she is selling candy to raise money for the  Black student Union and she goes to the  Mercedes's church .  

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