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S30.E12: Wine And Roses


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So, I guess the theme of the episode is that Tony is a terrible boyfriend for reasons that they haven't had the opportunity to show yet.  I'm glad that Madison's at least starting to be less enamored with Tony.  Her lack of sympathy about his jealousy was nice to see, but I'm kind of disappointed she wasn't more concerned about how big of a red flag it is that he was so jealous that he Hulked out.  His exes and Madison's behavior when they were all in the house together doesn't even compare.  I wish her sister had been there to judge him for it.  I can't believe that Tony steals something and it gets everyone yelling at each other instead of at him.  Part of the reason is that nothing they say is going to penetrate his thick wall of delusion, but it's still disappointing.  I really hope they address his stealing in the reunion, because I'm kind of confused about if it has something to do with all of those bar tabs they couldn't pay back at the beginning of the series or not.


Awww...I want Nicole and Jason to be friends.  I don't want to see them fight.  They're two of the more likable ones, and the whole episode was full of fun friendship moments between them.  I was wondering if there was going to be a reaction to Nicole running after Bruno, but I didn't really expect the fight to be between the two of them.

Now we know Tony's berserk button. Who else wants a reunion situation where the audience chants "White Trash" until he loses it?


Big fat "Whatever" to this episode and the season in general. I agree with laschifosavita about watching Jason and Nicole fight, because there are no winners to be had there. I think we should get our fill of her now, because she's too normal to go on a Challenge.

I liked Skylar, Madison needs to ditch Tony and get back with him. 


Did I hear right and someone said that Tony stole ANOTHER bottle? So this isn't a first time thing? Also lol at him claiming it was a $20 bottle of wine. First of all, there's no way it was only $20, and second of all I'm dying at the fact that he knew his card would be declined over what he thought was a $20 bottle of wine. 


Nicole should be ashamed of herself for making out with that guy so he'd pay. Does she understand that that makes her look like a prostitute? Not a good look! And she thought it was funny. It's sad to me. 


Bruno is a dick and Carla should run and run very fast in the opposite direction. 

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Bruno and Zack from The Challenge need to be casted away on an island somewhere. They both suck so much. I'm tired of both of their macho bullshit. The fact that Carla took him back pisses me off even more. I hope, if they are together, she kicks him to the curb after she sees how much of a violent d-bag he is.

Tony is garbage. A petty, insecure loser. Madison's "ex" was a funny drunk but he didn't step on Tony's toes at all. He kept it cool the whole time. No reason for Tony to go so overboard. And as I get older, the more and more I'm tired of people using their upbringing as an excuse for their behavior. For example, I grew up watching my father cheat on my mom until she couldn't take it anymore. I've seen tons of my friends do it with no remorse. I didn't take those example and make it okay for me to be a cheating asshole. I saw how wrong it was. I saw how it hurt people. I wanted to be anyone but the type of person that could hurt someone like that.

If you had a rough/poor upbringing, it doesn't give you justification for stealing. Stopping whining and man up to the fact that what you did was wrong. Sylvia didn't need to start calling names but stop with the woe is me crap.

Sylvia - Not everything needs to go from 0 to 100. What Tony did was wrong but having these pointless drunken arguments are stupid. Nobody wins. Everyone looks the fools.

Violetta - I love that she started to talk in car and she got shut up real quick. That's not what we needed.

Jason - I feel everything you said but just don't put your hands on Nicole.

Nicole - I get that she's trying turn down arguments but she's constantly coddling the guys. They are assholes. Why don't you see that?

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Carla needs to pay attention to Bruno's red flags. Get out, girl. Run!

When he kicked her out of the house, I felt so bad for her -- I was actually angry & tearing up. His behavior was disgusting. That would have been the end for me. After he overreacted and kicked her out, I was hoping she'd see the danger in his behavior, leave, and never look back.

I've seen it, been around it, know the signs. If Bruno hasn't hit a woman yet, he will. He is a violent, angry man, and he gets mad over the dumbest things. Also, Carla seems way too good for him.

Not only is he angry and abusive, but he's too dumb to see when he's wrong.

No way could I go back after seeing that kind of behavior...I'd be so turned off by it, I don't think I could get over it if I wanted to!

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
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ahhhhh, I have been sick so I wasn't up to coming on here and commenting about how much I hate Tony. Rest assured, I continue to hate him. I don't even see his cuteness, its just "What. A. D-Bag." 
He was REALLLYYYY reaching for an excuse with the whole "I grew up so poor, I didn't have AC" bull. Just as ridiculous as his little story about the house built for his grandmom didn't have insulation (in Texas… right? I gotta think that is not exactly hardcore, like I live in Boston or Chi and have no insulation… Texas is pretty hot, right?). Tony…. I would like to introduce you to a reality, the moment your sentence started with your grandmom HAVING a house, she was a lot better off than many people, people who never steal bottles. 
I know kids that attend school because it is the only place they will get a real meal (and its a school lunch, so they are aiming low at that)… so please, step off with your story. I am SOOO glad that Jason called him out on it. 
And also, I am not up on da club but that stolen bottle would probably have come out of some poor server's pay if not cleared up… that's bull too. Not all of us can loaf around on the Real World, those servers have bills to pay. 
Grrrrr,,,,, I hate Tony. 

And I am glad that Jason called out Cole on her sticking up for the boys. I just about threw something through my tv watching her kiss Bruno (hate him too)'s ass when he left the van like the baby he is. Listen, sounds like his dad was a JO not showing him any love or whatever but you are past 18, time to clean up your act and be the person YOU think you should be. Stop taking that easy out by pointing at everyone else and blaming them for your actions. Yeah, your parents sucked, you were poor, some guy got you into drugs… MOVE ON and DO BETTER or just shut up about it at the least. Life is tough all over. 
Bruno's gf is an idiot if she is still with him. Roid Rage for sure. 

Its nice that someone has believed in Madison. Skylar seemed like a nice guy… i.e.: Madison will NEVER appreciate him bc she likes losers like Tony. 
PS: Is it wrong that I was overjoyed that the epi was V-lite? Forever keep that chick in the background. She annoys. 

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These guys are so disturbing when they get angry.  I'd be terrified, honestly. It makes me worried about the girls they are with that think this is normal or okay.  :(

THIS. Carla should have left Bruno and never returned after the way he treated her. When he called her, I hoped she'd say, "Fuck off" and hang up.

Tony, I'd worry less.about how much money your family had/has and worry more about why you think your upbringing gives you the right to steal alcohol…twice! Plus, anger management, look into it. You and Bruno can take classes together. Maybe you'll see Violetta and Sylvia there.

Big boo to Nicole and Jason fighting. But I like that Jason doesn't pooh-pooh what his friends do just because they are friends.

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Something about Tony's anger seems so fake. Like had Bruno threatened to beat the door, his crazy ass would have beat the door. But Sylvia says "don't you do it!" and he yells and walks away.


Somebody said something like they let the alcohol keep them mad, and get them madder than they normally would be and I think that's true.  



And I think the reason Sylvia is always so angry about their tabs at the bar because she's an actual bartender and when people do shitty things like steal bottles or can't pay their tab, it's up to the bartender to make it right, and she knows how that feels.  Also, who wants to be on TV being so poor they have to thieve their drinks.

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What was the Bruno/Carla fight even about? I somehow lost interest at that point and have no idea.

She wanted to pay for a haircut. He asked how much it was she didn't want to tell him. Apparently her wanting to treat him to a haircut means he's a scrub and blah blah blah, then they went home she said he was being ridiculous and he kicked her out.

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Tony is such an asshole.   He's what....slept with 3 women besides Madison since he's been in the house?  But he goes all beserk when one of Madison's ex's comes into the house who doesn't even try to make a move on her.  He's a whackjob.  Unfortunately, Madison seems to have no self esteem, so she's still clearly in Camp Tony.  


And Bruno.  I hope Carla watches the whole season and sees all of what Bruno is....and runs away.  The way he spoke to her after the whole haircut thing should be enough, but seeing everything should send her for the hills.  


Back to Tony for a bit with the whole stealing wine bit.....I love how he is enraged that anyone call him out on his shady behavior.  I did laugh out loud with his whole acting out not having AC....like that is the prime example of someone being raised in absolute poverty.  Also, since when does having a hard life and being raised in poverty an excuse for stealing and being a jerkbag about it?  


I don't really like Nicole either.  She seems to like to do things for shock value and then just yucks it up in the confessional.  She's a cartoon character.  And Sylvia and Jason are right that she is so into being one of the "boys" that she will accept and justify any and all of their horrible behavior.  


Grr.  This cast is chuck full of suck.

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And I think the reason Sylvia is always so angry about their tabs at the bar because she's an actual bartender and when people do shitty things like steal bottles or can't pay their tab, it's up to the bartender to make it right, and she knows how that feels.  Also, who wants to be on TV being so poor they have to thieve their drinks.

That is a really good point. The one positive thing I can say about Sylvia is that she seems to have an above average work ethic when you compare her to most people who have had jobs on The Real World.

so.... I get that MTV wants drama but was it a requirement for this season that you need to have anger management issues?? The way Sylvia, Violetta, Tony, Bruno AND Jason get when drunk and angry is very very VERRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY scary. Not cool dudes, not cool. 


I'm surprised living with these people haven't turned Madison back to drug addiction yet.  That house has to be a stressball. 


The episode sucked. Bruno and Tony are such vile people. Leave it to Bruno to ruin what could have been a very romantic dinner at Carmichaels. If I'm paying big bucks for a dinner at a fine dining establishment, I'm not going to let anything ruin my night. Apparently Bruno isn't capable of shutting out his personal feelings in lieu of a good time. He said he wanted it to be romantic, yet that was pretty unromantic of him to start a fight about a freaking haircut. Bruno, dude, we're in the 2010s now. If a woman wants to pay for your haircut at Supercuts, let her. Don't ruin your evening by being chauvinistic and letting your pride get in the way.


Carla is a seemingly classy and intelligent woman (WAY too good for Bruno), but I have to wonder about her if she continues to stay with and love this rage monster. It's quite possible that she doesn't know the extent of his temper. As bad as Bruno is, he's probably on his best behavior with Carla. I'm sure when she views this season that it'll be a real eye-opener for her and she will sprint away to safety. It's obvious that Bruno has some mental issues that he needs to work on and he shouldn't be in a relationship with anyone until he gets those resolved. If he's not breaking shit and threatening people, then he gets really depressed about stupid shit. I'm not sure what the diagnosis is, but he certainly has some kind of psychological disorder.


Sylvia nailed it. Sticky fingers Tony is white trash. What a deplorable human being. Yet he's such a snake oil salesman that he always seems to get out of situations unscathed. I want him to spend some time in jail. They would love him in there and then maybe he would learn a lesson. What bugs me the most about Tony is he's 26 and should be the most mature, but he's the least responsible out of all of them. This season he has rung up bar tabs he couldn't afford, slept with his ex and Violetta's skeleton without regard for Madison's feelings, ate Bruno's burgers, gotten jealous when Madison's ex sends her flowers, exploded when her ex stays at the house, and then stole a bottle from a bar, getting everyone in the house kicked out of the bar.


Other than getting kicked out of the bar and the argument that caused among the roommates, Tony has never had to face repercussions for his actions. He stole a bottle and tried to pay for it with a maxed-out credit card. That's no problem. Nicole will just make out with Zach and he will pay for it. I feel bad for Zach. He got played on TV. I lost respect for Nicole. Tony technically isn't even a member of the original wolfpack (Nicole, Bruno, and Jason), and how are you going to go to bat for someone who broke the damn law? How is Tony stealing a bottle that results in the entire group getting ousted even a divisive issue in the first place? The whole house should shun Tony for that. Jason is right. It reflects poorly on the entire cast, and the Real World kids already have an awful reputation going into the city. But, no, Nicole enables Tony, and Madison cuddles with him after his rage incident in which he broke the flowers and after he steals the bottle. Sylvia and Jason were right to assassinate Tony's character, but that's no big deal because Tony already knows he's a scumbag. He just doesn't like being called on it on TV.


Skylar seems like a stand-up guy. I wasn't crazy about the smoking or excessive tats, but I appreciated him just going in there as a friend and being cool to Madison even though he knew her as a drug abuser. Obviously he wanted something more and Madison was rightfully all too comfortable rubbing her former fling in Tony's face. Skylar deserves better than Madison though. She's so flaky. I must say that the skeletons and guests as a whole have been WAY cooler than the actual cast. I like Carla, Briah, Shane, Rachel, Skylar, and that Zen-Namaste chick way more than Tony, Bruno, Madison, and Violetta.


I'm looking forward to next week for the ultimate skeleton. WOW! I saw the previews. That actually looks real and intense.

Edited by jmonkey

None these people seem even meh. Some of them can get it together for certain situations, but each one is so broken. The skeletons did come off better, but they has just a little time to show who they are. I wonder, though, if they'll be eligible for challenges? Last season's exes are, but they moved into the house.


Demonstrations of love, friendship and affection don't have to be expensive, but I thought it was an extra bit of assholery for the guy who can't afford a bottle of wine to destroy the flowers someone else bought for Madison. I assume he can't afford to buy her flowers, either. I wonder if Jason is helping out his mom financially, or if things have improved since the time when she'd feed him and go to be hungry herself.


I had liked Nicole, for the most part. Compared to these other loons. But I just didn't get her this episode. I don't get how she thought it was ok to get a guy who liked her, and who I think didn't know she is a lesbian to pay for Tony's theft. Or the whole bar tab. Would she be ok if someone in the wolf pack got duped that way? Somehow I think she'd be at the head of the posse to bring justice to the duped wolf.

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I'm torn.  On one hand, I don't want to see any of these people ever again.  On the other, I'm dying to see any of them, except maybe Madison, make it through a single season of Challenge with the no physical contact rule.  That includes Nicole, who seems to have no problem getting in someone else's face, with the assumption a guy won't hit her.


What exactly did Tony say to Sylvia that was supposedly crossing a line?  Drunk and angsty=should really have subtitles.

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