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Interpreting Dreams: Are Dreams Really Wishes Our Hearts Make Though?

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17 hours ago, kristen111 said:

I keep having this same dream now and then.  I’m getting off work in New York City.  I don’t know how to get home and which train to take.  I walk around the City in a panic.  Same streets, same scenery.  It’s far away from home.

Sounds like you are having subconscious issues with direction or making decisions in your life.  


I've been having dreams in which I'm driving and when I feel like the vehicle is going out of control, I reach for the brake but suddenly the brakes are too far away for my feet to reach!  I think it's related to feeling helpless or powerless in situations.  Occasionally, my feet do touch the brakes but the car still won't stop.

3 hours ago, magicdog said:

Sounds like you are having subconscious issues with direction or making decisions in your life.  


I've been having dreams in which I'm driving and when I feel like the vehicle is going out of control, I reach for the brake but suddenly the brakes are too far away for my feet to reach!  I think it's related to feeling helpless or powerless in situations.  Occasionally, my feet do touch the brakes but the car still won't stop.

Yes .. that could be.  Thanks so much for answering.

18 hours ago, magicdog said:

  I think it's related to feeling helpless or powerless in situations.

I was just coming to post about the dream I had last night and I wonder if this is what it meant as well.  I dreamed I was living in a house near the ocean and suddenly there was a huge tidal wave.  It bore down on the shore and engulfed my house.  We had time to get to an upper floor and fortunately the dream wasn't about us all being swept out to sea but it was very frightening while it lasted.  There was a bunch more stuff that happened but it's fuzzy now as dreams tend to be.  

9 minutes ago, SusanM said:

I was just coming to post about the dream I had last night and I wonder if this is what it meant as well.  I dreamed I was living in a house near the ocean and suddenly there was a huge tidal wave.  It bore down on the shore and engulfed my house.  We had time to get to an upper floor and fortunately the dream wasn't about us all being swept out to sea but it was very frightening while it lasted.  There was a bunch more stuff that happened but it's fuzzy now as dreams tend to be.  

Could be financially based. Trying to keep your head above water type of thing.

22 hours ago, magicdog said:

Sounds like you are having subconscious issues with direction or making decisions in your life.  


I've been having dreams in which I'm driving and when I feel like the vehicle is going out of control, I reach for the brake but suddenly the brakes are too far away for my feet to reach!  I think it's related to feeling helpless or powerless in situations.  Occasionally, my feet do touch the brakes but the car still won't stop.

I've had similar dreams where I'm driving and the brakes don't work, but I'm always going very slowly at the time, like if I'm trying to park or back the car up.  Maybe that means I only feel partly out of control? 

I also tend to dream about driving somewhere and getting stuck and not being able to return the  way I came.  But it's not something normal like getting stuck in a ditch - in one dream I ended up on a narrow hiking trail and in another on the roof of a house.  No idea what those dreams are about! 😀

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5 hours ago, SusanM said:

  I dreamed I was living in a house near the ocean and suddenly there was a huge tidal wave.  It bore down on the shore and engulfed my house.  We had time to get to an upper floor and fortunately the dream wasn't about us all being swept out to sea but it was very frightening while it lasted. 

Could be a feeling of being overwhelmed or worried about survival.  Or perhaps a fear of destruction (my beautiful perfect house ruined!).

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I had two weird dreams overnight.  The first was that I found my toilet clogged.  As in clogged…toilet paper, body waste…and a book.  I wonder if that means I’m…overwhelmed?

Second:  Ellen (yes, THE Ellen) was hiding…in my closet.  I joked with her about her going back in and she got really mad at me.  I suppose rightly so, but what was she doing in my house?  That’s all I remembered about it.  I hadn’t watched her show in years, so I don’t know how she even appeared.  

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On 5/29/2022 at 5:04 AM, PRgal said:

I had two weird dreams overnight.  The first was that I found my toilet clogged.  As in clogged…toilet paper, body waste…and a book.  I wonder if that means I’m…overwhelmed?

Sorry for the late reply.  The clogged toilet could represent being blocked or frustrated in your waking life.  Or something in your life disgusts you (because you saw filth in the bowl).  

On 5/29/2022 at 5:04 AM, PRgal said:

Second:  Ellen (yes, THE Ellen) was hiding…in my closet.  I joked with her about her going back in and she got really mad at me.  I suppose rightly so, but what was she doing in my house?  That’s all I remembered about it.  I hadn’t watched her show in years, so I don’t know how she even appeared.  

 Funny to have her in the closet considering.  I've had various celebrities and even cartoon characters in my dreams from time to time.  Celebrities in dreams often represent qualities or lifestyles that we aspire toward and look up to — so it makes sense that dreaming about a famous person would be a metaphor for the things we idolize about them.  Of course it depends on how you feel about her, or something you admire about her.  If you are neutral about her, it could mean you're just indifferent about her and what she does/has done.  If you dislike her, then it could represent something about her you don't like to see in yourself.

8 minutes ago, magicdog said:

Sorry for the late reply.  The clogged toilet could represent being blocked or frustrated in your waking life.  Or something in your life disgusts you (because you saw filth in the bowl).  

 Funny to have her in the closet considering.  I've had various celebrities and even cartoon characters in my dreams from time to time.  Celebrities in dreams often represent qualities or lifestyles that we aspire toward and look up to — so it makes sense that dreaming about a famous person would be a metaphor for the things we idolize about them.  Of course it depends on how you feel about her, or something you admire about her.  If you are neutral about her, it could mean you're just indifferent about her and what she does/has done.  If you dislike her, then it could represent something about her you don't like to see in yourself.

I'm pretty neutral about her.  Maybe the dream has something to do with me wanting to be more plant/vegetarian-based?  I'm having a lot of struggle and conflict regarding leaning more plant from my family, both my husband (who is very much a carnivore) and my parents (who live in the same building we do).  

I had a wild dream last night (or very early this morning)...I was at a party at a posh house, wound up getting very friendly with the host (I was not there with my husband nor did I recognize anyone else there) who in the course of the evening romanced me, we kissed a bunch (that is as far as it went in that regard), and then sort of did an about face and dissed me in a very cold manner. I decided to leave but on the way out saw the guy with another gal and they were holding and considering some kind of object d'art; in a fit of pique I reached out and somehow damaged/bent the thing (it was like a long rectangular painting or enamel piece) and then I just ran for it, out of the house and across the yard, with the host guy in full pursuit. What was really remarkable (this is my opinion, after waking up), is that 3/4 the way running through this big yard/garden I decided to turn around and confront the guy (I am all of 4'11" and 110 lbs. but fierce)....and then I woke up! I probably watch way too many British detective/crime shows, ya think?

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On 6/25/2022 at 8:12 PM, isalicat said:

I was at a party at a posh house, wound up getting very friendly with the host (I was not there with my husband nor did I recognize anyone else there)

Did you know or recognize the host?  Also, in your dream, was your dream self married or single?  I've had dreams in which I was supposed to "be" something, like an actress in a play.  Did you feel guilt kissing the host?

On 6/25/2022 at 8:12 PM, isalicat said:

then sort of did an about face and dissed me in a very cold manner. I decided to leave but on the way out saw the guy with another gal and they were holding and considering some kind of object d'art; in a fit of pique I reached out and somehow damaged/bent the thing (it was like a long rectangular painting or enamel piece) and then I just ran for it, out of the house and across the yard, with the host guy in full pursuit.

Sounds like you felt betrayed and wanted to get even by destroying something he valued over you.  Being chased often means trying to avoid something.  Perhaps there's some stress in your life you're trying to deal with (and wish you could avoid it).  Was the outdoor area you ran through nice and lush, or the opposite?  The landscape could also be a clue.

On 6/25/2022 at 8:12 PM, isalicat said:

3/4 the way running through this big yard/garden I decided to turn around and confront the guy (I am all of 4'11" and 110 lbs. but fierce)....and then I woke up

Sounds like you were willing to confront what you wanted to avoid (it's now or never!) but waking up prevented you from seeing how it was supposed to end.

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On 6/25/2022 at 11:12 PM, isalicat said:

I had a wild dream last night (or very early this morning)...I was at a party at a posh house, wound up getting very friendly with the host (I was not there with my husband nor did I recognize anyone else there) who in the course of the evening romanced me, we kissed a bunch (that is as far as it went in that regard), and then sort of did an about face and dissed me in a very cold manner. I decided to leave but on the way out saw the guy with another gal and they were holding and considering some kind of object d'art; in a fit of pique I reached out and somehow damaged/bent the thing (it was like a long rectangular painting or enamel piece) and then I just ran for it, out of the house and across the yard, with the host guy in full pursuit. What was really remarkable (this is my opinion, after waking up), is that 3/4 the way running through this big yard/garden I decided to turn around and confront the guy (I am all of 4'11" and 110 lbs. but fierce)....and then I woke up! I probably watch way too many British detective/crime shows, ya think?

Was the guy a crush you had when you were younger?  Maybe someone you gave up on after he never acknowledged you?

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Thanks for the commentary on my dream! The host of the party in my dream is an actor whom of course I have never met...but clearly find very attractive. (I've been roaming around imdb trying to figure out his name - seen him in lots of British mystery series from a few decades ago but can't find him at the moment sorry!). So not an old boyfriend or anyone I know/knew in real life. The outdoors I was running through was basically like the huge front yard/grounds of the manor, so landscaped and very green and lush in a British way :)

I'm a fan of the Dreammoods dictionary. Who knows if they're accurate, I always equate dreams with my brain 'defragging' itself. I actually hate dreaming because I don't wake up reseted.

15 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

I also dream this very often.  I’m driving over a very high bridge and am scared.


Does this ring true about your life?


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I frequently have dreams where I'm falling or I'm in a plane that is falling and I always jerk awake right before I hit the ground. I've also had ones where I'm pregnant and I'm freaking out because I don't know who the father is or I know who the father is and don't want to be pregnant, lol. 

I've had one or two dreams with my closest grandmother, but not any in the last few years, so I feel like she's finally at peace and enjoying the afterlife without worrying about me. And I had one soon after my dog passed away--I could see her in the living room as normal, but even in the dream, I knew the second I moved I would wake up and she would be gone again. 

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5 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I'm a fan of the Dreammoods dictionary. Who knows if they're accurate, I always equate dreams with my brain 'defragging' itself. I actually hate dreaming because I don't wake up reseted.


Does this ring true about your life?


Yes.  For a very long time, I am contemplating a very intricate spinal surgery.  I keep going back and forth deciding if I will do it.  The bridge is over water.  The surgery would change my life for the better.  Thank you very much.

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On 7/13/2022 at 5:39 PM, kristen111 said:

Yes.  For a very long time, I am contemplating a very intricate spinal surgery.  I keep going back and forth deciding if I will do it.  The bridge is over water.  The surgery would change my life for the better.  Thank you very much.

Have you decided about your surgery?  I have a family member who is contemplating that as well.  It’s a tough decision.  

I’ve had dreams in which I was pregnant and starting to deliver, and was shocked and in disbelief that it could be true.  Lol. Also, that I’m dialing a phone number, but I can’t get through….very frustrating.  

I had the most bizarre dream ever this week. Will post later.  I’d like any comments you might have.  I’m starting a dream journal for sure.  Lol

Edited by SunnyBeBe

Had an interesting dream last night.


I dreamt I was brushing my hair, and with every stroke, the hair looked more and more beautiful!  It became shiny and just plain gorgeous!  A very happy and positive dream.  What could it mean?  That I'm OK with things?  Or something deeper?   

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I had a funny one last night. For some reason, I'd been picked by Kylie Minogue to do the death metal growls for her upcoming show here. Even though I'm not a musician of any kind and had never put myself out there. I didn't even know her current music! Some people I was with decided the best way to learn her setlist was to listen to commercial radio in the hope they'd play one of her songs.

I know where the elements came from. Working retail in a place that plays pop music, Kylie is touring here though I'm not planning to see her, I do listen to death metal. Weird how the brain puts all these things together.

Edited by Anduin

I am supposed to benefit from the new Social Security Fairness Act because I have a state pension and also all my quarters for social security so I am under the Government Pension Offset. We are supposed to get $$ back to January 2024 I think.  Anyway, I dreamed my back amount was $23.  If it turns out that way I'll report back.

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On 2/26/2025 at 8:18 AM, lookeyloo said:

I am supposed to benefit from the new Social Security Fairness Act because I have a state pension and also all my quarters for social security so I am under the Government Pension Offset. We are supposed to get $$ back to January 2024 I think.  Anyway, I dreamed my back amount was $23.  If it turns out that way I'll report back.

I am reporting back. I got my back Social Security today and my new monthly amount will be raised by approximately $25 so my dream almost came true.

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Last night I dreamed that I had to go take a few classes back in my old high school but with the odd twists that my late Papa was still alive AND mobile. .as well as having my current supervisor at work happening to also be my high school principal.

Oh, and oddly enough, I was worried that the other students would notice that I'm older than them and dis me for it!

On 3/10/2025 at 2:12 AM, magicdog said:

I hope the taxman won't take all that back!

Update - I got a lump sum back only 14 months, and a nice increase more than the $25.  Also Mr lookeyloo who hadn't contributed more than a couple quarters and also has a state pension got a few bucks too.

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