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Spoilers & Speculation: Running Hot & Cold

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An immortal villain? Are they talking Vandal Savage, perhaps?

From the description, I'm thinking somebody more cosmic in scale. The Anti-Monitor, maybe? Or the Time Trapper? Or Monarch? ....Okay, maybe not Monarch, but somebody along that scope.
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THE A.T.O.M @TheAtomCW  ·  14h 14 hours ago

Congratulations for official  #LegendsOfTomorrow title From @CW_Arrow / @CW_TheFlash Spin off show @BrandonJRouth




The following are NOT the official CW twitter and facebook pages for DC's Legends of Tomorrow, but are just news sources (related to DCLegendsTV, a new website spun off from GreenArrowTV and FlashTVNews)...

Legends of Tomorrow @DCLegendsTV  ·  12h 12 hours ago

WHOA! Already? Thanks for following! Think it's safe to say people are excited for #LegendsofTomorrow


Legends of Tomorrow @DCLegendsTV  ·  15h 15 hours ago

Tuesday, May 19 - tune in to #TheFlash season finale for a #LegendsOfTomorrow preview of sorts!



Edited by tv echo
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When will we find out who Caity's playing on Legends of Tomorrow?

Maybe Tuesday.


Weird. I thought they were waiting for Arrow's season finale to show her, but I guess her return doesn't have anything to do with Arrow's storyline.


At this point, I'm banking on her being snatched from the moments before her death by Rip.

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At this point, I'm banking on her being snatched from the moments before her death by Rip.


If they gave her the DC version of a Life Model Decoy (clone, etc.) so there's a body to bury, I'd buy it.  That would let CL keep playing Canary while Oliver, etc. don't know/don't have to.  If Roy Palmer crossed back over, he could even be sworn to secrecy so as not to destroy the timeline (premise.)


Interesting concept, the only thing I like about the title is that it opens the possibility of good "LOT" jokes (with, of course, the risk of bad ones.  Editing:  it's everyone's friend.)

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I have to admit that with Caity coming back and Hawkgirl, I am actually more interested in this spin-off that I am in season four of Arrow.  I still think Flash is fun though so I will be on board for it's season two even if I don't want to see Barry and Iris together any time soon or you know - ever.

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They already said that Oliver is going to be crossing over to Legends of Tomorrow so he will see Sara. I really hope it's our Sara, not a clone/secret twin. 


I'd believe that Rip dug her up and brought her back to life another way without the LP, just to have Sara back. I'm fine with her taking a new hero name so she can leave behind her old life as an assassin and become someone better. 

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I have to admit that with Caity coming back and Hawkgirl, I am actually more interested in this spin-off that I am in season four of Arrow.  I still think Flash is fun though so I will be on board for it's season two even if I don't want to see Barry and Iris together any time soon or you know - ever.

With you on Barry/Iris, they aren't only written badly but really overtake the show and hamper my enjoyment of other stuff. The Flash is way too focused on Barry, Arrow has always been better in this regard.


If they gave her the DC version of a Life Model Decoy (clone, etc.) so there's a body to bury, I'd buy it.


Why would they need to? The "She's only taken out of her time for the mission and then will need to come back and die" story could fuel her arc for the 1st season. It would also automatically explain why she doesn't contact Laurel or her father. And knowing Sara, she could think this is her penance for her murders when she was a League assassin. Of course, in the end they'll find another solution, but meanwhile, it could be interesting.


They already said that Oliver is going to be crossing over to Legends of Tomorrow so he will see Sara.


Maybe he'll just see Ray and co, not Sara.

Edited by FurryFury
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Personally, I've never seen Sara (other than flashbacks to her death and the fake!Sara that fought Laurel), so who CL plays makes no difference to me.  I did catch Ray's mention of making some "little tweaks" to the suit this week, which I am hoping is another shrinking-power hint.

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I wonder if Caity's role has any relations to Arthur's role.. maybe she's a future decedent of the Lances via Laurel? i've known a couple of individuals who looks scarily like a grandparent who passed away over 100 years ago.

But i suppose we'll know on the 19th for sure, or this upcoming tuesday.

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I absolutely want our Sara. Don't care how but I am not that interested in an, oh you look just like her character. I want Sara! Don't care if she a canary or not.

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Knowing these people, we will be told that it's either Sara/Laurel's great grandmother brought from the past or great granddaughter brought from the future only to have it revealed that its really our Sara but they didn't want her previous memories to come back to her.


Or they will somehow make Sara her own grandmother.  I just have a feeling something very comic booky is going to be revealed so that its not "our" Sara, but it is at the same time.

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They know the audience wants Sara. DC has ways (LP) and characters (Resurection man) that can be Adapted To Fit Sara and her situation. I'll even take pulled from the moment of death with her knowing she will be brought back to that point eventually.

I won't take look alike. That is not something I'm interested in....

Edited by tarotx
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I'll even take pulled from the moment of death with her knowing she will be brought back to that point eventually.

I'm not interested in that. Having Sara back, but with a death sentence hanging over her head? That would just feel like rubbing salt in the wound. Besides, we've already been through that in a way, worrying about when she was going to get killed off to make room for Laurel. I'm not interested in doing it again.

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It wouldn't be my first choice either but I'll take it over a twin story.

I'm not interested in that. Having Sara back, but with a death sentence hanging over her head? That would just feel like rubbing salt in the wound. Besides, we've already been through that in a way, worrying about when she was going to get killed off to make room for Laurel. I'm not interested in doing it again.

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I'm not interested in that. Having Sara back, but with a death sentence hanging over her head? That would just feel like rubbing salt in the wound. Besides, we've already been through that in a way, worrying about when she was going to get killed off to make room for Laurel. I'm not interested in doing it again.

But this time, they won't kill her, i'm sure. Yeah, she herself may think so, but it's clear there will be a way to avoid it, they'll just have to find it. I actually think it could turn out to be pretty cool for her character development. Like finding the way to live even in extreme circumstances.

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But this time, they won't kill her, i'm sure. Yeah, she herself may think so, but it's clear there will be a way to avoid it, they'll just have to find it. I actually think it could turn out to be pretty cool for her character development. Like finding the way to live even in extreme circumstances.

I would hate a story like that. I would take a clone or alternate reality version over Sara back with a death sentence hanging over her head.

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I would take any real Sara over any fake version, whether it's a clone, a granddaughter or a twin. Alternate reality - depends on how different she is from the version I love.

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Many people have to live their lives with a death sentence over their heads. Those with a terminal illness For example. Finding purpose, strength to endure and finding joy in the little things can really be a powerful thing.

Not that I want that for Sara but I hate "unknown twin" stories. Alternative universe Sara could be interesting though I rather it not be this...but it depends on the direction if it's doable for me to watch...

I still would like Sara to be a version of Resurrection Man...

Edited by tarotx
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Knowing these people, we will be told that it's either Sara/Laurel's great grandmother brought from the past or great granddaughter brought from the future only to have it revealed that its really our Sara but they didn't want her previous memories to come back to her.


Or they will somehow make Sara her own grandmother.  I just have a feeling something very comic booky is going to be revealed so that its not "our" Sara, but it is at the same time.

There is a certain logic behind bringing back Sara but telling the audience that she's not Sara only for her to really be our Sara after all cause you know how much TPTB like their twists and gotcha moments EXCEPT that if they let people think that she's not really Sara a number of viewers are just not going to bother turning in. 


What they could do is go through most of the pilot letting us (and Sara) think she's someone or thing else only for at the end of the episode to reveal to the audience that she is indeed the genuine article but for REASONS! she's not allowed to know...at least until the mid season finale.  


As for snatched right before she dies but has to be put back so she can still be killed....yeah, that would give me ulcers.   TOO grim.   TOO dark.   BUT a snatched right before she dies and a life model decoy is left in her place to be shot and buried while she pops forward in time, yeah, they could get away with it.  We have the technology!    I suppose they could skip the life model decoy and just snap her up after the team buries her and use their futuristic version of a technological Lazarus Pit too. 


Instead of a death sentence hanging over her head, she would be told that in order not to negatively affect the time stream at the end of the emergency mission she will have to return to the future to live out her life ...so the drama could be the people and relationships she will have to leave behind.  Same type of thing would work with Rip Hunter though I don't care much about him yet.  


I will be very curious as to if they hint at any romantic pairings or not.   I expect Brandon Routh (love him or hate him) to be the leading man of the show (or at least co-lead).  Dynamics could shift once the cast gets together and natural chemistry influences the writers but I doubt they would tap Captain Cold to start out as the proverbial lead.  It's the hero vs villain thing.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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It seems like if there was a lead in terms of the mission, it would be Rip Hunter.  In terms of pairings, I think they will let the characters play off each other and see what develops.  The fact that they don't have "comic book" pairings to live up to will give them more room to let characters flirt but not end up together and just see what people end up shipping.


I suspect I am going to love how BR and Caity play off each other though.

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It doesn't look like a Heroes vs. Villains thing, the description sounds like Rip gathers heroes and villains to work together to help him change the future. I imagine the show will be about all these different people learning to work together because the fate of the world hangs in the balance. 

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It seems like if there was a lead in terms of the mission, it would be Rip Hunter.  In terms of pairings, I think they will let the characters play off each other and see what develops.  The fact that they don't have "comic book" pairings to live up to will give them more room to let characters flirt but not end up together and just see what people end up shipping.


I suspect I am going to love how BR and Caity play off each other though.

I think BR will be leader of the team; and the actual lead in terms of credit, screen time, and first choice of the wimmin (blergh). Even though I think AD is FAR AND AWAY a better actor than BR, he's not the big, strapping manly man, with a manly man supersuit, saving the day by virtue of his manliness. (also, blergh). He will be the funny, interesting, supporting character, that fandom likes better, and ships with both of the women, and most of the guys.


This has all happened before, and it will all happen again.


Edited by Lokiberry
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I think it's just way too easy to make any real predictions about character dynamics and popularity. Let's wait at least until a trailer.

However, if one thing is certain, is that Brandon Routh will get first billing and a nominal lead. How much focus it means? Hopefully, less than Barry or Oliver have (especially Barry, they've managed to turn a character I used to love into somebody I almost can't stand), but it's to soon to tell.

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I think it's just way too easy to make any real predictions about character dynamics and popularity. Let's wait at least until a trailer.

However, if one thing is certain, is that Brandon Routh will get first billing and a nominal lead. How much focus it means? Hopefully, less than Barry or Oliver have (especially Barry, they've managed to turn a character I used to love into somebody I almost can't stand), but it's to soon to tell.

Yeah, but they love them some Iron Ray; they've invested time, money, and ego into intro trying to make him happen. They also have a tendency to rationalize failure: ie, Laurel wasn't popular because she hadn't put on the fishnets. I bet they think the reason Ray hasn't been a hit is because the Olicity shippers hate him, and not because of anything that they've done. There's going to be heavy focus on him, at least in the beginning.

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To be fair Olicity shippers do seem to hate Ray, most shippers hate the mid-game love interest.

I have to say I hated Ray at the start of season 3 of Arrow, I think they tried to make him socially awkward and it came off as stalkerish and creepy. But I think they've turned it around. I think since around the time he was on The Flash he really has improved.

Although having said all that I would much prefer AD as the leading man on the show. Very simply he a much better actor. Frankly by a country mile, he's the best actor of those hired so far.

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Ray was much better in the last Arrow episode; they should have brought him into the A-plots a lot sooner. I think Ray/Routh will be the lead, but with the large cast, I doubt the show will focus that much on him. They seem to want to emphasize the team element.

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I just meant that Rip Hunter would be the lead because of the story - I mean from what little we have gotten it seems like he is the one assembling the team and it will be his mission they are carrying out.  So to me, that puts him as the "lead" in the show.


As far as "lead" actor, I hope the show doesn't have one.  I don't doubt that certain people will be paid more than others on this project since some names seem to be bigger than others.  However, I hope that when they roll credits, we see names appearing in alphabetic order to indicate this is a true assemble show.  To me, that factor brings with it a lot of appeal.


Plus, while BR might be a romantic lead if he and Caity or he and the woman playing Hawkgirl have some chemistry - I think he might also provide a lot of the comedy of the show as well.  Plus he and Victor's character will be the brains.


I think it's interesting that of the characters we know about, the women might end up being the muscle of the show, right?  I mean if Caity is Sara, she is a warrior and Hawkgirl has always been a badass warrior in the stories I've seen - so, yea, kind of a cool role-reversal. 

Edited by nksarmi
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 I wonder if this will be a little like a cross between Quantum Leap and the Year of Hell episode of Star Trek Voyager, with them travelling to different points/events in time trying to fix the future, sometimes making things better and sometimes making them worse.

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It doesn't look like a Heroes vs. Villains thing, the description sounds like Rip gathers heroes and villains to work together to help him change the future. I imagine the show will be about all these different people learning to work together because the fate of the world hangs in the balance. 


I didn't mean to say it was heroes against villains so much as if the choice of a leading romantic man was going to be picked from one group or the other, they'd pick one from the hero category before the villain group.   

Yeah, but they love them some Iron Ray; they've invested time, money, and ego into intro trying to make him happen. They also have a tendency to rationalize failure: ie, Laurel wasn't popular because she hadn't put on the fishnets. I bet they think the reason Ray hasn't been a hit is because the Olicity shippers hate him, and not because of anything that they've done. There's going to be heavy focus on him, at least in the beginning.

Ray had issues but they have IMO fixed a lot of them just by ending his isolation.  He works well (humor wise) next to a serious character like Oliver so yeah, I am looking forward to his dynamic with Sara and Stein (Garber) 


I'm also really looking forward to the preview of the new show to get a better idea of the personality of the other characters.  Booster Gold (Rip's dear old dad) was kind of a walking ego but that kind of thing might skip a generation.   Hawkgirl often is serious but since she's not the Sheira version who knows if she'll be bubbly or cranky or what.  


More than anything I'm just glad that I'm interested in what's coming.   No promises that it will be great but I think they probably will have to work really hard to mess this up at least during the first season.


Oh, hey, when the show was officially picked up, did they specify for how many episodes or is that a flexible thing depending on if it's a success or not?

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Are we supposed to find out who Caity's playing tonight on the Flash? 


From this from Guggehiem's tumblr.


robotsandarrows asked:

When will we find out who Caity's playing on Legends of Tomorrow?


Maybe Tuesday.


Posted May 7th, 2015

Edited by Sakura12
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Maybe Some time travel wonky stuff in a paper or flash about these future heroes?

Oh yeah CW's upfronts most be next Tuesday? I was thinking they were this week. Next Tuesday makes sense...

Edited by tarotx
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I assumed they meant that they would announce it at the upfronts.


Right, that makes more sense. Since the announced all the pick ups before the Upfronts this year, I thought they were over. If the CW's today then we'll probably get an official description of all the characters and an account of what was in the teaser trailer. 

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